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Some Other Wildlife

noting those found during 
Focus On Nature Tours
with an (*)

thru 2013

A List Of Panama Mammals 
compiled by Armas Hill 

Upper-right photo: a WHITE-NOSED COATI
photographed during a FONT tour
(photo by Marie Gardner) 


CB:   in the Canal Basin
CH:   in the Chiriqui highlands, in western Panama
CL:   in the Chiriqui lowlands, in western Panama  
EP:   in eastern Panama
DL:   in the Darien lowlands  

(ph):  species with a photo in the FONT web-site


t1:   critically endangered
t2:   endangered
t3:   vulnerable
nt:   near-threatened



Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Panama

A List of Panama Birds

Central American Mammals  (with some photos)

A List of Central American Butterflies & Moths, in 6 parts  (with some photos)

Directory of Photos in this FONT Web-Site 

List of Mammals:


  1. Derby's Woolly Opossum  (t3)   ______
    Caluromys derbianus

  2. Water Opossum  ______  
    Chironectes minimus

  3. Common Opossum  (*)  ______    (has also been called Black-eared Opossum)
    Didelphis marsupialis

  4. Common Gray Four-eyed Opossum ______  
    Philander opossum

  5. Brown Four-eyed Opossum ______  
    Metachirus nudicaudatus

  6. Alston's Mouse-Opossum  ______     
    Marmosa alstoni  

  7. Isthmian Mouse-Opossum  ______  
    Marmosa isthmica

  8. Mexican Mouse-Opossum  ______  
    Marmosa mexicana  

  9. Robinson's Mouse-Opossum  ______  
    Marmosa robinsoni

  10. Tschudi's Slender Mouse-Opossum  ______ 
    Marmosops impavidus

  11. Slaty Slender Mouse-Opossum  ______  
    Marmosops invictus 

  12. Sepia Short-tailed Opossum  ______  
    Monodelphis adusta


  13. Nine-banded Long-nosed Armadillo  (ph) (*)  ______ 
    Dasypus novemcinctus

  14. Northern Naked-tailed Armadillo  ______  
    Cabassous centralis


  15. Silky Anteater  ______  
    Cyclopes didactylus


  16. Giant Anteater  (nt) (ph)  ______  
    Myrmecophaga tridactyla

  17. Northern Tamandua  (ph) (*)  ______ 
    Tamandua mexicana


  18. Hoffmann's Two-toed Sloth  (ph) (*)  ______  
    Choloepus hoffmanni


  19. Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth  (ph) (*)  ______  
    Bradypus variegatus 

  20. Pygmy Three-toed Sloth  (t1)  ______  (species described in 2001)
    Bradypus variegatus 

    The Pygmy Three-toed Sloth occurs only on the island Escudo de Veraguas, a Panamanian island off the country's Caribbean coast.

    Also called the Dwarf Sloth, or the Monk Sloth, it is about 40 per cent smaller than the related Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth on the mainland.
    During a study in 2011, less than 80 Pygmy Three-toed Sloths were found.

    Family LEPORIDAE

  21. Tapeti  ______  
    Sylvilagus brasiliensis

    Another name for Silvilagus brasiliensis is the Brazilian Rabbit.

  22. Dice's Cottintail  (t2)  ______  
    Sylvilagus dicei

  23. Eastern Cottontail  ______  
    Sylvilagus floridanus

    Family SCIURIDAE

  24. Central American Dwarf Squirrel  ______  
    Microsciurus alfari

  25. Western Dwarf Squirrel  ______  
    Microsciurus mimulus

  26. Red-tailed Squirrel  (*)  ______  
    Sciurus granatensis

  27. Variegated Squirrel  (*)  _______  
    Sciurus spadiceus

  28. Bang's Mountain Squirrel  (nt)  ______  
    Syntheosciurus brochus


  29. Bicolored Arboreal Rice Rat  (*)  ______  
    Oecomys bicolor

  30. Trinidad Arboreal Rice Rat  ______  
    Oecomys trinitatis

    Family MURIDAE

  31. House Mouse (i) ______
    Mus musculus

  32. Rattus norvegicus

  33. Brown Rat  (i) (ph)  ______
    Rattus rattus 


  34. Rothchild's Porcupine  ______  
    Coendou rothschildi

  35. Mexican Hairy Dwarf Porcupine  ______   
    Sphiggurus mexicanus


  36. Lowland Paca  (*)  ______  (also called Spotted Paca)
    Cuniculus paca


  37. Central American Agouti  (ph) (*)  ______ 
    Dasyprocta punctata  

  38. Coiban Agouti  (t3)  ______  
    Dasyprocta coibae

    The Coiban Agouti is endemic to the island of Coiba.

    Family CAVIIDAE

  39. Capybara  (ph) (*)  ______   
    Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris


  40. Rufous Soft-furred Spiny Rat  ______  
    Diplomys labilis

  41. Armored Rat  ______  
    Hoplomys gymnurus

  42. Tome's Spiny Rat  ______  
    Proechimys semispinosus

    Family FELIDAE

  43. Ocelot  (ph) ______  
    Leopardus pardalis

  44. Margay  ______  
    Leopardus wiedii
  45. Oncilla  (nt)  ______  
    Leopardus tigrinus

  46. Jaguarundi  ______  
    Puma yaguarondi 

  47. Puma  (ph)  ______  
    Puma concolor

  48. Jaguar  (ph) ______  
    Panthera onca

    Family CANIDAE

  49. Gray Fox  ______  
    Urocyon cinereoargenteus

  50. Coyote  (ph)  ______  
    Canis latrans

  51. Bush Dog  (t3)  ______  
    Speothos venaticus

    Family URSIDAE

  52. Spectacled Bear  (t3)  ______  
    Tremarctos ornatus


  53. Cacomistle  ______  
    Bassariscus sumichrasti

  54. Bushy-tailed Olingo  ______  
    Bassaricyon gabbii

    The Northern Olingo has been called the Bushy-tailed Olingo.

    The "Chiriqui Olingo", formerly Bassaricyon pauli, of western Panama has been merged into Bassaricyon gabbii. It may be a subspecies.

  55. Western Lowland Olingo  ______
    Bassaricyon medius

    The range of the Western Lowland Olingo is in Panama and Colombia & Ecuador, west of the Andes.   

  56. Common Raccoon  ______  
    Procyon lotor

  57. Crab-eating Raccoon  (ph) (*)  ______  
    Procyon cancrivorous

  58. White-nosed Coati  (ph) (*)  ______  
    Nasua nurica  

  59. Kinkajou  (ph) (*)  ______  
    Potos flavus


  60. Long-tailed Weasel  ______  
    Mustela frenata

  61. Greater Grison  ______  
    Galictis vittata

  62. Tayra  (*)  ______  
    Eira barbara

  63. Neotropical River Otter  (*)  ______  
    Lutra longicaudis   


  64. Striped Hog-nosed Skunk  ______  
    Conepatus semistriatus

    Family SURICIDAE

  65. Enders' Small-eared Shrew  (t2)  ______  
    Cryptotis endersi 

  66. Talamancan Small-eared Shrew  (t3)  ______  
    Cryptotis gracilis

  67. Blackish Small-eared Shrew  ______  
    Cryptotis nigrescens

  68. North American Least Shrew  ______  
    Cryptotis parva  


  69. Greater Bulldog Bat  (ph) (*)  ______  
    Noctilio leporinus

  70. Lesser Bulldog Bat  ______  
    Noctilio albiventris  


  71. Silver-tipped Myotis  ______  
    Myotis albescens

  72. Hairy-legged Myotis  ______  
    Myotis keaysi

  73. Black Myotis  ______  
    Myotis nigricans

  74. Montane Myotis  ______  
    Myotis oxyotus

  75. Riparian Myotis  ______  
    Myotis riparius

  76. Brazilian Brown Bat  ______  
    Eptesicus brasiliensis

  77. Argentine Brown Bat  ______  
    Eptesicus furinalis

  78. Big Brown Bat  ______  
    Eptesicus fuscus

  79. Desert Red Bat  ______  
    Lasiurus blossevillii

  80. Tacarcuna Bat  (t3)  ______  
    Lasiurus castaneus

  81. Southern Yellow Bat  ______  
    Lasiurus ega

  82. Big Red Bat  (nt)  ______  
    Lasiurus egregius


  83. Southern Dog-faced Bat  ______
    Cynomops planirostris

  84. Black Bonneted Bat  ______
    Eumops auripendulus

  85. Dwarf Bonneted Bat  ______
    Eumops bonariensis

  86. Wagner's Bonneted Bat  ______
    Eumops glaucinus

  87. Sanborn's Bonneted Bat  ______
    Eumops hansae  

  88. Black Mastiff Bat  ______
    Molossus ater

  89. Bonda Mastiff Bat  ______
    Molossus bondae

  90. Molossus coibensis  (nt)  ______

  91. Velvety Free-tailed Bat  (ph)  ______
    Molossus molossus

  92. Sinaloan Mastiff Bat  ______
    Molossus sinaloae

  93. Broad-eared Bat  ______
    Nyctinomops laticaudatus

  94. Big Crested Mastiff Bat  ______
    promops centralis

  95. Mexican (or Brazilian) Free-tailed Bat  (ph)  ______
    Tadarida brasiliensis 


  96. Wagner's Sac-winged Bat  ______  
    Cormura brevivirostris

  97. Northern Ghost Bat  ______  
    Diclidurus albus

  98. Lesser Doglike Bat  ______  
    Peropteryx macrotis

  99. Proboscis Bat  (ph) (*)  ______  
    Rhynchonycteris naso

  100. Greater Sac-winged Bat  (*)  ______  
    Saccopteryx bilineata

  101. Lesser Sac-winged Bat  ______  
    Saccopteryx leptura

  102. Big Naked-backed Bat  ______
    Pteronotus gymnonotus

  103. Parnell's Mustached Bat  (ph)  ______
    Pteronotus parnellii

  104. Wagner's Mustached Bat  ______
    Pteronotus personatus


  105. Common Vampire Bat  ______  
    Desmodus rotundus

  106. White-winged Vampire Bat  ______  
    Diaemus youngi

  107. Hairy-legged Vampire Bat  ______   
    Diphylla ecaudata

  108. Little White-shouldered Bat  ______  
    Ametrida centuria

  109. Handley's Tailless Bat  ______  
    Anoura cultrata

  110. Geoffroy's Tailless Bat  ______  
    Anoura geoffroyi

  111. Aztec Fruit-eating Bat  ______  
    Artibeus aztecus

  112. Artibeus intermedius  ______  

  113. Jamaican Fruit Bat  (ph)  ______  
    Artibeus jamaicensis

  114. Great Fruit-eating Bat  ______  
    Artibeus litturatus

  115. Pygmy Fruit-eating Bat  ______  
    Artibeus phaeotis

  116. Toltec Fruit-eating Bat  ______  
    Artibeus toltecus

  117. Wrinkle-faced Bat  ______  
    Centuria senex

  118. Salvin's Big-eyed Bat  ______  
    Chiroderma salvini

  119. Little Big-eyed Bat  ______  
    Chiroderma irinitatum

  120. Hairy Big-eyed Bat  ______  
    Chiroderma villosum

  121. Big-eared Wooly Bat  ______  
    Chrotopterus gymnonotus

  122. Honduran White Bat  ______  
    Ectophylla alba

  123. Velvety Fruit-eating Bat  ______  
    Enchisthenes harrtii

  124. Commissaris' Long-tongued Bat  ______  
    Glossophaga commissarisi

  125. Pallas' Long-tongued Bat  ______  
    Glossophaga soricina

  126. Davies' Big-eared Bat  ______  
    Glyphonycteris daviesi 

  127. Tricolored Big-eared Bat  ______  
    Glyphonycteris sylvestris

  128. Underwood's Long-tongued Bat  ______  
    Hylonycteris underwoodi

  129. Yellow-throated Big-eared Bat  ______  
    Lampronycteris brachyotis

  130. Dark Long-tongued Bat  ______  
    Lichonycteris obscura

  131. Chestnut Long-tongued Bat  ______  
    Lionycteris spurrelli

  132. Godman's Nectar Bat  ______  
    Lonchophylla mordax

  133. Orange Nectar Bat  ______  
    Lonchophylla robusta

  134. Thomas' Nectar Bat  ______  
    Lonchophylla thomasi

  135. Tomes' Sword-nosed Bat  ______   
    Lonchorhina aurita

  136. Pygmy Round-eared Bat  ______  
    Lophostoma brasiliense

  137. White-throated Round-eared Bat  ______  
    Lophostoma silvicolum

  138. Long-legged Bat  ______  
    Macrophyllum macrophyllum

  139. MacConnell's Bat  ______  
    mesophylla macconnelli

  140. Hairy Big-eared Bat  ______  
    Micronycteris hirsuta

  141. White-bellied Big-eared Bat  ______  
    Micronycteris minuta

  142. Schmidt's Big-eared Bat  ______  
    Micronycteris schmidtorum

  143. Striped Hairy-nosed Bat  ______  
    Mimon crenulatum

  144. Thomas' Broad-nosed Bat  ______  
    Platyrrhinus dorsalis

  145. Heller's Broad-nosed Bat  ______  
    Platyrrhinus helleri

  146. Shadowy Broad-nosed Bat  ______  
    Platyrrhinus umbratus

  147. Greater Broad-nosed Bat  ______  
    Platyrrhinus vittatus
  148. Pale-faced Bat  ______  
    Phylloderma stenops

  149. Pale Spear-nosed Bat  ______  
    Phyllostomus discolor

  150. Greater Spear-nosed Bat  ______  
    Phyllostomus hastatus

  151. Little Yellow-shouldered Bat  ______  
    Sturnira lilium

  152. Highland Yellow-shouldered Bat  ______  
    Sturnira ludovici

  153. Luis' Yellow-shouldered Bat  ______  
    Sturnira luisi

  154. Talamancan Yellow-shouldered Bat  ______  
    Sturnira mordax 

  155. Stripe-headed Round-eared Bat  ______  
    Tonatia saurophila

  156. Fringe-lipped Bat  ______  
    Trachops cirrhosus

  157. Niceforo's Big-eared Bat  ______  
    Trinycteris nicefori

  158. Tent-making Bat  (ph)  ______  
    Uroderma bilobatum

  159. Brown Tent-making Bat  ______  
    Uroderma magnirostrum 

  160. Striped Yellow-eared Bat  ______  
    Vampyressa nymphaea

  161. Southern Little Yellow-eared Bat  ______  
    Vampyressa pusilla

  162. Great Stripe-faced Bat  ______  
    Vampyrodes caraccioli 

  163. Silky Short-tailed Bat  ______  
    Carollia brevicauda

  164. Chestnut Short-tailed Bat  ______  
    Carollia castanea

  165. Seba's Short-tailed Bat  ______  
    Carollia perspicillata

  166. Furipterus horrens  ______   

  167. Peter's Disk-winged Bat  ______  
    Thyroptera discifera

  168. Spix's Disk-winged Bat  ______  
    Thyroptera tricolor

    Family CEBIDAE

  169. Geoffroy's Tamarin  (*)  ______  
    Saguinus geoffroyi

    Another name for Saguinus geoffroyi is the Red-naped Tamarin.

  170. White-headed Capuchin  (ph) (*)  ______  
    Cebus cupucinus

    Cebus cupucinus
    has been called the White-faced Capuchin.

  171. Central American Squirrel Monkey  (t2) (ph)  ______  
    Saimiri oerstedii

    Family AUTIDAE

  172. Panamanian Night Monkey  ______  
    Aotus zonalis

    The Panamanian Night Monkey may be a subspecies of the Gray-bellied, or Lemurine Night Monkey, Aotus lemurinus.

    Family ATELIDAE

  173. Mantled Howler Monkey  (ph) (*)  ______  
    Alouatta palliata 

  174. Coiba Island Howler Monkey  (t2)  ______  
    Alouatta coibensis

  175. Geoffroy's Spider Monkey  (ph)  ______  (*)
    Ateles geoffroyi

  176. Black-headed Spider Monkey  (t1)  ______ 
    Ateles fusciceps


  177. Collared Peccary  (ph) (*)  ______  
    Pecari tajacu

  178. White-lipped Peccary  (nt) (ph)  ______  
    Tayassu pecari

    Family CERVIDAE

  179. Red Brocket Deer  ______  
    Mazama americana

  180. White-tailed Deer  (ph) (*)  ______  
    Odocoileus virginianus

    Family TAPIRIDAE

  181. Baird's Tapir  (t2) (ph)  ______  
    Tapirus bairdii


  182. West Indian Manatee  (t3) (ph)  ______  
    Trichechus inunguis


  183. Blue Whale  (t2) (ph)  ______  
    Balaenoptera musculus

  184. Humpback Whale  (t3) (ph)  ______
    Megaptera novaeangliae


  185. Common Dolphin  (ph)  ______
    Delphinus delphis

  186. Pygmy Killer Whale  ______
    Feresa attenuata

  187. Fraser's Dolphin  (ph)  ______ 
    Lagenodelphis hosei

  188. Killer Whale  ______
    Orcinus orca

  189. Costero  ______
    Sotalia fluviatilis  

    Sotalia fluviatilis
    is also called the Tucuxi or the Gray Dolphin.

  190. Pantropical Spotted Dolphin  ______
    Stenella attenuata

  191. Clymene Dolphin  (ph)  ______
    Stenella clymene

  192. Striped Dolphin  ______
    Stenella coeruleoalba

  193. Atlantic Spotted Dolphin  ______
    Stenella frontalis

  194. Spinner Dolphin
    Stenella longirostris

  195. Rough-toothed Dolphin  ______
    Steno bredanensis


  196. Pygmy Sperm Whale  (ph)  ______
    Kogia breviceps

  197. Sperm Whale  (t3) (ph)  ______
    Physeter macrocephalus

    Family ZIPHIIDAE

  198. Blainville's Beaked Whale  ______
    Mesoplodon densirostris

  199. Pygmy Beaked Whale  ______
    Mesoplodon peruvianus

  200. Cuvier's Beaked Whale  (ph)  ______ 
    Ziphius cavirostris

  201. small bats (sp.)
  202. large bats (sp.)
  203. fruit-eating bat (sp.)
  204. rat (sp.)
  205. Spectacled Caiman
  206. Anaconda (10-ft+)
  207. False Coral Snake (pseudoboa sp.)
  208. Savannah Snake (leimaeophis sp.)
  209. Tegu Lizard (tupinaambis sp.)
  210. Whiptail Lizard (with green head)
  211. other lizards
  212. tree iguana
  213. treefrogs (sp.)
  214. toads (sp.)
  215. Llanos Sideneck (turtle)
  216. Piranha
  217. Blue Morpho (butterfly)
  218. leaf-cutter ants