Birds and
Other Wildlife
the Focus On Nature Tour
in Sonora, Mexico
in the winter of 2009
January 15-24, 2009
MX: during the northern Mexico portion of the tour, Jan
AZ: during the southern Arizona portion of the tour, Jan 22-24
(t): a globally threatened or rare
species, designated by Birdlife International
(t1): critical (t2): endangered (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally
(NA:vr): very rare in North America
(NAr): rare in North America
(AZr): rare in Arizona
(MXe): normally endemic to Mexico
(NAi): introduced species in North America
(ph): species with a photo in this FONT website
of Photos in this Website
PHOTO AT UPPER RIGHT: a FERRUGINOUS HAWK, a raptor that was seen on utility
poles during both the Sonora, Mexico and the Arizona portions of the
Additional Links:
Birds of
Sonora, Mexico
A List & Photo Gallery of Arizona Birds, in 2 parts:
#1: Quails to Becard Part
#2: Flycatchers to Buntings
Mammals (with
some photos) North
American Mammals (with
some photos)
A list of Mammals & Other Wildlife during this
January '09 Mexico & Arizona Tour
follows the bird-list below.
North American Birding & Nature Tours

The Black-necked (or Eared)
Grebe on the Sea of Cortez
was 1 of 5 species of grebes during our Jan 09 Sonora/Arizona Tour
(photo by Howard Eskin)
The following list was compiled by Armas Hill, leader of the tour.
- Gambel's Quail - MX,AZ
- Montezuma Quail - MX
- Elegant Quail - MX
- "Gould's" Wild Turkey - MX
- Ross's Goose - AZ
- Brant Goose - MX
- Green-winged Teal - MX,AZ
- Mallard - AZ
- Mexican Duck - MX
- Northern Pintail - AZ
- Northern Shoveler - MX,AZ
- Gadwall - MX
- American Wigeon - AZ
- Ring-necked Duck - MX
- Lesser Scaup - MX,AZ
- Surf Scoter - MX
- Bufflehead - MX
- Common Merganser - AZ
- Red-breasted Merganser - MX
- Ruddy Duck - MX,AZ
- Pacific Loon - MX
- Great Northern (or Common) Loon - MX
- Least Grebe - MX
- Pied-billed Grebe - MX,AZ
- Horned Grebe - MX
- Black-necked (or Eared) Grebe -
- Western Grebe - MX
- American White Ibis - MX
- Great Blue Heron - MX,AZ
- Little Blue Heron - MX
- Great Egret - MX
- Snowy Egret - MX
- Tricolored Heron - MX
- Reddish Egret - MX
- Green Heron - AZ
- American Bittern - AZ
- American White Pelican - MX
- Brown Pelican - MX
- Blue-footed Booby - MX
- Neotropic Cormorant - MX
- Double-crested Cormorant - MX
- Turkey Vulture - MX
- Black Vulture - MX
- Northern Crested Caracara - MX
- American Kestrel - MX,AZ
- Prairie Falcon - MX,AZ
- Osprey - MX
- Northern Harrier - MX.AZ
- Sharp-shinned Hawk - MX
- Cooper's Hawk - AZ
- Harris's Hawk - AZ
- Red-tailed Hawk - MX,AZ
- Ferruginous Hawk - MX,AZ
- Rough-legged Hawk - AZ
- Sora - AZ
- American Coot - AZ
- Sandhill Crane - AZ
- American Oystercatcher - MX
- Black Oystercatcher - MX
- Black-bellied (or Grey) Plover - MX
- Killdeer - MX,AZ
- Greater Yellowlegs - MX
- Lesser Yellowlegs - MX
- Willet - MX
- "American" Whimbrel - MX
- Long-billed Curlew (nt) - MX
- Marbled Godwit - MX
- Least Sandpiper - AZ
- Dunlin - MX
- Bonaparte's Gull - MX
- Heermann's Gull - MX
- Ring-billed Gull - MX
- California Gull - MX
- "American" Herring Gull -
- Yellow-footed Gull - MX
- Forster's Tern - MX
- Royal Tern - MX
- Elegant Tern (nt) - MX
- Caspian Tern - MX
- Craveri's Murrelet - MX
- Common (or Feral) Pigeon (NAi)
- Eurasian Collared-Dove (NAi) -
- White-winged Dove - MX,AZ
- Mourning Dove - MX,AZ
- Inca Dove - MX
- Common Ground Dove - MX,AZ
- Greater Roadrunner - MX,AZ
- Great Horned Owl - AZ
- Common Poorwill - MX
- Broad-billed Hummingbird - MX
- Anna's Hummingbird - AZ
- Elegant Trogon - MX
- Belted Kingfisher - MX
- Green Kingfisher - MX
- Acorn Woodpecker - MX,AZ
- Gila Woodpecker - MX,AZ
- Red-naped Sapsucker - AZ
- Ladder-backed Woodpecker -
- Northern Flicker - AZ
- Gilded Flicker - MX
- Black Phoebe - MX,AZ
- Say's Phoebe - MX,AZ
- Vermilion Flycatcher - MX
- Ash-throated Flycatcher - MX
- Cassin's Kingbird - MX
- Greater Pewee - MX
- Dusky Flycatcher - MX
- Gray Flycatcher - MX
- Cordilleran Flycatcher - MX
- Loggerhead Shrike - MX,AZ
- Mexican Jay - MX,AZ
- Sinaloa Crow - MX
- Chihuahuan Raven - MX,AZ
- Northern Raven - MX,AZ
- Phainopepla - MX,AZ
- Bridled Titmouse - AZ
- Verdin - MX
- Tree Swallow - MX
- American Bushtit - MX
- Horned Lark - AZ
- Cactus Wren - MX,AZ
- Bewick's Wren - MX.AZ
- House Wren - MX
- Rock Wren - MX
- Canyon Wren - AZ
- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - MX
- Black-capped Gnatcatcher - MX
- White-breasted Nuthatch - AZ
- Pygmy Nuthatch - AZ
- European Starling (NAi) -
- American Robin - AZ
- Western Bluebird - MX
- Mountain Bluebird - MX
- Northern Mockingbird - MX,AZ
- Curve-billed Thrasher - MX,AZ
- Bendire's Thrasher - MX
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet - MX,AZ
- House Sparrow (NAi) - MX.AZ
- Lesser Goldfinch - MX,AZ
- American Goldfinch - AZ
- Pine Siskin - AZ
- House Finch - MX,AZ
- Orange-crowned Warbler - MX
- "Audubon's" Yellow-rumped Warbler -
- Black-throated Gray Warbler -
- Common Yellowthroat - MX
- Painted Whitestart (has been called
Painted Redstart) - MX,AZ
- Great-tailed Grackle - MX,AZ
- Bronzed Cowbird - MX
- Brown-headed Cowbird - AZ
- Brewer's Blackbird - MX,AZ
- Red-winged Blackbird - AZ
- Yellow-headed Blackbird - AZ
- Streak-backed Oriole - MX
- "Lillian's" Eastern Meadowlark
- Western Meadowlark - AZ
- Green-tailed Towhee - MX,AZ
- Canyon Towhee - MX,AZ
- Rufous-crowned Sparrow - MX,AZ
- Rufous-winged Sparrow - MX
- Black-throated Sparrow - MX
- Chipping Sparrow - MX,AZ
- Brewer's Sparrow - MX,AZ
- Savannah Sparrow - AZ
- Vesper Sparrow - AZ
- Lark Sparrow - MX,AZ
- Song Sparrow - AZ
- Lincoln's Sparrow - MX,AZ
- Swamp Sparrow - AZ
- White-crowned Sparrow - MX,AZ
- Dark-eyed Junco - AZ
- Northern Cardinal - MX
- Pyrrhuloxia - MX,AZ
- Black-headed Grosbeak - MX
& Other
during our January 2009 Tour
in northern Mexico (in Sonora) & southern Arizona
- Variegated Ground Squirrel (has been called
Rock Squirrel) - MX
- Arizona Gray Squirrel - AZ
- Coyote - MX
- Antelope Jackrabbit - MX
- "Coue's" White-tailed Deer
- MX
- Mule Deer - AZ
- Pronghorn - AZ
- Western Pipistrelle - MX
(the smallest bat in the Americas)
- White-nosed Coati - MX
- Blue Whale - MX (beached on
the rocky shore of an island in the Sea of Cortez) (the largest creature on
Also: tracks of Puma, Bobcat, Collared Peccary, and the skin of a rattlesnake
- various butterflies & moths
(including Pipevine Swallowtail in MX) - MX,AZ