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E-mail: font@focusonnature.com
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during Focus On Nature Tours 

including tours in the 

Antshrikes to Woodcreepers

Noting those found during
Focus On Nature Tours
with an (*)
1991 thru 2015

during the months of February, April,
 May, July, and August

Part 3 of a List of Ecuador Birds 
compiled by Armas Hill, 
with some photos

There have been 21 FONT birding tours in Ecuador,
during which
over 1,100 species of birds 
have cumulatively been seen.
Presently 1,637 species of birds are in this 4-part list.


Upper photo at right:  a bird of eastern Ecuador,
the Dusky-throated Antshrike
(photo by Larry O'Meallie) 

Lower photo at right: 
the recently discovered JOCOTOCO ANTPITTA,
in southern Ecuador. Endemic to the country.
Very local and very rare. 
(photo courtesy of Jocotoco Tours) 

Links to Groupings of Birds in this List:

Antbirds    Antthrushes, Antpittas    Gnateaters     Tapaculos     Furnariids     Woodcreepers    

Links to Other Parts of this Ecuador Bird List:

Part 1 of this List of Ecuador Birds: Tinamous to Swifts

Part 2 of this List of Ecuador Birds: Hummingbirds to Flycatchers 

Part 4 of this List of Ecuador Birds: Vireos to Grosbeaks


Indicating regions visited (as follows):

E:  East of the Andes 
az: Amazonian Ecuador  (including the areas of La Selva & Sacha Lodges along the Rio Napo) 
po: Podocarpus National Park (including the Rio Bombuscara area, near Zamora)
si: the area of "San Isidro" near Cosanga, on the east Andean slope  

nm: the areas of Nono Mindo Road and/or Mindo
po: Podocarpus National Park (including near Loja)

H: FOUND IN THE HIGH ANDES (mostly or always).
cu: Cuenca, west into the mountains to El Cajas
po: Podocarpus National Park (including the Cajanuma area)


Specific Locations:

BR:  Buenaventura Reserve (Umbrellabird Lodge)
CN:  Canande Reserve  (Canande Lodge)
CP:  Copalinga cabins & restaurant, near Zamora in southeast Ecuador
JR:  Jorupe Reserve (Urraca Lodge)
TR:  Tapichalaca Reserve (Casa Simpson)
UR:  Utuana Reserve
YR:  Yanacocha Reserve 

These location codes are followed by:
c: common    fc: fairly common    u: uncommon    r: rare    vr: very rare 

(t)      a globally threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International
         (t1): critical   (t2): endangered   (t3): vulnerable
(nt):   a near-threatened species globally
(Ee):  endemic to Ecuador
(Ge):  endemic to the Galapagos
(Er):   rare in Ecuador
(Ei):   introduced in Ecuador

(ph): species with a photo in the FONT website 

A primary reference for this list is the "The Birds of Ecuador - Status, Distribution, and Taxonomy"  by Robert S. Ridgely and Paul J. Greenfield, published in 2001. 

More than 2,100 birds that have been found during FONT South America Birding Tours, in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, & Venezuela.  

Additional Links:

Birds of the Amazonian Region     Rare Birds of the Andes & Patagonia 

Mammals of South America  (with some photos)    

Butterflies & Moths of South America 
(with some photos) 

Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in South America:
in Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela     in  Argentina, Chile

A Chronological List of all scheduled FONT birding & nature tours

Directory of Photos in this Web-site




  1. Fasciated Antshrike  (*)  _____ E,az  CN:u
    Cymbilaimus lineatus

  2. Undulated Antshrike  (*)  _____ E,az
    Frederickena unduligera

  3. Barred Antshrike  (*) (ph)   _____ E,az 
    Thamnophilus doliatus subradiatus  

    The Barred Antshrike is a widespread species, but it is rare and local in Ecuador.

  4. Lined Antshrike  (t3) (*)  _____  CP:vr
    Thamnophilus tenuepunctatus 

    The Lined Antshrike is now distinct from the Chestnut-backed Antshrike.

  5. Great Antshrike  (*) (ph)  _____ W,E,az   BR:u  CN:u  JR:u
    Taraba major

  6. Collared Antshrike  (*) (ph)  _____ W   JR:fc
    Sakesphorus bernardi

    Above & below: Collared Antshrikes photographed during the 
    FONT Ecuador Tour in July 2013
    Above, a male. Below, a female.

  7. Uniform Antshrike  (*)  _____ W,E,nm  BR:fc  TR:r
    Thamnophilus unicolor

  8. Black-crowned Antshrike  (*) (ph)  _____ BR:u  CN:c
    Thamnophilus atrinucha

    The newly-named Black-crowned Antshrike (by the AOU in 2013) was the Western Slaty Antshrike, but genetic evidence has shown that it is not related to the slaty-antshrikes elsewhere in South America.

    A Black-crowned Antshrike photographed during
    the FONT tour in Ecuador in April 2014.
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  9. Maranon Slaty Antshrike  ____  (also called the Peruvian Slaty Antshrike)
    Thamnophilus leucogaster

    By some, the Maranon Slaty Antshrike is combined with the Guianan Slaty Antshrike, Thamnophilus punctatus, and is then called the Northern Slaty Antshrike, again with the scientific name Thamnophilus punctatus.   

    The Maranon Slaty Antshrike has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador. 

  10. Chapman's Antshrike  ____  JR:fc(at higher elevation)  UR:u
    Thamnophilus z. zarumae

  11. Cocha Antshrike  (nt) (Ee) (*) _____ E,az  
    Thamnophilus praecox

    After being known from only a single female specimen collected in 1926, the Cocha Antshrike was rediscovered in December 1990. 

  12. White-shouldered Antshrike  (*)  _____ E
    Thamnophilus aethiops

  13. Castelnau's Antshrike  (nt) (*)  _____ E,az 
    Thamnophilus cryptoleucus 

    The Castelnau's Antshrike was first reported in Ecuador in February 1985. It occurs on islands in the Rio Napo and the lower Rio Aquarico in eastern Ecuador. 

  14. Plain-winged Antshrike  (*)  _____ E,az  
    Thamnophilus schistaceus

    The Plain-winged Antshrike has also been called the Black-capped Antshrike.

  15. Mouse-colored Antshrike  (*) _____ E,az
    Thamnophilus murinus

  16. Amazonian Antshrike ____
    Thamnophilus amazonicus

  17. Spot-winged Antshrike  (*) _____ E,az
    Pygiptila stellaris

  18. Pearly Antshrike  (*) _____ E,az
    Megastictus margaritatus

  19. Cinereous Antshrike  (*) _____ E,az
    Thamnomanes caesius

  20. Russet Antshrike  (*)  _____ W   BR:u  CN:u
    Thamnistes anabatinus

  21. Dusky-throated Antshrike  (*) (ph)  _____ E,az
    Thamnomanes ardesiacus

    Dusky-throated Antshrike
    (photo by Larry O''Meallie)

  22. Plain Antvireo  (*)  _____ W   BR:u  CP:fc  JR:fc
    Dysithamnus mentalis

  23. Spot-crowned Antvireo ____  CN:fc
    Dysithamnus puncticeps

  24. White-streaked Antvireo  (t3)  _____
    Dysithamnus leucostictus

  25. Bicolored Antvireo  (t3) _____   TR:r   
    Dysithamnus occidentalis 
    (has been placed in the genus Thamnomanes; Thamnophilus has also been suggested)

    The Bicolored Antvireo has been called the Western Antshrike. 

    By whatever name, what is now Dysithamnus occidentalis has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.  

  26. Rufous-tailed Antwren  (*)  _____ E,az
    Myrmotherula e. erythrura

  27. Slaty Antwren  (*)  _____ W,E
    Myrmotherula schisticolor

  28. Pygmy Antwren  (*)  _____ E,az
    Myrmotherula brachyura

  29. Griscom's Antwren ____
    Myrmotherula ignota

  30. Pacific Antwren  (*)  _____ CN:u 
    Myrmotherula pacifica 

    The Pacific Antwren is now considered distinct from the Amazonian Streaked Antwren (below) and the Guianan Streaked Antwren.

  31. Amazonian Streaked Antwren  (*)  _____ E,az
    Myrmotherula multostriata

  32. Short-billed Antwren  (*)  _____ E,az
    Myrmotherula obscura

  33. Stripe-chested Antwren ____
    Myrmotherula longicauda

  34. Plain-throated Antwren  (*)  _____ E,az
    (or Isleria) hauxwelli 

  35. Checker-throated Antwren ____   BR:u  CN:fc
    (formerly Mymotherula) fulviventris 

  36. Stipple-throated Antwren ____
    (formerly Mymotherula) haematonota

  37. Yasuni Antwren  ____  (occurs in Ecuador & Peru) 
    (formerly Mymotherula) fjeldsaai 

    The Yasuni Antwren has been called the Brown-backed Antwren, but other species also have brown backs.

    Epinecrophylla fjeldsaai was described in 1999.

  38. Foothill Antwren ____
    (formerly Mymotherula) spodionota

  39. Ornate Antwren ____
    (formerly Mymotherula) ornata

  40. White-flanked Antwren  (*)  _____ W,E,az   BR:r  CN:c
    Myrmotherula axillaris

  41. Long-winged Antwren  (*) _____
    Myrmotherula longipennis

  42. Plain-winged Antwren ____
    Myrmotherula behni

  43. Rio Suno Antwren  (*)  _____ E
    Myrmotherula sunensis

  44. Gray Antwren  (*)  _____ E,az
    Myrmotherula menetriesii

    An immature Gray Antwren photographed in Ecuador
    (photo by Larry O'Meallie)

  45. Dot-winged Antwren  (*)  _____ CN:c
    Microrhopias quixensis 

  46. Dugand's Antwren  (*)  ______
    Herpsilochmus dugandi

  47. Ancient Antwren  (nt)  ____
    Herpsilochmus gentryi

  48. Yellow-breasted Antwren  (t3)  _____  CP:vr
    Herpsilochmus axillaris

  49. Rufous-winged Antwren ____
    Herpsilochmus rufimarginatus

  50. Rufous-rumped Antwren ____   BR:r
    Terenura callinota

  51. Chestnut-shouldered Antwren ____
    Terenura humeralis

  52. Ash-winged Antwren  (Er) ____  
    Terenura spodioptila 

    The Ash-winged Antwren was first reported in Ecuador in July 1991.

  53. Banded Antbird  (*)  _____ E,az
    Dichrozona cincta stellata  

  54. Long-tailed Antbird  (*)  _____ W,E,si   TR:u
    Drymophila caudata

  55. Striated Antbird  (*)  _____ E,po
    Drymophila devillei

  56. Gray Antbird  (*)  _____ E,az
    Cercomacra cinerascens

  57. Dusky Antbird _____  CR:u
    Cercomacra t. tyrannina 
    (Ecuadorian birds were C. t. rufiventris; that subspecies merged.)

  58. Black Antbird  (*) _____
    Cercomacra serva

  59. Jet Antbird ____
    Cercomacra nigricans

  60. White-browed Antbird ____
    Myrmoborus leucophrys

  61. Ash-breasted Antbird  (t3)  _____
    Myrmoborus lugubris

  62. Black Bushbird ____
    Neoctantes niger

  63. White-backed Fire-eye  (*)  _____ W   BR:u  CP:vr
    Pyriglena leuconota castanoptera 
    (subspecies in eastern Ecuador)
    Pyriglena leuconota pacifica 
    (subspecies in western Ecuador)

  64. Peruvian Warbling Antbird  (*)  _____ E,az
    Hypocnemis peruviana

    What was the Warbling Antbird, Hypocnemis cantator, has been split into 6 species. All 6 occur somewhere in Brazil. Only one, Hypocnemis peruviana, occurs in Ecuador.   

  65. Black-and-white Antbird  (*)  _____ E,az
    Myrmochanes hemileucus

  66. Blackish Antbird  (*)  _____ E,az
    Cercomacra nigriscens

  67. Black-faced Antbird  (*)  _____ E,az
    Myrmoborus myotherinus

  68. Yellow-browed Antbird  (*)  _____ E,az
    Hypocnemis hypoxantha

  69. Black-chinned Antbird ____
    Hypocnemoides melanopogon

  70. Spotted Antbird _____  CR:u
    Hylophylax n. naevioides

  71. Spot-winged Antbird  (*)  _____ E,az
    Schistocichla leucostigma

  72. Slate-colored Antbird ____
    Schistocichla schistacea

  73. Silvered Antbird  (*)  _____ E,az
    Sclateria naevia argentata

  74. Gray-headed Antbird  (t3) ____   BR:vr  UR:r
    Myrmeciza griseiceps 

    The Gray-headed Antbird has been classified as an endangered species in Ecuador.  

  75. Chestnut-tailed Antbird ____
    Myrmeciza hemimelaena

  76. Plumbeous Antbird  (*)  _____ E,az
    Myrmeciza hyperythra

  77. White-shouldered Antbird  (*)  _____ E
    Myrmeciza melanoceps

  78. Black-throated Antbird  (*)  _____ E
    Myrmeciza atrothorax

  79. Sooty Antbird  (*)  _____ E,az
    Myrmeciza fortis

  80. Chestnut-backed Antbird  (*)  _____ W   BR:u  CN:c
    Myrmeciza exsul

  81. Immaculate Antbird  (*)  _____ W,nm   BR:fc  CN:u  UR:r
    Myrmeciza immaculata

  82. Esmeraldas Antbird _____   BR:r  CN:u  
    Myrmeciza nigricauda 
    (was said to be Sipia rosenbergi)  

    It is the Esmeraldas Antbird rather than the Dull-mantled Antbird in Ecuador. 

  83. Stub-tailed Antbird _____  CN:r
    Myrmeciza berlepschi

  84. White-plumed Antbird  (*)  _____ E,az
    Pithys albifrons peruviana

  85. Bicolored Antbird  (*)  _____ E,az  CN:fc
    Gymnopithys leucaspis castanea 
    (subspecies in eastern Ecuador: "White-cheeked Antbird")
    Gymnopithys leucaspis aequatorialis 
    (subspecies in western Ecuador)

  86. Lunulated Antbird  ____
    Gymnopithys lunnulata

    The Lunulated Antbird is an ant-follower. Although the population of the species seems to be decreasing, it is not threatened - at least not yet (in 2012). 

  87. Dot-backed Antbird  (*)  _____ E,az
    Hylophylax punctulata

  88. Spot-backed Antbird  (*)  _____ E,az
    Hylophylax naevia

  89. Scale-backed Antbird  (*)  _____ E,az
    Hylophylax poecilinota

  90. Hairy-chested Antbird ____
    Rhegmatorhina melanosticta

  91. Black-spotted Bare-eye  (*)  _____ E,az
    Phlegopsis nigromaculata

  92. Reddish-winged Bare-eye ____
    Phlegopsis erythroptera  

  93. Ocellated Antbird  _____  CN:u
    Phaenostictus mcleannami 

    The Ocellated Antbird has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador. 

  94. Wing-banded Antbird ____
    Myrmornis torquata


  95. Striated Antthrush  (*)  _____ E,az 
    Chamaeza nobilis rubida

    The Striated Antthrush has also been called the Noble Antthrush.

  96. Rufous-capped Antthrush  (*)  _____ E,az
    Formicarius colma nigrifrons

  97. Rufous-breasted Antthrush  (*) (ph)  _____   BR:u  TR:u
    Formicarius rufipectus

    A Rufous-breasted Antthrush photographed during 
    the FONT tour in Ecuador in April 2013  
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  98. Black-faced Antthrush  (*)  _____ E,az
    Formicarius analis

  99. Black-headed Antthrush  (*)  _____  W,E,az  CN:fc
    Formicarius nigricapillus

  100. Barred Antthrush  (*)  _____ E,si   TR:r
    Chamaeza m. mollissima

  101. Short-tailed Anthrush ____  CP:fc
    Chamaeza campanisona

  102. Rufous-crowned Antpitta  (nt)  ____  CN:r
    Pittasoma rufopileatum 

    The Rufous-crowned Antpitta has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  103. Giant Antpitta  (t2) (*)  _____ W,E,nm,si
    Grallaria g. gigantea (*) 
    (subspecies in eastern Ecuador)
    Grallaria gigantea hylodroma (*)  
    ("Pichincha Antpitta")  

    The Giant Antpitta has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  104. Scaled Antpitta  (*) ____ E   BR:u  CN:r   JR:u(at higher elevation)  UR:r
    Grallaria guatimalensis

  105. Moustached Antpitta  (t3) (*) (ph) _____
    Grallaria alleni

    The Moustached Antpitta was first found in Ecuador in 1990 and was subsequently located at 6 places (4 in Pinchincha province and at single sites in Cotopaxi and Napo provinces) on both slopes of the Andes. Specimens were taken in 1992 and 1994.  
    The Moustached Antpitta has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

    A Moustached Antpitta photographed during 
    the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner) 

  106. Plain-backed Antpitta  (*) ____ E,po   BR:u
    Grallaria haplonota 

  107. Chestnut-crowned Antpitta  (*) ____ W,E,nm,si   JR:c  TR:r  UR:c
    Grallaria ruficapilla 

  108. Watkin's Antpitta  (nt)  _____   JR:fc  UR:u  
    Grallaria watkinsi

    The Watkin's Antpitta is now distinct from the Chestnut-crowned Antpitta (above).

  109. Jocotoco Antpitta  (t2) (*) (ph)  ____   TR:r  
    Grallaria ridgelyi 

    The Jocotoco Antpitta was discovered on November 20, 1997. It is classified as an endangered species in Ecuador. 

    A handheld Jocotoco Antpitta gives an idea of its size
    (photo courtesy of Jocotoco Tours) 
    There's another photo of the bird itself at the top of this list.

    And this photograph of a Jocotoco Antpitta was taken 
    during the FONT tour in southern Ecuador in April 2014
    (photo by Marie Gardner) 

  110. Chestnut-naped Antpitta  (*) ____ H   TR:fc  YR:u
    Grallaria nuchalis

  111. Bicolored Antpitta  (t2)  ____
    Grallaria rufocinerea

    Two Bicolored Antpittas, presumably a pair, were observed and tape-recorded on November 11, 1999, in Sucumbios province on the Amazonian slope of the Andes. That was said to be the first record of the species for Ecuador. 

    The Bicolored Antpitta ia classified as an endangered species in Ecuador.    

  112. White-bellied Antpitta  (*) _____   TR:u
    Grallaria hypoleuca

  113. Yellow-breasted Antpitta  _____   
    Grallaria flavotincta

    The Yellow-breasted Antpitta is now considered distinct from the White-bellied Antpitta (above) of eastern Ecuador.
    The Yellow-breasted Antpitta is on the west slope of the Andes. 

  114. Rufous Antpitta  (*) (ph)  ____ W,E,po,si   TR:c  YR:c
    Grallaria rufula

    A Rufous Antpitta photographed during 
    the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2013 
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  115. Ochre-striped Antpitta  (*) ____ E,az
    Grallaria dignissima

  116. Thrush-like Antpitta  (*) ____ E
    Myrmothera campanisona signata

  117. Undulated Antpitta  (*) ____ W,E,nm   TR:r  UR:fc  YR:u
    Grallaria squamigera

  118. Tawny Antpitta  (*) ____ H,cu,nm,si   TR:fc  YR:c
    Grallaria q. quitensis

  119. Streak-chested Antpitta  _____  CN:r  
    (formerly Grallaria) perspicillatus

    The Streak-chested Antpitta has been called the Spectacled Antpitta.

  120. White-lored Antpitta  _____  
    Hylopezus fulviventris 

    The White-lored Antpitta is now considered distinct from the Fulvous-bellied Antpitta, Hylopezus fulviventris, of Honduras to western Colombia, that has also been called the Thicket Antpitta.   

  121. Ochre-breasted Antpitta  (nt) (*) (ph)  _____
    Grallaricula flavirostris

    An Ochre-breasted Antpitta photographed during the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2013 
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  122. Slate-crowned Antpitta  (*) ____ E,si   TR:fc
    Grallaricula nana

  123. Peruvian Antpitta  (nt)  _____   TR:r
    Grallaricula peruviana

  124. Crescent-faced Antpitta  (nt)  ____
    Grallaricula lineifrons


  125. Chestnut-crowned Gnateater _____   TR:r  YR:u
    Conopophaga castaneiceps

  126. Chestnut-belted Gnateater  (*) _____
    Conopophaga aurita

  127. Ash-throated Gnateater  (*) _____ E
    Conopophaga peruviana


  128. Elegant Crescentchest  (*) _____ W   BR:u  JR:fc
    Melanopareia e. elegans

  129. Maranon Crescentchest  (nt) (rE)  ____
    Melanopareia maranomica

  130. Ash-colored Tapaculo  (*) _____ W,E,po,si   TR:fc  UR:r  YR:u
    Myornis senilis

  131. Rusty-belted Tapaculo  (*) _____ E,az
    Liosceles thoracicus erithacus

  132. Unicolored Tapaculo  (*) _____ H,nm
    Scytalopus unicolor

  133. Spillmann's Tapaculo  (*) _____ W,nm
    Scytalopus spillmanni

  134. Equatorial Rufous-vented Tapaculo  (*) _____ E,si   TR:u
    Scytalopus micropteus 

  135. Northern White-crowned Tapaculo _____  CP:u
    Scytalopus atratus

  136. Narino Tapaculo  (*) ____ H
    Scytalopus vicintor

    The Narino Tapculo occurs in Colombia and northern Ecuador.

  137. Choco Tapaculo  _____  CR:r
    Scytalopus chocoensis

    The Choco Tapaculo occurs in Colombia and northern Ecuador.

  138. El Oro Tapaculo  (t2) (Ee)  _____   BR:r  
    Scytalopus robbinsi 

    The El Oro Tapaculo was described in 1997.

  139. Chusquea Tapaculo  (*) _____ H,po   TR:fc  
    Scytalopus parkeri

    The Chusquea Tapaculo was described in 1997. It is fairly common in southern Ecuador, and uncommon in adjacent northern Peru.  

  140. Paramo Tapaculo  _____   TR:c  
    Scytalopus opacus
    (formerly canus)

    The Paramo Tapaculo was part of the former "Andean Tapaculo".  More recently, 2010, what is now the Paramillo Tapaculo of Colombia in the Cordillera Occidental has been split from the Paramo Tapaculo. The Paramillo Tapaculo is now Scytalopus canus.    
    Scytalopus opacus and Scytalopus canus have different voices. 
    Scytalopus canus
    is classified as an endangered species. 

    The Paramo Tapaculo resembles other Scytalopus tapaculos, being overall dark gray with brown to the lower flanks. Females are dull brown above.

    The subspecies Scytalopus opacus androstictus was described in 2010. It occurs in southeastern Ecuador and northern Peru. Unlike the nominate subspecies, most male androstictus have white to the primary coverts.
    If following the phylogenetic species concept, androstictus would be a separate species, but with the biological species concept it is a subspecies.  

  141. Ocellated Tapaculo  (*) (ph)  _____ H   TR:u  YR:u
    Acropternis orthonyx  

    An Ocellated Tapaculo photographed during the FONT tour
    in Ecuador in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)


  142. Slender-billed Miner ____
    Geositta tenuirostris

  143. Stout-billed Cinclodes  (*) (ph)  _____ H,cu
    Cinclodes excelsior 

    A Stout-billed Cinclodes photographed during 
    the FONT tour in Ecuador in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  144. Bar-winged Cinclodes  (*) _____ H,cu   TR:r
    Cinclodes fuscus albidiventris

  145. Pacific Hornero  (*) (ph)  _____  W,cu,nm,po   CN:u  JR:c  
    Furnarius cinnamomeus

    The Pacific Hornero was part of the Pale-legged Hornero. 

    Above: a Pacific Hornero
    photographed during the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2013
    Below: a painting of the Pacific Hornero on a wall in the Ecuadorian town of Pinas.
    The bird is well known in that town and others in the western part of the country.    
    (both photos by Marie Gardner, that of the painting during the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2014) 

  146. Bay Hornero  (Er)  ____
    Furnarius torridus

  147. Lesser Hornero  (*) _____ E,az
    Furnarius minor

  148. Andean Tit-Spinetail  (*) _____ H,cu
    Leptasthenura andicola

  149. Azara's Spinetail  (*) _____ H,E,cu,nm,po,si   JR:c(at higher elevation)  TR:fc  UR:fc  YR:c
    Synallaxis azarae

  150. Slaty Spinetail  (*)  _____ W,nm  CN:fc
    Synallaxis brachyura

  151. Dark-breasted Spinetail  (*)  _____ E,az  CP:c
    Synallaxis albigularis

  152. Dusky Spinetail  (nt)  (*)  _____ E,si  CP:vr
    Synallaxis moesta

  153. Plain-crowned Spinetail ____
    Synallaxis gujanensis

  154. Maranon Spinetail  (t1)  ____   
    Synallaxis maranonica

    The Maranon Spinetail is now considered distinct from the Plain-crowned Spinetail. 

    Birdlife International recently (in 2012) changed the classification of Synallaxis maranonica from "vulnerable" to "critically endangered".  

  155. Rufous Spinetail  (*) _____ H,W,nm   TR:fc
    Synallaxis unirufa

  156. Ruddy Spinetail  ____
    Synallaxis rutilans

  157. Chestnut-throated Spinetail  (nt) (rE)  ____
    Synallaxis cherriei

  158. Necklaced Spinetail  (*) _____ W
    Synallaxis stictothorax

    A Necklaced Spinetail photographed during 
    the FONT tour in western Ecuador in May 2014.
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  159. Red-faced Spinetail  (*) _____ W,nm  CN:r
    Cranioleuca erythrops

  160. White-bellied Spinetail  (*) _____ E,az
    Synallaxis propinqua

  161. Blackish-headed Spinetail  (t2)  ____   JR:u
    Synallaxis tithys

    The Blackish-headed Spinetail has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.  

  162. White-browed Spinetail  (*) ______ W,E,po   TR:fc  UR:r
    Hellmayrea gularis

  163. Line-cheeked Spinetail  (*)  ______ W,H   JR:c(at higher elevation)  UR:c
    Cranioleuca antisiensis

  164. Parker's Spinetail  (*)  ______  
    Cranioleuca vulpecula

    The Parker's Spinetail has also been called the White-breasted Spinetail. It was part of the Rusty-backed Spinetail. 

  165. Ash-browed Spinetail  (t3) (*)  ______ E   CP:u  TR:u
    Cranioleuca curtata

  166. Speckled Spinetail ____
    Cranioleuca gutturata

  167. Mouse-colored Thistletail  (*)  _____ H   TR:c
    Schizoeaca griseomurina

  168. White-chinned Thistletail  (*) _____ H   YR:u
    Schizoeaca fuliginosa

  169. Streak-backed Canastero _____
    Asthenes wyatti

  170. Many-striped Canastero  (*)  _____ H,cu   TR:fc
    Asthenes flammulata

  171. Plain Softtail _____
    Thripophaga fusciceps

  172. Rufous-fronted Thornbird  (ph)  _____
    Phacellodomus rufifrons

  173. Spectacled Prickletail  (*) ______   TR:r
    Siptornis striaticollis

  174. Equatorial Graytail  (nt)  _____  CP:vr
    Xenerpestes singularis

  175. Double-banded Graytail ____  CN:vr
    Xenerpestes minlosi 

    The Double-banded Graytail has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador. 

  176. Orange-fronted Plushcrown  (*) ______ E,az
    Metopothrix aurantiacus

  177. Pearled Treerunner  (*) (ph)  ______ W,E,cu,nm,po,si  TR:c  YR:c
    Margarornis squamiger perlatus

    Feeding and hanging on a tree in the forest,
    a Pearl Treerunner photographed during the
    FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  178. Star-chested Treerunner  (nt)  _____  
    Margarornis stellatus

    The Star-chested Treerunner has been called the Fulvous-dotted Treerunner. 

    By whatever name, Margarornis stellatus has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  179. Spotted Barbtail  (*)  ______ E,si   CN:r  TR:u
    Premnoplex brunnescens

  180. Rusty-winged Barbtail  (*)  ______ W,E,nm,si
    Premnornis g. guttuligera

  181. Streaked Tuftedcheek  (*)  ______ W,E,nm,po,si   TR:fc  UR:u  YR:c
    Pseudocolaptes boissonneautii

  182. Pacific Tuftedcheek  (*)  ______ W,nm  
    Pseudocolaptes johnsoni 

    The Pacific Tuftedcheek was at one time conspecific with the more-northerly Buffy Tuftedcheek. 

    The Pacific Tuftedcheek has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  183. Point-tailed Palmcreeper  (*) ______ E,az
    Berlepschia rikeri 

  184. Chestnut-winged Hookbill  (*)  ______ E
    Ancistrops strigilatus 

  185. Lineated Foliage-gleaner  (*)  _____ W,E   TR:u
    Syndactyla subalaris

  186. Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner _____
    Syndactyla rufosuperciliata cabanisi

  187. Rufous-necked Foliage-gleaner  (t3)  _____   JR:fc  UR:u
    Syndactyla ruficollis

    The Rufous-necked Foliage-gleaner has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  188. Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner  (*)  _____ W,nm  CN:vr  
    Anabacerthia variegaticeps

    The Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner has also been called the Spectacled Foliage-gleaner.

  189. Montane Foliage-gleaner  (*) _____   CP:u  TR:fc
    Anabacerthia striaticollis

  190. Eastern Woodhaunter _____
    Hyloctistes subulatus

  191. Western Woodhaunter ____  CN:u
    Hyloctistes virgatus

  192. Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner  (*)  _____ W,nm  CN:vr
    Philydor rufus

  193. Chestnut-winged Foliage-gleaner _____
    Philydor erythropterus

  194. Slaty-winged Foliage-gleaner  (*)  _____ W  
    Philydor fuscipennis

    The Slaty-winged Foliage-gleaner is distinct from the Rufous-rumped Foliage-gleaner (below)

    The Slaty-winged Foliage-gleaner has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.  

  195. Rufous-rumped Foliage-gleaner _____
    Philydor erythrocercus

  196. Cinnamon-rumped Foliage-gleaner _____
    Philydor pyrrhodes

  197. Rufous-tailed Foliage-gleaner  (*)  _____ E,az
    Philydor r. ruficaudatus

  198. Bamboo Foliage-gleaner _____  
    Anabazenops dorsalis

    The Bamboo Foliage-gleaner has been called the Crested Foliage-gleaner, but it has no crest. It has also been called the Dusky-cheeked Foliage-gleaner.

  199. Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner  (*)  _____ W,E,nm,si  CR:r
    Automolus ochrolaemus

  200. Chestnut-crowned Foliage-gleaner  (*)  _____ E,az
    Automolus rufipileatus

  201. Brown-rumped Foliage-gleaner _____
    Automolus melanopezus

  202. Olive-backed Foliage-gleaner  (*)  _____ E
    Automolus infuscatus

  203. Ruddy Foliage-gleaner  (*)  _____ W,E  CN:r
    Automolus rubiginosus

  204. Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner  (t3) (*)  _____   JR:fc
    Hylocryptus erythrocephalus 

    The Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  205. Flammulated Treehunter  (*)  ______ W,E,po   TR:r
    Thripadectes flammulatus

  206. Striped Treehunter  (*)  ______ W,E   TR:u
    Thripadectes holostictus

  207. Streak-capped Treehunter  (*)  _____ W,nm
    Thripadectes virgaticeps

  208. Black-billed Treehunter _____
    Thripadectes melanorhynchus 

  209. Uniform Treehunter ______
    Thripadectes ignobilis

  210. Slender-billed Xenops  (*)  _____ E,po
    Xenops tenuirostris

  211. Plain Xenops  (*) (ph)  _____ W,nm  CN:fc
    Xenops minutus

  212. Streaked Xenops  (*)  _____ W,E   CN:r  CP:c  JR:u  TR:u
    Xenops rutilans

  213. Rufous-tailed Xenops  (*)  _____ E
    Xenops milleri

  214. Tawny-throated Leaftosser _____  CN:vr
    Sclerurus mexicanus

  215. Gray-throated Leaftosser  (nt)  _____
    Sclerurus albigularis

  216. Short-billed Leaftosser _____
    Scleurus rufigularis

  217. Black-tailed Leaftosser  (*)  _____ E,az
    Scleurus caudacutus

  218. Scaly-throated Leaftosser _____  CN:r
    Sclerurus guatemalensis

  219. Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper _____   TR:r
    Lochmias nematura


  220. Tyrannine Woodcreeper  (*) _____ W,E,nm,si   TR:u
    Dendrocincla tyrannina

  221. Plain-brown Woodcreeper  (*) _____ W,E,az,nm  CN:fc  CP:vr
    Dendrocincla fuliginosa

  222. White-chinned Woodcreeper _____
    Dendrocincla merula

  223. Long-tailed Woodcreeper  (nt)  _____
    Deconychura longicauda

  224. Spot-throated Woodcreeper _____
    Deconychura stictolaema

  225. Olivaceous Woodcreeper  (*) _____ W,E,nm,po   CN:vr  CP:c  JR:fc
    Sittasomus griseicapillus amazonus 
    (subspecies in eastern Ecuador)
    Sittasomus griseicapillius aequatorialis 
    (subspecies in western Ecuador) 

  226. Wedge-billed Woodcreeper  (*) _____ W,E,az  CN:c  CP:u
    Glyphorynchus spirurus

  227. Long-billed Woodcreeper  (*) _____ E,az
    Nascia longirostris

  228. Straight-billed Woodcreeper  (*) _____ E,az
    Xiphorhynchus picus

  229. Cinnamon-throated Woodcreeper  (*) _____ E,az
    Dendrexetastes rufigula

  230. Amazonian Barred Woodcreeper _____
    Dendrocolaptes certhia

  231. Northern Barred Woodcreeper _____  CN:u
    Dendrocolaptes sanctithomae

  232. Black-banded Woodcreeper  (*) _____ E,az
    Dendrocolaptes picumnus

  233. Strong-billed Woodcreeper  (*) (ph)  _____  W,E,nm   CP:fc  JR:r  TR:r  UR:r
    Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus

    Above & below: From two angles,
    a Strong-billed Woodcreeper photographed
    during the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  234. Striped Woodcreeper  (*) _____ E,az
    Xiphorhynchus obsoletus

  235. Ocellated Woodcreeper  (*) _____ E,az,po
    Xiphorhynchus ocellatus

  236. Spix's Woodcreeper _____
    Xiphorhynchus spixii

  237. Buff-throated Woodcreeper  (*) _____ E,az
    Xiphorhynchus guttatus

  238. Black-striped Woodcreeper _____  CN:fc
    Xiphorhynchus lachrymosus

  239. Olive-backed Woodcreeper  (*) _____ E,si   TR:u
    Xiphorhynchus triangularis

  240. Spotted Woodcreeper  (*) _____ W,E,si  CN:u
    Xiphorhynchus erythropygius

  241. Streak-headed Woodcreeper  (*) (ph)  _____  W,nm   CN:u  JR:fc
    Lepidocolaptes souleyetii

    A Streak-headed Woodcreeper photographed 
    during the FONT Ecuador Tour in July 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  242. Montane Woodcreeper  (*) _____ W,E,nm,si   CP:vr  JR:u(at higher elevation)  TR:fc  UR:u 
    Lepidocolaptes lacrymiger

    The Montane Woodcreeper was conspecific with the Spot-crowned Woodcreeper of Central America. 

  243. Lineated Woodcreeper _____  CP:u
    Lepidocolaptes albolineatus

  244. Greater Scythebill  (nt)  _____   TR:r  YR:vr
    (has been Campylorhamphus) pucherani

    Drymotoxeres is a new genus (in 2011). The Greater Scythebill is said to be closely related to Scimitar-billed Woodcreeper, of Argentina, Drymornis bridgesii, in a clade that also contains the genus Lepidocolaptes. 

  245. Red-billed Scythebill  (*) (ph)  _____ W,E,az   CN:r  JR:u
    Campylorhamphus trochilirostris 

    Red-billed Scythebill
    (photo by Andy Smith)

  246. Curve-billed Scythebill _____
    Campylorhamphus procurvoides

  247. Brown-billed Scythebill _____  CN:r
    Campylorhamphus pusillus

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