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Birds found during 
Focus On Nature Tours

in Southeast

A Southeast Brazil Bird List 
compiled by Armas Hill

Photo at right: a SAVANNA HAWK
during a Focus On Nature Tour in Brazil

497 species of the birds listed below have been found during FONT tours, since 1992, in southeastern Brazil in the states of Sao Paulo & Rio de Janeiro. 
Places that have been visited during those tours have included: the areas of Itatiaia National Park, Intervales Park, Nova Friburgo, and Ubatuba, Parati, & elsewhere along the seacoast.   


with an asterisk (*), found during FONT tours
(*BR):   in Brazil (other than in the Southeast) 
(*SE):   in Southeast Brazil 

IG:   at or near Iguazu Falls, with asterisk during FONT tours    
        if not during a FONT tour in Brazil, in:  (ar) adjacent Argentina   (pg) adjacent Paraguay   
IN:   at or near Intervales Park, west of Sao Paulo
:   at or near Itatiaia National Park, between Sao Paulo & Rio de Janeiro 
UB:  at or near Ubatuba along the southeastern Brazil coast 

(t): a globally threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International
  (t1): critical       (t2): endangered     (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a near-threatened species globally

(BRe):   species endemic to Brazil     (BRqe): quasi (or nearly) endemic to Brazil
(BRi):    introduced species in Brazil

(ph):  species with a photo in the FONT web-site


Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Brazil

A Complete List, with some Photos, of Brazil Birds, in 4 parts:

Part #1:  Tinamous to Doves
     Part #2:  Macaws to Flycatchers
Part #3:  Antshrikes to Grosbeaks
Part #4:  Vireos to Grosbeaks 

Birds during previous FONT tours in Minas Gerais, Brazil

Rare & Threatened Birds of Brazil  (with some photos)

Mammals & some other Wildlife in Brazil  (with some photos)

Butterflies in Brazil, including at Iguazu Falls

Directory of Photos in this Website 


  1. Solitary Tinamou (nt) (qe)  ______  (*SE)  IN  UB  *IG
    Tinamus solitarius

  2. Brown Tinamou  ______  (*SE)  IN IT
    Crypturellus obsoletus

  3. Undulated Tinamou  _____  (*SE)  
    Crypturellus undulatus

  4. Tataupa Tinamou  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Crypturellus tataupa

  5. Dusky-legged Guan  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT  *IG
    Penelope obscura

  6. Rusty-margined Guan  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Penelope superciliaris

  7. Black-fronted Piping Guan  (t3) (qe) ______  (*SE)  IN  *IG
    Pipile jacutinga

  8. Spot-winged Wood Quail ______  (*SE)  *IG
    Odontophorus capueira

  9. Fulvous Whistling Duck  ______  (*SE)
    Dendrocygna bicolor

  10. White-faced Whistling Duck  (ph)  ______  (*SE)
    Dendrocygna viduata

  11. Comb Duck ______  (*SE)  *IG
    Sarkidiornis sylvicola

  12. White-cheeked Pintail _____  (*SE)
    Anas bahamensis

  13. Yellow-billed Pintail  (ph)  _____  (*SE)
    Anas georgica

  14. Chiloe Wigeon  ______  *IG(pg)
    Anas sibilatrix

  15. Rosy-billed Pochard  _____  (*SE)
    Netta peposaca

  16. Southern Pochard  _____  (*SE)
    Netta erythrophthalma 

  17. Brazilian Teal  (ph)  ______  (*SE) 
    Amazonetta brasiliensis

  18. Masked Duck ______  (*SE)  
    Nononyx dominica

  19. Magellanic Penguin  (nt) (ph)  _____ offshore  (*SE)
    Spheniscus mendiculus

  20. Manx Shearwater _____  offshore  (*SE)
    Puffinus puffinus

  21. Pied-billed Grebe  (ph)  ______  (*SE)
    Podilymbus podiceps

  22. Least Grebe  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT
    Tachybabtus dominicus

  23. Scarlet Ibis  (ph)  ______  (*SE)
    Eudocimus ruber

  24. Roseate Spoonbill  (ph)  ______  (*SE)
    Platalea ajaja

  25. Pinnated Bittern  (ph)  _____  (*SE) 
    Botaurus pinnatus

  26. Stripe-backed Bittern _____  (*SE)
    Ixobrychus involucris

  27. Rufescent Tiger Heron  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB
    Tigrisoma lineatum

  28. Striated Heron  (ph)  _____  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Butorides striatus

  29. Black-crowned Night Heron  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  *IG
    Nycticorax nycitorax  

  30. Yellow-crowned Night Heron  (ph)  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Nyctanassa violacea

  31. Capped Heron  (ph)  _____  (*SE)
    Pilherodius pileatus

  32. Whistling Heron  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB
    Syrigma sibilatrix

  33. Cattle Egret  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Bubulcus ibis

  34. Little Blue Heron  (ph)  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Egretta caerulea

  35. Snowy Egret  (ph)   ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Egretta thula

  36. Great Egret  (ph)   ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Ardea alba

  37. Cocoi Heron  (ph)   ______  (*SE)
    Ardea cocoi

  38. Magnificent Frigatebird  (ph)  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Fregata magnificens

  39. Brown Booby  (ph)  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Sula leucogaster

  40. Neotropic Cormorant  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Phalacrocorax brasilianus

  41. Anhinga  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  *IG
    Anhinga anhinga

  42. Black Vulture  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Coragyps atratus

  43. Turkey Vulture  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Cathartes aura

  44. King Vulture  (ph)  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Sacoramphus papa

  45. Southern Crested Caracara  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Caracara cheriway
  46. Yellow-headed Caracara ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Milvago chimachima

  47. Chimango Caracara  (ph)  _____  (*SE)
    Milvago chimango

  48. Laughing Falcon  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Herpetotheres cachinnans

  49. Barred Forest Falcon  _____  (*SE)  IT
    Micrastur ruficollis

  50. Collared Forest Falcon ______  (*SE)  IT
    Micrastur semitorquatus

  51. Bat Falcon  (ph)  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Falco rufigularis

  52. American Kestrel  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Falco sparverius 

  53. Aplomado Falcon  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB
    Falco femoralis

  54. Peregrine Falcon  (ph)   _____  (*SE)  *IG
    Falco peregrinus

  55. Osprey  (ph)   _____  (*SE)  UB
    Pandion haliaetus

  56. Swallow-tailed Kite  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN  *IG
    Elanoides forficatus

  57. White-tailed Kite  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Elanus leucurus

  58. Plumbeous Kite  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Ictinia plumbea

  59. Rufous-thighed Kite ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Harpagus diodon

  60. Hook-billed Kite  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Chondrohierax uncinatus

  61. Snail Kite  (ph)   ______  (*SE)  *IG
    Rostrhamus sociabilis

  62. Rufous-thighed Hawk _______  (*SE)  IT
    Accipiter erythronemius

  63. Bicolored Hawk ______  (*SE)  IT 
    Accipiter bicolor

  64. Gray-bellied Hawk (nt) ______  (*SE)  IT 
    Accipiter poliogaster

  65. Mantled Hawk  (nt) (qe) ______  (*SE)  IN IT
    Leucopternis polionotus

  66. White-necked Hawk  (t3)  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Leucopternis lacernulata

  67. Great Black Hawk  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Buteogllus urubitinga

  68. Savanna Hawk  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Buteogallus meridionalis

  69. Bay-winged Hawk  (ph)  ______  (*SE)
    Parabuteo unicinctus  

  70. Roadside Hawk  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Buteo magnirostris

  71. Gray-lined Hawk _____  (*SE)
    Buteo nitidus

  72. Short-tailed Hawk  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB 
    Buteo brachyurus

  73. Zone-tailed Hawk  (ph)   _____  (*SE)
    Buteo albonotatus

  74. White-tailed Hawk ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Buteo albicaudatus

  75. Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle  _____  (*SE)
    Spizastur melanoleucus

  76. Ornate Hawk-Eagle  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB
    Spizaetus ornatus

  77. Black Hawk-Eagle ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Spizaetus tyrannus

  78. Red-legged Seriema  (ph)  ______  (*SE)
    Cariama critata

  79. Blackish Rail ______  (*SE)  IN IT
    Pardirallus nigricans

  80. Gray-necked Wood-Rail  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Aramides cajanes

  81. Slaty-breasted Wood-Rail (qe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Aramides saracura

  82. Ash-throated Crake ______  (*SE)
    Porzana albicollis

  83. Rufous-sided Crake ______  (*SE)
    Laterallus melanophalus

  84. Common Gallinule ______  (*SE)  IN UB
    Gallinula galeata

  85. Purple Gallinule  (ph)  ______  (*SE)
    Porphyrula martinicus

  86. Red-gartered Coot  _____  (*SE)
    Fulica armilata

  87. Limpkin  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB
    Aramus guarauna

  88. Wattled Jacana  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Jacana jacana

  89. White-backed Stilt  _____   (*SE)
    Himantopus melanurus

  90. American Oystercatcher  (ph)  _____  (*SE)
    Haematopus palliatus

  91. Southern Lapwing  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Vanellus chilensis

  92. Collared Plover  _____  (*SE)
    Charadrius collaris

  93. Semipalmated Plover  (ph)  ______  (*SE)
    Charadrius semipalmatus

  94. Greater Yellowlegs ______  (*SE)
    Tringa melanoleuca

  95. Lesser Yellowlegs  (ph)  _____  (*SE)
    Tringa flavipes

  96. Upland Sandpiper  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Bartramia longicauda

  97. Spotted Sandpiper  (ph)  _____  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Actitis macularis

  98. Ruddy Turnstone  (ph)  ______  (*SE)
    Arenaria interpres

  99. Sanderling  (ph)  _____  (*SE)
    Calidris alba

  100. Kelp Gull  (ph)  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Larus dominicanus

  101. South American Tern  (ph)  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Sterna hirundinacea 

  102. Antarctic Tern  _____  offshore  (*SE)
    Sterna vittata

  103. Common Tern  _____  (*SE)
    Sterna hirundo

  104. Yellow-billed Tern _____  (*SE)
    Sternula superciliaris

  105. Cayenne Tern  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Thalasseus eurygnatha

  106. Royal Tern  (ph)  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Thalasseus mxima

  107. Large-billed Tern  (ph)  _____  (*SE)
    Phaetusa simplex

  108. Black Skimmer  (ph)  _____  (*SE)
    Rhnchops nigra

  109. Common (or Feral) Pigeon ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Columba livia

  110. Scaled Pigeon  _____  (*SE)
    Patagioenas speciosa

  111. Picazuro Pigeon ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Patagioenas picazuro

  112. Pale-vented Pigeon ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Patagioenas cayennensis

  113. Plumbeous Pigeon ______  (*SE)  IN IT
    Patagioenas plumbea

  114. Eared Dove  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  *IG
    Zenaida auriculata

  115. Plain-breasted Ground Dove  _____  (*SE)  *IG
    Columbina minuta

  116. Picui Ground Dove ______  (*SE)  *IG
    Columbina picui

  117. Ruddy Ground Dove ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Columbina talpacotu

  118. Scaled Dove  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Columbina squammata

  119. Blue Ground Dove  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Claravis preiosa

  120. White-tipped Dove ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Leptotila verreauxi

  121. Gray-fronted Dove ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Leptotila rufaxilla

  122. Ruddy Quail-Dove  _____  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Geotrygon montana

  123. Violaceous Quail-Dove  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Geotrygon violacea

  124. Blue-winged Macaw  ______  (*BR)  *IG 
    Primolius maracana

  125. Red-shouldered Macaw  _____  (*SE)
    Diopsittaca nobilis

  126. White-eyed Parakeet  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    (formerly Aratinga) leucophtalmus

  127. Reddish-bellied Parakeet  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Pyrrhura frontalis

  128. Blue-winged Parrotlet ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Forpus xanthopterygius

  129. Plain Parakeet  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Brotogeris tirica

  130. Yellow-chevroned Parakeet ______  (*SE)
    Brotogeris chiriri

  131. Pileated Parrot (nt) (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IT
    Pionopsitta pileata

  132. Blue-headed Parrot  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Pionus menstruus

  133. Scaly-headed Parrot ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Pionus maxiliani

  134. Turquoise-fronted Amazon  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Amazona aestiva

  135. Vinaceous-breasted Amazon  (t2) (BRqe)  _____  (*SE)
    Amazona vinacea

  136. Smooth-billed Ani  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Crotophaga ani

  137. Greater Ani  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Crotophaga major

  138. Dark-billed Cuckoo  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Coccyzus melacoryphus

  139. Squirrel Cuckoo  (ph) ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Piaya cayana

  140. Striped Cuckoo ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Tapera naevia

  141. Guira Cuckoo  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Guira guira 

  142. American Barn Owl  (ph)  ______  (*SE)
    Tyto furcata

  143. Tropical Screech Owl ______  (*SE)  IN UB  *IG
    Megascops choliba

  144. Black-capped Screech Owl  (BRqe)  _____  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Megascops atricapilia

  145. Ferruginous Pygmy Owl  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Glaucidium brasilianum

  146. Tawny-browed Owl  (BRqe) _____  (*SE)  IT 
    Pulsatrix koeniswaldiana

  147. Rusty-barred Owl  (BRqe)  _____  (*SE)  IN
    Strix hylophila

  148. Burrowing Owl  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Athene cunicuaria

  149. Striped Owl  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB
    Pseudoscops clamator

  150. Common Potoo ______  (*SE)  IN IT  *IG
    Nyctibius griseus

  151. Short-tailed Nighthawk ______  (*SE)  IT
    Lurocalis semitorquatus

  152. Nacunda Nighthawk ______  (*SE)  *IG
    Podager nacunda

  153. Pauraque  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Nyctidromus albicollis

  154. Band-winged Nightjar ______  (*SE)  IT 
    Caprimulgus longirostris

  155. Silky-tailed Nightjar _____  (*SE)  IN
    Caprimulgus sericocaudatus

  156. Scissor-tailed Nightjar  (ph) ______  (*SE)
    Hydropsalis torquata 

  157. Long-trained Nightjar (nt) (qe) ______  (*SE)  IN
    Macropsalis creagra

  158. White-collared Swift ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Streptoprocne zonaris

  159. Biscutate Swift ______  (*SE)
    Streptoprocne biscutata

  160. Great Dusky Swift  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Cypseloides senex

  161. Sooty Swift ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Cypseloides fumigatus

  162. Ashy-tailed Swift ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Chaetura meridionalis

  163. Gray-rumped Swift  _____  (*SE)  IT UB
    Chaetura cinereiventris

  164. Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Panyptila cayennensis

  165. Swallow-tailed Hummingbird  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT UB 
    Eupetomena macroura

  166. Saw-billed Hermit  (nt) (ph) (BRe) _____  (*SE)  UB
    Ramphodon naevius

  167. Rufous-breasted Hermit  _____  (*SE)  IT UB
    Glaucis hirsutus

  168. Scale-throated Hermit ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Phaethornis eurynome

  169. Dusky-throated Hermit ______  (*SE)  IN IT
    Phaethornis squalidus

  170. Planalto Hermit  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT
    Phaethornis pretrei

  171. Reddish Hermit ______  (*SE)  UB 
    Phaethornis ruber

  172. Gray-breasted Sabrewing  ______  (*SE)
    Campylopterus largipennis

  173. Black Jacobin  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Florisuga fuscus

  174. White-vented Violetear  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT 
    Colibri serrirostris
  175. Black-throated Mango  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Anthracothorax nigricollis

  176. Black-breasted Plovercrest  (ph) (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IT
    Stephanoxis lalandi

  177. Frilled Coquette  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Lophornis magnifica

  178. Festive Coquette _____  (*SE)  UB
    Lophornis chalybea

  179. Black-bellied Thorntail ______  (*SE)  UB 
    Popelairia langsdorffi

  180. Glittering-bellied Emerald  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT  *IG
    Chlorostilbon aureoventris

  181. Fork-tailed Woodnymph ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Thalurania furcata

  182. Violet-capped Woodnymph ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Thalurania glaucopis

  183. Rufous-throated Sapphire ______  (*SE)
    Hylochlaris sapphirina

  184. White-chinned Sapphire ______  (*SE)  UB
    Hylochlaris cyanus

  185. Gilded Sapphire  (ph)  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Hylochlaris chrysura 

  186. White-throated Hummingbird  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT  *IG
    Leucochloris albicollis

  187. White-tailed Goldenthroat ______  (*SE)
    Polytmus guainumbi

  188. Versicolored Emerald ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Amazilia versicolor

  189. Glittering-throated Emerald ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Amazilia fimbriata

  190. Sapphire-spangled Emerald ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Amazilia lactea

  191. Sombre Hummingbird (BRe) ______  (*SE)  UB 
    Aphantochroa cirrhochloris

  192. Brazilian Ruby (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Clytolaema rubricauda

  193. Black-eared Fairy  ______  (*SE)  IT
    Heliothryx aurtita 

  194. Stripe-breasted Starthroat (BRe) (ph)  ______  (*SE)
    Heliomaster squamosus

  195. Amethyst Woodstar ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Calliphlox amethystina

  196. Green-backed Trogon  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  (was part of the former White-tailed Trogon
    Trogon melanopterus

  197. Black-throated Trogon ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Trogon rufus

  198. Surucua Trogon (qe) ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Trogon surrucura

  199. Ringed Kingfisher  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Megaceryle torquata

  200. Green Kingfisher  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Chloroceryle americana

  201. Amazon Kingfisher ______  (*SE)  *IG
    Chloroceryle amazona

  202. Green-and-rufous Kingfisher _____  (*SE)
    Chloroceryle inda

  203. American Pygmy Kingfisher  (ph)  _____  (*SE)
    Chloroceryle aenea

  204. Rufous-capped Motmot ______  (*SE)  IN IT  *IG
    Baryphthengus ruficapillus

  205. Three-toed Jacamar (t2) (BRe) ______  (*SE)
    Jacamaralcyon tridactyla

  206. Rufous-tailed Jacamar ______  (*SE)  UB 
    Galbula ruficauda

  207. Buff-bellied Puffbird  (BRqe)  _____  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Notharchus swainsoni 

  208. White-eared Puffbird ______  (*SE)  IN
    Nystalus chacuru

  209. Crescent-chested Puffbird  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  UB 
    Malacoptila striata

  210. Chaco Puffbird  ______  (*BR)  *IG  (was part of the former "Spot-backed Pufbird")
    Nystalus striatipectus

  211. Rusty-breasted Nunlet  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Nonnula rubecula

  212. Channel-billed Toucan  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB
    Ramphastos vitellinus

  213. Green-billed Toucan (BRqe) (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT  *IG  (has been called Red-breasted Toucan)
    Ramphastos dicolorus

  214. Toco Toucan  (ph)  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Ramphastos toco

  215. Spot-billed Toucanet  (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Selenidera masculirostris

  216. Saffron Toucanet  (nt) (BRqe) (ph)  _____  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Baillonius bailloni

  217. Chestnut-eared Aracari  ______  (*BR)  *IG  
    Pteroglossus bitorquatus

  218. Blond-crested Woodpecker ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Celeus flavescens

  219. Campo (or Field) Flicker  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT  *IG
    Colaptes campestris

  220. Green-barred Woodpecker ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    (formerly Colaptes) melanochloros

  221. Golden-green Woodpecker  _____  (*SE)  IT
    Piculus chrysochioros

  222. Yellow-throated Woodpecker  _____  (*SE)  IT UB
    Piculus flavigula 

  223. Yellow-browed Woodpecker (nt) (BRqe) _____  (*SE)  IT 
    Piculus aurilentus

  224. Yellow-fronted Woodpecker (BRqe) (ph)  _____  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Melanerpes flavifrons

  225. White Woodpecker  (ph)  _____  (*SE)
    Melanerpes candidus

  226. White-spotted Woodpecker  (BRqe)   _____  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Veniliornis spilogaster

  227. Little Woodpecker _____  (*SE)  IT
    Veniliornis passerinus

  228. Yellow-eared Woodpecker (BRe) _____  (*SE)  IT
    Veniliornis maculifrons

  229. Lineated Woodpecker  (ph)  _____  (*SE)  *IG
    Dryocopus lineatus 

  230. Helmeted Woodpecker  (t3)  ______  IG
    Dryocopus galeatus

  231. Robust Woodpecker  (BRqe) (ph)  _____  (*SE)   IT  *IG
    Campephilus robustus

  232. Crimson-crested Woodpecker  _____  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Campephilus melanoleucos

  233. White-barred Piculet _____  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Picumnus cirratus

  234. Ochre-collared Piculet  ______  (*BR)  *IG 
    Picumnus temminckii  

  235. Pin-tailed Manakin  (BRe) _____  (*SE)  UB
    Ilicura militaris

  236. White-bearded Manakin  (ph)  _____  (*SE)  IN UB  *IG
    Manacus manacus

  237. Blue Manakin  (BRqe)  _____  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG 
    Chiroxiphia caudata

  238. Eastern Striped Manakin  _____  (*SE)
    Machaeropterus regulus

  239. Black-tailed Tityra ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Tityra cayana

  240. Black-crowned Tityra ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Tityra inquisitor

  241. Greenish Schiffornis ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Schiffornis virescens

  242. Buff-throated Purpletuft  (t3) (BRe)  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Iodopleura pipra

  243. Brazilian Laniisoma  (t3) (BRe) _____  (*SE)  IN 
    Laniisoma elegans

  244. Green-backed Becard ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Pachyramphus viridis

  245. White-winged Becard ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Pachyramphus polychopterus

  246. Black-capped Becard  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Pachyramphus marginatus

  247. Crested Becard  _____  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Pachyramphus validus

  248. Chestnut-crowned Becard ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Pachyramphus castaneus

  249. Sharpbill ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Oxyruncus cristatus

  250. Swallow-tailed Cotinga (nt) (BRqe) (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB   
    Philalura flavirostris 

  251. Black-and-gold Cotinga  (nt) (BRe)  _____  (*SE)  IT
    Tijuca atra

  252. Hooded Berryeater  (nt) (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IN
    Carpornis cucullatus 

  253. Bare-throated Bellbird  (nt) (BRqe)  ______  (*SE)  IN UB  *IG
    Procnias nudicollis

  254. Red-ruffed Fruitcrow ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Pyroderus scutatus

  255. Black-capped Piprites  (t3) (BRqe) _____  (*SE)  IT
    Piprites pileatus

  256. Serra do Mar Neopelma  (BRe)  _____  (*SE)  IT
    Neopelma chrysolophum

  257. Ochre-bellied Flycatcher  _____  (*SE)
    Mionectes oleagineus

  258. Gray-hooded Flycatcher  (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Mionectes rufiventris 

  259. Sepia-capped Flycatcher  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Leptopogon amaurocephalus

  260. Drab-breasted Bamboo Tyrant  (BRqe)  _____  (*SE)  IT UB
    Hemitriccus diops

  261. Brown-breasted Bamboo Tyrant  (BRe) _____  (*SE)  IN IT
    Hemitriccus obsoletus

  262. Hangnest Tody-Tyrant  (nt) (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IN
    Hemitriccus nidipendulus

  263. Eye-ringed Tody-Tyrant  (nt) (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Hemitriccus orbitalis

  264. Pearly-vented Tody-Flycatcher  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Hemitriccus margaritaceiventer

  265. Ochre-faced Tody-Flycatcher ______  (*SE)  IN IT
    Poecilotriccus plumbeiceps

  266. Yellow-lored Tody-Flycatcher  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Todirostrum poliocephalum

  267. Common Tody-Flycatcher ______  (*SE)  UB
    Todirostrum cinereum

  268. Southern Antpipit  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Corythopis delalandi

  269. Planalto Tyrannulet  (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Phyllomylas fasciatus

  270. Greenish Tyrannulet  (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Phyllomylas virescens

  271. Rough-legged Tyrannulet ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Phyllomylas burmeisteri

  272. Gray-capped Tyrannulet  (nt) (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB 
    Phyllomylas griseocapilla

  273. Southern Beardless Tyrannulet  ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Camptostoma obsoletum

  274. Mouse-colored Tyrannulet  ______  (*SE)  *IG
    Phaeomylas murina

  275. Yellow Tyrannulet  ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Capsiempis flaveola

  276. Gray Elaenia ______  (*SE)  IT
    Myiopagis caniceps

  277. Greenish Elaenia ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Myiopagis viridicata

  278. Yellow-bellied Elaenia  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Elaenia flavogaster 

  279. White-crested Elaenia ______  (*SE)  IN IT
    Elaenia albiceps

  280. Olivaceous Elaenia  _____  (*SE)  IT
    Elaenia mesoleuca

  281. Lesser Elaenia ______  (*SE)
    Elaenia chiriquensis 

  282. Small-billed Elaenia  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Elaenia parvirostris

  283. Sooty Tyrannulet ______  (*SE)  IT
    Serpophaga nigricans

  284. White-crested Tyrannulet ______  (*SE)  IT 
    Serpophaga subcristata

  285. Southern Bristle Tyrant  (nt) (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Phylloscartes eximius

  286. Sao Paulo Tyrannulet  (t3) (BRqe) _____  (*SE)  IT UB
    Phylloscartes paulistus

  287. Oustalet's Tyrannulet  (nt) (BRe) _____  (*SE)  UB
    Phylloscartes oustaleti

  288. Serra do Mar Tyrannulet  (nt) (BRe)  _____  (*SE)  IT UB
    Phylloscartes difficilis

  289. Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Phylloscartes ventralis

  290. Bay-ringed Tyrannulet  (nt) ______  (*SE)  UB
    Phylloscartes sylviolus

  291. Eared Pygmy Tyrant  (qe) _____  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Myiornis auricularis

  292. Yellow-olive Flatbill ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Tolmomyias sulphurescens

  293. Ochre-lored Flatbill  ______  (*SE) 
    Tolmomyias flaviventris

  294. Bamboo Flatbill  _____  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Ramphotrigon megacephala

  295. White-throated Spadebill ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Platyrinchus mystaceus

  296. Atlantic Royal Flycatcher  (t2) (BRe) _____  (*SE)  UB
    Onychorhynchus swainsoni

  297. Yellow-rumped Myiobius  (BRe) (ph) _____  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Myiobius barbatus

  298. Black-tailed Myiobius ______  (*SE)
    Myiobius atricaudus

  299. Bran-colored Flycatcher ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Myiophobus fasciatus

  300. Cliff Flycatcher  (ph)   ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Hirundinea ferruginea

  301. Fuscous Flycatcher ______  (*SE)  IN UB
    Cnemotriccus fuscatus

  302. Euler's Flycatcher ______  (*SE)  UB
    Lathrotriccus euleri

  303. Tropical Pewee  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Contopus cinereus

  304. Vermilion Flycatcher  (ph)  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Pyrocephalus rubinus

  305. Gray Monjita ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Xolmis cinerea

  306. White-rumped Monjita ______  (*SE)  IT
    Xolmis velatus

  307. Blue-billed Black Tyrant ______  (*SE)  IT
    Knipolegus cyanirostris

  308. Velvety Black Tyrant  (BRe) (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT
    Knipolegus nigerrimus

  309. Crested Black Tyrant  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Knipolegus lophotes

  310. Masked Water Tyrant ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Fluvicola nengeta

  311. White-headed Marsh Tyrant  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT 
    Arundinicola leucocephala

  312. Streamer-tailed Tyrant ______  (*SE)
    Gubrenetes yetapa

  313. Yellow-browed Tyrant ______  (*SE)  *IG
    Satrapa icterophrys

  314. Cattle Tyrant  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Machetornis rixosa 
  315. Long-tailed Tyrant  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Colonia colonus

  316. Shear-tailed Gray-Tyrant  (nt)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT 
    Muscipipra vetula

  317. Grayish Mourner  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Rhytipterna simplex

  318. Eastern Sirystes ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Sirystes sibiator

  319. Dusky-capped Flycatcher  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB
    Myiarchus tuberculifer

  320. Brown-crested Flycatcher ______  (*SE)  IN UB  *IG
    Myiarchus tyrannulus

  321. Short-crested Flycatcher ______  (*SE)  *IG
    Myiarchus ferox

  322. Swainson's Flycatcher ______  (*SE)  IN IT
    Myiarchus swainsoni

  323. Tropical Kingbird  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Tyrannus melancholicus

  324. Fork-tailed Flycatcher  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN UB  *IG
    Tyrannus savana

  325. Variegated Flycatcher ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Empidonomus varius

  326. Boat-billed Flycatcher ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Megarhynchus pitangus

  327. Streaked Flycatcher  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Mylodynastes maculatus

  328. Three-striped Flycatcher ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Conopias trivirgatus

  329. Rusty-margined Flycatchcer  ______
    Myiozetetes cayanensis

  330. Social Flycatcher  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Myiozetetes similis

  331. Piratic Flycatcher ______  (*SE)  IN UB
    Legatus leucophalus

  332. Great Kiskadee  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Pitangus sulphuratus

  333. Gray-hooded Attila  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Attila rufus

  334. Rufous-tailed Attila  (BRqe)  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Attila phoenicurus

  335. Variable Antshrike ______  (*SE)  IN IT  *IG
    Thamnophilus caerulescens

  336. Rufous-capped Antshrike ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Thamnophilus ruficapillus

  337. Chestnut-backed Antshrike ______  (*SE)  UB
    Thamnophilus palliatus

  338. Sooretama Slaty Antshrike  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IT
    Thamnophilus ambiguus

  339. Great Antshrike  _____  (*SE)  *IG
    Taraba major

  340. Giant Antshrike ______  (*SE)  IN IT
    Batara cinera

  341. Large-tailed Antshrike (qe) ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Mackenziaena leachi

  342. Tufted Antshrike (qe) ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Machenziaena severa

  343. White-bearded Antshrike  (t3) (BRqe)  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Biatas nigropectus 

  344. Spot-backed Amtshrike  (BRqe)  _____  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Hypoedateus guttatus

  345. Spot-breasted Antvireo  (nt) (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Dysithamnus stictothorax

  346. Plain Antvireo ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Dysithamnus mentalis

  347. Rufous-backed Antvireo  (BRe) _____  (*SE)  IT
    Dysithamnus xanthopterus

  348. Star-throated Antwren  (BRe) _____  (*SE)  IT UB
    Myrmotherula gularis

  349. Silvery-flanked Antwren  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  MN 
    Myrmotherula luctuosa

  350. Salvadori's Antwren  (t3) (BRe) _____  (*SE)  UB
    Myrmotherula minor

  351. Unicolored Antwren  (t3) (BRe) ______  (*SE)  UB
    Myrmotherula unicolor

  352. Serra Antwren  (nt) (BRe) _____  (*SE)  IT
    Formicivora serrana

  353. Black-hooded Antwren  (t1) (BRe) _____  (*SE)  UB
    Formicivora erythronotos

  354. Restinga Antwren  (t2) (BRe) _____ (*SE)
    Formicivora littoralis

  355. Rusty-backed Antwren  _____  (*SE)  IT
    Formicivora rufa

  356. Rufous-winged Antwren _____  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus

  357. Ferruginous Antbird  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Drymophila ferruginea

  358. Bertoni's Antbird  (BRqe) _____  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Drymophila rubricollis

  359. Rufous-tailed Antbird  (nt) (BRe) _____  (*SE)  IT
    Drymophila genei

  360. Ochre-rumped Antbird  (nt) (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IT 
    Drymophila ochropyga

  361. Scaled Antbird  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Drymophila squamata

  362. Streak-capped Antwren  (BRqe) _____  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Terenura maculata

  363. Rio de Janeiro Antbird  (nt) (BRe) _____  (*SE)  IT
    Cercomaca brasiliana

  364. White-shouldered Fire-eye  (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Pyriglena leucoptera

  365. White-bibbed Antbird  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IT
    Myrmeciza loricata

  366. Squamate Antbird  (BRe) _____  (*SE)  UB
    Myrmeciza squamosa

  367. Rufous Gnateater ______  (*SE)  IT
    Conopophaga lineta

  368. Black-cheeked Gnateater  (BRe) _____  (*SE)  UB
    Conopophaga melanops

  369. Serra do Mar Tapaculo  (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IN IT  (has been called Mouse-colored Tapaculo)
    Scytalopus speluncae 

  370. White-breasted Tapaculo  (BRe) ______  (*SE)
    Scytalopus indigoticus

  371. Spotted Bamboowren  (nt) (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IN
    Psilorhamphus guttatus 

  372. Slaty Bristlefront  (nt) (BRe) _____  (*SE)  IT UB
    Merulaxis ater

  373. Rufous-capped Antthrush _____  (*SE)  UB
    Formicarius colma

  374. Cryptic Antthrush  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IT
    Chamaeza meruloides

  375. Rufous-tailed Antthrush  (BRe) _____  (*SE)  IN IT
    Chamaeza ruficauda

  376. Short-tailed Antthrush _____  (*SE)  IN IT  *IG
    Chamaeza nobilis

  377. Variegated Antpitta  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT
    Grallaria varia

  378. Speckle-breasted Antpitta  (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Hylopezus nattereri

  379. Rufous Hornero  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Furnarius rufus

  380. Band-tailed Hornero  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  UB
    Furnarius figulus

  381. Araucaria Tit-Spinetail  (nt) _____ (*SE)
    Leptasthenura setaria

  382. Itatiaia Spinetail  (BRe) _____  (*SE)  IT
    Oreophylax moreirae

  383. Rufous-capped Spinetail  (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB 
    Synallaxis ruficapilla

  384. Pale-breasted Spinetail  ______ (*SE)
    Synallaxis albescens

  385. Spix's Spinetail  ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Synallaxis spixi

  386. Sooty-fronted Spinetail  ______  (*SE)
    Synallaxis frontalis

  387. Gray-bellied Spinetail  (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Synallaxis cinerascens

  388. Yellow-chinned Spinetail ______  (*SE)  *IG
    Certhiaxis cinnamomea

  389. Pallid Spinetail  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IT
    Cranioleuca pallida

  390. Olive Spinetail  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Cranioleuca obsoleta

  391. Rufous-fronted Thornbird  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  MN
    Phacellodomus rufifrons

  392. Red-eyed Thornbird  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  UB
    Phacellodomus erythrophthalmus

  393. Firewood-gatherer ______  (*SE)  IT
    Anumbius annumbi

  394. White-collared Foliage-gleaner  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IT 
    Anabazenops fuscus

  395. Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Syndactyla rufosuperciliata

  396. White-browed Foliage-gleaner  (nt) (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Anabacerthia amaurotis 

  397. Black-capped Foliage-gleaner ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Philydor atricapillus

  398. Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Philydor rufum

  399. Ochre-breasted Foliage-gleaner  (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Philydor lichtensteini

  400. White-eyed Foliage-gleaner  (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Automolus leucophthalmus

  401. Pale-browed Treeehunter  (BRe) _____  (*SE)  IT UB
    Cichlocolaptes leucophrus

  402. Sharp-billed Treehunter  (BRqe) _____  (*SE)  IT UB
    Heliobletus contaminatus

  403. Plain Xenops  (ph)  _____  (*SE)  IN IT  *IG
    Xenops genibarbis

  404. Streaked Xenops ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Xenops rutilans

  405. Rufous-breasted Leaftosser  (BRqe) _____  (*SE)  UB
    Sclerurus scansor

  406. Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper  ______  (*SE)  IT UB 
    Lochmias nematura

  407. Black-billed Scythebill  (BRqe) _____  (*SE)  IT
    Campylorhamphus falcularius

  408. Plain-winged Woodcreeper _____  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Dendrocincta turdina

  409. Olivaceous Woodcreeper ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Sittasomus griselcapillus

  410. White-throated Woodcreeper  (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Xiphocolaptes albicollis

  411. Planalto Woodcreeper  (BRqe) _____  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Dendrocolaptes platyrostris

  412. Scalloped Woodcreeper  (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Lepidocolaptes falcinellus

  413. Narrow-billed Woodcreeper  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  *IG
    Lepidocolaptes angustirostris

  414. Lesser Woodcreeper  (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Xiphorhyncus fuscus

  415. Rufous-browed Peppershrike ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Cyclarhis gujanensis

  416. Red-eyed Vireo ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Vireo olivaceus

  417. Rufous-crowned Greenlet ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Hylophilus poecilotis

  418. Lemon-chested Greenlet ______  (*SE)  UB
    Hylophilus thoracicus

  419. Curl-crested Jay ______  (*SE)  IT
    Cyanocorax cristatellus

  420. Plush-crested Jay  (ph)  _____  (*SE)  *IG
    Cyanocorax chrysops

  421. White-winged Swallow  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Tachycineta albiventer

  422. White-rumped Swallow ______  (*SE)  IN IT  *IG
    Tachycineta leucorrhoa

  423. Brown-chested Martin  (ph)  ______  (*SE)
    Progne tapera

  424. Gray-breasted Martin ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Progne chalybea

  425. Blue-and-white Swallow ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Notiochelidon cyanoleuca

  426. Tawny-headed Swallow ______  (*SE)  IN
    Alopochelidon fucata

  427. Southern Rough-winged Swallow ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Stelgidopteryx rubicollis

  428. Barn Swallow  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  *IG
    Hirundo rustica

  429. Thrush-like Wren  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Campylorhynchus turdinus

  430. Moustached Wren ______  (*SE)
    Thryothorus genibarbis

  431. Long-billed Wren  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  UB
    Thryothorus longirostris

  432. "Southern" House Wren  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Troglodytes aedon

  433. Black-capped Donacobius  (ph)  ______  (*SE)
    Donacobius atricapillus

  434. Creamy-bellied Gnatcatcher  (nt) _____  (*SE)
    Polioptila lactea

  435. Long-billed Gnatwren  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Ramphocaenus melanurus

  436. Chalk-browed Mockingbird  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT  *IG
    Mimus saturninus

  437. White-necked Thrush _____  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Turdus albicollis

  438. Eastern Slaty Thrush ______  (*SE)  IT
    Turdus subalaris

  439. Rufous-bellied Thrush  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Turdus rufiventris

  440. Pale-breasted Thrush ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Turdus leucomelas

  441. Creamy-bellied Thrush ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Turdus amaurochalinus

  442. Yellow-legged Thrush _____  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Platycichia flavipes

  443. Yellowish Pipit ______ (*SE)
    Anthus lutescens

  444. Purple-throated Euphonia ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Euphonia chlorotica

  445. Violaceous Euphonia ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Euphonia violacea

  446. Golden-rumped Euphonia _____  (*SE)  UB
    Euphonia cyanocephala

  447. Green-chinned Euphonia  (nt) ______  (*SE)  *IG
    Euphonia chalyba 

  448. Chestnut-bellied Euphonia ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Euphonia pectoralis 

  449. Blue-naped Chlorophonia  (ph w/Green-headed Tanagers)  ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG 
    Chlorophonia cyanea

  450. Hooded Siskin  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT
    Carduelis magellanica

  451. Tropical Parula ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    (formerly Parula) pitiyumi 

  452. Southern Yellowthroat _____  (*SE)  IN UB  *IG
    Geothlypis velata

  453. Stripe-crowned Warbler ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG  (has been known as Golden-crowned Warbler)  
    Basileuterus culicivorus

  454. White-rimmed Warbler ______  (*SE)  IN IT
    Basileuterus leucoblepharus 

  455. Flavescent Warbler  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Basileuterus flaveolus 

  456. Riverbank Warbler ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Phaeothlypis rivularis

  457. Crested Oropendola  (ph)  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Psarocolius decumanus

  458. Red-rumped Cacique ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Cacicus haemorrhous

  459. Golden-winged Cacique _____  (*SE)  IN IT
    Cacicus chrysopterus

  460. Solitary Cacique  ______  (*BR)  *IG
    Cacicus solitarius

  461. Shiny Cowbird ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Molothrus bonariensis

  462. Giant Cowbird ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Molothrus oryzivora

  463. Baywing  (ph)  ______  (*SE)
    Agelaioides badius

  464. Chestnut-capped Blackbird  (ph)  ______  (*SE)
    Chrysomus ruficapillus

  465. Unicolored Blackbird  (ph)  ______  (*SE)
    Agelaius cyanopus

  466. Chopi Blackbird ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Gnorimopsar chopsi

  467. Epaulet Oriole _____  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Icterus chrysocephalus

  468. Yellow-rumped Marshbird  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN
    Pseudoleistes guirahuro

  469. White-browed Blackbird  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Sturnella supercillaria

  470. Bananaquit  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Coereba flaveola

  471. Half-collared Sparrow  (BRe) _____  (*SE)
    Arremon semitorquatus  

  472. Grassland Sparrow ______  (*SE)  IN IT  *IG
    Myospiza humeralis

  473. Rufous-collared Sparrow  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Zonotrichia capensis

  474. Sayaca Tanager  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Thraupis sayaca

  475. Azure-shouldered Tanager  (nt) (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Thraupis cyanoptera

  476. Golden-chevroned Tanager  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Thraupis ornata

  477. Palm Tanager ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Thraupis palmarum

  478. Brazilian Tanager  (BRqe) (ph)  _____  (*SE)  UB
    Ramphocelus bresilius
  479. Green-headed Tanager  (BRqe) (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Tangara seledon

  480. Red-necked Tanager  (BRqe) _____  (*SE)  UB
    Tangara cyanocephala 

  481. Gilt-edged Tanager  (BRe) (ph) ______  (*SE)  IT
    Tangara cyanoventris  

  482. Brassy-breasted Tanager  (BRe) (ph) ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB 
    Tangara desmaresti

  483. Burnished-buff Tanager ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Tangara cayana

  484. Fawn-breasted Tanager ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Pipraeidea melanonota

  485. Diademed Tanager ______  (*SE)  IN IT
    Stephanophurus diadematus

  486. Red Tanager ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Piranga saira

  487. Red-crowned Ant Tanager _____  (*SE)  IN UB  *IG
    Habia rubica

  488. Olive-green Tanager  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB
    Orthgonys chloricterus 

  489. White-lined Tanager ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Tachyphonus rufus

  490. Ruby-crowned Tanager (qe) ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Tachyphonus coronatus

  491. Flame-crested Tanager ______  (*SE)  UB
    Tachyphonus cristatus

  492. Black-goggled Tanager ______   (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Trichothraupis melanops

  493. Guira Tanager ______  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Hemithraupis guira

  494. Rufous-headed Tanager  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB 
    Hemithraupis ruficpilla

  495. Chestnut-headed Tanager _____  (*SE)  UB  *IG
    Pyrrhocoma ruficeps

  496. Orange-headed Tanager ______  (*SE) 
    Thlypopsis sordida

  497. Hooded Tanager  ______  (*BR)  *IG  
    Nemosia pileata

  498. Brown Tanager  (nt) (BRe) _____  (*SE)  IN IT UB
    Orchesticus abeilliei

  499. Cinnamon Tanager  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IT 
    Schistochlamys ruficapillus

  500. Magpie Tanager  (ph) ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Cissopis leveriana

  501. Swallow Tanager  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Tersina viridis

  502. Blue Dacnis  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Dacnis cayana

  503. Green Honeycreeper  (ph)  _____  (*SE)  IT UB
    Chlorophanes spiza

  504. Bicolored Conebill _____  (*SE)  UB
    Conirostrum bicolor

  505. Chestnut-vented Conebill ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Conirostrum speciosum

  506. Blue-black Grassquit ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Volatinia jacarina

  507. Sooty Grassquit _____  (*SE)  UB
    Tiaris fuliginosus

  508. Temminck's Seedeater  (t3) _____  (*SE)  IT
    Sporophila falcirostris

  509. Plumbeous Seedeater ______  (*SE)  IT
    Sporophila plumbea

  510. Lined Seedeater ______  (*SE) 
    Sporophila lineola

  511. Double-collared Seedeater ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Sporophila caerulescens

  512. Yellow-bellied Seedeater ______  (*SE)  *IG
    Sporophila nigricollis

  513. Dark-throated Seedeater _____  (*SE) 
    Sporophila ruficollis

  514. White-bellied Seedeater  (ph)  _____  (*SE) 
    Sporophila leucoptera 

  515. Buffy-fronted Seedeater  (t2) _____  (*SE)  IN UB
    Sporophila frontalis

  516. Marsh Seedeater  (t2)  ______  *IG(ar)
    Sporophila palustris

  517. Lesser Seed Finch _____  (*SE)  *IG
    Oryzoborus angolensis

  518. Great-billed Seed Finch  (nt)  _____  (*SE) 
    Oryzoborus maximiliani

  519. Saffron Finch  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IN *IG
    Sicalis flaveola  

  520. Uniform Finch ______  (*SE)  IT  *IG
    Haplospiza unicolor

  521. Red Pileated Finch  ______  (*BR)  *IG 
    Coryphospingus cuculiatus

  522. Pampa Finch  (ph) ______  (*SE)  IT
    Embernagra platensis

  523. Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch  (ph)  ______  (*SE)  IT 
    Emberizoides herbicola

  524. Bay-chested Warbling Finch  (BRe) ______  (*SE)  IT
    Poospiza thoracica

  525. Red-rumped Warbling Finch ______  (*SE)  IT
    Poospiza lateralis

  526. Buff-throated Saltator  (ph)  ______  (*SE)
    Saltator maximus

  527. Green-winged Saltator  (BRqe)  ______  (*SE)  IN IT UB  *IG
    Saltator similis

  528. Thick-billed Saltator  (nt) (BRqe) _____  (*SE)  IN IT
    Saltator maxillosus

  529. Black-throated Grosbeak  (BRqe) ______  (*SE)  IT UB  
    Saltator (formerly Pitylus) fuliginosus

  530. Common Waxbill  (BRi) (ph)  ______  (*SE)  UB
    Estrida astrild

  531. House Sparrow  (BRi) ______  (*SE)  IT UB  *IG
    Passer domesticus

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