PO Box 9021, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA
E-mail: font@focusonnature.com
Phone: Toll-free in USA 1-888-721-3555
 or 302/529-1876

in Mexico

Noting those found during 
Focus On Nature Tours 
in Mexico with an (*)

Tours during the months of March, June, August 
September, & November.


This List of Mexican Mammals
compiled by Armas Hill

(seen in southern Mexico)


(t):   a globally threatened species, 
       designated by the IUCN 
(the International Union for Conservation of Nature)
           (t1): critically endangered     (t2): endangered     (t3): vulnerable
(nt): a globally near-threatened species, designated by the IUCN
(i):   an introduced species in Mexico

(MXe):   endemic to Mexico

(NO):     in north Mexico
(SO):     in south Mexico

(ph):  species with a photo in the FONT website

An excellent book about Central American Mammals: 
"A Field Guide to the Mammals of Central America & Southeast Mexico" by Fiona Reid, 1997.

This White-nosed Coati was photographed in Mexico,
but its picture came to us from Gill Hopkins in London, England.
Thanks Gill!

Links to Groupings of Mammals within this List:

Opossums    Anteaters & Armadillos    Rabbits    Squirrels    Porcupines    Agoutis & Paca

Foxes    Raccoons & Allies   Otters, Weasels, Allies    Cats    New World Monkeys    Peccaries

Pronghorn    Deer    Sheep    Tapir    Manatee    Pocket Gophers, Pocket Mice, Kangaroo Rats

Other Links:

Information about Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in:
in Central America & Mexico 

and by month in:  2016   or:  by geographic locations worldwide 

A List & Photo Gallery of Mexico Birds, in 3 parts: 
Part #1: Tinamous to Shorebirds    Part #2: Jaegers to Woodpeckers  
Part #3: Manakins to Buntings

Regional Lists of Mexican Birds
(without photos)
Sonora    the Yucatan Peninsula    Cozumel Island
Butterflies of Mexico     Amphibians & Reptiles in Mexico

Marine Life, including that of the Coral Reef, of Mexico & Belize

Directory of Photos in this Website


List of Mammals:

        AMERICAN OPOSSUMS (in the Order Didelphimorphia, Family Didelphidae)
78 species throughout the Americas; 7 in Mexico       
    All Marsupials were formerly classified in the Order MARSUPIALIA
        However, this large group has recently been split into 7 orders. 
        NEW WORLD OPOSSUMS consist of 3 orders. Australian marsupials are in 4 orders.
        The Order DIDELPHIMORPHIA includes all of the Central American & Mexican opossums - 13 species.


  1. Common Opossum  (*) ______     
    Didelphis marsupialis

  2. Virginia Opossum  (ph) (*)  ______ 
    Didelphis virginiana

  3. Gray Four-eyed Opossum  (*) ______ 
    Philander opossum

  4. Water Opossum ______  (also called Yapok
    Chironectes minimus

  5. Brown Four-eyed Opossum ______
    Metachirus nudicaudatus

  6. Mexican Mouse Opossum ______
    Marmosa mexicana

  7. Central American Woolly Opossum  (*) ______ 
    Caluromys derbianus 

    AMERICAN ANTEATERS and ARMADILLOS (in the Order Xenarthra, formerly Edentata) 

    AMERICAN ANTEATERS (in the Family Myrmecophagidae) 
    3 species in the Neotropics; 1 in Mexico 

  8. Northern Tamandua  (SO) (ph) (*)  ______  (also called Banded or Vested Anteater
    Tamandua mexicana

    Northern Tamandua

    SILKY ANTEATER (in the Family Cycloipedidae) 
    1 species in the family

  9. Silky  Anteater ______  
    Cyclopes didactylus 
    (the single member of its genus & its family)

    ARMADILLO (in the Family Dasypodidae) 
    21 species in the Americas; 1 in Mexico

  10. Nine-banded (Long-nosed) Armadillo  (ph)  ______  
    Dasypus novemcinctus

    Nine-banded Armadillo

    RABBITS (in the Order Lagomorpha, Family Leporidae) 
    57 species worldwide; 14 in Mexico
  11. Antelope Jackrabbit  (NO) (ph) (*)  _____
    Lepus alleni 

    An Antelope Jackrabbit photographed during a FONT tour in Mexico
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  12. Black-tailed Jackrabbit  (NO) (ph)  _____
    Lepus californicus

    Black-tailed Jackrabbit

  13. White-sided Jackrabbit  (NO)  _____  (endemic to Mexico other than in Hidalgo County, New Mexico, US)
    Lepus callotis

  14. Tehuantepec Jackrabbit  (t2) (MXe)  _____
    Lepus flavigularis

  15. Black Jackrabbit  (MXe)  _____  (only on Espiritu Santo Is. in the Gulf of California)
    Lepus insularis

  16. Brush Rabbit  (NO)  _____ (In Mexico, in Baja California)
    (formerly Microlagus) bachmani

  17. San Jose Brush Rabbit  (MXe)  _____ (only on San Jose Is. in the Gulf of California)
    (formerly Microlagus) mansuetus

  18. Desert Cottontail  (NO) (ph)  _____
    Sylvilagus auduboni

    Desert Cottontail

  19. Mexican Cottontail  (MXe)  _____  (only in south Mexico)
    Sylvilagus cunicularius 
  20. Eastern Cottontail  (NO) (SO) (*)  ______ 
    Sylvilagus floridanus

  21. Tres Marias Cottontail  (MXe)  (only on Tres Marias Is. in the Pacific)
    Sylvilagus graysoni

  22. Forest Rabbit  ______  (other names: Tropical Cottontail Rabbit or Brazilian Rabbit or Tapiti
    (formerly Tapeti) brasilensis

  23. Omiteme Cottontail  (t1) (MXe)  (only in the mountains of Sierra Madre del Sur in central Guerrero)
    (formerly Tapeti) insonus

  24. Volcano Rabbit  (t2) (MXe) ______ (only in the area of the volcanoes in central Mexico in the District Federal & west Puebla)
    Romerolagus diazi
    (the single member of its genus) 

    RODENTS: the gnawing mammals (in the Order Rodentia, which is the largest order of mammals with nearly 2,000 species worldwide).
    Families & some subfamilies in Mexico include:
    SQUIRRELS:  Family Sciuridae
    BEAVERS:  Family Castoridae
    NEOTROPICAL MICE:  Subfamily Sigmodontinae
    VOLES & MUSKRAT:  Subfamily Arvicolinae
    NEW WORLD PORCUPINES:  Family Erethizontidae 
    AGOUTIS & PACA:  Family Agoutidae

    SQUIRRELS (in the Family Sciuridae) 
    276 species worldwide; 32 in Mexico

  25. Western Gray Squirrel  (NO) ______ 
    (formerly Hesperosciurus) griseus

  26. Allen's Squirrel  (MXe) ____
    Sciurus alleni

  27. Arizona Gray Squirrel  (NO)  ____  (in Mexico, in northeast Sonora)
    Sciurus arizonensis

  28. Yucatan Squirrel  (SO) (*) ____  (in southeast Mexico, Belize, and north Guatemala)
    Sciurus yucatanensis

  29. Mexican Gray Squirrel  (SO) ____  (also called Red-bellied Squirrel)
    Sciurus aureogaster

  30. Collie's Squirrel  (MXe) ____    
    Sciurus colliaei

  31. Deppe's Squirrel ____
    Sciurus deppei

  32. Mexican Fox Squirrel (NO) ____  (another name has been "Apache Fox Squirrel")
    (nearly endemic to Mexico; in US, only in mountains of southeast Arizona)
    Scirus nayaritensis

  33. Peter's Squirrel  (MXe) _____
    Sciurus oculatus

  34. Variegated Squirrel _____ 
    Sciurus variegatoides
    (14 named subspecies are recognized)

  35. Sierra Madre Ground Squirrel  (MXe)  _____ (only in southwest Chihuahua)
    (formerly Callospermophilus) madrensis

  36. Mexican Ground Squirrel  (NO) _____
    (formerly ictidomys) mexicanus

  37. Perote Ground Squirrel  (MXe) _____
    (formerly Ictidomys) perotensis

  38. Spotted Ground Squirrel  (NO) _____
    (formerly Ictidomys) spilosoma

  39. Ring-tailed Ground Squirrel  (MXe) _____
    (formerly Notocitellus) annulatus

  40. Tropical Ground Squirrel  (MXe) _____
    (formerly Otospermophilus) adocetus

  41. Baja California Ground Squirrel  (MXe) _____ (only in Baja California)
    (formerly Otospermophilus) atricapillus

  42. California Ground Squirrel  (NO) _____
    (formerly Otospermophilus) beecheyi

  43. Variegated Ground Squirrel  (NO) (ph) (*) _____ (also called Rock Squirrel)
    (formerly Otospermophilus) variegatus

    A Variegated Ground Squirrel (or Rock Squirrel) photographed during a FONT tour
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  44. Round-tailed Ground Squirrel  (NO) (ph)  _____
    (formerly Xerospermophilus) tereticaudus

    Round-tailed Ground Squirrel

  45. Harris's Antelope Squirel  (NO) (ph)  _____
    Ammospermophilus harrisii

    Harris's Antelope Squirrel

  46. Espiritu Santo Island Antelope Squirrel  (MXe) _____ (only on Espiritu Santo is. in Baja California)
    Ammospermophilus insularis

  47. Texas Antelope Squirrel  (NO) _____
    Ammospermophilus interpres

  48. White-tailed Antelope Squirrel  (NO)  _____
    Ammospermophilus leucurus

  49. Mexican Prairie Dog  (t2) (MXe) _____
    Cynomys mexicanus

  50. Buller's Chipmunk  (MXe) _____
    (formerly Neotamias) bulleri
  51. Cliff Chipmunk  (NO) (ph)  _____
    (formerly Neotamias) dorsalis

    Cliff Chipmunk

  52. Durango Chipmunk  (MXe) _____
    (formerly Neotamias) durangae

  53. Merriam's Chipmunk _____
    (formerly Neotamias) merriami

  54. California Chipmunk  (NO) _____
    (formerly Neotamias) obscurus

  55. Mearn's Squirrel  (MXe) _____  (only in Baja California)
    Tamiasciurus mearnsi

  56. Southern Flying Squirrel  _____
    Glaucomys volans

    VOLES & MUSKRAT (in the Family Arvicolinae) 
    140 species worldwide; xx in Mexico

  57. Guatemalan Vole  _____  
    (formerly Herpetomys) guatemalensis

  58. California Vole  (NO)  _____
    (formerly Mynomes) californicus

  59. Mexican Vole  (*)  _____
    (formerly Mynomes) mexicanus

  60. Jalapan Pine Vole  _____
    (formerly Pitymys) quasiater

  61. Muskrat  (NO) (ph)  _____  
    Ondata zibethicus 
    (the single member of its genus)

    (photo by Doris Potter)

    2 species worldwide; 1 in Mexico

  62. American Beaver (NO) (ph)  ______ 
    Castor canadensis

    American Beaver
    (photo by Doris Potter)


    RATS & MICE (in the  Family Muridae)  FOLLOW LATER IN THIS LIST

    NEW WORLD PORCUPINES (in the Family Erethizontidae)
    More closely related to cavy-like rodents (such as the Agouti and Paca) than to the Old World Porcupines 

  63. North American Porcupine  (NO) (ph)  ______ (in extreme northern Mexico, and the US & Canada)
    Erethizon dorsatum 
    (the single member of its genus)

    North American Porcupine
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  64. Mexican Hairy Dwarf Porcupine  (SO) (ph)  ______ (has also been called Prehensile-tailed Porcupine
    (formerly Sphiggurus) mexicanus

    Mexican Hairy Dwarf Porcupine
    (photo courtesy of Dick Tipton)

    AGOUTIS & PACA  (in the Family Dasyproctidae)

  65. Mexican Black Agouti  (MXe) (but also introduced in Cuba) ______
    Dasyprocta mexicana

  66. Central American Agouti  (ph) (*)  ______ 
    Dasyprocta punctata

    Central American Agouti
    (photo by Linda Navarro)

  67. Lowland Paca  ______  (also called Spotted Paca)
    Cuniculus (formerly Agouti) paca

    CARNIVORES, in the Order Carnivora 
    Families in Mexico include:
    DOGS & FOXES:  Family Canidae
    BEARS:  Family Ursidae
    RACCOONS:  Family Procyonidae
    OTTERS, WEASELS, BADGERS:  Family Mustelidae 
    CATS:  Family Felidae

    are also in the CARNIVORES, but they follow later in this list in the category of "MARINE MAMMALS"

    DOGS & FOXES  (in the Family Canidae) 
    36 species worldwide; 3 in Mexico

  68. Kit Fox  (NO)  _____
    Vulpes macrotis

  69. Gray Fox  (NO) (SO)  (*) ______  
    Urocyon cinereoargenteus

  70. Coyote  (NO) (SO) (ph) (*)  ______ 
    Canis latrans


    BEARS  (in the Family Ursidae) 
    8 species worldwide; 1 in Mexico

  71. American Black Bear  (NO)  ______
    Ursus americanus


    RACCOONS & ALLIES  (in the Family Procyonidae)  19 species in total; 7 in Mexico
  72. Kinkajou (ti)  (SO) (ph)  ______ 
    Potos flavus 
    (the single member of its genus)   

    Kinkajou, photographed during a FONT tour 
    (photo by Rosemary Lloyd)

  73. Northern Raccoon  (SO) (*) (ph)  ______ 
    Procyon lotor

    Northern Raccoon
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  74. Cozumel Raccoon  (t2) (MXe) (SO) (ph) (*) ______  (also called Pygmy Raccoon) (only on Cozumel Is., resembles the Northern Raccoon, but smaller)
    Procyon pygmaeus 

    A Cozumel (or Pygmy) Raccoon photographed during the FONT March 2009 Mexico Tour 
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  75. Tres Marias Raccoon  (t2) (MXe) ______  (only on Tres Marias Is. in the Pacific)
    Procyon insularis    

  76. White-nosed Coati  (ph) (*)  ______ 
    Nasua narica

    When is a COATI a COATIMUNDI?
    Female Coatis and their young associate in bands of 5-12 individuals, but adult males are solitary. This difference at first confused biologists, who described the solitary males as a separate species. The use of the term "coatimundi" (meaning "lone coati" in the Brazilian native Guarani language) for the species reflects the same error.   

    A White-nosed Coati photographed during a FONT tour
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  77. Ringtail  (NO)  ______
    Bassariscus astutus

  78. Cacomistle  (SO) (*) ______  
    Bassariscus sumichrasti

    OTTERS, WEASELS, & ALLIES  (in the Family Mustelidae) 
    68 species worldwide; 13 in Mexico

  79. Neotropical River Otter  (t2) (SO) ______
    (formerly Lontra) longicaudis

  80. Sea Otter  (t2) (ph)  ______  (formerly along the Pacific seacoast of northwest Mexico - in north Baja California)
    Enhydra lutris 
    (the single member of its genus) 

  81. Long-tailed Weasel  (SO) (*)  ______ 
    Mustela frenata

  82. American Badger  (ph)  ______
    Taxidea taxus 
    (the single member of its genus)

    An American Badger photographed during a FONT tour

  83. Greater Grison  (SO)  ______  (also called Huron)
    Galictis vittata

  84. Tayra  (SO) (*)  ______ 
    Eira barbara 
    (the single member of its genus)

  85. Striped Skunk  (ph)  ______ 
    Mephitis mephitis

  86. Hooded Skunk ______  
    Mephitis macroura

  87. Eastern Spotted Skunk ______
    Spilogale putorius

  88. Western Spotted Skunk ______
    Spilogale gracilis

  89. Pygmy Spotted Skunk (MXe) ______
    Spilogale pygmaea

  90. Eastern Hog-nosed Skunk ______
    Conepatus leuconotus

  91. Western Hog-nosed Skunk ______
    Conepatus mesoleucus

  92. Striped Hog-nosed Skunk ______ 
    Conepatus semistriatus

    CATS  (in the Family Felidae) 
    39 species worldwide; 6 in Mexico

  93. Bobcat  (ph)  ______
    (formerly Lynx) rufa

  94. Ocelot  (t2) (SO) (ph)  ______ 
    Leopardus pardalis

    Above & below: Ocelots photographed during a FONT tours 

  95. Margay (t2) (SO) ______  
    Leopardus wiedii

  96. Jaguarundi  (t2) (SO) ______  
    Herpailurus yauarondi

  97. Puma  (t3) (SO) (ph)  ______ (other names are Cougar and Mountain Lion) 
    Puma concolor


  98. Jaguar  (t2) (SO) (ph) (*)  ______  (one seen closely during the FONT Mexico tour in November 2008)
    Panthera onca

    Above: A painting of a Jaguar on a wall in Belize
    Below: Jaguars


    THE CEBIDS, or NEW WORLD MONKEYS, in the Order of Primates, in the Family Atelidae:
    82 species in the Americas; 3 in Mexico 

  99. Yucatan Black Howler Monkey  (t2) (SO) (ph) (*) _____ 
    Alouatta pigra 

    Yucatan Howler Monkey photographed during a FONT tour
    (photo by Marie Gardner)
  100. Mantled Howler Monkey (t3) (SO) (ph)  ______  
    Alouatta palliata   

    A Mantled Howler Monkey photographed during a FONT tour in Costa Rica

  101. Central American Spider Monkey (t3) (SO) (ph) (*)  ______ (another name has been Geoffroys's Spider Monkey) 
    Ateles geoffroyi 

    A Central American Spider Monkey photographed during a FONT tour
    (photo by Marie Gardner)


    EVEN-TOED UNGULATES (in the Order Artiodactyla)  

    Families in Mexico include:
    PECCARIES:  Family Tayassuidae
    PRONGHORN:  Family Antilocapridae
    DEER:  Family Cervidae
    SHEEP:  Family Bovidae  

    PECCARIES (in the Family Tayassuidae) 
    3 species in the Americas; 2 in Mexico

  102. Collared Peccary  (SO) (ph) (*) ______   (another name has been Javelina) 
    Dicotyles tajacu 
    (the single member of its genus)

    Collared Peccaries

  103. White-lipped Peccary ______ 
    Tayassu pecari 
    (the single member of its genus)

    PRONGHORN  (in the Family Antilocapridae) 
    1 species in the family

  104. Pronghorn  (NO) (ph)  _____
    Antilocapra americana 
    (the single member of its genus, and family)


    Deer  (in the Family Cervidae)
    47 species worldwide; 4 in Mexico     

  105. Mule Deer  (NO) (ph)  _____ 
    Odocoileus hemionus

    Mule Deer

  106. White-tailed Deer  (NO) (SO) (ph) (*)  ______ 
    Odocoileus virginianus

    Coue's White-tailed Deer
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  107. Red Brocket (Deer)  (SO) ______ 
    Mazama americana

  108. Yucatan Brown Brocket Deer  (MXe) (SO)  _____  (only in south Mexico) 
    Mazama pandora

    SHEEP  (in the Family Bovidae)
    141 species worldwide; 1 in Mexico

  109. Bighorn Sheep  (NO) (ph)  _____
    Ovis aries

    A Bighorn Sheep photographed during a FONT tour

    ODD-TOED UNGULATES  (in the Order Perissodactyla;
    the tapirs in Family Tapiridae)

  110. Baird's Tapir (t2) (SO) (ph)  ______ 
    Tapirus bairdii

    Baird's Tapir

    MANATEES  (in the Order Sirenia, in the Family Trichechidae)

  111. West Indian Manatee (t1) (SO) (ph)  ______  (rare & local along the Yucatan coast)
    Trichechus manatus 

    POCKET GOPHERS, POCKET MICE, & KANGAROO RATS (in the Family Geomyidae)
    99 species in the Americas; 58 in Mexico

  112. Botta's Pocket Gopher  (NO) (mna) (*)  ______ 
    Thomomys bottae

  113. Southern Pocket Gopher  (NO) (mna)  ______
    Thomomys umbrinus

  114. Desert Pocket Gopher  (NO)  ______  
    Geomys arenarius 

  115. Texas Pocket Gopher  (NO)  ______
    Geomys personatus

  116. Tropical Pocket Gopher  (MXe) _____  (in southeast Tamaulipas)
    Geomys tropicalis

  117. Yellow-faced Pocket Gopher  (NO) (mna)  _____
    (formerly Cratogeomys) castanops

  118. Smoky Pocket Gopher  (MXe)  ______  (on the plains of east Colima) 
    (formerly Cratogeomys) fumosus

  119. Llano Pocket Gopher  (MXe)  ______  (from central Jalisco to northeast Michoacan)
    Pappogeomys (formerly Cratogeomys) gymnurus

  120. Merriam's Pocket Gopher  (MXe)  ______
    Pappogeomys (formerly Cratogeomys) merriami

  121. Queretaro Pocket Gopher  (t1) (MXe)  ______  
    (formerly Cratogeomys) neglectus

  122. Naked-nosed Pocket Gopher  (MXe)  ______
    (formerly Cratogeomys) tylorhinus

  123. Zinser's Pocket Gopher  (MXe)  ______
    Pappogeomys (formerly Cratogeomys) zonseri

  124. Alcorn's Pocket Gopher  (MXe)  ______
    Pappogeomys alcorni

  125. Buller's Pocket Gopher  (MXe)  ______
    Pappogeomys bulleri

  126. Hispid Pocket Gopher ______  
    (formerly Heterogeomys) hispidus

  127. Big Pocket Gopher  (MXe) ______  
    (formerly Heterogeomys) lanius 

  128. Oaxacan Pocket Gopher  (t1) (MXe) ______  
    Orthogeomys cuniculus 

  129. Giant Pocket Gopher  (SO)  ______
    Orthogeomys grandis

  130. Michoacan Pocket Gopher  (t2) (MXe)  ______  
    Zygogeomys trichopus 
    (the single member of its genus)

  131. Mexican Spiny Pocket Mouse  ______
    Liomys irroratus

  132. Painted Spiny Pocket Mouse  ______
    Liomys pictus

  133. Salvin's Spiny Pocket Mouse ______  
    Liomys salvini

  134. Jaliscan Spiny Pocket Mouse  (MXe)  ______
    Liomys spectabilis

  135. Forest Spiny Pocket Mouse ______ 
    Heteromys desmarestianus

  136. Gaumer's Spiny Pocket Mouse  (SO) (*) ______ (in the Yucatan region of southeast Mexico, north Belize, & north Guatemala)
    Heteromys gaumeri

  137. Goldman's Spiny Pocket Mouse  (SO)   ______
    Heteromys goldmani

  138. Nelson's Spiny Pocket Mouse  (t1) (SO)   ______  
    Heteromys nelsoni

  139. Arizona Pocket Mouse  (NO)  ______
    Perognathus amplus

  140. Plains Pocket Mouse  (NO)  ______
    Perognathus flavescens

  141. Silky Pocket Mouse  (NO)   ______ 
    Perognathus flavus

  142. Little Pocket Mouse  (NO)  ______
    Perognathus longimembris

  143. Merriam's Pocket Mouse  (NO)  ______
    Perognathus merriami

  144. Little Desert Pocket Mouse  (NO)  ______  (endemic to Baja California)
    Chaetodipus arenanius

  145. Narrow-skulled Pocket Mouse  ______
    Chaetodipus artus

  146. Bailey's Pocket Mouse  (NO)  ______
    Chaetodipus baileyi

  147. California Pocket Mouse  (NO) (mna)  ______
    Chaetodipus californicus

  148. Chihuahuan Desert Pocket Mouse  (NO)  ______ 
    Chaetodipus eremicus

  149. San Diego Pocket Mouse  (NO)   ______
    Chaetodipus fallax

  150. Long-tailed Pocket Mouse  (NO)  ______
    Chaetodipus formosus

  151. Goldman's Pocket Mouse  (MXe)  ______
    Chaetodipus goldmani

  152. Hispid Pocket Mouse  (NO)  ______
    Chaetodipus hispidus

  153. Rock Pocket Mouse  (NO)  ______
    Chaetodipus intermedius

  154. Lined Pocket Mouse  (MXe)  ______
    Chaetodipus lineatus

  155. Sonoran Desert Pocket Mouse  (NO)  ______
    Chaetodipus penicillatus

  156. Sinaloan Pocket Mouse  (MXe)  ______
    Chaetodipus pernix

  157. Spiny-rumped Pocket Mouse  (NO)  ______
    Chaetodipus spinatus

  158. Agile Kangaroo-Rat  (NO)  ______
    Dipodomys agilis

  159. Gulf Coast Kangaroo-Rat  (NO)  ______
    Dipodomys compactus

  160. Desert Kangaroo-Rat  (NO)  ______
    Dipodomys deserti

  161. San Quintin Kangaroo-Rat  (MXe)  ______   
    Dipodomys gravipes

  162. San Jose Island Kangaroo-Rat  (t1) (MXe)  ______  
    Dipodomys insularis

  163. Santa Margarita Island Kangaroo-Rat  (t1) (MXe)  ______  
    Dipodomys margaritae

  164. Merriam's Kangaroo-Rat  (NO) (*)  ______
    Dipodomys merriami    

  165. Nelson's Kangaroo-Rat  (MXe)  ______
    Dipodomys nelsoni

  166. Ord's Kangaroo-Rat  (NO)  ______
    Dipodomys ordii

  167. Phillips's Kangaroo-Rat  (MXe)  ______
    Diprodomys phillipsii 

  168. Dulzura Kangaroo-Rat  (MXe)  ______
    Dipodomys simulans

  169. Banner-tailed Kangaroo-Rat  (NO)  ______
    Dipodomys spectabilis


    RATS & MICE (in the Family Muridae)

    NEOTROPICAL MICE (in the Subfamily Sigmodontinae)
    (461 species in the Americas; 102 in Mexico)

    Various mice & other similar mammals nicely illustrated in the field guide "Mammals of North America" by Roland Kays & Don Wilson are noted with the code (mna). 

  170. Southern Pygmy Mouse ______
    Balomys musculus

  171. Northern Pygmy Mouse  (NO) (mna) ______
    Balomys taylori

  172. Alston's Singing Mouse ______
    Scotinomys teguina

  173. Yucatan Vesper Mouse ______  (very few records from lowland forests & regrowth areas of the Yucatan Peninsula, in southeast Mexico, northern Belize, & northern Guatemala)
    Otonyctomys hatti 
    (the single member of its genus) 

  174. Vesper Rat ______
    Nyctomys sumichrasti 
    (the single member of its genus)

  175. Northern Climbing Rat ______
    Tylomys nudicaudus

  176. Big-eared Climbing Rat ______
    Ototylomys phyllotis 
    (the single member of its genus) 

  177. White-throated Woodrat  (NO) (mna)  ______
    Neotoma albigula

  178. Tamaulipan Woodrat  (MXe)  ______
    Neotoma angustapalata

  179. Goldman's Woodrat  (MXe)  ______
    Neotoma goldmani

  180. Desert Woodrat  (NO) (mna) ______
    Neotoma lepida

  181. Anthony's Woodrat  (MXe)  ______  (on Todos Santos Island, Baja California Norte) (endangered)
    Neotoma anthonyi

  182. Bryant's Woodrat  (MXe) ______ (on Cedros Island, Baja California Norte) (endangered)
    Neotoma bryanti

  183. Bunker's Woodrat  (MXe)  ______  (on Coronados Island, Baja California Sur) (endangered)
    Neotoma bunkeri

  184. San Martin Island Woodrat  (MXe)  ______  (on San Martin Island, Baja California Norte) (endangered)
    Neotoma martinensis

  185. Mexican Woodrat  (NO) (mna)  ______
    Neotoma mexicana

  186. Southern Plains Woodrat  (NO) (mna)  ______
    Neotoma micropus

  187. Nelson's Woodrat  (MXe)  ______  (in the Perote region of Veracruz)
    Neotoma nelsoni

  188. Bolaos Woodrat  (MXe)  ______  (in east-central Jalisco)
    Neotoma palatina

  189. Turner Island Woodrat  (MXe)  ______  (on Turner Island, Sonora) (endangered)
    Neotoma varia

  190. Sonoran Woodrat  (MXe)  ______  
    (formerly Teanopus) phenax

  191. Dusky-footed Woodrat  (NO) (mna)  ______
    Neotoma fiscipes

  192. Magdalena Rat  (MXe)  ______  (in western Jalisco & Colima)
    Xenomys nelsoni  (the single member of its genus)

  193. Allen's Woodrat  (MXe)  ______
    Hodomys alleni 
    (the single member of its genus)

  194. Nelson and Goldman's Woodrat  (MXe)  ______
    Nelsonia goldmani

  195. Diminutive Woodrat  (MXe)  ______
    Nelsonia neotomodon

  196. Coue's Rice Rat  (NO) (mna)  ______ 
    Oryzomys couesi

  197. Black-eared Rice Rat  (MXe) ______
    Oryzomys melanotis

  198. Cloud Forest Rice Rat ______
    Oryzomys saturatior

  199. Allen's Cotton Rat  (MXe) ______  
    Sigmodon alleni

  200. Arizona Cotton Rat  (NO) (mna) ______
    Sigmodon arizonae

  201. Tawny-bellied Cotton Rat  (NO) (mna) ______   
    Sigmodon fuliventer

  202. White-eared Cotton Rat  (MXe)  ______
    Sigmodon leucotis

  203. Jaliscan Cotton Rat  (MXe) ______ 
    Sigmodon mascotensis

  204. Yellow-nosed Cotton Rat  (NO) (mna)  ______  
    Sigmodon ochrognathus

  205. Hispid Cotton Rat  (NO) (mna) ______ 
    Sigmodon hispidus

  206. Mexican Water Mouse  (MXe) ______  
    Rheomys mexicanus

  207. Thomas's Water Mouse ______  (in Mexico, in forests & regrowth areas of Chiapas)
    Rheomys thomasi  

  208. Slender Harvest Mouse ______  (southern Mexico to Costa Rica)
    (formerly Aporodon) gracilis

  209. Small-toothed Harvest Mouse _____ 
    (formerly Aporodon) microdon

  210. Cozumel Harvest Mouse  (MXe) ______ (only on Cozumel Is.) (endangered)
    (formerly Aporodon) spectabilis

  211. Narrow-nosed Harvest Mouse ______
    (formerly Aporodon) tenuirostris

  212. Sonoran Harvest Mouse  ______  
    Reithrodontomys burti

  213. Volcano Harvest Mouse  (MXe) ______
    Reithrodotomys chrysopsis

  214. Fulvous Harvest Mouse  (NO) (mna) ______
    Reithrodotomys fulvescens

  215. Hairy Harvest Mouse  (MXe) ______  
    Reithrodotomys hirsutus

  216. Western Harvest Mouse  (NO) (mna) ______  
    Reithrodotomys megalotis 

  217. Sumichrast's Harvest Mouse ______
    Reithrodontomys sumichrasti

  218. Plains Harvest Mouse  (NO) (mna) ______  
    Reithrodontomys montanus

  219. Mexican Harvest Mouse ______ 
    Reithrodontomys (formerly Aporodon) mexicanus

  220. Zacatecan Harvest Mouse ______
    Reithrodontomys zacatecae

  221. Chihuahuan Grasshopper Mouse ______
    Onychomys arenicola

  222. Northern Grasshopper Mouse (NO) (mna) ______
    Onychomys leucogaster

  223. Southern Grasshopper Mouse  (NO) (mna) ______
    Onychomys torridus

  224. Mexican Volcano Mouse  (MXe) ______
    Neotomodon alstoni 
    (the single member of its genus)

  225. Oaxaca Giant Deer Mouse  (MXe)  ______
    Megadontomys cryophilus

  226. Nelson's Giant Deer Mouse  (MXe) ______  (on the east slope of the Sierra Madre Oriental in east-central Mexico)
    Megadontomys nelsoni

  227. Thomas' Giant Deer Mouse  (MXe) ______ (in the Sierra Madre del Sur mountains in southern Mexico)
    Megadontomys thomasi 

  228. Chinanteco Deer Mouse  (MXe)  ______  (in the Sierra de Juarez mountains in Oaxaca)
    Habromys chinanteco

  229. Slender-tailed Deer Mouse  (MXe) ______  (in cloud forest in north-central Oaxaca)
    Habromys lepturus

  230. Crested-tailed Deer Mouse ______  (in wet montane oak forests from Chiapas south to northwest El Salvador)
    Habromys lophurus

  231. Jico Deer Mouse  (MXe)  ______  (east slope of south Sierra Madre Oriental in east-central Mexico) (endangered)
    Habromys simulatus
  232. Michoacan Deer Mouse  (MXe) ______  
    Osgoodomys basnderanus 
    (the single member of its genus)

  233. Aztec Deer Mouse ______
    Peromyscus aztecus

  234. Brush Deer Mouse  (NO) (mna)  ______
    Peromyscus boylii

  235. Perote Deer Mouse  (MXe) ______ (in the Perote region of Vera Cruz) (endangered)
    Peromyscus bullatus 

  236. California Deer Mouse  (NO) (mna)  ______  (in Mexico, in Baja California Norte)
    Peromyscus californicus

  237. Canyon Deer Mouse  (NO) (mna)  ______ 
    Peromyscus crinitus

  238. Zacatecan Deer Mouse  (MXe) ______
    Peromyscus difficills  

  239. Cactus Deer Mouse  (NO) (mna)  ______  (from southwest US south to central Mexico, including San Lorenzo islands & Montserrate Is. off Baja California)
    Peromyscus eremicus 

  240. Eva's Deer Mouse  (MXe)  ______  (in southern Baja California Sur, & Carmen Island)
    Peromyscus eva

  241. Blackish Beer Mouse  (MXe) ______  (east slope of southern Sierra Madre Oriental)
    Peromyscus furvus

  242. Saxicolous Deer Mouse  (NO) (mna)  ______
    Peromyscus gratus

  243. Angel Island Deer Mouse (MXe) ______  (on the Angel de la Guarda islands in the northern Gulf of California)
    Peromyscus guardia

  244. Guatemalan Deer Mouse  ______
    Peromyscus guatemalensis

  245. Naked-eared Deer Mouse  ______
    Peromyscus gymnotis

  246. Hoope's Deer Mouse  (MXe)  ______
    Peromyscus hooperi

  247. White-footed Deer Mouse  (NO) (mna) ______
    Peromyscus leucopus

  248. Southern Deer Mouse ______
    Peromyscus levipes

  249. Tres Marias Deer Mouse  (MXe) ______
    Peromyscus madrensis 

  250. North American Deer Mouse  (NO) (mna) ______
    Peromyscus maniculatus

  251. Brown Deer Mouse  (MXe) ______ (in Sierra Madre del Sur mountains)
    Peromyscus megalops

  252. Puebla Deer Mouse  (MXe) ______    (only in southeast Puebla)
    Peromyscus mekisturus

  253. Zempoaltepec Deer Mouse (MXe) ______  (in cloud forest of north-central Oaxaca in southern Mexico)
    Peromyscus melanocarpus

  254. Plateau Deer Mouse  (MXe)  ______  
    Peromyscus melanophrys

  255. Black-eared Deer Mouse (MXe) ______  
    Peromyscus melanotis

  256. Black-tailed Deer Mouse  (MXe) ______   
    Peromyscus melanurus

  257. Merriam's Deer Mouse  (NO) (mna) ______
    Peromyscus merriami

  258. Mexican Deer Mouse ______
    Peromyscus mexicanus

  259. Northern Rock Deer Mouse  (NO) (mna) ______
    Peromyscus nasutus

  260. El Carrizo Deer Mouse  (MXe)  ______
    Peromyscus ochraventer

  261. White-ankled Deer Mouse  (NO) (mna)  ______
    Peromyscus pectoralis

  262. Marsh Deer Mouse  (MXe) ______
    Peromyscus perfulvus 

  263. Chihuahuan Deer Mouse  (MXe) ______
    Peromyscus polius

  264. False Canyon Deer Mouse  (MXe)  ______  (on Coronados Island, Baja California Sur) (critically endangered)
    Peromyscus pseudocrinitus

  265. Santa Cruz Deer Mouse  (MXe) ______ (on Santa Cruz & San Diego Islands, in the southern Gulf of California)
    Peromyscus sejugis

  266. Slevin's Deer Mouse  (MXe) ______  (on Santa Catarina Island, Baja California Sur) (critically endangered)
    Peromyscus slevini

  267. Nayarit Deer Mouse  (MXe)  ______  (in coastal Nayarit and southern Sinola)
    Peromyscus simulus

  268. Gleaning Deer Mouse  (MXe)  ______
    Peromyscus spicilegus

  269. Pinon Deer Mouse  (mna)  ______
    Peromyscus truei

  270. Winkelmann's Deer Mouse  (MXe)  ______
    Peromyscus winkelmanni

  271. Yucatan Deer Mouse  (MXe) (SO)  ______
    Peromyscus yucatanicus

  272. Chiapan Deer Mouse  (MXe)  ______
    Peromyscus zarhynchus  

    OLD WORLD RATS & MICE (in the Subfamily Murinae) 

  273. House Rat (i) ______ (*)  (other names include Black Rat & Roof Rat) (originally from India, introduced worldwide)  
    Rattus rattus

  274. Brown Rat (i) ______ (also called Norway Rat) (originally from southeast Siberia & northern China, introduced worldwide) (less widespread than Rattus rattus in Central America)
    Rattus norvegicus

  275. Western House Mouse (i) ______ (commensal with humans in Europe, north Africa, & the Middle East; introduced in North & South America, subsaharan Africa, north Australia, & oceanic islands)   
    Mus domesticus  (formerly conspecific with Mus musculus, now the Eastern House Mouse)

    INSECTIVORES (in the Order Insectivora)

    SHREWS (Family Soricidae)

  276. American Least Shrew ______
    Cryptotis parva

  277. Merriam's Small-eared Shrew ______  
    Cryptotis merriami


    BATS (in the Order Chiroptera)

    Bats nicely illustrated in the field guide "Mammals of North America" by Roland Kays & Don Wilson are noted with the code (mna). 

    SHEATH-TAILED BATS (in the Family Emballonuridae)
    (51 species worldwide; 9 in Mexico)

  278. Long-nosed Bat ______  (also called Proboscis Bat)   
    Rhynchonycteris naso 
    (the single member of its genus)
    (Common in lowland forest near water: streams, rivers, mangroves, and lakes)

    Long-nosed Bat
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  279. Greater White-lined Bat (or White-lined Sac-winged Bat) ______  
    Saccopteryx bilineata

  280. Lesser White-lined Bat ______ 
    Saccopteryx leptura 

  281. Shaggy Bat ______ (rare, known only from a few specimens) 
    Centronycteris maximiliani

  282. Lesser Doglike Bat ______ 
    Peropteryx macrotis

  283. Greater Doglike Bat ______ 
    Peropteryx kappleri

  284. Least Sac-winged Bat  ______ 
    Balantiopteryx io

  285. Gray Sac-winged Bat ______ 
    Balantiopteryx plicata

  286. Northern Ghost Bat ______ 
    Diclidurus albus

    FISHING (or BULLDOG) BATS  (in the Family Noctilionidae)  
    (2 species in the Neotropics; both in Mexico) 

  287. Greater Fishing Bat ______ 
    Noctilio leporinus

  288. Lesser Fishing Bat ______ 
    Noctilio albiventris

    LEAF-CHINNED BATS (in the Family Mormoopidae)
    (8 species in total; 5 in Mexico)  

  289. Common Moustached Bat  (*) ______   (at "the Cave of the Hanging Snakes", "La Cueva de las Serpientes Colgantes", in the central Yucatan Peninsula, visited during the FONT November 2008 Mexico Tour)   
    Pteronatus (formerly Phyllodia) parnellii

    A Common Moustached Bat in the hand

  290. Lesser Moustached Bat  (*) ______   (at "the Cave of the Hanging Snakes", "La Cueva de las Serpientes Colgantes", in the central Yucatan Peninsula, visited during the FONT November 2008 Mexico Tour)   
    Pteronatus (formerly Chilonycteris) personatus

  291. Davy's Naked-backed Bat  (*) ______   (at "the Cave of the Hanging Snakes", "La Cueva de las Serpientes Colgantes", in the central Yucatan Peninsula, visited during the FONT November 2008 Mexico Tour)   
    Pteronatus davyi

  292. Big Naked-backed Bat ______ 
    Pteronatus gymnonotus 

  293. Peter's Ghost-faced Bat  (NO) (mna) (*) ______  (at "the Cave of the Hanging Snakes", "La Cueva de las Serpientes Colgantes", in the central Yucatan Peninsula, visited during the FONT November 2008 Mexico Tour)   
    Mormoops megalophylla

    AMERICAN LEAF-NOSED BATS  (in the Family Phyllostomidae) 
    (155 species in total; 56 in Mexico)

  294. Common Big-eared Bat ______
    Micronycteris microtis

  295. Schmidt's Big-eared Bat ______ (on Cozumel Is. & eastern Chiapas)
    Micronycteris schmidtorum

  296. Orange-throated Big-eared Bat ______ (uncommon & local)
    Micronycteris brachyotis

  297. Tricolored Big-eared  Bat ______ (rare & local)
    Micronycteris (formerly Glyphonycteris) sylvestris

  298. California Leaf-nosed Bat  (NO) (mna) ______  (in northwest Mexico)
    Macrotus californicus

  299. Waterhouse's Leaf-nosed Bat  ______ 
    Macrotus waterhousii

  300. Common Sword-nosed Bat ______
    Lonchorhina aurita

  301. Long-legged Bat ______ 
    Macrophyllum macrophyllum

  302. Stripe-headed Round-eared Bat ______ (Uncommon to rare; usually in mature evergreen forest)
    Tonatia saurophils

  303. Pygmy Round-eared Bat ______  (lowland forest & regrowth areas)
    Tonatia brasiliense

  304. Davis' Round-eared Bat ______ 
    Tonatia evotis

  305. Golden Bat ______ 
    Mimon bennettii

  306. Cozumel Golden Bat  (MXe)  ______  (endemic to Cozumel Is.)  
    Mimon cozumelae

  307. Striped Hairy-nosed Bat ______ (rare & local) 
    (formerly Anthorhina) crenulatum

  308. Pale Spear-nosed Bat ______
    Phyllostomus discolor

  309. Pale-faced Bat ______ (rare & local)
    Phyllostomus stenops

  310. Fringe-lipped Bat ______
    Trachops cirrhosus

  311. Big-eared Woolly Bat  (also called Woolly False Vampire Bat) ______ (uncommon to rare, but widespread)
    Chrotopterus auritus

  312. Spectral Bat (also called Great False Vampire Bat) ______ (rare & local)
    Vampyrum spectrum

    NECTAR-FEEDING or LONG-TONGUED BATS (in the Subfamilies Glossophaginae & Lonchophyllinae) 

  313. Common Long-tongued Bat ______ (in forests & clearings)
    Glossophaga soricina

  314. Western Long-tongued Bat (MXe)  ______  (dry forest & scrub from Michoacan to east Chiapas)  
    Glossophaga morenoi

  315. Gray's Long-tongued Bat ______ (in dry forest & scrub)
    Glossophaga leachii

  316. Brown Long-tongued Bat ______
    Glossophaga commissarisi

  317. Geoffrey's Tailless Bat ______
    Anoura geoffroyi

  318. Dark Long-tongued Bat ______ (rare)
    Lichonycteris obscura

  319. Underwood's Long-tongued Bat ______
    Hylonycteris underwoodi

  320. Mexican Long-nosed Bat  (NO) (mna)  ______ (endangered)
    Leptonycteris nivalis

  321. North American Long-nosed Bat  (NO) (mna)  ______ 
    Leptonycteris yerbabuenae

  322. Godman's Whiskered Long-nosed Bat ______ (rare to uncommon)
    Choeronycteris godmani

  323. Mexican Long-tongued Bat  (NO) (mna) ______ 
    Choeronycteris mexicana 

    SHORT-TAILED BATS  (in the Subfamily Carolliinae)

  324. Gray Short-tailed Bat ______  
    Carollia subrufa

  325. Silky Short-tailed Bat ______
    Carollia brevicauda

  326. Seba's Short-tailed Bat  (SO) (*) ______
    Carollia perspicillata

  327. Sowell's Short-tailed Bat ______ 
    Carollia sowelli

    TAILLESS BATS (in the Subfamily Stenodermatinae)

  328. Little Yellow-shouldered Bat ______ 
    Sturnira lilium

  329. Highland Yellow-shouldered Bat ______  (mid-elevation forests & forest edge)
    Sturnira ludovici

  330. Great Fruit-eating Bat ______  (in rainforests & clearings) 
    Artibeus lituratus

  331. Intermediate Fruit-eating Bat ______ 
    Artibeus intermedius

  332. Hairy Fruit-eating Bat  (MXe) ______   (occurs from Sonora south to Guerrero)
    Artibeus hirsutus 

  333. Jamaican Fruit-eating Bat  (*)  ______  (in rainforests & plantations) (at "the Cave of the Hanging Snakes", "La Cueva de las Serpientes Colgantes", in the central Yucatan Peninsula, visited during the FONT November 2008 Mexico Tour)   
    Artibeus jamaicensis

    Jamaican Fruit-eating Bats in a cave

  334. Aztec Fruit-eating Bat ______ 
    (formerly Dermanura) aztecus

  335. Toltec Fruit-eating Bat ______ 
    (formerly Dermanura) toltecus

  336. Pygmy Fruit-eating Bat ______ 
    Artibeus phaeotis

  337. Thomas' Fruit-eating Bat ______ 
    Artibeus watsoni

  338. Velvety Fruit-eating Bat ______ 
    (formerly Enchisthenes) hartii

  339. Common Tent-making Bat ______  
    Uroderma bilobatum

    Common Tent-making Bats
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  340. Brown Tent-making Bat ______ 
    Uroderma magnirostrum

  341. Heller's Broad-nosed Bat ______ 
    Platyrrhinus helleri

  342. Great Stripe-faced Bat ______  (uncommon north of Panama)
    Vampyrodes caraccioli

  343. Hairy Big-eyed Bat ______ 
    Chiroderma villosum

  344. Salvin's Big-eyed Bat ______ 
    Chiroderma salvini

  345. Little Yellow-eared Bat ______ 
    Vampyressa pusilla

  346. Wrinkle-faced Bat ______ 
    Centurio senex

    VAMPIRE BATS (in the Subfamily Desmodontinae)

  347. Common Vampire Bat ______ 
    Desmodus rotundus

  348. White-winged Vampire Bat ______  (primarily South American; in Mexico & Central America, rare & local.)
    Diaemus youngi

  349. Hairy-legged Vampire Bat  (NO) (mna) ______ 
    Diphylla ecaudata

    FUNNEL-EARED BATS (in the Family Natalidae)

  350. Mexican Funnel-eared Bat  (*)  ______  (at "the Cave of the Hanging Snakes", "La Cueva de las Serpientes Colgantes", in the central Yucatan Peninsula, visited during the FONT November 2008 Mexico Tour)   
    Natalus stramineus

    DISK-WINGED BATS (in the Family Thyropteridae)

  351. Spix's Disk-winged Bat ______ 
    Thyroptera tricolor

    VESPER or PLAIN-NOSED BATS (in the Family Vespertilionidae)
    (364 species worldwide; 41 in Mexico) 

  352. Spotted Bat  (NO) (mna)  ______
    Euderma maculatum 
    (the single member of its genus)

  353. Allen's Big-eared Bat  (NO) (mna)  ______ (occurs south to central Mexico)
    Idionycteris phyllotis 
    (the single member of its genus)

  354. Mexican Big-eared Bat  (MXe) ______  (highland pine-oak forests & lowlands, and Cozumel Island)
    (formerly Corynorhinus) mexicanus

  355. Townsend's Big-eared Bat  (NO) (mna)  ______  (occurs south to southern Mexico)
    (formerly Corynorhinus) townsendii

  356. Western Pipistrelle  (NO) (mna) (*)  ______
    (formerly Hypsugo) hesperus

  357. Eastern Pipistrelle  (NO) (mna)  ______ 
    (formerly Perimyotis) subflavus

  358. Cinnamon Myotis ______
    (formerly Leuconoe) fortidens

  359. Little Brown Myotis  (NO (mna)  ______
    (formerly Leuconoe) lucifugus

  360. Southwestern Myotis  (NO) (mna)  ______
    Myotis auriculus

  361. Long-eared Myotis ______
    Myotis evotis

  362. Miller's Myotis  (MXe)  ______  (northern Baja California) (endangered)
    Myotis milleri

  363. Peninsular Myotis  (MXe) ______ (southern Baja California)
    Myotis peninsularis

  364. Fringed Myotis  (NO) (mna)  ______
    Myotis thysanodes

  365. California Myotis  (NO) (mna)  ______
    Myotis californicus

  366. Western Small-footed Myotis  (NO) (mna)  ______
    Myotis ciliolabrum   

  367. Black Myotis ______  (in forests & built-up areas)
    Myotis nigricans

  368. Elegant Myotis ______ 
    Myotis elegans

  369. Findley's Myotis ______ (on Tres Marias Island, in Nayarit) (endangered)
    Myotis findleyi 

  370. Flat-headed Myotis  (MXe) ______ (in north-central Mexico, in Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Zacatecas) (critically endangered)
    Myotis planiceps 

  371. Silver-haired Myotis ______   
    (formerly Leuconoe) albescens

  372. Fish-eating Myotis ______  (coasts & islands of Baja California & Sonora)
    (formerly Leuconoe) vivesi

  373. Long-legged Myotis  (NO) (mna)  ______
    (formerly Leuconoe) volans

  374. Yuma Myotis  (NO) (mna)  ______
    (formerly Leuconoe) yumanensis 

  375. Cave Myotis  (NO) (mna)  ______
    (formerly Leuconoe) velifer

  376. Hairy-legged Myotis  (*)  ______  (at "the Cave of the Hanging Snakes", "La Cueva de las Serpientes Colgantes", in the central Yucatan Peninsula, visited during the FONT November 2008 Mexico Tour)   
    Myotis keaysi

  377. Big Brown Bat  (NO) (mna) ______ 
    Eptesicus fuscus

  378. Brazilian Brown Bat ______ 
    Eptesicus brasiliensis

  379. Argentine Brown Bat ______ 
    Eptesicus furinalis

  380. Evening Bat  (NO) (mna)  ______ 
    Nycticelus humeralis

  381. Allen's Yellow Bat  (MXe) ______ (central & southern Mexico: Zacatecas to Oaxaca)
    (formerly Baeodon) alleni

  382. Genoway's Yellow Bat  (MXe) ______ (southern Chiapas)
    Rhogeesa genowaysi

  383. Slender Yellow Bat  (MXe) ______ (central & southern Mexico: Jalisco and Zacatecas south to Oaxaca)
    Rhogeesa gracilis

  384. Least Yellow Bat  (MXe) ______ (in south Michoacan) (endangered)
    Rhogeese mira

  385. Little Yellow Bat  (MXe)  ______  (in addition to mainland Mexico, also occurs on Tres Marias Island in Nayarit) 
    Rhogeesa parvula

  386. Central American Yellow Bat ______ 
    Rhogeessa tumida

  387. Western Red Bat  (NO) (mna)  ______ 
    Lasiurus blossevillii

  388. Eastern Red Bat  (NO) (mna) ______ (in the US & northeast Mexico)
    Lasiurus borealis 

  389. Hoary Bat  (NO) (mna)  ______
    Lasiurus cinereus

  390. Southern Yellow Bat  (NO) (mna)  ______
    (formerly Dasypterus) ega   

  391. Northern Yellow Bat  (NO) (mna)  ______
    (formerly Dasypterus) intemedius 

  392. Western Yellow Bat  (NO)  ______  (southwest US & west Mexico)
    Lasiurus (formerly Dasypterus) xanthinus

  393. Silver-haired Bat  (NO) (mna)  ______  (in the US. including Alaska, & Canada, & in northeast Mexico) 
    Lasionycteris noctivagans 
    (the single member of its genus)

    Silver-haired Bat

    ANTROZOID BATS  (in the Family Antrozoidae)
    (Totally 2 species in North America; both in Mexico)

  394. Van Gelder's Bat ______  (in Mexico, in interiors of southern forests & on Tres Marias Island, in Nayarit) 
    Bauerus dubiaquercus 
    (the single member of its genus)   

  395. Pallid Bat  (NO) (mna)  ______  (occurs south to central Mexico)
    Antrozous pallidus   
    (the single member of its genus) 

    FREE-TAILED BATS (in the Family Molossidae)
    (94 species worldwide; 19 in Mexico)

  396. Greenhall's Dog-faced Bat ______ 
    Molossops greenhalli

  397. Mexican Dog-faced Bat  (MXe) ______   (in west-central Mexico)
    Molossops mexicanus

  398. Mexican (or Brazilian) Free-tailed Bat  (NO) (mna) (*)  ______  (locally in dry open areas & forests) (forms summer colonies of millions of individuals in large caves)
    Tadarida brasiliensis

    ABOVE & BELOW: Mexican Free-tailed Bats

  399. Peale's Free-tailed Bat ______ 
    Nyctinomops aurispinosus

  400. Pocketed Free-tailed Bat  (NO) (mna) ______ (occurs from the southwest US south to Guerrero) 
    Nyctinomops femorosaccus 

  401. Broad-eared Bat  (SO) (*)  ______  (in dry forest & scrub) 
    Nyctinomops laticaudatus

  402. Big Free-tailed Bat  (NO) (mna) ______ 
    Nyctinomops macrotis

  403. Black Bonneted Bat ______ 
    Eumpos auripendulus

  404. Wagner's Bonneted Bat ______ 
    Eumops glaucinus

  405. Sanborn's Bonneted Bat ______ (in Mexico, in Chiapas) 
    Eumops hansae

  406. Dwarf Bonneted Bat ______ 
    Eumops bonariensis

  407. Greater Bonneted Bat  (NO) (mna) ______ 
    Eumops perotis

  408. Underwood's Bonneted Bat  (NO) (mna) ______ 
    Eumops underwoodi 

  409. Big-crested Mastiff Bat ______ 
    Promops centralis 

  410. Black Mastiff Bat ______ 
    Molossus ater

  411. Bonda Mastiff Bat ______  (in Mexico, occurs in forest on Cozumel Island)
    Molossus currentium 

  412. Miller's Mastiff Bat ______ 
    Molossus prestiosus

  413. Sinaloan Mastiff Bat ______ 
    Molossus sinaloae

  414. Pallas' Mastiff Bat  (NO) (mna) ______ 
    Molossus molossus 

    Pallas' Mastiff Bat



    EARED SEALS (in the Family Otariidae) 

  415. California Sea Lion  ______  (the same species called the Galapagos Sea Lion on those islands in the Pacific)
    Zalophus californianus 
    (the single member of its genus)

    California Sea Lions in Sonora, Mexico along the coast of the Sea of Cortez 
    (photo by Abram Fleishman)

    EARLESS SEALS (in the Family Phocidae)
  416. Northern Elephant Seal ______ 
    Mirounga angustirostris

  417. West Indian Monk Seal ______  (formerly occurred along the Yucatan coast; the species is now extinct throughout its range)
    Monachus tropicalis

  418. Harbor Seal ______  (along the Mexican Pacific coast) 
    Phoca vitulina


    Harbor Seal
    (photo by James Scheib) 

    MARINE MAMMALS IN MEXICAN WATERS  (in the Order Cetacea) 

    TOOTHED WHALES (in the Suborder Odontoceti)

    OCEAN DOLPHINS (in the Family Delphinidae)

  419. Rough-toothed Dolphin (t3) ______ 
    Steno bredanensis
    (in the Pacific, well offshore)  

  420. Pacific Spotted Dolphin ______
    Stenella atrenuata
    (off the Pacific coast) 

  421. Atlantic Spotted Dolphin (t3) ______
    Stenella frontalis
    (off the Caribbean coast) 

  422. Long-snouted Spinner Dolphin ______ 
    Stenella longirostris centroamericana
    (off the Pacific coast, & further offshore)

  423. Clymene Dolphin (also called Short-snouted Spinner Dolphin) (t3) ______
    Stenella clymene
    (in the Caribbean)

  424. Striped (or Blue-white) Dolphin ______
    Stenella coeruleoalba
    (in the Pacific, offshore) 

  425. Common Dolphin ______
    Delphinus delphis
    (off the Pacific coast; one of the most gregarious and abundant of the world's cetaceans

    A Common Dolphin photographed during a FONT tour
    (photo by Andy Smith)

  426. Bottlenose Dolphin ______ 
    Tursiops truncatus
    (off & along the Pacific & Caribbean coasts)

    A Bottlenose Dolphin photographed during a FONT tour

  427. Fraser's Dolphin (t2) ______
    Lagenodelphis hosei
    (off Pacific coast, well offshore; occurs in the Gulf of Mexico & near the Lesser Antillean islands of the Caribbean) 

    Fraser's Dolphin

  428. Risso's Dolphin (also called Gray Grampus) (t3) ______
    Grampus griseus
    (in the Pacific)

    Risso's Dolphin

  429. Melon-headed Whale (t3) ______
    Peponocephala electra
    (in the Pacific)  

  430. Pygmy Killer Whale (t3) ______
    Feresa attenuata
    (in the Pacific)

  431. False Killer Whale (t3) ______
    Pseudorca crassidens
    (in the Pacific)

  432. Killer Whale (or Orca) (t3) ______
    Orcinus orca
    (off the Pacific coast) 

  433. Short-finned Pilot Whale (t3) ______
    Globicephala Macrorhynchus
    (off the Pacific coast, & further offshore)

    SPERM WHALE (a single species in the Family Physeteridae) 

  434. Great Sperm Whale (t2) ______
    Physeter catodon
    (in the Pacific and the Caribbean)

    PYGMY SPERM WHALES (now in the Family Kogiidae)

  435. Pygmy Sperm Whale (t3) ______
    Kogia brevicops
    (in the Pacific)

    Pygmy Sperm Whale
    (photo by Alan Brady)

  436. Dwarf Sperm Whale (t3) ______
    Kogia simus
    (in the Pacific) 

    BEAKED WHALES (in the Family Hyperoodontidae)

  437. Cuvier's Beaked Whale (t3) ______
    Ziphius cavirostris
    (off the Pacific coast) 

    Cuvier's Beaked Whale

  438. Blainville's Beaked Whale (t3) ______
    Mesoplodon densirostris
    (on occasion, in the Pacific off Mexico) 

  439. Gray's Beaked Whale (t3) ______
    Mesoplodon grayi
    (in the Pacific, well offshore) 

  440. Southern Bottlenose Whale (t2) ______
    Hyperoodon planifrons
    (in the Pacific)   

    RORUALS (in the Family Balaenopteridae)

  441. Blue Whale (t1) ______
    Balaenoptera musculus
    (in the Pacific, generally far offshore) 

    Blue Whale
    (photo by Armas Hill)

  442. Fin Whale (t2) ______
    Balaenoptera physalus
    (in the Caribbean, offshore)

  443. Sei Whale (t2) ______
    Balaenoptera borealis 
    (in the Pacific, well offshore) 

  444. Bryde's Whale (t1) ______
    Balaenoptera brydei
    (formerly edeni)
    (in the Pacific, offshore) 

  445. Northern Minke Whale (t2) ______
    Balaenoptera acutorostrata
    (formerly conspecific with what's now the Antarctic Minke Whale, Balaenoptera bonaerensis)
    (in the Caribbean, offshore; & in the Pacific off Mexico)

  446. Humpback Whale (t2) ______
    Megaptera novaeangliae 
    (the single member of its genus)
    (in the Pacific, off Mexico, mainly from July to December)

  447. Gray Whale  ______
    Eschrichtius robustus  (the single member of its genus)
    (in the Pacific, including the Sea of Cortez)    

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