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2 of a List
with some Photos
South America
and Moths
Whites, Sulphurs and Yellows,
and allies
Noting those during
Focus On Nature Tours
in Argentina,
Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
Second Part of a List of South America Butterflies in
6 Parts,
compiled by Armas Hill
Here, in Part 2: Pieridae,
the Whites, Sulphurs and Yellows, & allies
Butterfly Groupings in this list below, links to these subfamilies:
with the genera: Dismorphia,
Enantia, Lieinix, Moschoneura, Pseudopieris
PIERINAE: Whites &
with the genera: Archonias,
Ascia, Catasticta, Charonis, Cunizza, Daptoneura, Eroessia, Ganyra, Glutophrissa,
Hesperocharis, Hypsochila, Intraphulia, Itaballia, Leodonta, Leptophobia,
Mathania, Melete, Pereute, Phulia, Perrhybris, Piercolias, Pieriballia,
Pierphulia, Reliquia, Tatochila, Theochila
COLIADINAE: Sulphurs &
with the genera: Anteos,
Aphrissa, Colias, Eurema, Kricogonia, Leucidia, Nathalis, Phoebis, Pyristia,
Rhabdodryas, Teriocolias, Zerene
Links to other South America Butterfly groupings:
Part #1 - Swallowtails (Papilionidae)
Part #3 - Hairstreaks, Blues (Lycaenidae) & Metalmarks (Riodinidae)
Part #4 - Brushfoots (Nymphalidae)
Part #5 - Clearwings (Ithomiini) & Satyrs (Satyrini)
Part #6 - Skippers
In South America, the
countries of Colombia, Peru, Brazil, and Ecuador each have a great
number of butterfly species.
Ecuador has the greatest concentration of species per kilometer. In that
country, there are said to be 2,726 species of butterflies.
Codes relating to illustrations in various
Numbers noted as (AZ:xx)
refer to pages in "Butterflies of Arizona - A Photographic
Guide", by Bob Stewart, Priscilla Brodkin, & Hank Brodkin
(with fine photographs).
Numbers noted as (BB:xx) refer to pages
in "Butterflies of Buenos Aires (Argentina)", by Gustavo Canals
Numbers noted as (C:xx) refer to pages in
"A World of Butterflies", with text by Brian Cassie, and
photographs (superb) by Kjell Sandved
Numbers noted as (D1:xx)
refer to plates in "The Butterflies of Costa Rica and their
Natural History (Volume 1): Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae", by
Philip J. DeVries
Numbers noted as (DV:xx) refer to pages
in "Butterflies Of South America", by Bernard D'Abrera
Numbers noted as (EBE:xx) refer to pages
in "Ecuador's Butterfly Ecology" ("Ecologica de
Mariposas del Ecuador"), by Xavier Silva
Numbers noted as (F:xx) refer to pages
in "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Butterflies", by Dr. John
Numbers noted as (K:xx) refer to pages
in the "Kaufman Focus Guide to Butterflies of North America", by
Jim Brock & Kenn Kaufman
Numbers noted as (MM:xx) refer to pages
in "Mariposas (Butterflies) of Missiones (Argentina)", by
Gustavo Canals
Numbers noted as (MCA:xx) refer to pages
in "A Swift Guide to the Butterflies of Mexico & Central
America" by Jeffrey Glassberg
Numbers noted as (PE:xx)
refer to plates in the "Peterson Field Guides to Eastern
Butterflies", by Paul Opler & Vichai Malikul, 1998 edition.
Those noted as (PEp:xx)
refer to a page with a photograph.
Numbers noted as (PW:xx) refer to plates
in the "Peterson Field Guide to Western Butterflies", by Paul
Opler & illustrated by Amy Bartlett Wright, 1999 edition.
Those noted as (PWp:xx)
refer to a page with a photograph.
Numbers noted as (RG:xx) refer to pages
in "Butterflies of the Lower Rio Grande Valley" by Roland Wauer.
Numbers noted as (S:xx)
refer to pages in the "Smithsonian Handbook, Butterflies
& Moths", by David Carter.
Country Codes:
AR: in Argentina
ba: province of Buenos Aires
ne: northeast Argentina,
including Iguazu Falls
BR: in Brazil
mg: Mato Grosso, including the Pantanal
and north to Alta Floresta / Rio Cristalino
se: southeast Brazil
CH: in Chile
EC: in Ecuador
VE: in Venezuela
Butterflies observed during FONT tours noted by an (*) after the 2-letter
country code.
(ph): species with a photo in the FONT website
Other Links:
Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in South America in:
Ecuador Uruguay Venezuela Argentina
Lists & Photo Galleries of BIRDS, including those during FONT Tours in South America
Lists & Photo Galleries of MAMMALS, relating to FONT Tours in South America
of Photo Galleries of AMPHIBIANS & REPTILES, including
those during FONT Tours in
South America
A Photo Gallery of Butterflies & Moths during some FONT tours in Ecuador
Alphabetical Directory of Butterflies by Genus with Photos in this Website
Alphabetical Directory of Moths by Genus with Photos in this Website
Directory of Photos in this Website
List of South American Butterflies. Part
Family PIERIDAE: most are predominantly white, yellow, or orange in color,
and are often referred to
Worldwide, approximately
1,000 species of whites & sulphurs have been described.
Host plants for PIERIDAE
are generally legumes (shrubs and trees), such as Mimosaceae (for
example, Inga spp.
for Dismorphiinae),
and Caesalpinaceae, Fabraceae and Mimosaceae for Coliadinae).
Pierinae lay eggs
mostly on Brassicaceae (the cabbage family), Tropaeolaceae (the
cress family), Capparidaceae
and Loranthaceae.
Group of Pieridae during a
FONT Brazil Tour
in Mato Grosso do Sul
(photo by Marie Gardner)
A long-winged
tropical group
species which can favor mountainous habitats,
especially in Peru and
Ecuador on the western slopes of the Andes.