Box 9021, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA
E-mail: font@focusonnature.com
Phone: Toll-free in USA 1-888-721-3555
or 302/529-1876 |
during Focus On Nature Tours
in the Spring
for Grouse
and Other Birds and Nature
Also birds in nearby Kansas,
Nebraska, New Mexico,
Oklahoma, and Wyoming
2000 thru 2015
during the month of
This list of birds compiled by Armas Hill
There have been 9 such FONT birding tours, during which 222 species of birds have cumulatively been
along with 8 additional subspecies, thus bringing the following list to 230.
(photograph by Alan Brady)
co = Colorado
ks = Kansas
ne = Nebraska
ok = Oklahoma
wy = Wyoming
(USe): endemic to the United States
(USqe): quasi (or nearly) endemic to the United States
(USneb): near-endemic breeder in the United States
(NAi): species introduced into North America
(COneb): near-endemic breeder in Colorado
(COr): rare in Colorado
(KSr): rare in Kansas
(t): a globally threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International
(t1): critical (t2): endangered (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally
(ph); species with a photo in the FONT web-site
Upcoming FONT Tours in Colorado & adjacent states
FONT Past Tour Highlights
A List & Photo Gallery of Birds in Colorado & Nearby States:
Part #1: Quails to Woodpeckers
Part #2: Flycatchers to Buntings
Complete List of North American Birds, north of Mexico, in 6 parts:
Part #1: Grouse to Anhinga
Part #2: Condor to
Shorebirds Part #3: Jaegers to Cuckoos
Part #4: Owls to
Flycatchers Part #5: Shrikes to Pipits
Part #6: Olive Warbler to
in Colorado (with some photos)
Nebraska Birds
of Photos in this Website
- Northern Bobwhite ______ co,ks
Colinus v. virginianus
- Scaled Quail ______ co,ok
Callipepla squamata pallida
- Wild Turkey (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,ok
(introduced population)
Meleagris gallopavo
- Dusky Grouse (ph) ______ co (formerly part of a wider-ranging Blue
Grouse, from which the
more-westerly Sooty Grouse has been split)
Dendragapus o. obscurus
- Greater Sage Grouse (USqe) (ph) ______
Centrocercus urophasianus (monotypic)
- Gunnison Sage Grouse (t2) (USe) (COneb) ______
(nearly endemic to Colorado, with a very few in adjacent Utah)
Centrocercus minimus (monotypic)
- Greater Prairie Chicken (USe) (ph) ______
Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus
- Lesser Prairie Chicken (t3) (USe)
(ph) ______ co,ks
Tympanuchus pallidcinctus
- Sharp-tailed Grouse ______ co,ne
Tympanuchus phasianellus columbianus
- White-tailed Ptarmigan (ph) ______ co
Lagopus leucurus altipetens
- Chukar Partridge (NAi) ______ co
Alectoris chukar
- Common (or Ring-necked) Pheasant (NAi)
______ co,ks,ne,ok
Phasianus colchicus
- Trumpeter Swan ______ ne
Cygnus buccinator (monotypic)
- Mute Swan (i) (ph) ______ co
Cygnus olor (monotypic)
- Greater White-fronted Goose
______ co
Anser albifrons frontalis
- Snow Goose (ph) ______ co,ks
(formerly Anser) c. caerulescens
(known as "Lesser Snow
- Ross' Goose ______ co
(formerly Anser) rossi (monotypic)
- Canada Goose ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
(introduced subspecies of eastern North America)
Branta canadensis
- Wood Duck (ph) ______
Aix sponsa (monotypic)
- Green-winged Teal (ph) ______
co,ks,ne,wy (now considered a species distinct from the Eurasian Green-winged
Teal, Anas crecca)
Anas carolinensis (monotypic)
- Mallard (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
Anas p. platyrhynchos
- Northern Pintail (ph) ______
Anas acuta (monotypic)
- Blue-winged Teal (ph) ______
Anas discors (monotypic)
- Cinnamon Teal ______ co,wy
Anas cyanoptera septentrionalium
- Northern Shoveler ______ co,ks,ne,wy
Anas clypeata (monotypic)
- Gadwall (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,wy
Anas s. strepera
- American Wigeon (ph) ______
Anas americana
- Canvasback ______ co,ne,wy
Aythya valisineria
- Redhead (ph) ______ co,ne,wy
Aythya americana
- Ring-necked Duck (ph) ______
Aythya collaris
- Lesser Scaup (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,wy
Aythya affinis (monotypic)
- Common Goldeneye ______ co,wy
Bucephala clangula americana
- Barrow's Goldeneye ______ co
Bucephala islandica
- Bufflehead (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,wy
Bucephala albeola (monotypic)
- Common Merganser (ph) ______ co,wy
Mergus merganser americanus
- Red-breasted Merganser (ph) ______
Mergus serrator (monotypic)
- Ruddy Duck (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,wy
Oxyura jamaicensis rubida
- Common Loon ______
Gavia immer (monotypic)
- Pied-billed Grebe ______ co,ne,wy
Podilymbus p. podiceps
- Eared Grebe (ph) ______ co,wy
(In Europe called Black-necked Grebe)
Podiceps nigricollis californicus
- Western Grebe (ph) ______
Aechmophorus o. occidentalis
- Clark's Grebe ______ co,ne,wy
Aechmophorus clarkii transitionalis
- White-faced Ibis (ph) ______
Plegadis chihi (monotypic)
- Great Blue Heron ______
Ardea herodias fannini
- Great Egret (ph) ______ co
Ardea alba
- Snowy Egret (ph) ______ co,wy
Egretta thula brewsteri
- Cattle Egret (ph) ______ co,ks
Bubulcus i. ibis (the single member of its genus)
- Green Heron ______ ks
(was for a time
considered conspecific with the nearly-cosmopolitan Striated Heron, and was
then called Green-backed Heron)
Butorides virescens anthonyi
- Black-crowned Night-Heron
______ co,ks,wy
Nycticorax nycticorax hoactli
- American White Pelican (ph) ______
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos (monotypic)
- Double-crested Cormorant
______ co,ks,ne,wy
Phalacrocorax auritus albociliatus
- Turkey Vulture (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,wy
Cathartes aura meridionalis (has been C. a. aura)
- Osprey (ph) ______ co
Pandion haliaetus carolinensis
(the single member of its genus)
- Bald Eagle (ph) ______ co,ne,wy
Haliaeetus leucocephalus washingtoniensis
- Northern Harrier (ph) ______ co,ks,wy
(was conspecific with the Hen Harrier of Eurasia,
Circus cyaneus)
Circus hudsonius
- Sharp-shinned Hawk (ph) ______ co,ks
Accipiter striatus velox
- Cooper's Hawk (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,wy
Accipiter cooperi (monotypic)
- Northern Goshawk ______ co
Accipiter gentilis atricapillus
- Broad-winged Hawk (COr) ______ co
Buteo p. platypterus
- Swainson's Hawk (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
Buteo swainsoni (monotypic)
- Red-tailed Hawk (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
Buteo jamaicensis calurus
- "Harlan's" Red-tailed Hawk
______ co,wy
subspecies of the Red-tailed Hawk)
Buteo jamaicensis harlani
- Ferruginous Hawk (nt) (ph) ______ co,ks,ok
Buteo regalis (monotypic)
- Rough-legged Hawk (ph) ______ co,wy
Buteo lagopus sanctijohannis
- Golden Eagle ______ co,ok,wy
Aquila chrysaetos canadensis
- American Kestrel (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
Falco s. sparverius
- Merlin (ph) ______ co,wy
Falco columbarius richardsoni
- Prairie Falcon (ph) ______ co,ks
Falco mexicanus
- Peregrine Falcon (ph) ______ co
Falco peregrinus pealei
- American Coot ______ co,ks,ne,wy
Fulica a. americana
- Sandhill Crane (ph) ______ co
Grus canadensis tabida
- Snowy Plover (ph) ______ co
longer conspecific with Kentish Plover
of the Old World)
Charadrius nivosus
- Piping Plover (t3) (COr) (ph) ______
Charadrius melodus (monotypic)
- Semipalmated Plover (ph) ______
Charadrius semipalmatus (monotypic)
- Killdeer (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
Charadrius v. vociferus
- Mountain Plover (t3) (USneb) (KSr)
(ph) ______
Charadrius montanus (monotypic)
- Black-necked Stilt (ph) ______ co
(was said by some to be conspecific with the Black-winged Stilt
of the Old
Himantopus mexicanus
- American Avocet (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,wy
Recurvirostra americana (monotypic)
- Greater Yellowlegs ______ co.ks,ne,ok,wy
Tringa melanoleuca
- Lesser Yellowlegs (ph) ______ co,ks
Tringa flavipes (monotypic)
- Solitary Sandpiper (ph) ______ co,ks
Tringa s. solitaria (1 of 2 subspecies that migrate thru the
west-central US)
- Spotted Sandpiper (ph) ______ co,ks
Actitis macularia (monotypic)
- "Western" Willet (ph)
______ co
semipalmata inornata
- Long-billed Curlew (nt) (ph) ______ co,ks,ne
Numenius a. americanus (another subspecies can occur in migration)
- Marbled Godwit (ph) ______ co,wy
Limosa f. fedoa
- Semipalmated Sandpiper ______ co
Calidris pusilla (monotypic)
- Western Sandpiper (ph) ______ co
Calidris mauri (monotypic)
- Least Sandpiper ______
Calidris minutilla (monotypic)
- Baird's Sandpiper ______ co.ks
Calidris bairdii (monotypic)
- Pectoral Sandpiper (ph) ______
Calidris melanotos (monotypic)
- Dunlin (ph) ______ co
Calidris alpina
- Long-billed Dowitcher ______
Limnodromus scolopaceus (monotypic)
- Wilson's Snipe (ph) ______ co,ks,wy
(has been considered part of the Common Snipe of
the Palearctic, Gallinago
Gallinago delicata (monotypic)
- Wilson's Phalarope ______
Phalaropus tricolor (monotypic)
- Franklin's Gull (ph) ______
Larus pipixcan (monotypic)
- Bonaparte's Gull (ph) ______ co,ks,wy
Larus philadelphia (monotypic)
- Ring-billed Gull (ph) ______
Larus delawarensis
- California Gull (ph) ______ co,wy
Larus californicus (2 subspecies can occur in west-central US)
- "American" Herring Gull ______
Larus (argentatus) smithsonianus
- Forster's Tern (ph) ______ co,ne
Sterna forsteri (monotypic)
- Feral (or Rock) Pigeon (NAi) ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
Columba livia
- Mourning Dove ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
Zenaida macroura marginella
- Eurasian Collared Dove (NAi)
______ co,ks,ne,ok
Streptopelia decaocto
- Great Horned Owl (ph) ______ co,ks
Bubo v. virginianus
- Burrowing Owl (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,ok
Athene cunicularia hypugaea
- White-throated Swift ______ co
Aeronautes s. saxatalis
- Black-chinned Hummingbird (ph) ______ co
Archilochus alexandri (monotypic)
- Broad-tailed Hummingbird (ph) ______ co
Selasphorus platycercus
(now monotypic)
- Belted Kingfisher (ph) ______ co,ks,ne
(formerly Ceryle) alcyon (monotypic)
- Lewis' Woodpecker ______ co
Melanerpes lewis (monotypic)
- Red-bellied Woodpecker (COr) (ph) ______
Melanerpes carolinus (monotypic)
- Red-naped Sapsucker (ph) ______ co,wy
Sphyrapicus nuchalis
- Williamson's Sapsucker ______ co
Sphyrapicus thyroideus nataliae
- Ladder-backed Woodpecker (ph) ______ co
Picoides scalaris cactophilus
- Downy Woodpecker (ph) ______
Picoides pubescens leucurus
- Hairy Woodpecker (ph) ______ co,wy
Picoides villosus septentrionalis
- Northern Flicker ______ (both
"Yellow-shafted" & "Red-shafted")
Colaptes a. auratus ("Yellow-shafted")
Colaptes auratus cafer ("Red-shafted")
- Dusky Flycatcher (KSr) (ph) ______
Empidonax oberholseri (monotypic)
- Gray Flycatcher ______ co
Empidonax wrightii
- Eastern Phoebe ______
Sayornis phoebe
- Say's Phoebe (ph) ______ co,ks
Sayornis s. saya
- Vermilion Flycatcher (COr) (ph) ______ co
Pyrocephalus rubinus mexicanus
- Ash-throated Flycatcher (ph) ______ co
Myarchus c. cinerascens
- Cassin's Kingbird ______ co
Tyrannus v. vociferans
- Western Kingbird (ph) ______ co,ks
Tyrannus verticalis (monotypic)
- Loggerhead Shrike (ph) ______ co,ks,ok
Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides
- Gray Jay (ph) ______ co,wy
Perisoreus canadensis capitalis
- Steller's Jay (ph) ______ co
Cyanocitta stelleri macrolopha
- Blue Jay (ph) ______ co,ne
Cyanocitta cristata cyanotephra
- Western Scrub Jay (ph) ______ co
Aphelocoma californica woodhouseii
- Pinyon Jay ______
Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus (monotypic, and the single member of its
- Clark's Nutcracker ______ co
Nucifraga columbiana
- Black-billed Magpie
______ co,ks,wy
(was conspecific with the Eurasian Magpie, Pica
Pica hudsonia (monotypic)
- American Crow ______ co,ks,ne,wy
Corvus brachyrhynchos hesperis
- Chihuahuan Raven (ph) ______ co,ks,ok
Corvus cryptoleucus (monotypic)
- Northern Raven (ph) ______ co,ne,ok,wy
Corvus corax principalis
- Horned Lark (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
Eremophila alpestris lamprochroma (other subspecies may occur)
- Tree Swallow (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,wy
Tachycineta bicolor (monotypic)
- Violet-green Swallow ______ co
Tachycineta thalassina lepida
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow
(ph) ______ co,ks
Stelgidopteryx s. serripennis
- Bank Swallow ______ co (in
Old World called Sand Martin)
Riparia r. riparia
- American Cliff Swallow ______ co,ks
(formerly Hirundo) p. pyrrhonota
- Barn Swallow (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
Hirundo rustica erythrogaster
- Juniper Titmouse ______ co
(formerly Parus) r. ridgwayi
- Black-capped Chickadee (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,wy
Poecile (formerly Parus) atricapilla septentrionalis
- Mountain Chickadee ______ co,wy
(formerly Parus) g. gambeli
- American Bushtit (ph) ______ co
Psaltriparus minimus plumbeus (the "Lead-colored Bushtit")
- Red-breasted Nuthatch (ph) ______
Sitta canadensis (monotypic)
- White-breasted Nuthatch (ph) ______ co,ks,wy
Sitta carolinensis nelsoni
- Pygmy Nuthatch (ph) ______ co
Sitta pygmaea melanotis
- Brown Creeper (ph) ______ co
(an alternate name would be American Treecreeper)
Certhia americana montana
- Rock Wren (ph) ______
Salpinctes o. obsoletus
(the single member of its genus)
- Canyon Wren ______ co
Catherpes mexicanus pallidor
(the single member of its genus)
- Bewick's Wren ______ co,ks
Thryomanes bewickii eremophilus
- House Wren (ph) ______ co
Troglodytes aedon parkmani
- Pacific Wren ______ co
Troglodytes pacificus
- Marsh Wren (ph) ______ co,wy
Cistothorus palustris plesius
- American Dipper ______ co
Cinclus mexicanus unicolor
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet (ph) ______
Regulus calendula grinnelli
- Golden-crowned Kinglet (ph) ______
Regulus satrapa apache
- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (ph) ______ co
Polioptila caerulea obscura
- Eastern Bluebird (ph) ______ co,ks,ne
Sialia s. sialis
- Western Bluebird ______ co
Sialia mexicana occidentalis
- Mountain Bluebird (ph) ______ co,wy
Sialia currucoides
- Townsend's Solitaire ______ co,wy
Myadestes t. townsendi
- Hermit Thrush (ph) ______
Catharus guttatus auduboni
- American Robin ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
Turdus migratorius propinquus
- Gray Catbird (ph) ______ co
Dumetella carolinensis (monotypic, and now the single member of its
- Northern Mockingbird (ph) ______ co,ks
Mimus p. polyglottos
- Sage Thrasher (ph) ______ co,wy
Oreoscoptes montanus
(monotypic, and the single member of its genus)
- Brown Thrasher (ph) ______
Toxostoma rufum longicauda
- European Starling (i) ______ co.ks,ne,ok,wy
Sturnus v. vulgaris
- American Pipit ______ co,wy
(an alternate name is Buff-bellied Pipit)
Anthus r. rubescens
- Cedar Waxwing (ph) ______ co
Bombycilla cedrorum (now monotypic)
- Northern Parula (COr) (ph) ______
Setophaga (formerly Parula) americana
Worm-eating Warbler (COr) ______ co
Helmitheros vermivorum (monotypic, and the single member of its
Orange-crowned Warbler (ph) ______ co,ks
(formerly Vermivora) celata orestera
Virginia's Warbler ______ co
(formerly Vermivora) virginiae (monotypic)
"Myrtle" Yellow-rumped Warbler
(ph) ______
Setophaga (formerly
Dendroica) c. coronata
"Audubon's" Yellow-rumped Warbler
______ co,ks,wy
(formerly Dendroica) coronata auduboni
Black-throated Gray Warbler
______ co
(formerly Dendroica) n. nigrescens
Wilson's Warbler ______ co,ks
(formerly Wilsonia) pusilla pileolata
Northern Cardinal (COr) (ph) ______
Cardinalis c. canicaudus
Green-tailed Towhee (ph) ______ co
(formerly Chlorura) chlorurus (monotypic)
Spotted Towhee (ph) ______ co
Pipilo maculatus montanus
Canyon Towhee (ph) ______ co,wy
Pipilo fuscus mesatus
Cassin's Sparrow ______ co,ks
Aimophila cassinii (monotypic)
Rufous-crowned Sparrow ______ ok
Aimophila ruficeps
American Tree Sparrow (ph) ______ co
Spizelloides arborea (formerly
Spizella arborea)
Chipping Sparrow (ph) ______
Spizella p. passerina
Clay-colored Sparrow (ph) ______ co
Spizella pallida
Brewer's Sparrow (ph) ______ co
Spizella b. breweri (subspecies valid as long as
Sparrow" of Canada considered conspecific)
Vesper Sparrow ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
Pooecetes gramineus confinis (the single member of its genus)
Lark Sparrow (ph) ______
Chondestes grammacus (2 subspecies: C. g. grammacus breeding in the
north & central US; C. g. strigatus breeding in the west US & sw
Sage Sparrow (ph) ______ co
Amphispiza belli nevadensis
Lark Bunting ______ co,ks
Calamospiza melanocorys (monotypic, and the single member of its
Savannah Sparrow (ph) ______ co,wy
Passerculus sandwichensis
(2 subspecies in west-central US:
P.s.nevadensis & P. s. athinus) (the single member of its genus)
Grasshopper Sparrow (ph) ______ co,ks
Ammodramus savannarum perpallidus
"Slate-colored" Fox Sparrow
______ co
Passerella iliaca schistacea
Song Sparrow (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,wy
Melospiza melodia montana (another subspecies: M. m.
Lincoln's Sparrow ______ co
Melospiza l. lincolnii
White-throated Sparrow (COr) ______ co
Zonotrichia albicollis (monotypic)
White-crowned Sparrow (ph) ______ co,ks
Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha
Harris's Sparrow (ph) ______ co
Zonotrichia querula
"White-winged" Dark-eyed Junco
______ co,ks
Junco hyemalis aikeni
"Oregon" Dark-eyed Junco
______ co
Junco hyemalis oreganus
"Pink-sided" Dark-eyed Junco ______
Junco hyemalis mearnsi
"Gray-headed" Dark-eyed Junco
______ co,wy
Junco hyemalis caniceps
"Slate-colored" Dark-eyed Junco
(ph) ______ co,wy
Junco h. hyemalis
McCown's Longspur (ph) ______ co,wy
Calcarius mccownii
Chestnut-collared Longspur (ph)
______ co
Calcarius ornatus
Western Meadowlark ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
Sturnella neglecta (monotypic)
Red-winged Blackbird (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
Agelaius phoeniceus fortis
Yellow-headed Blackbird (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,wy
Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus (monotypic, and the single member of its
Brewer's Blackbird (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
Euphagus cyanocephalus
Great-tailed Grackle (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
Quiscalus mexicanus nelsoni
Common Grackle ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
Quiscalus quiscula stonei
Brown-headed Cowbird (ph) ______ co,ks
Molothrus ater artemisiae
Orchard Oriole (ph) ______ co
Icterus s. spurius
Gray-crowned Rosy Finch
(ph) ______
Leucosticte t. tephrocotis
Leucosticte t. littoralis ("Hepburn's Rosy
Black Rosy Finch (USe) (ph) ______ co
Leucosticte atrata (monotypic)
Brown-capped Rosy Finch (USe) (COneb)
(ph) ______
(this species nearly endemic to Colorado, particularly as a breeder)
Leucosticte australis
Pine Grosbeak (ph) ______
Pinicola enucleator montana
Cassin's Finch (ph) ______
Carpodacus cassinii (monotypic)
House Finch (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,wy
Carpodacus mexicanus frontalis
Red Crossbill (ph) ______
Loxia curvirostra vividior
Pine Siskin (ph) ______ co,ks,ok,wy
Carduelis p. pinus
American Goldfinch (ph) ______ co,ks,ne
Carduelis tristis pallida
Evening Grosbeak (ph) ______ co,wy
Hesperiphona (has been Coccothraustes) vespertina brooksi
House Sparrow (i) ______ co,ks,ne,ok,wy
Passer domesticus

Birds sometimes that are common some places are rare others.
The Blue Jay, common in eastern North America, just reaches eastern
Actually, although our Colorado tour in April Tour is primarily for Grouse,
it is also a good one for corvids, with 10 species in that family of jays
& crows.
In addition to the Blue Jay, other corvids that we see in Colorado include:
Steller's Jay, Western Scrub-Jay, Pinyon Jay, Gray Jay,
Clark's Nutcracker, Black-billed Magpie,
Common Raven, Chihuahuan Raven, and American Crow.

found during
FONT Spring Tours
in Colorado
(and in nearby
Wyoming, Kansas,
Nebraska, & Oklahoma)
co: Colorado
ks: Kansas
ne: Nebraska
(ph): species with a photo in the FONT
Photo at upper right: An
American Badger during a FONT tour in Colorado in the Spring
- Red Fox (ph) ______ co,ne
Vulpes vulpes fulva (the North
American animal is considered conspecific with the Red Fox of
the Old World Vulpes v. vulpes)
- Swift Fox ______ co
Vulpes velox
- Gray Fox ______ co
Urocyon cinereoargenteus (would be monotypic
were it not for the Island Gray Fox
of the Channel Islands of California,
Urocyon littoralis)
- Coyote (ph) ______ co,ks,ne
Canis latrans
- American Badger (ph) ______ co
Taxidea taxus
(the single member of its
- Striped Skunk (ph) ______ co,ne
Mephitis mephitis
- Yellow-bellied Marmot (ph) ______ co
Marmota flaviventris
- Northern Raccoon (ph) ______ co,ne
Procyon lotor
- Black-tailed Prairie Dog ______ co,ks,ne
Cynomys ludovicianus
- White-tailed Prairie Dog ______ co
Cynomys gunnisoni
- Gunnison's Prairie Dog (ph) ______
Cynomys gunnisoni
- Thirteen-lined Ground-Squirrel
______ co,ne,wy
(formerly Ictidomys or
Citellus) tridecemlineatus
- Wyoming Ground-Squirrel
______ co,wy
Spermophilus elegans (formerly part of
Citellus richardsoni, and at that time called Richardson Ground
- Variegated Ground Squirrel (also called
Rock Squirrel) (ph) ______ co
(formerly Otospermophilus or Citellus) variegatus
- American Red Squirrel ______ co
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
- Golden-mantled (Ground) Squirrel
______ co
(formerly Callospermophilus or
Citellus) lateralis
- Least Chipmunk ______ co,wy
(formerly Neotamias or Eutamias)
- Eastern Fox Squirrel (northern
form) ______ co,ne
Sciurus niger
- Abert's Squirrel ______ co,wy
Sciurus aberti
- Olive-backed Pocket Mouse ______ co
Perognathus fasciatus
- Plains Pocket Mouse ______ ks
Perognathus flavescens
- Plains Harvest Mouse ______ co
Reithrodontomys montanus
- North American Porcupine (ph) ______ co
Erethizon dorsatum
- American Beaver (ph) ______ co,wy
Castor canadensis
- Muskrat (ph) ______ co,ne,wy
Ondatra zibethicus
- Snowshoe (or Varying) Hare ______ co,wy
Lepus americanus
- Black-tailed Jackrabbit (ph) ______ co,ks
Lepus californicus
- White-tailed Jackrabbit ______ co,wy
Lepus townsendi
- Desert Cottontail (ph) ______ co
Sylvilagus auduboni
- Mountain (or Nuttall's)
Cottontail ______ co,wy
Sylvilagus nuttalli
- Eastern Cottontail (ph) ______ co,ks,ne
Sylvilagus floridanus
- Elk (or Wapiti) (ph) ______ co,wy
Cervus elaphus canadensis (another slightly
smaller, subspecies in Europe is called there the Red Deer)
- Moose (ph) ______ co
Europe called Elk)
Alces alces
(the single member of its genus)
- Pronghorn (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,wy
Antilocapra americana (the single member of
its genus & family)
- Mule Deer (ph) ______ co,ks,ne,wy
Odocoileus hemionus
- White-tailed Deer (ph) ______ co,ks,ne
Odocoileus virginianus
- Bighorn Sheep (ph) ______ co
Ovis c. canadensis
(the subspecies of the central
and northern Rockies)
- "Plains" American Bison (or Buffalo) ______ co
(today domesticated, the last wild Bison in Colorado was killed in
1889, in eastern CO)
Bison b. bison