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PO Box 9021,
Wilmington, DE 19809, USA E-mail: font@focusonnature.com Phone: Toll-free in USA 1-888-721-3555 or 302/529-1876 Website: www.focusonnature.com |
during the
Focus On Nature Tour
in April 2011
List compiled by
Armas Hill,
leader of the tour
A Bird-List & Photo Gallery of Central America Birds, in 4 Parts
(linked here to the first part, with links to the others)
Mammals in Belize (with some photos)
A List & Photo Gallery of Butterflies & Moths in Central America, in 6 Parts
Amphibians & Reptiles of Belize & Guatemala
Highlights of Some Previous FONT Belize Tours
FONT Birding & Nature Tours in Central America
Mammals & Other Nature
during our April 2011 tour
in Belize
Other Nature:
Birds at Various Places during our Belize Tour
in April 2011
The area of CROOKED TREE:
1 - Plain Chachalaca
2 - Black-bellied Whistling Duck
3 - Blue-winged Teal
4 - Pied-billed Grebe
5 - Least Grebe
6 - Neotropic Cormorant
7 - Great Blue Heron
8 - Great Egret
9 - Snowy Egret
10 - Little Blue Heron
11 - Tricolored Heron
12 - Western Cattle Egret
13 - Green Heron
14 - Agami Heron
15 - Black-crowned Night Heron
16 - Boat-billed Heron
17 - Bare-throated Tiger Heron
18 - American White Ibis
19 - Glossy Ibis
20 - Roseate Spoonbill
21 - Jabiru
22 - Wood Stork
23 - Black Vulture
24 - Turkey Vulture
25 - Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture
26 - King Vulture
27 - Osprey
28 - Snail Kite
29 - Black-collared Hawk
30 - Ruddy Crake
31 - Gray-necked Wood Rail
32 - Limpkin
33 - Northern Jacana
34 - Black-necked Stilt
35 - Greater Yellowlegs
36 - Lesser Yellowlegs
37 - Solitary Sandpiper
38 - Western Sandpiper
39 - Semipalmated Sandpiper
40 - Spotted Sandpiper
41 - Gull-billed Tern
42 - Caspian Tern
43 - Pale-vented Pigeon
44 - Common Ground Dove
45 - Ruddy Ground Dove
46 - White-tipped Dove
47 - Aztec Parakeet
48 - Yellow-lored Amazon
49 - Red-lored Amazon
50 - Groove-billed Ani
51 - Pauraque
52 - Yucatan Poorwill
53 - Green-breasted Mango
54 - Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
55 - Ringed Kingfisher
56 - Belted Kingfisher
57 - Green Kingfisher
58 - American Pygmy Kingfisher
59 - Acorn Woodpecker
60 - Golden-fronted Woodpecker
61 - Red-vented Woodpecker
62 - Lineated Woodpecker
63 - Fork-tailed Flycatcher
64 - Tropical Kingbird
65 - Couch's Kingbird
66 - Social Flycatcher
67 - Great Kiskadee
68 - Brown-crested Flycatcher
69 - Dusky-capped Flycatcher
70 - Vermilion Flycatcher
71 - Acadian Flycatcher
72 - Slate-headed Tody-Flycatcher
73 - Yellow-olive Flatbill (or Flycatcher)
74 - Northern Beardless Tyrannulet
75 - Yellow-bellied Tyrannulet
76 - Barred Antshrike
77 - Rufous-breasted Spinetail
78 - Plain Xenops
79 - Ivory-billed Woodcreeper
80 - Mangrove Vireo
81 - Lesser Greenlet
82 - Brown Jay
83 - Yucatan Jay
84 - Clay-colored Thrush
85 - Tropical Mockingbird
86 - Gray Catbird
87 - Black Catbird
88 - Gray-breasted Martin
89 - Mangrove Swallow
90 - Northern Rough-winged Swallow
91 - Barn Swallow
92 - Spot-breasted Wren
93 - "Southern" House Wren
94 - White-bellied Wren
95 - Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
96 - Black-and-white Warbler
97 - Yellow Warbler
98 - Magnolia Warbler
99 - Northern Waterthrush
100 - Ovenbird
101 - American Redstart
102 - Common Yellowthroat
103 - Gray-crowned Yellowthroat
104 - Gray-throated Chat
105 - Great-tailed Grackle
106 - Melodious Blackbird
107 - Red-winged Blackbird
108 - Hooded Oriole
109 - Chipping Sparrow
110 - Olive Sparrow
111 - White-collared Seedeater
112 - Blue-black Grassquit
113 - Red-throated Ant-Tanager
114 - Blue-gray Tanager
115 - Dickcissel
116 - Northern Cardinal
117 - Blue Bunting
118 - Indigo Bunting
The vicinity of GALE'S POINT (Manatee
1 - Little Blue Heron
2 - Western Cattle Egret
3 - Turkey Vulture
4 - Laughing Falcon
5 - Sandwich Tern
6 - Royal Tern
7 - Common Tern
8 - Pale-vented Pigeon
9 - Short-billed Pigeon
10 - Scaled Pigeon
11 - White-fronted Amazon
12 - Blue-crowned Motmot
13 - Ringed Kingfisher
14 - Belted Kingfisher
15 - Green Kingfisher
16 - Keel-billed Toucan
17 - Golden-fronted Woodpecker
18 - Fork-tailed Flycatcher
19 - Social Flycatcher
20 - Great Kiskadee
21 - Barred Antshrike
22 - Brown Jay
23 - Clay-colored Thrush
24 - Tropical Mockingbird
25 - Mangrove Swallow
26 - "Southern" House Wren
27 - Northern Waterthrush
28 - Montezuma Oropendola
29 - Great-tailed Grackle
30 - Melodious Blackbird
31 - White-collared Seedeater
32 - Blue-black Grassquit
33 - Red-throated Ant-Tanager
34 - Black-headed Saltator
West Indian Manatee
In the TOLEDO DISTRICT in southern Belize, including the area of Cotton Tree
1 - Little Tinamou
2 - Plain Chachalaca
3 - Pied-billed Grebe
4 - Magnificent Frigatebird
5 - Western Cattle Egret
6 - Black Vulture
7 - Turkey Vulture
8 - Gray (-lined) Hawk
9 - Pale-vented Pigeon
10 - Gray-fronted Dove
11 - White-fronted Amazon
12 - Red-lored Amazon
13 - Mealy Amazon
14 - Striped Cuckoo
15 - Pauraque
16 - White-necked Jacobin
17 - Violet=crowned Woodnymph
18 - Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
19 - Gartered Trogon
20 - Ringed Kingfisher
21 - Keel-billed Toucan
22 - Golden-fronted Woodpecker
23 - Chestnut-colored Woodpecker
24 - Lineated Woodpecker
25 - Ivory-billed Woodcreeper
26 - Barred Antshrike
27 - Western Slaty Antshrike
28 - Dusky Antbird
29 - Mayan Antthrush
30 - Plain Xenops
31 - Tropical Kingbird
32 - Social Flycatcher
33 - Great Kiskadee
34 - Dusky-capped Flycatcher
35 - Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
36 - Tropical Pewee
37 - Greenish Elaenia
38 - Yellow-rumped Myiobius (or Flycatcher)
39 - Northern Royal Flycatcher
40 - Sepia-capped Flycatcher
41 - Thrushlike Schiffornis
42 - White-collared Manakin
43 - Yellow-green Vireo
44 - Brown Jay
45 - Swainson's Thrush
46 - Clay-colored Thrush
47 - Gray Catbird
48 - "Southern" House Wren
49 - White-breasted Wood-Wren
50 - Yellow-throated Euphonia
51 - Black-and-white Warbler
52 - Yellow Warbler
53 - Magnolia Warbler
54 - Chestnut-sided Warbler
55 - Northern Waterthrush
56 - American Redstart
57 - Common Yellowthroat
58 - Montezuma Oropendola
59 - Yellow-billed Cacique
60 - Great-tailed Grackle
61 - Melodious Blackbird
62 - Bronzed Cowbird
63 - Baltimore Oriole
64 - Orchard Oriole
65 - "Black" Variable Seedeater
66 - White-collared Seedeater
67 - Blue-black Grassquit
68 - Golden-hooded Tanager
69 - Blue-gray Tanager
70 - Yellow-winged Tanager
71 - Passerini's Tanager
72 - Red-throated Ant-Tanager
73 - Black-headed Saltator
74 - Buff-throated Saltator
1 - Rufous-tailed Jacamar
2 - Keel-billed Toucan
3 - Social Flycatcher
4 - Great Kiskadee
5 - Barred Antshrike
6 - Brown Jay
7 - Long-billed Gnatwren
8 - Grace's Warbler (s of Maya Center)
9 - Montezuma Oropendola
10 - Great-tailed Grackle
11 - "Black" Variable Seedeater
12 - White-collared Seedeater
The area of BANANA BANK
1 - Little Tinamou
2 - Western Cattle Egret
3 - Turkey Vulture
4 - Gray (-lined) Hawk
5 - Roadside Hawk
6 - White-tipped Dove
7 - Groove-billed Ani
8 - Long-billed Hermit
9 - Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
10 - Gartered Trogon
11 - Collared Aracari
12 - Golden-fronted Woodpecker
13 - Piratic Flycatcher
14 - Great Kiskadee
15 - Barred Antshrike
16 - Brown Jay
17 - "Southern" House Wren
18 - Yellow Warbler
19 - Great-tailed Grackle
20 - Bronzed Cowbird
21 - White-collared Seedeater
22 - Summer Tanager