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OF THE Birds
C: primarily on Caribbean side
P: primarily on Pacific side
H: in highlands
T: throughout the country
t: threatened species (globally)
t1: critical t2: endangered t3: vulnerable
nt: near-threatened species (globally)
e: endemic to Honduras (1 species:
a hummingbird)
(i): introduced species
(*): has been found during FONT tours in Honduras
A List & Photo Gallery of Central America Birds, in 4 parts
A List of Birds during previous FONT Honduras Tours
Mammals in Central America
(with some photos)
List & Photo Gallery of Central America Butterflies & Moths, in 6
Tropical Plants, a list in 3 parts (with some photos)
Highlights from some previous FONT Tours in Honduras
Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Central America

- Great Tinamou (*) ______ C
- Slaty-breasted Tinamou ______ C
Crypturellus boucardi
Another name for Crypturellus boucardii is
Boucard's Tinamou.
- Little Tinamou (*) ______ C
Crypturellus soui meserythrus
- Thicket Tinamou ______ P
Crypturellus cinnamomeus
Another name for Crypturellus cinnamomeus is
Rufescent Tinamou.
Plain Chachalaca (*) ______ C
Ortalis vetula intermedia
White-bellied Chachalaca ______ P
Ortalis leucogastra
Crested Guan ______ C P
Penelope p. purpurtascens
Highland Guan (*) ______ H
Penelope nigra
Other names for Penelope nigra have been
Black Penelopina and Pajuil.
Great Curassow ______ C
Crax r. rubra
Buffy-crowned Wood-Partridge ______ H
Dendrortyx l. leucophrys
Spot-bellied Bobwhite ______ P H
Colinus leucopogon dickeyi
The Spot-bellied Bobwhite has been said to be conspecific with the Crested Bobwhite of
South America, Colinus cristatus.
Yucatan Bobwhite (HNr) ______
Colinus nigrogularis
Another name for Colinus nigrogularis is
Black-throated Bobwhite.
Spotted Wood-Quail ______ C H
Odontophorus guttatus
Singing Quail ______ local
Dactylortyx thoracicus
Ocellated Quail (nt) ______ C H
Cyrtonyx ocellatus
Black-bellied Whistling Duck (*) ______ C P
Dendrocygna a. autumnalis
Another name for Dendrocygna autumnalis was
Black-bellied Tree Duck.
Fulvous Whistling Duck (*) ______ local,
Dendrocygna bicolor
Another name for Dendrocygna bicolor was
Fulvous Tree Duck.
Muscovy Duck (*) ______ C P
Cairina moschata
Northern Pintail ______ T (winter)
Anas acuta
Blue-winged Teal (*) ______ T
Anas discors
Cinnamon Teal ______ C (winter)
Anas cyanoptera
(American) Green-winged Teal (HNr) ______
Anas carolinensis
Northern Shoveler ______ C P
Anas clypeata
American Wigeon (*) ______ C P
Anas americana
Ring-necked Duck (*) ______ C
Aythya collaris
Canvasback (HNr) ______
Aythya valisineria
Masked Duck ______ local
Nomonyx dominicus
Ruddy Duck (HNr) ______
Oxyura jamaicensis
Pied-billed Grebe ______ T
Podilymbus podiceps
Least Grebe (*) ______ T
Tachybaptus dominicus (was
Podiceps dominicus)
Eared Grebe (*) ______ P
Podiceps nigricollis californicus
Jabiru (HNr) (*) ______ C
Jabiru mycteria
Wood Stork (*) ______ C P
Mycteria americana
American White Ibis (*) ______ C P
Eudocimus albus
White-faced Ibis ______ P
Plegadis chihi
Glossy Ibis ______ C?
Plegadis falcinellus
Roseate Spoonbill (*) ______ C P
Ajaia ajaja
Least Bittern (*) ______ T
Ixobrychus exilis
Western Cattle Egret (*) ______ T
Bubulcus ibis
Green Heron (*) ______ T
Butorides v. virescens
At one time, the Green Heron was said to be conspecific with the
nearly-cosmopolitan Striated Heron. It was then called Green-backed
Little Blue Heron (*) ______ T
Egretta caerulea
Tricolored Heron (*) ______ T
Egretta tricolor ruficollis
Egretta tricolor was called Louisiana Heron.
Reddish Egret ______ C P
Egretta rufescens
Snowy Egret (*) ______ T
Egretta t. thula
Great Egret (*) ______ T
Ardea alba egretta
Great Blue Heron (*) ______ T
Ardea h. herodias
Agami Heron (nt) ______ C
Agamia agami
Another name for Agamia agami has been Chestnut-bellied Heron.
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron (*) ______ C P
Tigrisoma mexicanum
Black-crowned Night-Heron (*) ______ T
Nyctocorax nyctocorax hoactii
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (*) ______ C P
Nyctanassa v. violacea
Boat-billed Heron (*) ______ C P
Cochlearius cochlearius phillipsi
Magnificent Frigatebird ______ C P
Fregata magnificens (now said to be monotypic)
Brown Pelican (*) ______ C P
Pelecanus occidentalis carolinensis
American White Pelican (HNr) (*) ______ C
Pelecanus erythrohynchos
Neotropic Cormorant (*) ______ C P
Phalacrocorax brasilianus mexicanus
Another name for Phalacrocorax brasilianus was
Olivaceous Cormorant. It was
Phalacrocorax olivaceous.
Anhinga (*) ______ C P
Anhinga anhinga leucogaster
Turkey Vulture (*) ______ T
Cathartes a. aura
Another subspecies, C. a. meridionalis, from central North America migrates
through Honduras, sometimes in large flocks.
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture ______ C
Cathartes burrovianus
Black Vulture (*) ______ T
Coragyps atratus
King Vulture ______ C P
Sarcoramphus papa
Osprey (*) ______ T
Pandion haliaetus carolinensis
Another subspecies, P. h. ridgwayi, is also in eastern Honduras near the
Caribbean Sea.
Gray-headed Kite (*) ______ C P
Leptodon c. cayanensis
Another name for Leptodon c. cayanensis has been Cayenne Kite.
Hook-billed Kite (*) ______ C P
Chrondrohierax u. uncinatus
Swallow-tailed Kite (*) ______ C
Elanoides forficatus
2 subspecies of the Swallow-tailed Kite occur in Honduras: E. f. forficatus
and E. f. yetapa.
White-tailed Kite (*) ______ C P
Elanus leucurus majusculus
Plumbeous Kite ______ C P
Ictinia plumbea
Mississippi Kite ______ C P
Ictinia mississippiensis
Snail Kite (*) ______ C
Rostrhamus s. sociabilis
Double-toothed Kite ______ C
Harpagus bidentatus fasciatus
Northern Harrier ______ T
Circus (cyaneus) hudsonicus
White-breasted Hawk (*) ______ H
Accipiter (striatus) chionogaster
The White-breasted Hawk has been considered a subspecies of the
Sharp-shinned Hawk (below).
Sharp-shinned Hawk (*) ______ T
Accipiter striatus velox (subspecies from North
America that occurs in Honduras in the winter)
Bicolored Hawk (*) ______ C
Accipiter b. bicolor
Cooper's Hawk (HNr) ______
Accipiter cooperi
Crane Hawk ______ C P
Geranospiza caerulescens nigra
Black-collared Hawk ______ C P
Busarellus n. nigricollis
White Hawk ______ C
Leucopternis albicollis ghiesbreghti
Common Black Hawk (*) ______ C P
Buteogallus a, anthracinus
Mangrove Black Hawk ______ P
Buteogallus anthracinus bangsi
The Mangrove Black Hawk is a form of the Common Black Hawk, as noted
subspecies B. a. bangsi.
Great Black Hawk ______ C P
Buteogallus urubitinga ridgwayi
Montane Solitary Eagle (nt) ______ H
Buteogallus solitarius sheffleri
Another name for Buteogallus solitarius has been
Black Solitary Eagle. Its
scientific name was Harpyhaliaetus
(Guiana) Crested Eagle (nt) ______ C
Morphnus guianensis
Harpy Eagle (nt) ______ C
Harpia harpyja
Bay-winged Hawk ______ P
Parabuteo albicaudatus hypospodius
The Bay-winged Hawk is called Harris' Hawk in North America.
Gray Hawk (*) ______ T
Buteo plagiatus
The Gray Hawk is now said to be distinct from the more-southerly Gray-lined
Hawk, Buteo nitidus.
Roadside Hawk (*) ______ C P
Rupornis magnirostris griseocauda (formerly
Buteo magnirostris griseocauda)
Broad-winged Hawk (*) ______ T
(mostly migrant)
Buteo p. platypterus
The Broad-winged Hawks that either migrate through or winter in Honduras
breed in North America.
Swainson's Hawk ______ P (mostly migrant)
Buteo swainsoni
Short-tailed Hawk (*) ______ T
Buteo brachyurus fuliginosus
White-tailed Hawk (*) ______ H
Geranoaetus albicaudatus hypospodius (formerly
Buteo albicaudatus hypospodius)
Red-tailed Hawk (*) ______ H
Buteo jamaicensis (2 subspecies in Honduras)
Buteo jamaicensis kemsiesi (resident in Honduras)
Buteo jamaicensis calurus (winter resident and migrant that breeds
further north in North America)
Zone-tailed Hawk (*) ______ H
Buteo a. albonotatus
Ornate Hawk-Eagle ______ C
Spizaetus ornatus vicarius
Black Hawk-Eagle (*) ______ C
Spizaetus tyrannus serus
Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle (nt) ______ C
Spizaetus melanoleucus (was
Spizastur melanoleucus)
Red-throated Caracara ______ C
Daptrius americanus
The Red-throated Caracara has been extirpated in Honduras.
Northern Crested Caracara (*) ______ T
Caracara cheriway
The Northern Crested Caracara was conspecific with what is now the Southern
Caracara, Caracara plancus,
of South America generally south of the
Laughing Falcon (*) ______ T
Herpetotheres cachinnans
Barred Forest-Falcon ______ C
Micrastur ruficollis
Collared Forest-Falcon ______ C P
Micrastur semitorquatus naso
American Kestrel (*) ______ T
Falco sparverius tropicalis
Merlin ______ T (winter)
Falco columbanius
Bat Falcon (*) ______ C P
Falco rufigularis petoensis
Orange-breasted Falcon (nt) ______ C
Falco deiroleucus
Peregrine Falcon (*) ______ T
Falco peregrinus anatum (a subspecies that breeds further north in North
Another subspecies of the Peregrine Falcon that breeds even further
north in North America occurs in Honduras as a migrant, F. p. tundrius.
Limpkin (*) ______ C
Aramus guarauna dolosus
Sora (*) ______ T
Porzana carolina
Uniform Crake ______ C
Amaurolimnas concolor
Gray-necked Wood-Rail (*) ______ C
Aramides cajanea albiventris
Rufous-necked Wood-Rail ______ local (C
Aramides axillaris
Ruddy Crake (*) ______ C
Laterallus ruber
Another name for Laterallus ruber has been
Red Rail.
Gray-breasted Crake ______ C
Laterallus exilis
Common Gallinule (*) ______ T
Gallinula galeata cachinnans
For a while, the Common Gallinule was considered conspecific with the
Moorhen of the Old World, Gallinula
Purple Gallinule (*) ______ T
Porphyrula martinica
American Coot (*) ______ T
Fulica a. americana
Sungrebe ______ C
Heliornis fulica
Sunbittern ______ C
Eurypyga helias major
Double-striped Thick-knee ______ local, spotty distribution
Burhinus b. bistriatus
Northern Jacana (*) ______ C P
Jacana s. spinosa
Black-bellied Plover (*) ______ C P (winter)
Pluvialis squatarola cynosurae
Another name for Pluvialis squatarola is Grey Plover, as it is called in the
Old World.
American Golden Plover ______ T
Pluvialis dominica
Collared Plover ______ C P
Charadrius collaris
Snowy Plover ______ C P
Charadrius nivosus
The Snowy Plover was conspecific with the Kentish Plover of
Eurasia, Charadrius alexandrinus.
Semipalmated Plover (*) ______ C P
Charadrius semipalmatus
Wilson's Plover ______ C P
Charadrius wilsonia
Another name for Charadrius wilsonia has been
Thick-billed Plover.
Killdeer (*) ______ T (winter)
Charadrius v. vociferus
American Oystercatcher ______ C P
Haematopus palliatus
Black-necked Stilt (*) ______ T (migrant)
Himantopus mexicanus
The Black-necked Stilt was said, at one time, by some, to be conspecific
with the Black-winged Stilt of the Old World.
American Avocet ______ C (rare)
Recurvirostra americana
Willet (*) ______ C P
Tringa s. semipalmata (formerly
Catoptrophorus s. semipalmata)
Whimbrel (*) ______ C P (winter)
Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus
Marbled Godwit ______ P C (winter)
Limosa fedoa
Greater Yellowlegs (*) ______ C P
H (winter)
Tringa melanoleuca
Lesser Yellowlegs (*) ______ T (winter)
Tringa flavipes
Solitary Sandpiper (*) ______ T
Tringa solitaria
Spotted Sandpiper (*) ______ T (winter)
Actitis macularis
Upland Sandpiper ______ T (migrant)
Bartramia longicauda
Ruddy Turnstone (*) ______ C P
Arenaria interpres
Red Knot ______ C P (migrant)
Calidris canutus rufa
Sanderling (*) ______ C P
Calidris alba
Semipalmated Sandpiper (*) ______ C P
Calidris pusilla
Western Sandpiper ______ C,P (winter)
Calidris mauri
White-rumped Sandpiper ______ C (migrant)
Calidris fucicollis
Least Sandpiper (*) ______ C P H (winter)
Calidris minutilla
Baird's Sandpiper ______ H (migrant)
Calidris bairdii
Pectoral Sandpiper ______ T (winter)
Calidris melanotos
Stilt Sandpiper ______ P,C (winter)
Calidris himantopus (was
Micropama himantopus)
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (nt) ______ C (migrant)
Tryrigites subruficollis
Short-billed Dowitcher (*) ______ C P (winter)
Limnodromus griseus
Wilson's Snipe (*) ______ T (winter)
Gallinago delicata
The Wilson's Snipe was conspecific with the Common Snipe, Gallinago
gallinago, of the Old World.
Wilson's Phalarope ______ T (migrant)
Parasitic Jaeger ______ P,C (offshore)
Laughing Gull (*) ______ C P
Leucophaeus atricilla megalopterus (formerly Larus atricilla
Franklin's Gull ______ P (migrant)
Herring Gull ______ C (rare)
Gull-billed Tern (*) ______ C P
Gelochelidon nilotica aranea (formerly Sterna nilotica aranea)
Sandwich Tern (*) ______ C (rare)
Thalasseus sandvicensis acuflavidus (formerly Sterna sandvicensis
Royal Tern (*) ______ C P
Thalasseus m. maxima (formerly Sterna m. maxima)
Caspian Tern (*) ______ C P
Hydroprogne caspia (formerly Sterna caspia)
Common Tern (*) ______ C
Sterna h. hirundo
Forster's Tern (*) ______ C (rare)
Sterna forsteri
Roseate Tern (nt) ______ C (mostly offshore islands)
Least Tern ______ C
Sooty Tern ______ C (offshore)
Black Tern ______ T (migrant)
Brown Noddy ______ C (offshore)
Black Noddy ______ C (offshore)
Black Skimmer (*) ______ C P
Rynchops n. niger
Feral Pigeon (i) (*) ______ T
Columba livia
Scaled Pigeon ______ C
Patagioenas speciosa (formerly Columba speciosa)
White-crowned Pigeon ______ C (offshore islands)
Patagioenas leucocephala (formerly Columba leucocephala)
Band-tailed Pigeon ______ H
Patagioenas f. fasciata (formerly Columba f. fasciata)
Pale-vented Pigeon (*) ______ C
Patagioenas cayennensis pallidicrissa (formerly Columba cayennensis
Red-billed Pigeon (*) _ _____ H C P
Patagioenas f. flavirostris (formerly Columba f. flavirostris)
Short-billed Pigeon ______ C
Patagioenas nigrirostris (formerly Columba nigrirostris)
Mourning Dove (*) ______ T
Zenaida macroura marginella
White-winged Dove (*) ______ H P
Zenaida a. asiatica
Common Ground-Dove (*) ______ H P
Columbina passerina pallescens
Plain-breasted Ground-Dove (*) ______ H
Columbina minuta interrupta
Ruddy Ground-Dove (*) ______ T
Columbina taipacoti rufipennis
Blue Ground-Dove ______ C
Claravis pretiosa
Maroon-chested Ground-Dove ______ H
Claravis mondetoura salvini
Inca Dove (*) ______ H P
Columbina inca (was Scardafella inca)
White-tipped Dove (*) ______ H P
Leptotila verreauxi bangsi
Another name for Leptotila verreauxi was White-fronted Dove.
Gray-headed Dove (*) ______ C
Leptotila cassinii cerviniventris
The Gray-headed Dove was said by some to be conspecific with the
Gray-fronted Dove, Leptotila rufaxilla, of South America.
Gray-chested Dove ______ C
Leptotila cassini cerviniventris
Ruddy Quail-Dove ______ C
Geotrygon m. montana
White-faced Quail-Dove ______ H
Geotrygon albifacies rubida
Scarlet Macaw (*) ______ C P
Ara macao cyanopterus
Red-throated Parakeet (or Red-throated Conure) ______ H
The Red-throated Parakeet (or Red-throated Conure) was part of the Green
Parakeet (or Green Conure).
Aztec Parakeet (or Aztec Conure) (*) ______ C
Aratinga a. astec
The Aztec Parakeet (or Aztec Conure) was conspecific with what is now the
Jamaican Parakeet (or Jamaican Conure). When so, it was called the
Olive-throated Parakeet (or Olive-throated Conure).
Orange-fronted Parakeet (or Orange-fronted Conure) (*) ______
Aratinga c. canicularis
Barred Parakeet ______ H
Orange-chinned Parakeet (*) ______ P
Brotogeris j. jugularis
Another name for Brotogeris jugularis has been Tovi Parakeet.
Brown-hooded Parrot (*) ______ C
Pionopsitta h. haematotis
White-crowned Parrot (*) ______ C
Pionus senilis
White-fronted Parrot (or White-fronted Amazon) (*) ______ H C
Amazona albifrons nana
Red-lored Parrot (or Red-lored Amazon) (*) ______ C
Amazona a. autumnalis
Amazona autumnalis is also called Yellow-cheeked Parrot (or Yellow-cheeked
Yellow-headed Parrot (or Yellow-headed Amazon) (t2) (*) ______
Amazona oratrix hondurensis
Yellow-naped Parrot (or Yellow-naped Amazon) (t3)
______ P
Amazona a. auropalliata
Mealy Parrot (or Mealy Amazon) ______ C
Amazona farinosa guatemalae
is also called Blue-crowned Parrot (or Blue-crowned
Black-billed Cuckoo ______ T (migrant)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo ______ T (migrant)
Mangrove Cuckoo ______ C,P
Coccycus minor palloris
Squirrel Cuckoo (*) ______ C P
Piaya cayana thermophila
Groove-billed Ani (*) ______ T
Crotophaga suiciroxtris
Striped Cuckoo (*) ______ C P
Tapera naevia excellens
Lesser Ground-Cuckoo ______ H P
Morococcyx e. erythropygus
Lesser Roadrunner ______ H C
Geococcyx velox melanchima
Pheasant Cuckoo ______ H C
Dromococcyx phasianellus rufigularis
American Barn Owl ______ T
Whiskered Screech Owl ______ H
Megascops t. trichopsis (formerly Otus t. trichopsis)
Guatemalan Screech Owl ______ H C
Megascops g. guatemalae
The Guatemalan Screech Owl has been considered part of the now
more-southerly Vermiculated Screech Owl, Megascops vermiculatus, or at one
time an even more wide-ranging Variable Screech Owl in Central America and
South America.
Pacific Screech-Owl ______ P
Megascops c. cooperi (formerly Otus c. cooperi)
The Pacific Screech Owl was at one time said to be part of the
more-northerly Western Screech Owl of North America and Mexico.
Crested Owl ______ C
Lophostrix cristata stricklandi
Spectacled Owl ______ C
Pulsatrix perspicillata saturata
Great Horned Owl ______ H
Guatemalan Pygmy Owl ______ H
The Guatemalan Pygmy Owl was a subspecies of the more-northerly Mountain
Pygmy Owl, Glaucidium gnoma, of Mexico and the southwestern US.
In turn, the Mountain Pygmy Owl was, prior to that, conspecific with the
even more-northerly Northern Pygmy Owl of western North America.
Central American Pygmy-Owl ______ C
The Central American Pygmy Owl was at one time conspecific with the Least
Pygmy Owl of South America.
Ridgway's Pygmy-Owl (*) ______ T
Glaucidium ridgwayi
The Ridgway's Pygmy Owl has been the northernmost subspecies of what has
been a wider-ranging Ferruginous Pygmy Owl, Glaucidium brasilianum.
Burrowing Owl ______ H
Mexican Wood Owl ______ C,P
The Mexican Wood Owl has been part of the Mottled Owl, now said to be an
exclusively South American species.
Black-and-white Owl (*) ______ C
Strix nigrolineata (formerly Ciccaba nigrolineata)
Fulvous Owl ______ H
Strix fulvescens
Stygian Owl ______ H
Asio stygius robustus
Striped Owl (*) ______ C P
Asio clamator forbesi
Short-tailed Nighthawk (*) ______ C
Lurocalis semitorquatus stonei
Another name for Lurocalis semitorquatus has been Semicollared Nighthawk,
Common Nighthawk ______ T (migrant)
Lesser Nighthawk (*) ______ T
Chordeiles acutipennis
Pauraque (*) ______ T
Nyctidromus albicollis intercedens
Chuck-will's-Widow ______ T (winter)
Buff-collared Nightjar ______ H
Another name for the Buff-collared Nightjar is Cookacheea.
Yucatan Nightjar (HNr) (*) ______ C
Androstomus badius (formerly Caprimulgus badius)
The Yucatan Nightjar was first found to be in Honduras in 1990. It occurs in
the winter in the northeastern part of the country.
Northern Whip-poor-will ______ T (winter)
Mexican Whip-poor-will ______ H
Spot-tailed Nightjar ______ local (Lake Yojoa)
Hydropsalis maculicaudus (formerly Caprimulgus maculicaudus)
Great Potoo ______ C
Nyctibius grandis guatelensis
Northern Potoo ______ C,P
Nyctibius jamaicensis mexicanus
The Northern Potoo was, at one time, conspecific with the more-southerly
Gray Potoo, that has also been known as the Common Potoo.
White-collared Swift (*) ______ T
Streptoprocne zonaris mexicanus
Chimney Swift (*) ______ C
Chaetura pelagica
Swift (*) ______ T
Chaetura vauxi richmondi
The race Chaetura vauxi richmondi has also been known as the Dusky-backed
Chestnut-collared Swift (*) ______ H C
Cypseloides rutilus griseifrons
Black Swift ______ H P
Cypseloides niger costaricensis
White-chinned Swift ______ C H
Cypseloides cryptus
White-throated Swift ______ H
Aeronautes s. saxatalis
Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift ______ C
Panyptila cayennensis
Great Swallow-tailed Swift ______ H
Panyptila sanctihieronymi
Band-tailed Barbthroat ______ C
Threnmetes ruckeri ventosus
Long-billed Hermit (*) ______ C
Phaethornis strigularis saturatus
The Long-billed Hermit, in Central America, was part of a wider-ranging
Long-tailed Hermit, now a South American species.
Stripe-throated Hermit (*) ______ C
Phaethornis striigularis saturatus (at one time genus was Pygmornis)
The Stripe-tailed Hermit was part of a wider-ranging Little
Hermit, , now restricted to northeast South America.
Phaethronis striigularis has also been Phaethornis adolphi, and called
Boucard's Hermit.
Scaly-breasted Hummingbird (*) ______ C
Camplyopterus cuvierii roberti (was Phaeochroa cuvierii roberti)
Another name for Camplyopterus cuvierii has been Cuvier's Hummingbird.
Violet Sabrewing (*) ______ H C
Campylopterus h. hemileucurus
White-necked Jacobin (*) ______ C
Florisuga m. mellivora
Green Violetear ______ H
Colobri t. thalassinus
Brown Violetear ______ C
Colobri delphinae
Green-breasted Mango (*) ______ C P
Anthracothorax p. prevostii
Another name for Anthracothorax prevostii has been Prevost's Mango.
White-eared Hummingbird (*) ______ H
Basilinna l. leucotis
Emerald-chinned Hummingbird (*) ______ H
Abeilia a. abeillei
Another name for Abeilia abeillei has been Abeille's Hummingbird.
Black-crested Coquette ______ C
Lophornis helenae
Salvin's Emerald (*) ______ H C
Chlorostilbon salvini osberti
The Salvin's Emerald was part of what was the Fork-tailed Emerald.
(Purple-) Crowned Woodnymph ______ C
Blue-throated Sapphire (*) ______ C
Hylocharis e. eliciae
Another name for Hylocharis eliciae has been Blue-throated Goldentail.
White-bellied Emerald (*) ______ C
Amazilia c. candida
Honduran Emerald (t1) (e) ______ local
Amazilia luciae
Azure-crowned Hummingbird (*) ______ H C
Amazilia c. cyanocephala
Another name for Amazilia cyanocephala has been Red-billed Azurecrown.
Berylline Hummingbird (*) ______ H
Amazilia beryllina devillei
Blue-tailed Hummingbird (*) ______ P
Amazilia cyanura guatemalae
Cinnamon Hummingbird (*) ______ H P
Amazilia rutila corallirostris
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (*) ______ C
Amazilia t. tzacati
Stripe-tailed Hummingbird (*) ______ H C
Eupherusa e. eximia
Amethyst-throated Hummingbird ______ H
Lampornis amethystinus
Another name for Lampornis amethystinus has been Cazique Hummingbird.
Green-throated Mountain-gem (*) ______ H
Lampornis v. viridipallens
Garnet-throated Hummingbird ______ H
Lamprolaima r. rhami
Magnificent Hummingbird ______ H
Eugenes f. fulgens
Another name for Eugenes fulgens in the northern part of its range was Rivoli's
Purple-crowned Fairy (*) ______ C
Heliothryx barroti
Long-billed Starthroat ______ C P
Heliomaster longirostris pallidiceps
Plain-capped Starthroat ______ P
Heliomaster constantii leocadiae
Slender Sheartail ______ H
Calothorax enicura
Sparkling-tailed Hummingbird ______ H
Philodice dupontii
Another name for Philodice dupontii has been Dupont's Woodstar.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (*) ______ T (winter)
Archilochus colubris
Wine-throated Hummingbird ______ H
Selasphorus e. ellioti
Another name for Selasphorus ellioti has been Elliot's Hummingbird.
Resplendent Quetzal (nt) (*) ______ H
Pharomachrus m. mocinno
Slaty-tailed Trogon (*) ______ C
Trogon m. massena
Another name for Trogon massena has been Massena Trogon.
Black-headed Trogon (*) ______ C P
Trogon melanocephalus
The Black-headed Trogon was conspecific with
the Citreoline Trogon, Trogon citreolus, now a species restricted to Mexico.
Mountain Trogon ______ H
Trogon mexicanus
Another name for has been Mexican Trogon.
Elegant Trogon (*) ______ H
Trogon elegans elegans
Another name for Trogon elegans in the northern part of its range (in Arizona
and Mexico) was Coppery-tailed Trogon.
Collared Trogon (*) ______ H C
Trogon collaris puella
Gartered Trogon (*) ______ C P
Trogon caligatus braccatus
The Gartered Trogon was part of the Violaceous Trogon, now a South American
species. When so, the trogon in Honduras was Trogon violaceus braccatus.
Ringed Kingfisher (*) ______ C P
Megaceryle t. torquata (was Ceryle t. torquata)
Belted Kingfisher (*) ______ T
Megaceryle alcyon (was Ceryle alcyon)
Amazon Kingfisher (*) ______ C P
Chloroceryle amazona
Green Kingfisher (*) ______ T
Chloroceryle americana septentrionalis
American Pygmy Kingfisher ______ C P
Chloroceryle aenea stictoptera
Tody Motmot (*) ______ C
Hylomanes m. momotula
Keel-billed Motmot (nt) ______ C
Electron carinatum
Blue-throated Motmot ______ H
Aspatha gularis
Turquoise-browed Motmot (*) ______ P
Eumomota superciliosa australis
Blue-diademed Motmot (*) ______ T
Momotus lessonii
The Blue-diademed Motmot was part of the former expanded Blue-crowned which
has been split into 5 species in Central and South America. Now the
Blue-crowned Motmot is restricted to northeast Mexico.
The geographic range of the Blue-diademed Motmot is in eastern Mexico, and in
most of Central America south to western Panama.
Another name for Momotus lessonii has been Lesson's Motmot.
Rufous-tailed Jacamar ______ C
Galbula ruficauda melanogenia
White-necked Puffbird ______ C
Notharchus macrohynchos hyperrhynchus
White-whiskered Puffbird ______ C
Malacoptila panamensis inornata
Another name for Malacoptila panamensis has been White-whiskered Softwing.
Emerald Toucanet (*) ______ H C
Aulacorhynchus prasinus virescens _____ "White-throated"
Emerald Toucanet
Collared Aracari (*) ______ C P
Pteroglossus t. torquatus
Keel-billed Toucan (*) ______ C
Ramphastos s. sulfuratus
Olivaceous Piculet ______ C
Northern (or Common) Flicker (*) ______ H
Colaptes auratus mexicanoides ______ "Guatemalan
Acorn Woodpecker (*) ______ H
Melenerpes formicivorus lineatus
Golden-fronted Woodpecker (*) ______ C
Melanerpes aurifrons santacruzi (was Centurus aurifrons santactuzi)
Black-cheeked Woodpecker (*) ______ C
Melanerpes pucherani
Prior to being in the genus Melanerpes, the Black-cheeked Woodpecker was in
the genera Centurus and Tripsurus.
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker ______ T (winter)
Ladder-backed Woodpecker ______ local
Hairy Woodpecker ______ H
Smoky-brown Woodpecker ______ C
Picoides (formerly Veniliornis
Golden-olive Woodpecker (*) ______ H C
Piculus rubiginosus maximus
Chestnut-colored Woodpecker ______ C
Lineated Woodpecker (*) ______ T
Dryocopus lineatus similis
Pale-billed Woodpecker (*) ______ C P
Campephilus g. guatemalensis
Long-tailed Manakin ______ P
Red-capped Manakin ______ C
White-collared Manakin (*) ______ C
Manacus candei
Northern Schiffornis (*) ______ C
Schiffornis veraepacis
The Northern Schiffornis was part of the Thrush-like Schiffornis. The former
Thrush-like Schiffornis was previously called the Thrush-like Mourner or the
Thrush-like Manakin, but the bird was neither a mourner nor a manakin.
Now, what was the Thrush-like Schiffornis has been split into 5 species in
Central and South America.
The geographic range of Schiffornis veraepacis is in Central America from
western Panama northward. It is also in South America in parts of Colombia,
Ecuador, and Peru.
Rose-throated Becard (*) ______ H C
Pachyramphus aglaiae sumichrasti
Cinnamon Becard (*) ______ C
Pachyramphus cinnamomeus fulvidior
White-winged Becard (*) ______ C
Pachyramphus polychopterus cinereiventris
Gray-collared Becard ______ H,C
Rufous Piha ______ C
Lovely Cotinga (*) ______ C H
Cotinga amabilis
Snowy Cotinga (*) ______ C
Carpodectes nitidus
Three-wattled Bellbird (t3) ______ east Honduras (winter)
Gray-headed Piprites (nt) ______ C
Piprites griseiceps
Piprites griseiceps has been called the Gray-headed Manakin, but it is not a
Masked Tityra ______ C P
Black-crowned Tityra ______ C
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher ______ P
Fork-tailed Flycatcher (*) ______ H C
Tyrannus savana monachus
Eastern Kingbird (*) ______ T (migrant)
Tyrannus tyrannus
Gray Kingbird (HNr) (*) ______
rare along
Caribbean coast
Tyrannus d. dominicensis
Tropical Kingbird (*) ______ T
Tyrannus melancholicus satrapa
Western Kingbird ______ H,P (winter)
Boat-billed Flycatcher (*) ______ C P
Megarynchus pitangua
Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher (*) ______ T (migrant)
Myiodynastes luteiventris
Streaked Flycatcher (*) ______ C
Myiodynastes maculatus insolens
Piratic Flycatcher (*) ______ C
Legatus leucophalus variegatus
Social Flycatcher (*) ______ T
Myiozetetes similis texensis
Great Kiskadee (*) ______ C P
Pitangus sulphuratus guatimalensis
Rufous Mourner ______ C
Speckled Mourner ______ C
Brown-crested Flycatcher (*) ______ C P
Myiarchus tyrannulus cooperi
Nutting's Flycatcher ______ P
Another name for has been Pale-throated Flycatcher.
Ash-throated Flycatcher ______ P
Great Crested Flycatcher (*) ______ T
Myiarchus crinitus
Dusky-capped Flycatcher (*) ______ T
Myiarchus tuberculifer connectens
Bright-rumped Attila (*) ______ C P
Attila spadicus flammulatus
Black Phoebe (*) ______ H C P
Sayornis nigricans aquaticus
Olive-sided Flycatcher (nt) ______ H
Another, suggested, name for has been Boreal Pewee.
Greater Pewee (*) ______ H
Contopus p. pertinax
Another name for Contopus pertinax has been Coue's Flycatcher.
Eastern Wood-Pewee ______ T (migrant)
Western Wood-Pewee (*) ______ H C
Contopus sordidulus
Tropical Pewee (*) ______ C P
Contopus cinereus brachytarsus
White-throated Flycatcher (*) ______ T
(breeds H)
Empidonax a. albigularis
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (*) ______ T (winter)
Empidonax flaviventris
Acadian Flycatcher (*) ______ T
Empidonax virescens
Willow Flycatcher ______ T (winter)
Alder Flycatcher ______ T (migrant)
Least Flycatcher (*) ______ T
Empidonax minimus
Hammond's Flycatcher ______ H (winter)
Yellowish Flycatcher (*) ______ H
Empidonax flavescens salvini
Northern Tufted-Flycatcher (*) ______ H
Mitrephanes p. phaeocercus
Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher ______ C
Buff-breasted Flycatcher ______ H
Sulphur-rumped Myiobius (*) ______ C
Myiobius sulphureipygius
The Sulphur-rumped Myiobius has been known as the Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher.
It is closely related to the Whiskered Myiobius of South America, with which
it has been conspecific.
Stub-tailed Spadebill (*) ______ C P
Platyrinchus cancominus
The Stub-tailed Spadebill was part of the White-throated Spadebill.
Northern Royal-Flycatcher (*) ______ C
Onychorhynchus mexicanus
The Northern Royal Flycatcher has been considered conspecific with the related
South American species, the Amazonian Royal Flycatcher, the Pacific Royal
Flycatcher, and the Atlantic Royal Flycatcher.
Yellow-olive Flatbill (*) ______ C H
Tolmomyias sulphurescens cinereiceps
Tolmomyias sulphurescens has been called Yellow-olive Flycatcher.
Eye-ringed Flatbill ______ C H
Common Tody-Flycatcher (*) ______ C P
Todirostrum cinereum finitmum
Slate-headed Tody-Flycatcher ______ C
Northern Bentbill (*) ______ C P
Oncostoma cinereigulare
Yellow-bellied Elaenia (*) ______ T
Elaenia flavogaster subpagana
Mountain Elaenia (*) ______ H
Elaenia frantzii ultima
Greenish Elaenia (*) ______ C P
Myiopagis viridicata placens
Northern Beardless Tyrannulet ______ C H P
Paltry Tyrannulet (*) ______ C
The Paltry Tyrannulet has been called the Mistletoe Tyrannulet. It is closely
related to the Venezuelan Tyrannulet of northern South America, with which it
was conspecific.
Yellow-bellied Tyrannulet (*) ______ C
Ornithion semiflavum
Sepia-capped Flycatcher ______ C
Ochre-bellied Flycatcher (*) ______ T
Mionectes oleagineus assimilis
Great Antshrike ______ C
Barred Antshrike (*) ______ T
Thamnophilus doliatus intermedius
Black-crowned Antshrike ______ C
Thamnophilus atrinucha
The Black-crowned Antshrike has been called the Western Slaty-Antshrike, but
genetic evidence has shown that it is not related to the South American
slaty-antshrikes. The change was made by the AOU (American Ornithologists
Union) in 2013.
Russet Antshrike (*) ______ C
Thamnistes anabatinus
Plain Antvireo ______ C
Slaty Antwren ______ C
Dot-winged Antwren ______ C
Dusky Antbird ______ C
Bare-crowned Antbird ______ C
Mayan Antthrush ______ C
The Mayan Antthrush has been considered part of the Black-faced Antthrush.
Scaled Antpitta ______ H
Rufous-breasted Spinetail ______ C
Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner ______ H
Another name for has been Spectacled Foliage-gleaner.
Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner (*) ______ C
Automolus ochrolaemus cervinigularis
Another name for Automolus ochrolaemus has been Buff-throated Automolus.
Ruddy Foliage-gleaner ______ H
Another name for has been Ruddy Automolus.
Plain Xenops ______ C
Scaly-throated Leaftosser ______ C
Another name for has been Scaly-throated Leafscraper.
Tawny-throated Leaftosser (*) ______ H
Sclerurus m. mexicanus
Another name for Sclerurus mexicanus has been Tawny-throated Leafscraper.
Tawny-winged Woodcreeper (*) ______ C
Dendrocincta a. anabatina
Ruddy Woodcreeper ______ C
Olivaceous Woodcreeper (*) ______ C P
Sittasomus griseicapillus sylvioides
Wedge-billed Woodcreeper ______ C
Strong-billed Woodcreeper ______ H C
Northern Barred-Woodcreeper ______ C
Black-banded Woodcreeper ______ H
Cocoa Woodcreeper (*) ______ C
Xiphorhynchus susurrans confinis
The Cocoa Woodcreeper was part of the Buff-throated Woodcreeper, now only in
South America.
Woodcreeper (*) ______ C H P
Xiphorhynchus flavigaster eburneirostris
Another name for Xiphorhynchus flavigaster is Laughing Woodcreeper, because of
its call.
Spotted Woodcreeper ______ H,C
Streak-headed Woodcreeper (*) ______ C P
Lepidocolaptes souleyetii insignis
Spot-crowned Woodcreeper (*) ______ H
Lepidocolaptes a. affinis
The Spot-crowned Woodcreeper was considered conspecific with what is now the
Montane Woodcreeper in South America, Lepidocolaptes lacrymiger.
Rufous-browed Peppershrike (*) ______ H P
Cyclarhis gujanensis
Green Shrike-Vireo ______ C
White-eyed Vireo ______ C (winter)
Mangrove Vireo ______ C (offshore islands)
Blue-headed Vireo (*) ______ H
Vireo s. solitarius
The Blue-headed Vireo was called Solitary Vireo when it was combined with the
Plumbeous Vireo and the Cassin's Vireo, both more-westerly in North America.
The Plumbeous Vireo (below) occurs as far south as Honduras.
Plumbeous Vireo (*) ______ H
Vireo plumbeus montanus
As noted above, the Plumbeous Vireo was part of the former Solitary
Yellow-throated Vireo (*) ______ T (winter)
Vireo flavifrons
Philadelphia Vireo ______ T (winter)
Red-eyed Vireo ______ T (migrant)
Yellow-green Vireo ______ H,P (summer)
Warbling Vireo ______ P,H (winter)
Brown-capped Vireo (*) ______ H
Vireo leucophryx amauronotus
At one time, the Brown-capped Vireo was considered conspecific with the
more-northerly Warbling Vireo.
Hutton's Vireo (HNr) (*) ______
Vireo huttoni vulcani
Bell's Vireo (HNr) ______
Tawny-crowned Greenlet ______ C
Lesser Greenlet (*) ______ C P
Hylophilus d. decurtatus
It the gray-headed form of the Lesser Greenlet that occurs in Honduras.
Cedar Waxwing ______ T (winter)
Azure-hooded Jay (*) ______ H
Cyanolyca cucullata hondurensis
Brown Jay (*) ______ C
Cyanocorax m. morio
Green Jay (*) ______ C
Cyanocorax yncas centralis
Bushy-crested Jay (*) ______ H C
Cyanocorax m. melanocyanneus
White-throated Magpie-Jay (*) ______ P H
Calocitta formosa pompata
The White-throated Magpie-Jay has been considered conspecific with the
Black-throated Magpie Jay of Mexico.
Black-throated Jay ______ H
Cyanolyca p. pumilo
Unicolored Jay ______ H
Aphelocoma u. unicolor
Steller's Jay ______ H
Cyanocitta stelleri
Northern Raven ______ H
Corvus corax sinuatus
Tree Swallow (*) ______ C (winter)
Tachycineta bicolor
Mangrove Swallow ______ C P
Tachycineta a. albilinea
Violet-green Swallow ______ H (winter)
Tachycineta t. thalassina
Purple Martin (*) ______ T (migrant)
Progne subis
Gray-breasted Martin (*) ______ C P
Progne c. chalybea
Black-capped Swallow ______ H
Notiochelidon pileata
Bank Swallow ______ T (migrant)
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (*) ______ T
Stelgidopteryx serripennis
Ridgway's Rough-winged Swallow (*) ______
Stelgidopteryx (serripennis) ridgwayi
Barn Swallow (*) ______ T (winter)
Hirundo rustica erythrogaster
American Cliff Swallow (*) ______ T
Petrochelidon pyrrhonota
Rufous-browed Wren ______ H
Rufous-naped Wren (*) ______ P
(& Sula valley)
Campylorhynchus rufinucha castaneus
Band-backed Wren ______ H C
Another name for has been Barred Wren.
Rock Wren ______ H
Salpinctes o. obsoletus
White-bellied Wren ______ local (Aguan valley)
Uropsila leucogastra brachyura
Spot-breasted Wren (*) ______ C P
Pheugopedius maculipectus (formerly Thryothous maculipectus)
The Spot-breasted Wren is clsoely related to the Speckle-breasted Wren of
South America.
Rufous-and-white Wren (*) ______ C P
Thryophilus r. rufalbus (formerly Thryothous r. rufalbus)
Banded Wren ______ P
Thryophilus pleurostictus (formerly Thryothous pleurostictus)
Plain Wren (*) ______ H P C
Cantorchilus modestus (formerly Thryothous modestus)
(Southern) House Wren (*) ______ T
Troglodytes aedon, or musculus intermedius
Sedge Wren ______ local
White-breasted Wood-Wren (*) ______ C
Henicorhina leucosticta prostheleuca
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren (*) ______ H
Henicorhina leucophrys composita
Northern Nightingale-Wren ______ C
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ______ C H (winter)
White-lored Gnatcatcher (*) ______ P
(& Aguan valley)
Polioptila albiloris
Tropical Gnatcatcher ______ C
Polioptila plumbea
Long-billed Gnatwren ______ C
Brown Creeper (*) ______ H
Certhia americana extima
American Dipper ______ H (local)
Brown-backed Solitaire ______ H
Myadestes o. occidentalis
Slate-colored Solitaire (*) ______ H
Myacestes u. unicolor
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush (*) ______ H
Catharus aurantiirostris
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush ______ H
Catharus frantzii
Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush ______ H
Catharus mexicanus
Spotted Nightingale-Thrush (*) ______ H
Catharus d. dryas
Veery ______ C (migrant)
Swainson's Thrush ______ T (migrant)
Gray-cheeked Thrush ______ C (migrant)
Wood Thrush (*) ______ T
Hylocichia mustelinus (formerly Catharus mustelinus)
Black Thrush ______ H
Turdus infuscatus
Turdus infuscatus has been called Black Robin.
Mountain Thrush ______ H
Turdus plebejus
Turdus plebejus has been called Mountain Robin.
Clay-colored Thrush (*) ______ T
Turdus grayi megas
Turdus grayi has been called Clay-colored Robin.
White-throated Thrush ______ H C
Turdus assimilis
Turdus assimilis has been called White-throated Robin.
Rufous-collared Thrush (HNr) ______
Turdus rufitorques
Turdus rufitorques has been called Rufous-collared Robin.
Eastern Bluebird ______ H
Blue-and-white Mockingbird ______ H
Melanotis hypoleucus
Tropical Mockingbird (*) ______ H
Mimus gilvis gracils
Gray Catbird (*) ______ C
Dumetella carolinensis
House Sparrow (i) (*) ______ T
Passer domesticus
Olive Warbler (*) ______ H
Peucedramus taeniatus giraudi
White-vented Euphonia ______ C
Euphonia minuta humilis
Scrub Euphonia (*) ______ C P H
Euphonia a. affinis
Yellow-throated Euphonia (*) ______ C H
Euphonia hirundinacea
Olive-backed Euphonia (*) ______ C
Euphonia gouldi
Elegant Euphonia ______ H
Euphonia e. elegantissima
The Elegant Euphonia in Central America was called the Blue-hooded Euphonia
when that species included the Antillean Euphonia of the West Indies and the
Golden-rumped Euphonia of South America.
Blue-crowned Chlorophonia (*) ______ H
Chlorophonia occipitalis
Lesser Goldfinch (*) ______ H
Spinus psaltria columbianus (was Carduelis psaltria columbianus)
Spinus psaltria has also been called Dark-backed Goldfinch.
Black-headed Siskin (*) ______ H
Spinus notata forreri (was Carduelis notata forreri)
Red Crossbill ______ H
Loxia curvirostra mesoamericana
Another name for Loxia curvirostra is Common Crossbill.
Black-and-white Warbler (*) ______ T (winter)
Mniotilta varia
Prothontary Warbler (*) ______ C (winter)
Protonotaria citrea
Worm-eating Warbler (*) ______ C,P,H (winter)
Helmitheros vermivorus
Swainson's Warbler ______ C (winter/rare)
Golden-winged Warbler (nt) (*) ______ C,H
Vermivora chrysoptera
Blue-winged Warbler (*) ______ C,H
Vermivora pinus
Tennessee Warbler (*) ______ T (winter)
Oreothlypis peregrina (formerly Vermivora peregrina)
Nashville Warbler (HNr) ______ T (winter)
Northern Parula ______ C
Tropical Parula (*) ______ H C
Setophaga pitiayumi nigrilora (formerly Parula pitiayumi nigrilora)
Crescent-chested Warbler ______ H
Yellow Warbler (*) ______ T (winter)
Setophaga aestiva (formerly Dendroica aestiva)
Mangrove Warbler ______ C P
The Mangrove Warbler was considered conspecific with the Yellow Warbler
Magnolia Warbler (*) ______ T (winter)
Setophaga magnolia (formerly Dendroica magnolia)
Cape May Warbler ______ C (winter)
Black-throated Blue Warbler ______ C (mostly offshore islands)
"Myrtle" Yellow-rumped Warbler (*) ______ C,H (winter)
Setophaga c. coronata (formerly Dendroica c. coronata)
"Audubon's" Yellow-rumped Warbler (*) ______ H (winter)
Setophaga coronata auduboni (formerly Dendroica coronata auduboni)
Grace's Warbler (*) ______ H
Setophaga graciae remota (formerly Dendroica graciae remota)
Yellow-throated Warbler (*) ______ C,H (winter)
Setophaga dominica (formerly Dendroica dominica)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (*) ______ C,H
Setophaga pensylvanica (formerly Dendroica pensylvanica)
Hermit Warbler ______ H (winter)
Black-throated Green Warbler (*) ______ T (winter)
Setophaga virens (formerly Dendroica virens)
Townsend's Warbler ______ H (winter)
Golden-cheeked Warbler (t2) (*) ______ H (winter)
Setophaga chrysoparia (formerly Dendroica chrysoparia)
Prairie Warbler ______ C (mostly offshore islands)
Palm Warbler ______ C (mostly offshore islands)
Cerulean Warbler ______ C (migrant) 1 apr
Blackburnian Warbler ______ T (migrant)
Bay-breasted Warbler ______ C (migrant)
Ovenbird (*) ______ T (winter)
Seiurus aurocapillus
Northern Waterthrush (*) ______ T (winter)
Parkesia noveboracensis (formerly Seiurus noveboracensis)
Louisiana Waterthrush (*) ______ T (winter)
Parkesia motacilia (formerly Seiurus motacilla)
Common Yellowthroat (*) ______ T (winter)
Geothlypis trichas
Gray-crowned Yellowthroat ______ T
Chamaethlypis p. poliocephala
Kentucky Warbler (*) ______ C,H (winter)
Geothlypis formosus (formerly Oporornis formosus)
Mourning Warbler ______ T (winter)
MacGillivrays' Warbler ______ H (winter)
Wilson's Warbler (*) ______ T (winter)
Cardellina pusilla (formerly Wilsonia pusilla)
Hooded Warbler (*) ______ C (winter)
Setophaga citrina (formerly Wilsonia citrina)
Red-faced Warbler (*) ______ H (winter)
Cardellina rubrifrons
American Redstart (*) ______ T (winter)
Setophaga ruticilla
Painted Whitestart (*) ______ H
Myioborus pictus guatemalae
Myioborus pictus has been called Painted Redstart.
Slate-throated Whitestart (*) ______ H,C
Myioborus miniatus connectens
Myioborus miniatus hs been called Slate-throated Redstart.
Fan-tailed Warbler ______ H
Basileuterus lachrymosa
Stripe-crowned Warbler (*) ______ C,H
Basileuterus culicivorus
Basileuterus culicivorus has been called Golden-crowned Warbler.
Golden-browed Warbler ______ H
Basileuterus belli
Another name for has been Bell's Warbler.
Chestnut-capped Warbler (*) ______ H,C
Basileuterus delattrii
The Chedstnut-capped Warbler is closely related to, sometimes said to be
conspecific with the more-northerly Rufous-capped Warbler.
Yellow-breasted Chat (*) ______ T (winter)
Icteria v. virens
Chestnut-headed Oropendola ______ C
Zarhynchus w. wagleri
Montezuma Oropendola ______ C
Psarocolius montezuma
Yellow-billed Cacique ______ C,P
Amblycercus h. holosericeus
Yellow-tailed Oriole ______ C
Icterus mesomelas
Yellow-backed Oriole ______ H
icterus c. chrysater
Altamira Oriole ______ P,H,C
Icterus gularis gigas
Another name for Icterus gularis has been Black-throated Oriole.
Streak-backed Oriole ______ P,H
Icterus pustulatus alticola
Spot-breasted Oriole ______ P,H
Icterus pectoralis guttulatus
Baltimore Oriole ______ T (winter)
Icterus galbula
Orchard Oriole ______ T (winter)
Icterus s. spurius
Black-cowled Oriole ______ C
icterus dominicensis
Black-vented Oriole ______ H
Icterus wagleri
Another name for Icerus wagleri has been Wagler's Oriole.
Red-winged Blackbird ______ C
Agelaius phoeniceus richmondi
Melodious Blackbird ______ C,H,P
Dives dives
Great-tailed Grackle ______ T
Quiscalus m. mexicanus
Bronzed Cowbird ______ T
Molothrus a. aeneus
Another name for Molothrus aeneus has been Red-eyed Cowbird.
Giant Cowbird ______ C
Molothrus oryzivora impacifica (has been Scaphidura oryzivora impacifica)
Eastern Meadowlark ______ H C
Sturnella magna
Bobolink ______ C (migrant)
Bananaquit ______ C
Coereba flaveola
Green Honeycreeper ______ C
Chlorophanes spiza guatemalensis
Shining Honeycreeper ______ C
Cyanerpes lucidus
Red-legged Honeycreeper ______ C,P
Cyanerpes cyaneus carneipes
Cinnamon-bellied Flower-piercer ______ H
Orange-billed Sparrow ______ C
Green-backed Sparrow ______ C
Arremonops c. chloronotus
The Green-backed Sparrow is closely related to the Black-striped Sparrow of
southern Central America.
Prevost's Ground-Sparrow ______ H
Melozone biarcuatum
Chipping Sparrow ______ H
Rusty Sparrow ______ H
Aimophila rufescens
Stripe-headed Sparrow ______ P
Aimophila ruficauda
Lark Sparrow ______ C (rare)
Grasshopper Sparrow ______ P
Savannah Sparrow ______ C (rare)
Lincoln's Sparrow ______ H
Rufous-collared Sparrow ______ H
Botteri's Sparrow (HNr) ______
Common Bush-Tanager ______ H
Chlorospingus ophthalmicus
Gray-headed Tanager ______ C
Eucometis penicillata
Black-throated Shrike-Tanager ______ C
Lanio aurantius
Red-crowned Ant-Tanager ______ C,P
Habia rubica rubicoides
Red-throated Ant-Tanager ______ C
Habia fuscicauda salvini
Hepatic Tanager ______ H
Piranga hepatica
Summer Tanager ______ T (winter)
Piranga r. rubra
Scarlet Tanager ______ C (migrant)
Western Tanager ______ H,P (winter)
Flame-colored Tanager ______ H
Piranga bidentata
Another name for Piranga bidentata has been Streak-backed Tanager.
White-winged Tanager ______ H C
Spermagra leucoptera
Crimson-collared Tanager ______ C
Phlogothraupis s. sanguinolenta
Passerini's Tanager ______ C
Ramphocelus passerinii
The Passerini's Tanager was part of what was the Scarlet-rumped Tanager.
Blue-gray Tanager ______ C,P
Thraupis episcopus cana
Yellow-winged Tanager ______ T
Thraupis abbas
Golden-hooded Tanager ______ C
Tangara l. larvata
Yellow-faced Grassquit (*) ______ T
Tiaris olivacea pusilla
Slate-colored Seedeater ______ C
Variable Seedeater (*) ______ C
Sporophila corvina (formerly Sporophila aurita)
White-collared Seedeater (*) ______ T
Sporophila torqueola morelleti
Thick-billed Seed-Finch ______ C
Oryzoborus funereus
The Thick-billed Seed Finch has been conspecific with the Chestnut-bellied
Seed Finch of South America, Oryzoborus angolenus, and when so it was called
the Lesser Seed Finch.
Blue Seedeater (*) ______ H
Amaurospiza concolor
The genus Amaurospiza has been moved to the family Cardinalidae from
Blue-black Grassquit (*) ______ T
Volatinia jacarina splendens
Slaty Finch ______ H
Yellow-throated Brush Finch ______ H
Atlapetes gutturalis
The Yellow-throated Brush Finch has been merged with the more-southerly White-naped
Brush Finch, Atlapetes albinucha.
Chestnut-capped Brush Finch (*) ______ H
Buarremon brunneinuchus macrourus
Dickcissel ______ T (migrant)
Black-headed Saltator (*) ______ T
Saltator a. atriceps
Buff-throated Saltator (*) ______ C
Saltator maximus magnoides
Grayish Saltator (*) ______ C,P
Saltator coerulescens grandis ______ "Northern Grayish
Black-faced Grosbeak ______ C
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (*) ______ T (winter)
Pheucticus ludovicianus
Blue Grosbeak ______ H,C
Passerina caerulea (formerly Guiraca caerulea)
Blue-black Grosbeak ______ C
Blue Bunting ______ H,C
Indigo Bunting ______ T (winter)
Passerina cyanea
Painted Bunting ______ T (winter)
Additional species
of eastern Honduras (east of Sula Valley & in Olancho):
Gray-headed Chachalaca ______
Ortalis cinereiceps
Black-eared Wood-quail ______
Odontophorus melanotis
Another name for Odontophorus melanotis is Rufous-fronted Wood-quail.
Green Ibis ______
Mesembrinibis cayennensis
Rufescent Tiger Heron ______
Tigrisoma l. lineatum
609. Semiplumbeous Hawk (nt) ______
610. Gray-headed Chachalaca ______
611. Black-eared/Rufous-fronted Quail ______
612. Tawny-faced Quail ______
613. White-throated Crake ______
614. Great Green Macaw (t3) ______
(closely related to Military Macaw)
615. Violet-headed Hummingbird ______
616. Snowcap ______
617. Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer ______
(was called Red-footed Plumeleteer)
618. Black-throated Trogon ______
619. Rufous Motmot ______
620. Broad-billed Motmot ______
621. White-fronted Nunbird ______
622. Yellow-eared Toucanet ______
623. Chestnut-mandibled/Swainson's Toucan ______
624. Rufous-winged Woodpecker ______
625. Slaty Spinetail ______
626. Plain-brown Woodcreeper ______
627. Long-tailed Woodcreeper ______
628. Fasciated Antshrike ______
629. Streak-crowned Antvireo ______
630. Checker-throated Antwren ______
631. White-flanked Antwren ______
632. Chestnut-backed Antbird ______
633. Spotted Antbird ______
634. Bicolored Antbird ______
635. Ocellated Antbird ______
636. Black-faced Antthrush ______
637. Spectacled Antpitta ______
638. Fulvous-bellied Antpitta ______
639. Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant ______
640. Golden-crowned Spadebill ______
641. Long-tailed Tyrant ______
642. White-ringed Flycatcher ______
643. Gray-capped Flycatcher ______
644. Snowy Cotinga ______
645. White-ruffed Manakin ______
646. Southern Rough-winged Swallow ______
647. Song Wren ______
648. Olive-crowned Yellowthroat ______
649. Buff-rumped Warbler ______
650. Rufous-winged Tanager ______
651. Blue Dacnis ______
652. White-throated Shrike-Tanager ______
653. White-shouldered Tanager ______
654. Tawny-crested Tanager ______
655. Slate-colored Grosbeak ______
656. Black-striped Sparrow ______
657. Scarlet-rumped Cacique ______
species of Honduran offshore Caribbean islands:
Brown Booby ______
659. Caribbean Dove ______
660. Yellow-lored Amazon/Parrot ______ (Roatan Is.)
661. Smooth-billed Ani ______
Canivet's Emerald ______
Chlorostilbon canivetii
662. Red-vented/Yucatan Woodpecker ______
663. Yucatan Vireo ______ (Bay & Hog Is.)
664. Vitelline Warbler (nt) ______ (Swan Is.)
Hypothetical (old
questionable Honduran records)
Black Catbird (nt) ______
Palm Tanager ______