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Amphibians and Reptiles 

Noting those found during Focus On Nature Tours
in Mexico with an (*)

Toads & Frogs (seen or heard), 

A list compiled by Armas Hill

UPPER RIGHT PHOTO: a YARROW'S (or MOUNTAIN) SPINY LIZARD, photographed during a FONT tour.
This species occurs in Sonora, in northern Mexico. 
(photo by Doris Potter)  


bc -  occurs in Baja California
        cz -  occurs on Cozumel Island 
        sn -  occurs in Sonora  
        yp -  occurs on the Yucatan Peninsula

        (N):  in northern Mexico
        (S):  in southern Mexico

        (MXe): endemic to Mexico 
        (MXi): introduced in Mexico

        Threatened species, designated in the IUCN Red Data List:
        (t1):  critically endangered  (some possibly extinct)
        (t2):  endangered
        (t3):  vulnerable
        (nt):  a near-threatened species          

        (ph):  species with a photo in the FONT website     

Of the approximately 970 species of amphibians & reptiles that occur in Mexico, about 55% (about 175 amphibians & 375 reptiles) are endemic. Many of them are native to Oaxaca and Chiapas.

Of the 180 or so amphibians & reptiles in the Yucatan Region, about 15% (approximately 25 species), are endemic to that area.

Links within this List:

AMPHIBIANS:  Salamanders    Frogs & Toads

REPTILES:    Turtles    Crocodiles    Geckos    Basilisks & Iguanas    Lizards

Anoles    Skinks    Whiptails    Snakes

Other Links:

Itineraries for Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Central America & Mexico      

A List & Photo Gallery of Mexican Birds, in 3 parts: 
Part #1: Tinamous to Shorebirds     Part #2: Jaegers to Woodpeckers
Part #3: Manakins to Buntings

Birds of the Yucatan Peninsula     Birds of Cozumel Island

Sea-Life, including Fish, of the Coral Reef & Otherwise Offshore

Mammals in Mexico     Butterflies of Mexico 

Directory of Photos in this Website




         Family PLETHODONTIDAE  (Lungless Salamanders) 

  1. Mexican Salamander  (S)  ______  (also called Mexican Mushroomtongue Salamander
    Bolitoglossa mexicana

  2. Yucatan Salamander  (S) _____  (also called Yucatan Mushroomtongue Salamander)
    Bolitoglossa yucatana

  3. Rufescent Salamander  (S) ______ (also called Northern Banana Salamander)
    Bolitoglossa rufescens

  4. Central American Worm Salamander  (S) ______
    Oedipina elongata

  5. Ensatina  (N) ______ bc  (in Mexico, only in northern Baja California) 
    Ensatina eschscholtzii

  6. Arboreal Salamander  (N) ______ bc  (in Mexico, only in far-northern Baja California)
    Aneides lugubris

  7. Garden Salamander  (N) ______ bc  (in Mexico, only in far-northern Baja California)
    Batrachoseps  m. major

    Family AMBYSTOMATIDAE:  (the "Mole Salamanders")

  8. Blunt-headed Salamander  (t1) (MXe)  ______
    Ambystoma amblycephalum

    Ambystoma amblycephalum is an ancient species with a restricted range in the state of Michoacan.   

  9. Lake Lerma Salamander  (t1) (MXe)  ______
    Ambystoma lermaense

    Ambystoma lermaense is a highly distinct Mexican amphibian with two forms, one aquatic and one terrestrial. It is found only in the highlands of central highlands of Mexico.  


  10. Mexican Burrowing Toad  (S)  _____  yp
    Rhinophrynus dorsalis  

    The Mexican Burrowing Toad is said to be the most evolutionary distinct species of amphibian, with, it is estimated, 190 million years of independent evolutionary history.   

  11. Tungara Frog  (S)  ______  (also called Mudpuddle Frog)
    Physalaemus pustulosus

  12. Yucatan Rainfrog  (S)  _____  yp
    Eleutherodactylus yucatanensis

  13. Alfredo's Rainfrog  (S)  ______
    Eleutherodactylus alfredi

  14. Polymorphic Robber Frog  (S)  ______  (also called Lowland Rainfrog)
    Eleutherodactylus rhodopis

  15. Broadhead Rainfrog  (S) ______
    Eleutherodactylus laticeps

  16. Leprus Chirping Frog  (S) ______
    Eleutherodactylus leprus

  17. Limestone Rainfrog  (S) ______
    Eleutherodactylus psephosypharus

    Some other species in the Eleutherodactylus genus in southern Mexico recently described.

  18. Barking Frog  (N) ______  sn
    Eleutherodactylus augusti

  19. Plains Spadefoot  (N) ______  sn
    Spea bombifrons

  20. Western Spadefoot  (N) ______  bc  (in Mexico, in northern Baja California)
    Spea hammondii

  21. Mexican Spadefoot  (N) ______  sn
    Spea multiplicata

  22. Couch's Spadefoot  (N) ______  sn
    Scaphiopus couchii

  23. White-lipped Frog  (S)  _____  yp
    Leptodactylus labialis

  24. Black-backed Frog  (S)  _____  yp  (also called Sabinal Frog)
    Leptodactylus melanonotus

  25. Tungara Frog  (S)  _____  yp
    Physalaemus pustulosus

  26. Cane Toad  (S) (*)  _____ cz,yp  (also called Marine Toad)
    Bufo marinus

  27. Gulf Coast Toad  (S) (ph) (*) _____ cz,yp
    Bufo valliceps

    Gulf Coast Toad
    (photo by Peter Mooney during the FONT tour in the Yucatan of Mexico in November 2008)

  28. Marbled Toad  (S)  ______
    Bufo marmoreus

  29. Western Toad  (N)  ______  bc  (in Mexico, only in northern Baja California) 
    Bufo boreas

  30. Arroyo Toad  (N)  ______  bc  (in Mexico, only in northern Baja California)
    Bufo californicus

  31. Woodhouse's Toad  (N)  ______  sn
    Bufo woodhousii

  32. Great Plains Toad  (N) ______  sn
    Bufo cognatus

  33. Texas Toad  (N) ______
    Bufo speciosus

  34. Green Toad  (N) ______
    Bufo debilis

  35. Sonoran Green Toad  (N) ______  sn
    Bufo retiformis

  36. Sonoran Desert Toad  (N) ______  sn
    Bufo alvarius

  37. Red-spotted Toad  (N) ______  sn
    Bufo punctatus

  38. Red-eyed Treefrog  (S) (ph) _____  yp  (also called Red-eyed Leaf Frog)
    Agalychnis callidryas

    Red-eyed Treefrog
    (photo by Rodolphe Alexis)

  39. Loquacious Treefrog  (S)  _____  (also called Mahogany Treefrog)
    Hyla loquax

  40. Yellow Treefrog  (S)  _____  cz,yp
    Hyla microcephala

  41. Cricket Treefrog  (S)  _____  (also called Painted Treefrog)
    Hyla picta

  42. Variegated Treefrog  (S)  _____  (also called Hourglass Treefrog)
    Hyla ebraccata

  43. Canyon Treefrog  (N) ______  sn
    Hyla arenicolor

  44. California Treefrog  (N) ______
    Hyla cadaverina

  45. Mountain Treefrog  (N) ______
    Hyla eximia

  46. Pacific Treefrog  (N) ______  bc  (in Mexico, only in Baja California)
    Hyla regilla 

  47. Veined Treefrog  (S)  _____  (also called Pepper Treefrog)
    Phrynohyas venulosa

  48. Stauffer's Treefrog  (S)  _____  cz,yp
    Scinax staufferi

  49. Mexican Treefrog  (S) (*)   _____ cz,yp
    Smilisca baudinii

  50. Blue-spotted Treefrog  (S)  _____  (also called Blue-spotted Mexican Treefrog)
    Smilisca cyanosticta

  51. Northern Casque-headed Frog  (N) ______  (also called Lowland Burrowing Treefrog)
    Pternohyla fodiens

  52. Casque-headed Treefrog  (S) (*)   _____  (also called Yucatecan Shovel-headed Treefrog)
    Troprion petasatus

  53. Northern Cricket Frog  (N) ______
    Acris crepitans

  54. Fleischmann's Glass Frog  (S)  _____  (also called Mexican Glass Frog)
    Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni

  55. Elegant Narrowmouth Toad  (S) ______
    Gastrophryne elegans

  56. Great Plains Narrowmouth Toad  (N) ______  sn
    Gastrophryne olivacea 

  57. Sheep Frog  (S) (*)  _____
    Hypopachus variolosus

  58. Rio Grande Leopard Frog  (N) (S) (*) _____ 
    Rana berlandieri

  59. Chiricahua Leopard Frog  (N) ______  sn
    Rana chiricahuensis

  60. Lowland Leopard Frog  (N) ______  sn
    Rana yavapaienpis

  61. Vaillant's Frog  (S) (*)  _____  (also called Rainforest Frog)  (in southern Campeche & far southwestern Quintana Roo)
    Rana vaillanti 

  62. Forrer's Grass Frog  (S)  _____
    Rana forreri

  63. Highland Frog  (S)  _____
    Rana maculata

  64. Tarahumara Frog  (N) ______  sn
    Rana tarahumarae

  65. Red-legged Frog  (N) ______  bc  (in Mexico, only in northern Baja California)
    Rana aurora

  66. American Bullfrog  (N) (ph)  ______  sn
    Rana catesbeiana

    American Bullfrog


    Family CHELONIIDAE  (Hard-shelled Sea Turtles):  6 species worldwide 

  67. Atlantic Green (Sea) Turtle  (t3)  ______  yp
    Chelonia mydas mydas

    The above subspecies in the Caribbean, the following in the Pacific. 

    Pacific Green (Sea) Turtle  (t3)  ______ 
    Chelonia mydas agassizii 

  68. Loggerhead Sea Turtle  (t2) (ph)  ______  yp
    Caretta caretta

    A Loggerhead Sea Turtle during a FONT tour
    (photo by Alan Brady)
  69. Hawksbill Sea Turtle  (t1)  ______  yp
    Eretmochelys imbricata 

    The above species in the Caribbean & the Pacific. 

  70. Olive Ridley Sea Turtle  (t2)  ______  
    Lepidochelys olivacea

    The above species in the Caribbean, the following in the Pacific.  

  71. Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle  (t2)  ______  yp  (in waters off the north coast of the Yucatan) 
    Lepidochelys kempi  

    Family DERMOCHELYIDAE  (Leatherback Turtle): a single species

  72. Leatherback Sea Turtle  (t1) (ph)  ______  
    Dermochelys coriacea 
    (the single member of its genus)

    The above species in the Pacific.

    Family TESTUDINIDAE  (Land Tortoises)

  73. Desert Tortoise  (N) ______  sn
    Gopherus agassizii

    Family TRIONYCHIDAE  (Softshell Turtles)
  74. Spiny Softshell  (N) ______
    Trionyx spiniferus

    Family EMYDIDAE  (Box and Water or Pond Turtles)

  75. Furrowed Wood Turtle  (S) (ph) (*)  ______  yp
    Rhinoclemmys areolata


    2 photographs of a Furrowed Wood Turtle
    (photos by Peter Mooney during the FONT tour in the Yucatan of Mexico in November 2008)  

  76. Yucatan Box Turtle  (S) (ph)  ______  yp  
    Terrapene carolina yucatana

    The Yucatan Box Turtle has been the same species as the Eastern Box Turtle of the eastern US, although some say that it warrants full species status.

    Box Turtle
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

  77. Desert Box Turtle  (N)  ______  sn
    Terrapene ornata 
    (a subspecies of the Western Box Turtle)

  78. Western Pond Turtle  (N) ______  bc  (in Mexico, only in northern Baja California)
    Clemmys marmorata 

  79. Common Slider  (S) (ph) (*)  ______  yp  (other names are Yellow-belly Slider and Sun Turtle)
    Trachemys scripta  (as many as 14 subspecies are sometimes recognized)
    Trachemys scripta venusta
      (subspecies on the Yucatan Peninsula)

    The Common Slider has a wide range and a pronounced geographical variation. It is distributed from the southeastern & central US south through Mexico & Central America to Venezuela, with disjunct populations in the West Indies, and in southeast Brazil, Uruguay, & northern Argentina.

    Common Slider
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

  80. Big Bend Slider  (N)   ______
    Trachemys gaigeae

  81. Pond Slider  (N)  ______
    Trachemys scripta

  82. Rio Grande Cooter  (N) ______
    Pseudemys gorzugi

    Family KINOSTERNIDAE  (Mud & Musk Turtles)

  83. White-lipped Mud Turtle  (S) ______  yp  (in the southern half of Quintana Roo & southern Campeche)   
    Kinosternon leucostomum
    Kinosternon l. leucostomum 
    (subspecies in the Yucatan Peninsula)

    The White-lipped Mudturtle is also called the White-faced Mud Turtle. 

  84. Scorpion Mud Turtle  (S) ______  yp  (also called the Red-cheeked Mud Turtle)
    Kinosternon scorpioides 
    (6 subspecies recognized) 
    Kinosternon s. cruentatum 
    (subspecies in the Yucatan Peninsula; considered a full species by some authorities)

    The Scorpion Mud Turtle is widely distributed from the Gulf slope in Tamaulipas south through Central America to northern Argentina and eastern Brazil. It is highly variable geographically. 

  85. Creaser's Mud Turtle  (S) ______  yp
    Kinosternon creaseri 

  86. Tabasco Mud Turtle  (S) ______  yp  (in south Quintana Roo)
    Kinosternon acutum 

  87. Sonora Mud Turtle  (N)  ______  sn
    Kinosternon sonoriense

  88. Arizona Mud Turtle  (N)  ______  sn  (has been considered as a subspecies of the Yellow Mud Turtle)
    Kinosternon arizonense 

  89. Yellow Mud Turtle  (N) ______  
    Kinosternon flavescens

  90. Narrowbridge Musk Turtle  (S) _____  yp  (in south Campeche and far-southwestern Quintana Roo)
    Claudius angustatus 

  91. Mexican Giant Musk Turtle  (S) (*)  _____  yp  (in south Campeche & southwestern Quintana Roo)
    Staurotypus triporcatus 

    Family DERMATEMYDIDAE  (Central American River Turtle) 

    This family comprises a single living genus & species, and 2 extinct genera. It is most closely related to the Mud Turtles, KINOSTERNIDAE. 

  92. Central American River Turtle  (S) _____ yp  (in far-southern Quintana Roo & western Campeche)
    Dermatemys mawii 
    (monotypic, and the single member of its genus & family)

    Family CHELYDRIDAE  (Snapping Turtle) 

    2 species only in the Americas

  93. Common Snapping Turtle  (S)  ______  yp
    Chelydra serpentina
    Chelydra s. rossignonii 
    (subspecies on the Yucatan Peninsula)

    Common Snapping Turtle
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

    Family CROCODYLIDAE  (Crocodile Family): 

    14 species worldwide; 2 in Mexico 

  94. American Crocodile  (S) (*) _____ cz,yp
    Crocodylus acutus

  95. Morelet's Crocodile  (t3) (S) (ph) (*) ______  yp
    Crocodylus moreletii

    Two Morelet's Crocodile Photographs
    The lower photo in the Yucatan during the FONT Mexico tour in March 2009 
    (both photos during FONT tours by Marie Gardner)

    Suborder LACERTILIA  (Lizards)

    Family EUBLEPHARIDAE  (Banded Geckos)

  96. Yucatan Banded Gecko  (S) (ph) (*)  ______ yp
    Coleonyx elegans 

    Yucatan Banded Gecko
    (photo by Peter Mooney during the FONT tour in the Yucatan of Mexico in November 2008)  

  97. Texas Banded Gecko  (N) ______
    Coleonyx brevis

  98. Western Banded Gecko  (N) ______  sn
    Coleonyx variegatus

  99. Barefoot Gecko  (MXe) (N) ______  bc  (only in Baja California)
    Coleonyx switaki

    Family GEKKONIDAE  (Geckos)

  100. Common House Gecko (MXi) (S) (*) ______ bc,yp
    Hemidactylus frenatus

  101. Mediterranean Gecko (MXi) (S) (*)  ______ yp
    Hemidactylus turcicus 

  102. Saint George Island Gecko  (S) ______  cz,yp
    Aristelliger georgeensis 

  103. Tuberculate Leaf-toed Gecko  (S) ______ yp
    Phyllodactylus tuberculosus

  104. Leaf-toed Gecko  (N) ______ bc
    Phyllodactylus xanti

  105. San Lucan Gecko  (MXe) (N)  ______  bc  (only in Baja California)
    Phyllodactylus unctus

  106. Stump-toed Gecko  (MXe) (N)  ______  bc  (only locally in southern Baja California)
    Gelyra mutilata  

  107. Spotted Dwarf Gecko  (S)  ______  cz  (in the Yucatan region only on Cozumel Is.; occurs to the south in Belize & Guatemala) 
    Sphaerodactylus millepunctatus

  108. Dwarf Gecko  (S)  ______ cz,yp  (also called Least Gecko)
    Sphaerodactylus glaucus

  109. Ocellated Dwarf Gecko  (S)  ______ yp 
    Sphaerodactylus argus

  110. Central American Smooth Gecko  (S)  ______ yp  (also called Turnip-tail Gecko, or Turnip Tail)
    Thecadactylus rapicauda

    Family CORYTOPHANIDAE  (Casque-headed Iguanas) 

    Formerly included in the large and diverse family IGUANIDAE; in 1989 this group elevated to family status. 
    The Basilisks are commonly referred to "Jesus Christ Lizards" as they can run atop water. 
    The following is an explanation of that behavior:

    A narrow seam of skin, which runs around each basilisk toe, forms a moveable flap that is expanded when its foot is pressed onto the water, thus creating a larger surface area. 
    The force that the lizards put into the downward movement of their feet produces an upward pressure that by itself creates almost a quarter of the total force required to keep the lizard from sinking. 
    When the running basilisk presses its foot down onto the water, an air-filled pocket is formed around the foot. This pocket quickly fills with water, so the lizard must rapidly withdraw it foot to prevent from having to "plow' through the water. As the foot retracts, the moveable skin-flaps on the toes fold down against the sides of the toes to reduce friction against the air. The combined pressure that is produced during a single downward and upward stroke of the foot can be enough to provide 111% of the support required to allow an adult basilisk to run on the water. 
    Small juveniles, with a body weight of less than 2 grams (0.07 of an ounce), are capable of producing 225% of the upward pressure necessary for an animal of that weight. With the combination of speed and specially adapted toe fringes, these lizards can run considerable across the water surface.        
    In order for a 176 pound human to match a running basilisk's aquatic performance, he or she would have to run at almost 69 mph across the water and produce a muscle force 15 times greater than what an average person is capable of doing.   

  111. Striped Basilisk  (S) (ph) (*) ______  yp  (also called Brown Basilisk, or "Jesus Christ Lizard"
    Basiliscus vittatus

    Striped Basilisk
    (photo by Marie Grenouillet)

  112. Smoothhead Helmeted Basilisk  (S) (*) ______  yp  (in southern Campeche & far-southwestern Quintana Roo)
    Corytophanes cristatus

    The Smoothhead Helmeted Basilisk is also called the Elegant-headed Basilisk, or the Casque-headed Lizard.

  113. Helmeted Basilisk  (S)  _____  yp  (also called Hernandez's Helmeted Basilisk)
    Corytophanes hernandezii

  114. Eastern Casquehead Iguana  (S) ______  yp  (in far-southern Campeche & far-southwestern Quintana Roo)
    Laemanctus longipes

  115. Serrated Casquehead Iguana  (S)  _____ yp
    Laemanctus serratus

    Family IGUANIDAE  (Iguanas)

  116. Desert Iguana  (N)  ______  sn
    Dipsosaurus dorsalis

  117. Common Chuckwalla  (N) (ph)  ______  sn
    Sauromalus obesus

    A Common Chuckwalla on Alcatraz Island in the Sea of Cortez
    in Sonora, Mexico
    (photo by Abram Fleishman)

  118. Green Iguana  (S) (ph) (*)  ______  cz,yp  (also called Common Iguana)
    Iguana iguana

    The Green Iguana is a bright green when young, but changes to gray, brown, greenish-gray, or almost black as it grows older.

    Green Iguana
    (photographed during a FONT tour by Marie Gardner)

  119. Black Iguana  (S) (ph) (*)  ______  cz,yp  (also called Ctenosaur) 
    Ctenosaura similis 

    Above & below: the Black Iguana
    (upper photo by Marie Grenouillet, 
     lower photo by Marie Gardner during the March 2009 FONT tour in the Yucatan of Mexico)

  120. Yucatan Spiny-tailed Iguana  (S)  _____  yp  (endemic to the Yucatan, only in the western part of the peninsula)
    Ctenosaura defensor 

  121. Sonoran Spiny-tailed Iguana  (N)  ______  sn
    Ctenosaura macrolopha

  122. Baja California Spiny-tailed Iguana  (MXe) (N) ______  (only in Baja California)
    Ctenosaura hemilopha

    Family CROTAPHYTIDAE  (Collared and Leopard Lizards)

  123. Eastern Collared Lizard  (N) ______  (also called Common Collared Lizard)
    Crotaphytus collaris

  124. Sonoran Collared Lizard  (N) ______  sn
    Crotaphytus nebrius

  125. Grismer's Collared Lizard  (N) ______ bc  (only in far-northern Baja California)
    Crotaphytus grismeri

  126. Baja California Collared Lizard  (N) ______ bc  (only in Baja California)
    Crotaphytus vestigium

  127. Long-nosed Leopard Lizard  (N)  ______  sn
    Gambelia wislizenii

  128. Cope's Leopard Lizard  (MXe) (N) ______  bc  (only in Baja California)
    Gambelia copeii   

    Family PHRYNOSOMATIDAE  (Spiny Lizards & allies)

  129. Common Lesser Earless Lizard  (N) ______  sn
    Holbrookia maculata

  130. Elegant Earless Lizard  (N) ______ sn
    Holbrookia elegans

  131. Greater Earless Lizard  (N) (ph) ______ sn
    Cophosaurus texanus

    A Greater Earless Lizard photographed during a FONT Tour
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  132. Zebra-tailed Lizard  (N) ______  sn
    Callisaurus draconoides

  133. Yuman Desert Fringe-toed Lizard  (N)  ______  sn
    Uma rufopunctata 

  134. Desert Spiny Lizard  (N) (ph)  ______  sn
    Sceloporus magister

    A Desert Spiny Lizard photographed during a FONT Tour

  135. Clark's Spiny Lizard  (N) ______  sn
    Sceloporus clarkii

  136. Crevice Spiny Lizard  (N) ______
    Sceloporus poinsettii

  137. Granite Spiny Lizard  (N) ______ bc
    Sceloporus orcutti

  138. Cape Spiny Lizard  (MXe) (N)  ______  bc  (only in Baja California)
    Sceloporus licki

  139. Hunsaker's Spiny Lizard  (N)  ______  bc  (in Mexico, only in far-southern Baja California)
    Sceloporus hunsakeri

  140. Western Fence Lizard  (N)  ______  bc  (in Mexico, only in northern Baja California)
    Sceloporus occidentalis

  141. Southwestern Fence Lizard  (N)  ______  sn
    Sceloporus cowlesi

  142. Striped Plateau Lizard  (N) ______  sn
    Sceloporus virgatus

  143. Slevin's Bunchgrass Lizard  (N) ______  sn
    Sceloporus slevini

  144. Yarrow's Spiny Lizard  (N) (ph) ______  sn  (also called Mountain Spiny Lizard 
    Sceloporus jarrovii


    A Yarrow's Spiny Lizard during a FONT Tour
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  145. Yucatan Spiny Lizard  (S) (ph) (*)  ______  yp  (endemic to the Yucatan Peninsula)  (also called Yellow-spotted Spiny Lizard)
    Sceloporus chrysostictus 

    Yucatan Spiny Lizard
    (photo by Marie Gardner during the March 2009 FONT tour in the Yucatan of Mexico)

  146. Cozumel Spiny Lizard  (S) ______  cz,yp  (in addition to being on Cozumel Is., found at numerous coastal localities in the states of Yucatan & Quintana Roo)
    Sceloporus cozumelae

  147. Lundell's Spiny Lizard  (S) ______  yp
    Sceloporus lundelli

  148. Blue Spiny Lizard  (S)  _____  yp  (also called Blue-spotted Spiny Lizard)
    Sceloporus serrifer

  149. Rose-bellied Spiny Lizard  (S)  _____  yp  (in the Yucatan area, in far-southwestern Quintana Roo)
    (range: Texas to northwest Costa Rica)
    Sceloporus variabilis

    The Rose-bellied Spiny Lizard is also called the Rosebelly Lizard. 

  150. Teapen Rose-bellied Lizard  (S) ______
    Sceloporus teapensis

  151. Common Side-blotched Lizard  (N) (ph) ______  sn
    Uta stansburiana

    Common Side-blotched Lizard
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

  152. Long-tailed Brush Lizard  (N) ______
    Urosaurus graciosus

  153. Ornate Tree Lizard  (N) ______  sn
    Urosaurus ornatus

  154. Black-tailed Brush Lizard  (N) ______ bc  (in Mexico, only in Baja California)
    Urosaurus nigricaudus  

  155. Baja California Brush Lizard  (N) ______ bc  (only in Baja California)
    Urosaurus lahtelai

  156. Banded Rock Lizard  (MXe) (N) ______ bc  (only in Baja California)
    Petrosaurus mearnsi

  157. Short-nosed Rock Lizard  (MXe) (N) ______ bc  (only in Baja California)
    Petrosaurus repens

  158. San Lucan Rock Lizard  (MXe) (N) ______ bc  (only in Baja California)
    Petrosaurus thalassinus

  159. Texas Horned Lizard  (N) ______  sn
    Phrynosoma cornutum

  160. Coast Horned Lizard  (N) ______ bc  (in Mexico, in Baja California)
    Phrynosoma coronatum

  161. Desert Horned Lizard  (N) ______  sn
    Phrynosoma platyrhinos

  162. Greater Short-horned Lizard  (N) ______  sn  (also called Mountain Short-horned Lizard)
    Phrynosoma hernandesi

  163. Flat-tailed Horned Lizard  (N) ______  sn
    Phrynosoma mcallii 

  164. Round-tailed Horned Lizard  (N) ______  sn
    Phrynosoma modestum

  165. Regal Horned Lizard  (N) ______  sn
    Phrynosoma solare

    Family Xantusiidae  (Night Lizards)

  166. Henshaw's Night Lizard  (N) ______
    Xantusia henshawi

  167. Desert Night Lizard  (N) ______
    Xantusia vigilis 

    Family POLYCHROTIDAE  (Anoles & allies)

  168. Neotropical Green Anole  (S) ______  yp
    Norops biporcatus

  169. Bighead Anole  (S) ______
    Norops capito

  170. Ghost Anole  (S)  ______ yp
    Norops lemurinus

  171. Lichen Anole  (S) ______ 
    Norops pentaprion

  172. Yucatan Smooth Anole  (S)  ______  yp
    Norops rodriguezii

  173. Brown Anole  (S) (ph) (*)  ______  yp
    Norops sagrei

    Brown Anole
    (photo by Peter Mooney during the FONT tour in the Yucatan of Mexico in November 2008)

  174. Silky Anole  (S)  ______ yp
    Norops sericeus 

  175. Greater Scaly Anole  (S)  ______  yp 
    Norops tropidonotus 

  176. Lesser Scaly Anole  (S) ______
    Norops uniformis

    Family SCINCIDAE  (Skinks)

  177. Western Red-tailed Skink  (N) ______
    Eumeces gilbertii rubricaudatus 
    (a subspecies of the Gilbert's Skink) 

  178. Western Skink  (N) ______
    Eumeces skiltonianus

  179. Great Plains Skink  (N)  ______  sn
    Eumeces obsoletus

  180. Mountain Skink  (N) ______  sn
    Eumeces callicephalus

  181. Schwartze's Skink  (S)  _____  yp  (also called the Yucatan Giant Skink)
    Eumeces schwartzei

  182. Sumichrast's Skink  (S)  _____ yp
    Eumeces sumichrasti

  183. Shiny Skink (S)   ______ yp  (also called Central American Mabuya or Bronze-backed Climbing Skink)
    Mabuya brachypoda
    (or unimarginata)

  184. Ground Skink  (S)  ______ yp  (also called Brown Forest Skink, or Litter Skink)
    Sphenomorphus cherriei

    Family TEIIDAE  (Whip-tailed Lizards)

  185. Middle American Ameiva  (S) ______ 
    Ameiva festiva

  186. Barred Whiptail  (S)  ______ yp  (also called Rainbow Ameiva or Barred Whip-tailed Lizard)
    Ameiva undulata

  187. Tiger Whiptail  (N) ______  sn  (has been called Western Whiptail)
    Cnemidophorys tigris  

  188. Chihuahuan Spotted Whiptail  (N) ______
    (formerly Cnemidophorus) exsanguis

  189. Orange-throated Whiptail  (N) ______  bc  (in Mexico, only in Baja California)
    (formerly Cnemidophorus) hyperythrus 

  190. Desert Grassland Whiptail  (N) (ph)  ______ 
    (formerly Cnemidophorus) uniparens

    Desert Grassland Whiptail
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  191. Little Striped Whiptail  (N) ______
    (formerly Cnemidophorus) inornatus

  192. Sonoran Spotted Whiptail  (N) ______  sn
    (formerly Cnemidophorus) sonorae

  193. Common Spotted Whiptail  (N) ______
    (formerly Cnemidophorus) gularis

  194. Canyon Spotted Whiptail  (N) ______  sn
    (formerly Cnemidophorus) burti

  195. Yucatan Whiptail  (S)  ______ yp  (also called Narrow-headed Whiptail)
    (formerly Cnemidophorus) angusticeps

  196. Cozumel Whiptail  (MXe) (S)  _____ cz  (also called Cozumel Racerunner (endemic to Cozumel Is.)
    (formerly Cnemidophorus) cozumela 

  197. Maslin's Whiptail  (S)  _____  yp  (also called Maslin's Racerunner)
    (formerly Cnemidophorus) maslini

  198. Rodeck's Whiptail  (S)  _____ yp  (endemic to Islas Contoy & Mujeres off the north Yucatan Peninsula, and on the mainland in the vicinity of Puerto Juarez)
    (formerly Cnemidophorus) rodecki

  199. Deppe's Whiptail  (S) ______  (also called Blackbelly Racerunner, or Seven-lined Racerunner)
    (formerly Cnemidophorus) deppii 

  200. Baja California Whiptail  (MXe) (N)  ______  (only in Baja California) 
    Aspidoscelis (formerly Cnemidophorus) labialis

    Family XANTUSIIDAE  (Night Lizards)

  201. Yellow-spotted Night Lizard  (S) ______ 
    Lepidophyma flavimaculatum

    Family ANGUIDAE  (Galliwasps, Alligator Lizards, Glass Lizards)

  202. Rosella's Lesser Galliwasp  (S) ______
    Celestus rozellae

  203. Southern Alligator Lizard  (N) ______
    Elgaria multicarinata

  204. Madrean Alligator Lizard  (N) ______  sn
    Elgaria kingii

  205. Central Peninsula Alligator Lizard  (MXe) (N) ______  bc  (only in Baja California)
    Elgaria velazquezi

  206. San Lucan Alligator Lizard  (MXe) (N) ______  bc  (only in far-southern Baja California)
    Elgaria paucicarinata

  207. Cedros Island Alligator Lizard  (MXe) (N) ______ bc  (only in Baja California)
    Elgaria cedrosensis    

    Family ANNIELLIDAE  (North American Legless Lizards)

  208. California Legless Lizard  (N) ______
    Anniella pulchra

  209. Baja California Legless Lizard  (MXe) (N) ______  bc  (only in Baja California)
    Anniella geronimensis

    Family AJOLOTE  (Mole Lizard)

  210. Mole Lizard  (MXe) (N) ______  bc  (only in Baja California)
    Bipes biporus 

    Family HELODERMATIDAE  (Venomous Lizards)

  211. Gila Monster  (N) ______  sn
    Heloderma suspectum

    A Gila Monster in captivity, photographed during a FONT tour 
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  212. Black-beaded Lizard  (S) ______  (also called the Beaded Lizard)  (in southern Mexico, in Oaxaca & Chiapas)
    Heloderma horridum

    Suborder SERPENTES  (Snakes)

    Family TYPHLOPIDAE  (True Blind Snakes) 

  213. Yucatecan Blindsnake  (S)  ______  yp
    Typhlops microstomus 

    Family LEPTOTYPHLOPIDAE  (Slender Blind Snakes)

  214. Black Blindsnake  (S)  (*)  ______  yp  (also called Neotropical Slender Blindsnake)
    (or Epictia) goudotii

  215. Western Threadsnake  (N)  ______  sn  (has been called Western Blindsnake)
    Leptotyphlops humilis

  216. New Mexico Threadsnake  (N)  ______  sn
    Leptotyphlops dissectus

  217. Texas Threadsnake  (N) ______  (has been called Texas Blindsnake)
    Leptotyphlops dulcis 

    Family BOIDAE (Boa Family, the Boids)

  218. Boa Constrictor  (S) (ph) (*)  ______  yp  (also called Imperial Boa)
    Boa constrictor

    A Boa Constrictor on a road in southeastern Mexico
    (photo by Peter Mooney)

  219. Rosy Boa  (N)  ______  sn  (also called Three-lined Boa)
    Charina trivirgata

    Family COLUBRIDAE  (Colubrid Snakes)

  220. Ring-necked Snake  (N)  ______  sn
    Diadophis punctatus

  221. Western Hog-nosed Snake  (N)  ______
    Heterodon nasicus

  222. Spotted Leaf-nosed Snake  (N) ______  sn
    Phyllorhynchus decuritatus

  223. Saddled Leaf-nosed Snake  (N) ______  sn
    Phyllorhynchus browni

  224. Eastern Racer  (N) (S)  ______
    Coluber constrictor
    Coluber constrictor oaxaca,
    the Mexican Racer  ______

    The "Mexican Racer" is found primarily in Mexico, from Tamaulipas to Vera Cruz, and more sparingly in Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Durango, Colima, Oaxaca, and Chiapas. It also ranges south into Guatemala, and north into southern Texas. 

  225. Middle American Earth Snake  (S) ______  (also called the Middle American Burrowing Snake)
    Adelphicos quadrivigatus

  226. Rustyhead Snake  (S) ______   
    Amastridium veliferum

  227. Mexican Snake Eater  (S) ______ yp  (in the Yucatan region, in a small area of far-southern Quintana Roo) 
    Clelia scytalina

  228. Two-spotted Snake  (S) ______  yp
    Coniophanes bipunctatus

  229. White-lipped Spotbelly Snake  (S) ______  yp  (also called the Yellowbelly Snake)
    Coniophanes fissidens

  230. Black-striped Snake  (S) (*) ______  yp
    Coniophanes imperialis

  231. Peninsular Stripeless Snake  (MXe) (S) ______  yp  (another name is the Yucatan Striped Snake)
    Coniophanes meridanus 

    Coniophanes meridanus
    is endemic to the northern end of the Yucatan Peninsula in northern Campechs and Quintana Roo.

  232. Five-striped Snake  (S) ______  yp  (another name is the Faded Black-striped Snake)
    Coniophanes quinquevittatus

  233. Schmidt's Black-striped Snake  (S) ______  yp
    Coniophanes schmidti

  234. Roadguard  (or Yucatan Road Guarder (S) ______  yp  (also called the Many-lined Snake)  
    Conophis lineatus
    Conophis l. lineatus 
    (in the upper Yucatan Peninsula)
    Conophis l. dunni 
    (at the base of the Yucatan Peninsula)
    Conophis l. concolor 
    (southern Campeche)  

  235. Barred Forest Racer  (S) ______
    Dendrophidion vinitor

  236. Snail-eating Thirst Snake  (S) ______  yp  (also called Short-faced Snail Sucker)
    Dipsas brevifacies

  237. Brown Racer  (S) ______  yp  (other names are the Lizard-eater, the Middle American Smooth-scaled Racer, and the Salmon-bellied Racer)
    (or Mastigodryas) melanolomus

  238. Middle American Indigo Snake  (S) (*) ______  yp  (other names are the Black-tailed Indigo Snake, or Black-tailed Cribo)
    Drymarchon melanurus

    Drymarchon melanurus was part of Drymarchon corais, the Indigo Snake.  

  239. Speckled Racer  (S) (ph) (*) ______  yp  (also called Guinea Hen Snake)
    Drymobius margaritiferus

    Speckled Racer
    (photo by Peter Mooney during the FONT tour in the Yucatan of Mexico in November 2008)

  240. Central American Ratsnake  (S) (ph) (*) ______  yp  (another name is the Red-blotched Ratsnake)
    Pseudelaphe flavirufus 
    (has been Elaphe, or Pantherophis flavirufa)

    Pseudelaphe flavirufus
    was seen during the FONT November 2008 Mexican tour in a cave at a remote place in the central Yucatan Peninsula, called "La Cueva de las Serpientes Colgantes", "the Cave of the Hanging Snakes". 
    About 100 of these snakes are said to be in that cave, where also about a half-dozen species of bats occur. The snakes prey on the bats. It's said that these snakes never leave the cave. They were discovered there in 1994.
    The species ranges from Tamaulipas, Mexico south to northern Honduras, and on Corn Island off the coast of Nicaragua. At no place other than at the cave in the Yucatan, is it known to be restricted its entire life to the inside of a cave.

    Central American Ratsnake
    (photo by Peter Mooney, in the cave during the November 2008 tour)     

  241. Cornsnake  (N) ______  sn
    Elaphe guttata

  242. Baja California Ratsnake  (N) ______  bc  (in Mexico, only in Baja California)
    Bogertophis rosaliae

  243. Trans-Pecos Ratsnake  (N) ______
    Bogertophis subocularis

  244. Glossy Snake  (N)  ______  sn
    Arizona elegans

  245. Gophersnake  (N) ______  sn
    Pituophis catenifer

  246. Western Patch-nosed Snake  (N) ______  sn
    Salvadora hexalepis

  247. Eastern (or Mountain) Patch-nosed Snake  (N) ______  sn
    Salvadora grahamiae

  248. Blotched Hooknose Snake  (S)  ______  yp
    Ficimia publia

  249. Tehuantepec Hooknose Snake  (MXe)  ______
    (formerly Amblymetopon) variegata

    Ficimia variegata
    is known only from the Gulf of Mexico drainage system of Veracruz and Oaxaca in the Isthmus of Tehuntepec in Mexico.
    It has been known from specimens collected a long while ago, and is considered a rare species (although classified as "data deficient" by the IUCN.     

  250. Keeled Earth Snake  (S) ______
    Geophis carinosus

  251. Rosebelly Earth Snake  (S)  ______
    Geophis rhodogaster

    Geophis rhodogaster
    is known to occur from southeastern Chiapas in Mexico across the Guatemalan highlands to El Salvador. Its altitudinal range is from 1,500 to 2,500 meters above sea level, occurring mostly in pine-oak forests, but also in gardens, coffee groves, and other disturbed habitats including pastures. It is said to be the most common snake near Guatemala City. 

  252. Blunt-headed Tree Snake  (S)  ______  yp  (also called Brown Blunt-headed Vine Snake)
    Imantodes cenchoa

  253. Yucatan Blunthead Snake  (S)  ______  yp
    Imantodes tenuissimus

  254. Central American Tree Snake  (S)  _____  yp
    Imantodes gemmistratus

  255. Tropical Milksnake  (N) (S) ______  yp  (also called the Tropical Kingsnake)
    Lampropeltis triangulum
    Lampropeltis triangulum blanchardi,
    the Blanchard's, or Yucatan Milk Snake  ______  subspecies in the Yucatan
    Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli,
    the Campbell's, or Pueblan Milk Snake  ______  subspecies in southern Puebla, eastern Morelos, & northern Oaxaca 

    There are 24 subspecies of Lampropeltis triangulum throughout the Americas. 

  256. Common Kingsnake  (N) ______  sn
    Lampropeltis getula

  257. California Mountain Kingsnake  (N) ______  bc
    Lampropeltis zonata

  258. Gray-banded Kingsnake  (N) ______  
    Lampropeltis alterna

  259. Sonoran Mountain Kingsnake  (N) ______  sn
    Lampropeltis pyromelana  

  260. Long-nosed Snake  (N)  ______  sn
    Rhinocheilus lecontei

  261. Cat-eyed Snake  (S) ______  yp  (also called Rain Forest Cat-eyed Snake)
    Leptodeira frenata

  262. Northern Cat-eyed Snake  (S) ______  yp
    Leptodeira septentrionalis

  263. Green Treesnake  (S) ______  yp  (also called Parrot Snake)
    Leptophis ahaetulla  

  264. Green-headed Treesnake  (S) (ph) (*)  ______  yp  (also called Mexican Green Treesnake or Mexican Parrot Snake)
    Leptophis mexicanus

    A Green-headed Treesnake photographed in the Yucatan of Mexico in March 2009
    (photo by Peter Mooney)

  265. Neotropical Whipsnake  (S) (*) ______  yp
    Masticophis mentovarius

  266. California Whipsnake  (N) ______  bc
    Masticophis lateralis

  267. Cape Whipsnake  (MXe) (N)  ______  bc  (only in southern Baja California)
    Masticophis aurigulus

  268. Striped Whipsnake  (N) ______
    Masticophis taeniatus

  269. Sonoran Whipsnake  (N) ______  sn
    Masticophis bilineatus

  270. Coachwhip  (N)  ______  sn
    Masticophis flagellum

  271. Plain-bellied Watersnake  (N) (ph) (*)  ______
    Nerodia eryhrogaster

    A Plain-bellied Watersnake swimming across a small river
    (photographed during a FONT tour in May 2010 by Karl Frafjord)

  272. Diamondback Watersnake  (S) ______ 
    Nerodia rhombifer

  273. Ringneck Coffee Snake  (S) ______
    Ninia diademata

  274. Red Coffee Snake  (S)   ______ yp  (also called Red-back Coffee Snake)
    Ninia sebae 

  275. Puffing Snake  (S) (*) ______  yp  (other names are "Bird-eating Snake" and "Neotropical Bird Snake"
    Pseustes poecilonotus

  276. Adorned Graceful Brown Snake  (S) ______  (another name is Striped Forest Snake)
    Rhadinaea decorata

  277. Guatemalan Neckband Snake  (S)  ______  yp  (also called Shovel-toothed Snake)
    Scaphiodontophia annulatus

  278. Neotropical Ratsnake  (S)  ______  yp  (also called Peninsular Ratsnake)
    Senticolis triaspis 

    Senticolis became a genus in 1987.

  279. Green Ratsnake  (N) (S) (*)  ______  sn  yp
    Senticolis triaspis

  280. Slender Snail Sucker  (S) ______
    Sibon dimidiata

  281. Banded Snail Sucker  (S)  ______  yp
    Sibon fasciata 

  282. Cloudy Snail Sucker  (S)  ______  yp  (or called the Cloudy Snail-eating Snake
    Sibon nebulata

  283. Pygmy Snail Sucker  (S) ______  yp
    Sibon sanniola 

  284. Terrestrial Snail Sucker  (S) ______  yp  (also called Sartorius's Snail Sucker)
    (or Tropidodipsas) sartorii

  285. Tiger Treesnake  (S) (*)  ______  yp  (also called Tiger Ratsnake, or Tropical Ratsnake)
    Spilotes pullatus

  286. Degenhardt's Scorpion-eating Snake  (S) ______
    Stenorrhina degenhardtii

  287. Scorpion-eating Snake  (S) (ph) (*)  ______  yp  (also called Freminville's Scorpion-eating Snake)
    Stenorrhina freminvillei

    A Scorpion-eating Snake photographed in the Yucatan of Mexico in March 2009
    (photo by Peter Mooney)

  288. DeKay's Snake  (S) ______
    Storeria dekayi

  289. Yucatan White-lipped Snake  (S) (ph) (*) ______ yp
    (or Opheodrys) mayae


    Yucatan White-lipped Snake
    (photo by Peter Mooney during the FONT tour in the Yucatan of Mexico in November 2008) 

  290. Checkered Gartersnake  (N) (S) ______ sn,yp
    Thamnophis marcianus

  291. Mexican Gartersnake  (N) ______  sn
    Thamnophis eques

  292. Black-necked Gartersnake  (N) ______  sn
    Thamnophis cyrtopsis

  293. Narrow-headed Gartersnake  (N) ______  sn
    Thamnophis rufipunctatus

  294. Terrestrial Gartersnake  (N) ______  (has been called Western Terrestrial Garter Snake)
    Thamnophis elegans

  295. Two-striped Gartersnake  (N) ______ bc  (in Mexico, only in Baja California)
    Thamnophis hammondii 

  296. Cape Gartersnake  (N) ______ 
    Thamnophis validus

  297. Ribbonsnake  (N) (S) ______  yp  (also called Western Ribbonsnake)
    Thamnophis proximus

  298. Groundsnake  (N)  ______  sn  (has been called Western Ground Snake)
    Sonora semiannulata

  299. Sonoran Shovel-nosed Snake  (N) ______  sn
    Chionactis palarostris 

  300. Western Shovel-nosed Snake  (N)  ______
    Chionactis occipitalis 

  301. Variable Sandsnake  (N)  ______  sn
    Chilomeniscus cinctus 

  302. Chihuahuan Hook-nosed Snake  (N)  ______  sn
    Gyalopion canum

  303. Thornscrub Hook-nosed Snake  (N)  ______  sn
    Gyalopion quadrangulare

  304. Orangebelly Swamp Snake  (S) ______  yp
    Tretanorhinus nigoluteus

  305. Yucatan Centipede Snake  (S) ______  yp
    Tantilla cuniculator

  306. Blackbelly Centipede Snake  (S)  _____  yp
    Tantilla moesta

  307. Yucatan Dwarf Short-tailed Snake  (S)  _____  yp
    Tantilla canula

  308. Linton's Dwarf Short-tailed Snake  (S)  ______  yp  (species described in 1940)
    Tantilla lintoni

    Tantilla lintoni
    ranges on the Caribbean side of Mexico, from Veracruz south through Belize and Guatemala to northern Nicaragua. It occurs at Tikal in Guatemala.  

  309. Chihuahuan Black-headed Snake  (N) ______  sn
    Tantilla wilcoxi

  310. Plains Black-headed Snake  (N) ______
    Tantilla nigriceps

  311. California Black-headed Snake  (N) ______  bc
    Tantilla planiceps

  312. Southwestern Black-headed Snake  (N) ______
    Tantilla hobartsmithi

  313. Yaqui Black-headed Snake  (N) ______  sn
    Tantilla yaquia 

  314. Brown Vinesnake  (N) (S)  ______  sn,yp  (also called Neotropical Vinesnake or Mexican Vinesnake)
    Oxybelis aeneus

  315. Green Vinesnake  (S) (ph) (*)  ______  yp  (the range of this species is from Mexico to Argentina) 
    Oxybelis fulgidus

    Green Vine Snake
    (photo by Sally Brady)

  316. Western Lyresnake  (N)  ______  sn
    Trimorphodon biscutatus

  317. Nightsnake  (N)  ______  sn
    Hypsiglena torquata

  318. Baja California Night Snake  (MXe) (N)  ______  bc  (only in Baja California)
    Eridiphas slevini

  319. Calico False Coral Snake  (S) ______
    Oxyrhopus petola

  320. False Coral Snake  (S) ______  yp
    (or Pliocercus) elapoides 

  321. False Terciopelo  (S)  ______  yp  (also called False Fer-de-lance)
    Xenodon rabdocephalus

    Family ELAPIDAE  (Coral Snakes)  (VENOMOUS)

  322. Variable Coral Snake  (S) (ph) (*)  ______  yp  (also called Many-ringed Coral Snake)
    Micrurus diastema

    Closely related, the Mayan Coral Snake, Micrurus hippocrepis, is said to range near to Mexico in Belize & Guatemala.

    Variable Coral Snake
    (photographed by Marie Gardner during the FONT tour in the Yucatan of Mexico in March 2009)

  323. Central American Coral Snake  (S)  ______
    Micrurus nigrocinctus
    Micrurus nigrocinctus ovanodoensis  ______ 
    subspecies in Chiapas
    Micrurus nigrocinctus zunilensis  ______ 
    subspecies in Chiapas, along the Pacific coast 

    Micrurus nigrocinctus
    ranges from southern Mexico to Colombia. In Mexico, it is in Chiapas, and is aid to occur in the Yucatan.

    The validity of several subspecies of Micrurus nigrocinctus is questionable.
    M. n. mosquitensis has been elevated to full species status.

    M. n. zunilensis is mimicked by Philocercus elapoides.

    Micrurus nigrocinctus may not occur in Belize. No record there has been confirmed. 

  324. Brown's Coral Snake  (S)  ______  (species described in 1943)
    Micrurus browni

    Micrurus browni
    ranges in southern Mexico & Guatemala. 

  325. Sonoran Coral Snake  (N) ______  sn
    Micruroides euryxanthus

    Family VIPERIDAE  (Viper Family)  (VENOMOUS)

  326. Yucatan Cantil  (S)  ______  yp
    Agkistrodon bilineatus

  327. Fer-de-lance  (S) (ph) (*)  ______  yp  (also called Terciopela
    Bothrops asper

    Fer-de-lance (or Terciopela)
    (photo by Peter Mooney, on a road at night, during the FONT tour in the Yucatan of Mexico in Nov 2008))

  328. Massasauga  (N) (*)  ______
    Sisgtrurus catenatus

  329. Neotropical Rattlesnake  (S)  ______  yp  
    Crotalus simus
    Crotalus simus culminatus, the
    Northwestern Neotropical Rattlesnake  ______ 
    subspecies in Mexico, in southwestern Michoacan, Morelos, Guerrero, southwestern Oaxaca, and possibly in western Puebla  (subspecies described in 1952)
    Crotalus simus simus,
    the Central American Rattlesnake  _____  subspecies from southeastern Mexico to Costa Rica. In Mexico in central Veracruz, southeastern Oaxaca, Tabasco, & Chiapas
    Crotalus simus tzabcan,
    the Yucatan Neotropical Rattlesnake. or "Tzabcan"  ______   subspecies in the Yucatan of Mexico, and northern Guatemala & northern Belize  (subspecies described in 1952)

    is the Mayan word for "rattlesnake".

    Until 2004, Crotalus simus was part of the Tropical Rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus. Molecular genetic data suggests that the taxa culminatus and tzabacan should be considered as species separate from C. simus.       

  330. Twin-spotted Rattlesnake  (N) ______  sn
    Crotalus pricei

  331. Black-tailed Rattlesnake  (N) ______  sn
    Crotalus molossus

  332. Tiger Rattlesnake  (N) ______  sn
    Crotalus tigris

  333. Rock Rattlesnake  (N) ______
    Crotalus lepidus

  334. Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake  (N) ______  sn
    Crotalus willardi

  335. Western Rattlesnake  (N) ______
    Crotalus viridis

  336. Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake  (N) ______  sn
    Crotalus atrox

  337. Red Diamond Rattlesnake  (N) ______
    Crotalus ruber

  338. Mohave Rattlesnake  (N) ______  sn
    Crotalus scutulatus

  339. Speckled Rattlesnake  (N) ______
    Crotalus mitchellii

  340. Sidewinder  (N) ______  sn
    Crotalus cerastes

  341. Baja California Rattlesnake  (MXe) (N)  ______ bc  (only in Baja California)
    Crotalus enyo  

  342. Jumping Viper  (S)  ______  yp  (also called Jumping Pitviper)
    Atropoides nummifer

  343. Eyelash Viper  (S)  ______  (also called Eyelash Palm-Pitviper)
    Bothriechis schlegeii

    In southern Mexico, Bothriechis schiegeii occurs in Chiapas. 

  344. Rainforest Hognosed Pitviper  (S)  ______  (also called the Horned Hognosed Pitviper)
    Porthidium nasutum 

    In Mexico, Porthidium nasutum occurs in Tabasco and Chiapas.

  345. Yucatan Hognosed Pitviper  (S)  ______  yp
    Porthidium yucatanicum

    Closely related, the Slender Hognose Pit Viper, Porthidium ophryomegas, ranges nearby in Guatemala, and south to Costa Rica.

    Family PELAMIS  (Sea Snakes)  (VENOMOUS)

  346. Pelagic Sea Snake  ______  (in the Pacific Ocean)
    Pelamis platurus 

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