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E-mail: font@focusonnature.com
Phone: Toll-free in USA 1-888-721-3555
 or 302/529-1876 


during Focus On Nature Tours 

including tours in the 

Vireos to Grosbeaks

Noting those found during
Focus On Nature Tours
with an (*)
1991 thru 2015

during the months of February, April,
 May, July, and August

Part 4 of a List of Ecuador Birds 
compiled by Armas Hill, 
with some photos

There have been 21 FONT birding tours in Ecuador,
during which
over 1,100 species of birds have cumulatively been seen.
Presently 1,637 species of birds are in this 4-part list.

one of the numerous colorful tanagers in Ecuador
(photo by Marie Gardner, during the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2013)


Links to Groupings of Birds in this List:

Vireos     Jays    Martins & Swallows    Dipper     Wrens     Mockingbirds     Thrushes    

Gnatcatchers & Gnatwrens
     Siskins     Chlorophonias & Euphonias    New World Warblers    

    Bananaquit, Conebills, Flowerpiercers    Tanagers   

Finches, Grassquits, Seedeaters, Sparrow
    Dickcissel, Saltators, Grosbeaks

Links to Other Parts of this Ecuador Bird List:

Part 1 of this List of Ecuador Birds: Tinamous to Swifts

Part 2 of this List of Ecuador Birds: Hummingbirds to Flycatchers  

Part 3 of this List of Ecuador Birds: Antshrikes to Woodcreepers


Indicating regions visited (as follows):

E:  East of the Andes 
az: Amazonian Ecuador  (including the areas of La Selva & Sacha Lodges along the Rio Napo) 
po: Podocarpus National Park (including the Rio Bombuscara area, near Zamora)
si: the area of "San Isidro" near Cosanga, on the east Andean slope  

nm: the areas of Nono Mindo Road and/or Mindo
po: Podocarpus National Park (including near Loja)

H: FOUND IN THE HIGH ANDES (mostly or always).
cu: Cuenca, west into the mountains to El Cajas
po: Podocarpus National Park (including the Cajanuma area)


Specific Locations:

BR:  Buenaventura Reserve (Umbrellabird Lodge)
CN:  Canande Reserve  (Canande Lodge)
CP:  Copalinga cabins & restaurant, near Zamora in southeast Ecuador
JR:  Jorupe Reserve (Urraca Lodge)
TR:  Tapichalaca Reserve (Casa Simpson)
UR:  Utuana Reserve
YR:  Yanacocha Reserve 

These location codes are followed by:
c: common    fc: fairly common    u: uncommon    r: rare    vr: very rare 

(t)      a globally threatened or rare species, designated by Birdlife International
         (t1): critical   (t2): endangered   (t3): vulnerable
(nt):   a near-threatened species globally
(Ee):  endemic to Ecuador
(Ge):  endemic to the Galapagos
(Er):   rare in Ecuador
(Ei):   introduced in Ecuador

(ph): species with a photo in the FONT website 

A primary reference for this list is the "The Birds of Ecuador - Status, Distribution, and Taxonomy"  by Robert S. Ridgely and Paul J. Greenfield, published in 2001. 

More than 2,100 birds that have been found during FONT South America Birding Tours, in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, & Venezuela.  

Additional Links:

Birds of the Amazonian Region     Rare Birds of the Andes & Patagonia 

Mammals of South America (with some photos)    Butterflies of South America (with some photos)

Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in South America: 
in Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela      in Argentina, Chile

A Chronological List of all scheduled FONT birding & nature tours

Directory of Photos in this Web-site




  1. Rufous-browed Peppershrike  (*) ____ W,E,po   BR:u  JR:c  TR:fc  UR:fc
    Cyclarhis gujanensis

  2. Black-billed Peppershrike  (*) ____ E,si
    Cyclarhis nigrirostris

  3. Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo  (*) ____ CN:u
    Vireolanius leucotis

  4. Brown-capped Vireo  (*) ____ W,E,nm,po,si   BR:fc  JR:fc(at higher elevation)  TR:fc  UR:fc
    Vireo leucophrys

  5. Yellow-green Vireo  (*) ____ E,az  CP:vr
    Vireo flavoviridis

  6. Red-eyed Vireo  (*) ____ W,E,az,nm   BR:u  CN:u  CP:fc  JR:u
    Vireo olivaceus

  7. Choco Vireo  (t2) (Er)  ______
    Vireo masteri

    The Choco Vireo was described in 1996, shortly after it was found in Colombia. Only recently was it found in remote northwestern Ecuador, where it inhabits very wet and mossy cloud forest and foothill forest on the west slope. There have been just a handful of sightings in the Alto Tampb and Cristals areas in Esmeraldas province.
    Choco masteri is one of the hardest of the Choco endemics to see in Ecuador.
    More recently in Ecuador (in May 2010), the Choco Vireo has been found in the Pinchincha province at Masphi (not that far from where birders visiting Ecuador go in the Mindo area). Where the bird was found there, however, was, it should be said, at a place reached by a long and strenuous hike on a mule rail, with overnight camping involved. Not easy. But nice to know that there's yet another location for the species in Ecuador.

    The person whose name is in the scientific name of the bird, Dr. Bernie Master, traveled with FONT (Armas Hill) in Ecuador, during a 3-week combination of 2 tours in the 1990s. 
    Armas has good memories of being with Bernie, and his wife Susan, during those Ecuadorian tours.
    The scientific name, Choco masteri, was decided by an auction to raise money for conservation of the bird's habitat when it was found in Colombia.
    One of the two people who scientifically described the bird was F. G. (Gary) Stiles, with whom Armas had the good fortune of birding in Costa Rica in the late 1970s.          

  8. Yellow-throated Vireo  (Er)  ______
    Vireo flavifron

    The Yellow-throated Vireo is a boreal migrant that has only recently been found in Ecuador.
    There have been 3 records, all in the northern part of the country, both east & west of the Andes.
    The first record was in February 2008 in the Napo province, at Wild Sumaco, in a mixed-species flock.
    Secondly, one was found in November 2011 in riparian forest along the Tululbi River in Esmeraldas province near San Lorenzo.
    In March 2012, a Yellow-throated Vireo was found in Imbabura province, at the Reserva los Cedros. That bird was first thought, by people at the reserve, to be a Choco Vireo (above), but it was correctly identified as Vireo flavifron and it was photographed.   

  9. Rufous-naped Greenlet ____
    Hylophilus semibrunneus

  10. Dusky-capped Greenlet ____
    Hylophilus hypoxanthus

  11. Olivaceous Greenlet  (nt) (*) ____ E,az,po,si  CP:c
    Hylophilus olivaceus

  12. Lemon-chested Greenlet ____
    Hylophilus thoracicus 

  13. Tawny-crowned Greenlet  (*) ____ E,az  CN:u
    Hylophilus ochraceiceps

  14. Lesser Greenlet  (*) ____ W   BR:c  CN:fc  JR:u
    Hylophilus decurtatus minor  


  15. Turquoise Jay  (*) (ph)  ____ W,cu,nm,po   TR:fc
    Cyanolyca turcosa

    A Turquoise Jay photographed during the FONT tour in Ecuador in April 2013 
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  16. Beautiful Jay  (nt) (*) ____ W,nm
    Cyanolyca pulchra

    The first nest ever found of the Beautiful Jay was in a reserve in the Mindo & Estribaciones del Volcan Pichincha IBA (important bird area).
    The Beautiful Jay has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador. 

  17. Violaceous Jay  (*) ____ E,az   CP:u  YR:u
    Cyanocorax violaceus

  18. Black-collared Jay  (*) ____ E
    Cyanolyca armillata

  19. White-tailed Jay  (*) ____ W   BR:vr  JR:fc
    Cyanocorax mystacalis

  20. Inca Jay  (*) (ph)  ____  E,po,si   CP:c  TR:c 
    Cyanocorax yncas  

    The Inca Jay was part of the more-northerly Green Jay.

    An Inca Jay photographed during the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2014
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

    and SWALLOWS 

  21. Gray-breasted Martin  (*) ____ W,E,az,po   BR:u  CN:u  JR:fc
    Progne chalybea

  22. Galapagos Martin  (t2) (Ge)  ______
    Progne modesta

  23. Southern Martin  (Er)  ______
    Progne elegans

    The Southern Martin is an austral migrant that winters in large numbers near Iquitos, in eastern Loreto, Peru.
    In Ecuador, 3 individuals were seen on April 1-2, 1991, at Imuyacocha, a male & 2 females.
    2 males on April 13, 2003 at Jatun Sacha were most likely Progne elegans, but such birds are very difficult to differentiate from the Purple Martin, that could possibly occur.

    The first documented record of the Southern Martin in Ecuador was on August 16, 2012, when a female was photographed among a group of 30 Gray-breasted Martins at Panacocha Lake (near Sani Lodge), north of the Rio Napo, in Sucumbios province.         

  24. Peruvian Martin  (t3) (Er)  ______  W
    Progne murphyi

    During a FONT tour in western Ecuador, late in the day on July 2, 2013, a single martin, looking like a Southern Martin, was seen along the Pacific coast near the city of Salinas.
    That one bird was first seen in flight, and then perched, not far from us, on a pipe by the side of building.
    Neither the Southern Martin nor the Galapagos Martin made sense being there, but the Peruvian Martin does occur, although not commonly, along the seacoast to the south in Peru.
    At one time, the Galapagos Martin and the Peruvian Martin were conspecific with the Southern Martin.   

    When we saw the martin on July 2, 2013, there were no previous records of the Peruvian Martin in Ecuador.  

  25. Brown-chested Martin  (*) (ph)  ____ W,E,az,po
    Progne tapera

  26. White-winged Swallow  (*) ____ E,az,po
    Tachycineta albiventer

  27. Tumbes Swallow ____  
    Tachycineta stolzmanni

    The Tumbes Swallow is considered distinct from the more-northerly Mangrove Swallow.  

  28. Brown-bellied Swallow  (*) ____ H,cu,nm,po   TR:fc  YR:c
    Notiochelidon murina

  29. Blue-and-white Swallow  (*) (ph)  ____ W,H,E,cu,nm,po,si   BR:fc  CN:u  CP:c  JR:fc(at higher elevation)  TR:c  YR:r
    Notiochelidon cyanoleuca

    A Blue-and-white Swallow photographed during 
    the FONT tour in Ecuador in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner) 

  30. Pale-footed Swallow  (*) ____   TR:u
    Notiochelidon flavipes

  31. White-banded Swallow (*) ____  E,az,po  CP:c
    Atticora fasciata

  32. White-thighed Swallow  (*) ____ CN:fc
    Neochelidon tibialis

  33. Southern Rough-winged Swallow (*) ____ W,E,az,nm,po,si   BR:fc  CN:fc  CP:c  TR:r
    Stelgidopteryx ruficollis

  34. Bank Swallow  (*) ____ E,az   YR:vr     
    Riparia riparia

    The Bank Swallow is also called, in the Old World, the Sand Martin. 

  35. Barn Swallow  (*) (ph)  ____ W,E,az   BR:vr  CN:u  YR:r
    Hirundo rustica

  36. American Cliff Swallow ____   YR:vr
    Petrochelidon pyrrhonota

  37. Chestnut-collared Swallow  (*) ____ W,po   JR:u
    Petrochelidon rufocollaris


  38. White-capped Dipper  (*) (ph)  ____  W,E,cu,nm,si   BR:r  TR:u
    Cinclus leucocephalus leuconotus

    A White-capped Dipper photographed during the FONT Ecuador Tour on April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)  


  39. Black-capped Donacobius  (*) (ph)  ____ E,az
    Donacobius atricapillus

  40. Thrush-like Wren  (*) ____ E,az
    Campylorhynchus turdinus

  41. Fasciated Wren  (*) (ph)  ____  W,po   BR:u  JR:c
    Campylorhynchus fasciatus

    A Fasciated Wren photographed during the FONT tour
    in Ecuador in July 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  42. Rufous Wren  (*) ____ H,E,nm,po,si   TR:fc  YR:fc
    Cinnycerthia unirufa

  43. Sepia-brown Wren  (*) ____ E,po,si   TR:u
    Cinnycerthia olivascens

  44. Gray-mantled Wren  (*) ____   CN:u  TR:r
    Odontorchilus branickii

  45. Grass Wren  (*) (ph)  ____ H   TR:fc  YR:fc
    Cistothorus platensis

  46. Band-backed Wren  (*) ____ W  CR:u
    Campylorhynchus zonatus

  47. Plain-tailed Wren  (*) ____ H,nm,po,si   TR:fc  YR:u
    Thryothorus euophrys

  48. Whiskered Wren  (*) ____ W   BR:u  
    Thryothorus mystacalis

    The Whiskered Wren was part of the Moustached Wren.

  49. Coraya Wren  (*) ____ E,az
    Thryothorus coraya

  50. Bay Wren  (*) ____ W,nm   BR:c  CN:c
    Thryothorus nigricapillus

  51. Stripe-throated Wren  (*) ____ CN:u
    Thryothorus leucopogon

  52. Speckle-breasted Wren  (*) (ph)  ____  W   BR:u  JR:c  TR:u
    Thryothorus sclateri

    A Speckle-breasted Wren photographed during
    the FONT Ecuador Tour in July 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  53. Buff-breasted Wren  (*) ____ E
    Thryothorus leucotis

  54. Superciliated Wren  (*) ____ W
    Thryothorus superciliaris

  55. "Southern" House Wren  (*) (ph)  ____ W,E,az,nm,po   BR:u  CN:fc  CP:c  JR:c  TR:u
    Troglodytes aedon albicans

  56. Mountain Wren  (*) ____ E,po,si   BR:u  TR:u
    Troglodytes solstitialis

  57. White-breasted Wood Wren  (*) ____ W,E,az,po  CN:u  CP:c
    Henicorhina leucosticta

  58. Gray-breasted Wood Wren  (*) ____ W,nm,po,si   BR:c  JR:fc(at higher elevation)  TR:c  YR:r
    Henicorhina leucophrys

  59. Bar-winged Wood Wren  (nt) ____
    Henicorhina leucoptera 

  60. Chestnut-breasted Wren ____   TR:r
    Cyphorhinus thoracicus

  61. Southern Nightingale Wren  (*) ____ W,E,az  CN:fc
    Microcerculus marginatus

  62. Musician Wren  (*) ____ E
    Cyphorhinus arada

  63. Song Wren ____   BR:u  CN:u
    Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus

  64. Wing-banded Wren ____
    Microcerculus bambla albigularis


  65. Long-tailed Mockingbird  (*) (ph)  ____ W,po   JR:fc
    Mimus longicaudatus albogriseus 
    (subspecies in mainland Ecuador)
    Mimus longicaudatus platensis 
    (subspecies endemic to the offshore island, Isla de la Plata) 

    A Long-tailed Mockingbird photographed during 
    the FONT tour in Ecuador in July 2013.
    This bird, the endemic subspecies on Isla de la Plata. 

  66. Tropical Mockingbird  (Er) (ph)  _____
    Mimus glvus

  67. Galapagos Mockingbird  (Ge) (*)  ____ G
    Nesomimus parvulus

  68. Hood (Island) Mockingbird  (t3) (Ge) (*)  ____ (another name is Espanola Mockingbird)
    Nesomimus macdonaldi

    Nesomimus macdonaldi
    is confined to a single island without introduced predators. That single island is called either Hood or Espanola.

  69. San Cristobal Mockingbird  (t2) (Ge) (*)  ____ G
    Nesomimus melanotis

  70. Floreana Mockingbird  (t1) (Ge)  _____ G
    Nesomimus trifasciatus


  71. Andean Solitaire  (*) ____ W,nm   BR:fc  CP:u  TR:fc
    Myadestes ralloides

  72. Rufous-brown Solitaire _____  CN:r
    Cichlopsis leugenys 

    The Rufous-brown Solitaire has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  73. Black Solitaire ____
    Entomodestes coracinus 

    The Black Solitaire has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador. 

  74. Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush  (*) ____ W,nm   BR:vr  JR:fc(at higher elevation)  TR:r  UR:fc
    Catharus fuscater

  75. Spotted Nightingale-Thrush  (*) ____ W   BR:fc
    Catharus dryas

  76. Gray-cheeked Thrush ____
    Catharus minimus

  77. Swainson's Thrush  (*) ____ W,E,po   BR:u  CN:u  CP:c(seasonal)  JR:u  TR:u  UR:u
    Catharus ustulatus

  78. Pale-eyed Thrush  (*) ____ E,po,si   TR:r
    Platycichla leucops

  79. Great Thrush  (*) (ph)  ____  H,cu,nm,po   TR:fc  JR:c(at higher elevation)   UR:c  YR:c
    Turdus fuscater

    A Great Thrush photographed during the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2014
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  80. Chiquanco Thrush  (*) ____ H,cu,po   UR:u
    Turdus chiguanco

  81. Glossy-black Thrush  (*) ____ W,E,nm,si   CP:u  JR:fc(at higher elevation)  TR:fc  UR:r   YR:u
    Turdus serranus

  82. Plumbeous-backed Thrush  (*) ____ W,po   BR:vr  JR:c
    Turdus reevei

  83. Chestnut-bellied Thrush  (*) ____ E,si   CP:vr  TR:u
    Turdus fulviventris

  84. Maranon Thrush ____   TR:u 
    Turdus maranonicus

    The Maranon Thrush was first seen in Ecuador in 1986.

  85. Black-billed Thrush  (*) ____E,az,po  CP:c
    Turdus ignobilis

  86. Lawrence's Thrush  (*) ____ E,az
    Turdus lawrencii

  87. Pale-vented Thrush  (*) ____ W   BR:u  CN:u
    Turdus obsoletus

  88. Hauxwell's Thrush  ____  
    Turdus hauxwelli 

    The Hauxwell's Thrush is now distinct from the Cocoa Thrush.

  89. Ecuadorian Thrush  (*) (ph)  ____ W   BR:fc  CN:fc  CP:vr  JR:u    
    Turdus maculirostris

    The Ecuadorian Thrush is now distinct from the Spectacled Thrush, formerly called the Bare-eyed Thrush. 

    An Ecuadorian Thrush photographed during 
    the FONT tour in Ecuador in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  90. White-necked Thrush  (*) (ph)  ____ E  CP:u
    Turdus albicollis

    The White-necked Thrush is now distinct from the White-throated Thrush of Central America, as is the next species, the Dagua Thrush. 

    White-necked Thrush
    (photo by Leroy Tabb)

  91. Dagua Thrush ____  CR:u   
    Turdus daguae 

    The Dagua Thrush is now distinct from both the White-throated Thrush and the White-necked Thrush.
    Turdus daguae is apparently most closely related to the White-necked Thrush (above).   

  92. Andean Slaty Thrush ____   CP:u(seasonal)  JR:fc(at higher elevation)
    Turdus nigriceps 

    The Andean Slaty Thrush has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador. 


  93. Tropical Gnatcatcher  (*) (ph)  ____  W,E,az,nm,po   BR:u  CN:u  JR:fc
    Polioptila plumbea

    A Tropical Gnatcatcher photographed during
    the FONT tour in Ecuador in July 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  94. Slate-throated Gnatcatcher ____  CR:u
    Polioptila schistaceigula 

    The Slate-throated Gnatcatcher has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador.

  95. Long-billed Gnatwren  (*) ____ E,az
    Ramphocaenus melanurus

  96. Tawny-faced Gnatwren  (*) ____ W   BR:u  CN:fc
    Microbates cinereiventris

  97. Collared Gnatwren ____
    Microbates collaris

  98. House Sparrow (i)  ____  CN:u 
    Passer domesticus

    The House Sparrow was first found in Ecuador in the 1970s. Now it is throughout western Ecuador.

  99. Black-headed Munia (i) (*) ____   
    Lonchura malacca

    The Black-headed Munia has also been known as the Tricolored, or Chestnut Munia, or Mannikin. 


  100. Paramo Pipit  (*) ____ H
    Anthus bogotensis

  101. Red-throated Pipit  (Er)  ______
    Anthus cervinus

    A bird in the Esmeraldas province of Ecuador, near the village of Rio Verde, on March 28, 2008 was observed, photographed, and confirmed to be a first-winter Red-throated Pipit, a species normally in the Old World, but one that does occurs as a vagrant in western North America.
    This bird, in March 2008, was a first record not only for the country of Ecuador, but also for the continent of South America.  


  102. Hooded Siskin  (*) (ph)  _____  H,cu,nm,si   BR:r  JR:fc(at higher elevation)  UR:u  YR:fc
    (formerly Carduelis) magellanica

  103. Olivaceous Siskin  (*) ____ E,si   CP:u  TR:u
    (formerly Carduelis) olivacea

  104. Andean Siskin ____
    (formerly Carduelis) spinescens

  105. Yellow-bellied Siskin  (*) ____ W   BR:r  CN:u
    (formerly Carduelis) xanthogastra

  106. Saffron Siskin  (t3) (Ee) (*) ____ W   BR:vr  JR:r
    (formerly Carduelis) siemiradzkii  

    The Saffron Siskin has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador. 

  107. Lesser Goldfinch  (*) ____ E,si   BR:r  UR:r
    (or Carduelis) psaltria


  108. Blue-naped Chlorophonia  (*) ____ E,si  CP:vr
    Chlorophonia cyanea

  109. Yellow-collared Chlorophonia  (*) ____ CN:r
    Chlorophonia flavirostris

  110. Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia  (*) ____ E,si   TR:r
    Chlorophonia pyrrhophrys

  111. Golden-rumped Euphonia  (*) ____ W,nm,po,si    
    Euphonia cyanocephala 

    The Golden-rumped Euphonia was part of the "Blue-hooded Euphonia", as was what is now the Elegant Euphonia of Central America and the Antillean Euphonia of the West Indies.

  112. Orange-bellied Euphonia  (*) ____ W,E,az,nm,po,si   BR:c  CN:fc  CP:c  TR:fc
    Euphonia xanthogaster 

  113. Orange-crowned Euphonia  (*) ____ W   BR:vr  CN:r
    Euphonia saturata

  114. Thick-billed Euphonia  (*) (ph)  ____ W,E,az,nm,si  BR:fc  CN:u  CP:c  JR:c
    Euphonia lannirostris

    A Thick-billed Euphonia photographed during the FONT tour
    in Ecuador in July 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner) 

  115. White-lored Euphonia  (*) ____ E,az
    Euphonia chrysopasta

  116. White-vented Euphonia  (*) ____ CN:u
    Euphonia minuta

  117. Purple-throated Euphonia ____
    Euphonia chlorotica

  118. Fulvous-vented Euphonia ____  CN:fc
    Euphonia fulvicrissa

  119. Rufous-bellied Euphonia  (*) ____ E,az
    Euphonia rufiventris
  120. Bronze-green Euphonia ____   CP:u  TR:r
    Euphonia mesochrysa


  121. Golden-winged Warbler  (nt)  ____  
    Vermivora chrysoptera 

    The Ecuador reports of Golden-winged Warbler are the southernmost known for the species. 

  122. Tennessee Warbler  (ph)  ____  UR:r  YR:r 
    (formerly Vermivora) peregrina 

    The Tennessee Warbler was first reported in Ecuador in February 1980. The Ecuador reports are the southernmost known for the species. 

  123. Black-and-white Warbler  (*) ____ W,nm   BR:vr
    Mniotilta varia

  124. Tropical Parula  (*) ____ W,E,nm,po,si   BR:c  CP:c  JR:fc  TR:fc
    (formerly Parula) pitiayumi

  125. Yellow Warbler  (ph)  ____  CN:vr
    (formerly Dendroica) aestiva

    The Yellow Warbler is a boreal winter visitor in Ecuador. Most are of the subspecies Setophaga aestiva aestiva, but other subspecies occurring in the country include: amnicola, morcomi, and sonorama.   

  126. Mangrove Warbler  (*) (ph) ____ G,W  
    (formerly Dendroica) erithachorides 

    The Mangrove Warbler was part of the Yellow Warbler (above). 

    In all, there are 12 subspecies of the Mangrove Warbler. In Ecuador and the Galapagos, there are two, as residents:
    Dendroica erithachorides peruviana occurs in western Ecuador, and southwestern Colombia & northwestern Peru.
    Dendroica erithachorides aureola occurs in the Galapagos Islands. 

  127. Cerulean Warbler  (t3)  ____  CN:vr(seasonal)  CP:u(seasonal)
    (formerly Dendroica) cerulea

  128. Blackburnian Warbler  (*) (ph)  ____ W,E,cu,nm,si   BR:u(seasonal)  CN:vr(seasonal)  CP:c(seasonal)  TR:fc(seasonal)
    (formerly Dendroica) fusca

  129. Blackpoll Warbler  (*) (ph)  ____ CN:vr
    (formerly Dendroica) striata

  130. Bay-breasted Warbler  (Er)  ____ 
    (formerly Dendroica) castanea

    The Bay-breasted Warbler occurs regularly as far south as western Colombia. 

  131. Black-throated Green Warbler  (Er) (ph)  ______
    (formerly Dendroica) virens

    A Black-throated Green Warbler was by the road to "un poco de choco" on December 28, 2012.
    Another was beyond Yanayacu on March 2, 2013. 
  132. Chestnut-sided Warbler  (Er) (ph)  ______
    (formerly Dendroica) pensylvanica

  133. Prothonotary Warbler  (ph)  ____
    Protonotaria citrea

  134. Northern Waterthrush  (*) ____ W,E,si
    (formerly Seiurus) noveboracensis

  135. Ovenbird  (Er) (ph)  ____
    Seiurus aurocapillus

  136. Mourning Warbler  (Er) (ph)  ____
    (formerly Oporornis) philadelphia 

    A Mourning Warbler was at San Isidro on October 28, 2012. 
  137. Black-lored Yellowthroat  (*) ____ W,E   BR:u  JR:r  
    Geothlypis auricularis

    The Black-lored Yellowthroat has been part of the Masked Yellowthroat, Geothlypis aequinoctialis, of northeastern South America, as have been the Chiriqui Yellowthroat of western Panama & adjacent Costa Rica and the Southern Yellowthroat of southern South America.

    The Black-lored Yellowthroat breeds in western Ecuador and western Peru. There are 2 subspecies.
    Geothlypis auricularis peruviana, which occurs in the Maranon valley, is similar in size to Geothlypis aequinoctialis, but nominate subspecies of the Black-lored Yellowthroat, Geothlyois a. auricularis, is noticeably smaller.

  138. Olive-crowned Yellowthroat  (*) ____ W,nm   BR:fc  CN:u
    Geothlypis semiflava

  139. Canada Warbler  (*) (ph)  ____ W,E,si   CN:vr(seasonal)  CP:c(seasonal)  TR:u(seasonal)
    (formerly Wilsonia) canadensis

  140. American Redstart  (*) (ph)  ____ W
    Setophaga ruticilla

  141. Slate-throated Whitestart  (*) ____ W,E,nm,po,si   BR:c  CP:c  JR:fc(at higher elevation)  TR:c  UR:fc 
    Myioborus miniatus

    Myioborus miniatus has been called the Slate-throated Redstart. 

  142. Spectacled Whitestart  (*) ____ H,cu,nm,po   TR:c  YR:c   
    Myioborus melanocephalus

    Myioborus melanocephalus has been called the Spectacled Redstart.

  143. Black-crested Warbler  (*) ____ H,cu,nm,po,si   JR:u(at higher elevation)  TR:c  UR:c  YR:c
    Basileuterus nigrocristatus

  144. Citrine Warbler  (*) ____ H,po   TR:fc
    Basileuterus luteviridis

  145. Choco Warbler  (*) ____ W,nm  CN:u 
    Basileuterus chlorophrys

    The Choco Warbler was part of the Golden-bellied Warbler, and is distinct from the Cuzco Warbler of the east slope of the Andes in Peru.
  146. Three-banded Warbler  (*) ____ W   BR:u  UR:u  JR:fc
    Basileuterus trifasciatus

  147. Three-striped Warbler  (*) ____ W,nm   TR:fc
    Basileuterus tristriatus

  148. Russet-crowned Warbler  (*) (ph)  ____ W,E,nm,si  TR:c
    Basileuterus coronatus

    A Russet-crowned Warbler photographed during
    the FONT tour in Ecuador in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  149. Gray-and-gold Warbler  (*) ____ W   BR:c  JR:c
    Basileuterus fraseri

  150. Buff-rumped Warbler  (*) (ph) ____  W   BR:u  CN:u  CP:u
    Basileuterus fulvicauda 

    A Buff-rumped Warbler photographed 
    during the FONT tour in Ecuador in July 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner) 

    (photo by Marie Gardner) 

  151. Shiny Cowbird  (*) ____ W,H,E,az,nm,po   BR:u  CN:u  JR:c  TR:r  
    Molothrus bonariensis 

    Molothrus bonariensis
    has also been called the Glossy Cowbird. 

  152. Giant Cowbird  (*) ____ W,E,az,nm,si   BR:r  CN:u
    Molothrus oryzivorus

  153. Casqued Oropendola  (*) ____ E
    Clypicterus oseryi

  154. Crested Oropendola  (*) (ph)  ____ E,az  CP:c
    Psarocolius decumanus

  155. Green Oropendola  (*) ____ E
    Psarocolius viridis

  156. Russet-backed Oropendola  (*) ____ W,E,az,nm,po,si   CP:c  JR:r(at higher elevation)  UR:r
    Psarocolius angustifrons

  157. Olive Oropendola  (*) ____ E,az
    Psarocolius yuracares

  158. Chestnut-headed Oropendola  (ph)  _____   BR:r  CN:u
    Zarhynchus wagleri

  159. Band-tailed Oropendola _____
    Ocyalus latirostris

  160. Yellow-rumped Cacique  (*) ____ E,az,po   BR:r  CP:u  JR:u
    Cacicus cela

  161. Red-rumped Cacique  (*) ____ E,po
    Cacicus haemorrhous

  162. Scarlet-rumped Cacique  (*) ____ W   BR:u  CN:fc
    Cacicus microrhynchus

  163. Subtropical Cacique  (*) ____ E,si   CP:fc  TR:u
    Cacicus uropygialis

  164. Northern Mountain Cacique  (*) ____ H,E,si   TR:u
    Cacicus leucoramphus

  165. Ecuadorian Cacique  (*) ____  
    Cacicus sclateri 

    Cacicus sclateri
    has been called the Ecuadorian Black Cacique. 

  166. Yellow-billed Cacique  (*) ____ E,si   BR:u  CN:r  JR:u  TR:u
    Amblycercus holosericeus

  167. Solitary Cacique  (*) ____ E,az  
    Cacicus solitarius 

    Cacicus solitatius
    has been called the Solitary Black Cacique. 

  168. Scrub Blackbird  (*) ____ W   BR:u  CN:u  JR:c
    Dives warszewiczi

  169. Great-tailed Grackle  (*) (ph)  ____ W
    Quiscalus mexicanus

    This Great-tailed Grackle was photographed along the seacoast in far-southern Ecuador,
    near the border with Peru, during a FONT tour in April 2014.
    It is about as far south as the Great-tailed Grackle occurs.
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  170. Velvet-fronted Grackle  (*) ____ E,az
    Lampropsar tanagrinus

  171. Pale-eyed Blackbird  _____
    Agelaius xanthophtthalmus 

    The Pale-eyed Blackbird has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador. 

  172. Moriche Oriole  (*) ____ E,az
    Icterus chrysocephalus

  173. Orange-backed Troupial  (*) (ph)  _____  E,az 
    Icterus galbula

    The Orange-backed Troupial has also been called the Orange-backed Oriole. It is distinct now from the Venezuelan Troupial and the Campo Troupial, both elsewhere in South America. When combined, the 3 current troupial species were called "Troupial".    
  174. Baltimore Oriole  (ph)  _____      
    Icteus galbula 

    The Baltimore Oriole was called the Northern Oriole when it was combined with the Bullock's Oriole of mostly western North America & Mexico.

  175. White-edged Oriole  (*) ____ W   JR:fc
    Icterus graceannae

  176. Yellow-tailed Oriole  (*) (ph)  ____  W   BR:u  CN:u  JR:u
    Icterus mesomelas

    A Yellow-tailed Oriole photographed during the FONT Ecuador Tour in July 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner) 

  177. Yellow-backed Oriole  (Er)  _____
    Icterus chrysater

    A flock of Yellow-backed Orioles, on January 11, 2011, in mangroves in far-northwestern Ecuador, was said to be the first record of the species in Ecuador. The birds were observed during a canoe trip in the Manglares Cayapas-Mataje Reserve in Esmeraldas province. They were photographed.

    Icterus chrysater has been known to occur north across the border in Colombia.
    The January 2011 Ecuadorian record is the southernmost known occurrence for the species.     

  178. Oriole Blackbird  (*) ____ E,az
    Gymnomystax mexicanus

  179. Red-breasted Blackbird  (*) (ph)  ____ E,az  CN:r
    Sturnella militaris

    A Red-breasted Blackbird photographed during a FONT tour
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  180. Peruvian Meadowlark  (*) (ph)  ____  W   JR:fc
    Sturnella bellicosa

    A Peruvian Meadowlark photographed during 
    the FONT Ecuador Tour in July 2013
  181. Bobolink  (ph)  _____
    Dolichonyx oryzivorus


  182. Bananaquit  (*) (ph)  ____ W,E,az,nm,po   BR:fc  CN:fc  CP:c  JR:fc  TR:u
    Coereba flaveola

  183. Chestnut-vented Conebill  (*) ____ E,po  CP:vr
    Conirostrum speciosum

  184. "Fraser's" Cinereous Conebill  (*) ____ H,cu,nm,po   YR:c
    Conirostrum cinereum fraseri

  185. Blue-backed Conebill  (*) (ph)  ____  H,nm,po   TR:fc  UR:r  YR:fc
    Conirostrum sitticolor

    A Blue-backed Conebill photographed during 
    the FONT tour in Ecuador in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner) 

  186. Capped Conebill  (*) ____ H,nm,po   TR:u
    Conirostrum albifrons

  187. Giant Conebill  (nt)  (*) ____ H,cu   YR:u
    Oreomanes fraseri 

    The Giant Conebill has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador. 

  188. Rusty Flowerpiercer  (*) ____ H,E,si   
    Diglossa sittoides decorata

    The Rusty Flowerpiercer is now distinct from the Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer of northern Central America and the Slaty Flowerpiercer of southern Central America.

  189. Black Flowerpiercer  (*) ____ H,cu,nm,po,si   UR:u  YR:u 
    Diglossa humeralis aterrima

    The Black Flowerpiercer was part of the "Carbonated Flowerpiercer", as were the Gray-bellied Flowerpiercer of Bolivia and the Black-throated Flowerpiercer of northern Peru & western Bolivia, and the Merida Flowerpiercer of Venezuela.   

  190. Glossy Flowerpiercer  (*) ____ H,nm,po,si   TR:c  CP:vr  YR:c 
    Diglossa lafresnayii 

    The Glossy Flowerpiercer is now distinct from the Moustached Flowerpiercer of the Peruvian & Bolivian Andes and the Chestnut-bellied Flowerpiercer of the western Andes of Colombia.

  191. White-sided Flowerpiercer  (*) (ph) ____  W,E,nm,po,si   TR:fc  UR:fc
    Diglossa albilatera

    A White-sided Flowerpiercer photographed during
    the FONT tour in Ecuador in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)  

  192. Masked Flowerpiercer  (*) (ph)  ____  W,H,E,cu,nm,po,si   CP:u  TR:c  UR:c  YR:c
    Diglossopis cyanea

    A Masked Flowerpiercer photographed during the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner) 

  193. Bluish Flowerpiercer  (*) ____ E,si   CP:vr  TR:u
    Diglossopis caerulescens 

  194. Golden-eyed Flowerpiercer  (*) ____ E 
    Diglossopis glauca

    The Golden-eyed Flowepiercer was called the Deep-blue Flowerpiercer.

  195. Indigo Flowerpiercer ____   BR:vr
    Diglossopis indigotica

    The Indigo Flowerpiercer is a Choco endemic. It has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  196. Short-billed Honeycreeper ____
    Cyanerpes nitidus

  197. Purple Honeycreeper  (*) (ph)  ____ E,az   BR:r  CN:fc  CP:vr
    Cyanerpes caeruleus

    An immature male Purple Honeycreeper
    (photo by Leroy Tabb)

  198. Red-legged Honeycreeper  (ph)  ____  CN:vr
    Cyanerpes cyaneus

  199. Green Honeycreeper  (*) (ph)  ____ W,E,az,po   BR:fc  CN:fc  CP:c
    Chlorophanes spiza

  200. Golden-collared Honeycreeper  (*) ____ W,E,po,si   CP:u  TR:r
    Iridophanes pulcherrima

  201. Blue Dacnis  (*) (ph)  _____ W,E,az,po   BR:vr  CN:u  CP:fc
    Dacnis cayana

  202. Black-faced Dacnis  (*) ____ E,az,po  CP:fc
    Dacnis lineata

  203. Yellow-tufted Dacnis  (*) ____ W   BR:u  CN:u  
    Dacnis egregia

    The Yellow-tufted Dacnis was part of the Black-faced Dacnis.

  204. Yellow-bellied Dacnis  (*) ____ E,az
    Dacnis flaviventer

  205. Scarlet-thighed Dacnis  ____  CN:u
    Dacnis venusta

  206. Scarlet-breasted Dacnis  (t3) ____  CN:u
    Dacnis berlepschi 

    The Scarlet-breasted Dacnis has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  207. White-bellied Dacnis  (nt) ____
    Dacnis albiventris

  208. Tit-like Dacnis  (nt) (*) ____ H,cu
    Xenodacnis parina 

    The Tit-like Dacnis has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador.

  209. Swallow Tanager  (*) (ph)   _____ W,E,az,nm   BR:r  CN:fc  CP:c(seasonal)
    Tersina viridis 

  210. Rufous-crested Tanager  (*)  ____  E,si   TR:u
    Creurgops verticalis 

  211. Fawn-breasted Tanager  (*) ____ W,nm,po,si   BR:u  CP:vr  JR:u  TR:u
    Pipraeidea melanonota

  212. Glistening-Green Tanager  (*) ____ W   BR:r
    Chlorochrysa phoenicotis

  213. Orange-eared Tanager  (*) ____ E,po,si  CP:fc
    Chlorochrysa calliparaea

  214. Opal-crowned Tanager  (*) ____ E,az
    Tangara callophrys

  215. Opal-rumped Tanager  (*) ____ E
    Tangara velia

  216. Paradise Tanager  (*) ____ E,az,po  CP:c
    Tangara chilensis

  217. Green-and-gold Tanager  (*) ____ E,az,po  CP:c
    Tangara schrankii

  218. Yellow-bellied Tanager  (*) ____ E,az  CP:fc
    Tangara xanthogastra

  219. Spotted Tanager  (*) ____ E,po  CP:c
    Tangara punctata

  220. Speckled Tanager  (Er) (ph)  ______
    Tangara guttata

    A Speckled Tanager at Buenaventura on Feb 1, 2013 was photographed. 

  221. Blue-whiskered Tanager  (nt)  ____  CN:r
    Tangara johannae 

    The Blue-whiskered Tanager has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.  

  222. Rufous-throated Tanager  (*) ____ W,nm   BR:u
    Tangara rufigula

  223. Gray-and-gold Tanager ____  CN:u
    Tangara palmeri

  224. Golden Tanager  (*) (ph)  ____ W,nm,po   BR:fc  CP:c
    Tangara arthus

    A Golden Tanager photographed during the FONT tour
    in Ecuador in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner) 

  225. Emerald Tanager ____  CR:u
    Tangara florida

  226. Saffron-crowned Tanager  (*) ____ W,E,po,si   CP:vr  TR:fc
    Tangara xanthocephala

  227. Golden-hooded Tanager  (*) ____ CN:fc
    Tangara larvata

  228. Golden-eared Tanager  (*) ____ E,po  CP:c
    Tangara chrysotis

  229. Flame-faced Tanager  (*) ____ W,E,nm,po,si   BR:r  TR:fc
    Tangara parzudakii
  230. Blue-browed Tanager  (*) ____ E,po   TR:vr
    Tangara cyannotis

  231. Silver-throated Tanager  (*) (ph)  ____ W   BR:fc  CN:fc
    Tangara icterocephala

    Silver-throated Tanager
    (photo by Doris Potter)
  232. Metallic-green Tanager  (*) ____ W,nm   TR:fc
    Tangara labradorides

  233. Blue-necked Tanager  (*) (ph)  ____  W,E,nm,po,si   BR:u  CN:fc  CP:c  TR:u
    Tangara cyanicollis

    A Blue-necked Tanager photographed during the FONT tour
    in Ecuador in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)  
    This bird in eastern Ecuador is the subspecies: T. c. caeruleocephala, with wing coverts 
    more coppery than those that are more greenish in the subspecies in western Ecuador.   

  234. Masked Tanager  (*) ____ W,po  CP:fc
    Tangara nigrocincta

  235. Golden-naped Tanager  (*) (ph)  ____ W,E,nm,si  BR:u  TR:u
    Tangara ruficervix

    A Golden-naped Tanager photographed
    during the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  236. Turquoise Tanager  (*) ____ E,az  CP:fc
    Tangara mexicana

  237. Bay-headed Tanager  (*) (ph)  ____ W,E,po   BR:c  CN:fc  CP:c
    Tangara gyrola

  238. Rufous-winged Tanager ____  CN:u
    Tangara lavinia

  239. Scrub Tanager  (*) ____ W,H
    Tangara vitriolina

  240. Straw-backed Tanager  (t3)  _____
    Tangara argyrofenges

  241. Beryl-spangled Tanager  (*) ____ W,E,nm,si   BR:fc  CP:vr  TR:fc
    Tangara nigroviridis

  242. Blue-and-black Tanager  (*) ____ W,E,nm,po,si   CP:vr  TR:fc  UR:fc
    Tangara vassorii

  243. Black-capped Tanager  (*) ____ W,E,nm,si
    Tangara heinei

  244. Silver-backed Tanager  (*) ____ E,po   JR:fc(at higher elevation)  TR:u  UR:fc
    Tangara viridicollis

  245. Purplish-mantled Tanager  (nt) (*) ____ E,po
    Iridosornis porphyrocephala 

    The Purplish-mantled Tanager has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.  

  246. Yellow-throated Tanager  (*) ____ E   TR:u
    Iridosornis analis

  247. Golden-crowned Tanager  (*) ____ W,E,po   TR:u  YR:u
    Iridosornis rufivertex

  248. Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager  (*) ____H,cu,nm,po   TR:fc  YR:c
    Anisognathus igniventris

  249. Blue-winged Mountain Tanager  (*) (ph)  _____  W,E,nm,si   TR:fc
    Anisognathus somptuosus

    A Blue-winged Mountain Tanager photographed 
    during the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner) 

  250. Lacrimose Mountain Tanager  (*) ____ W,E,nm,po,si   TR:fc
    Anisognathus lacrymosus

  251. Black-chinned Mountain Tanager  (*) (ph)  ____  BR:r  YR:u
    Anisognathus notabilis

    A Black-chinned Mountain Tanager photographed
    during the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  252. Hooded Mountain Tanager  (*) (ph)  ____ W,E,nm,po,si   TR:fc  YR:fc
    Buthraupis montana

    Hooded Mountain Tanager

  253. Masked Mountain Tanager  (t3)  ____   TR:r
    Buthraupis wetmorei 

    The Masked Mountain Tanager has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador. 

  254. Black-chested Mountain Tanager  (*) ____ W,nm   TR:r
    Buthraupis eximia

  255. Golden-chested Tanager ____  CN:r
    Bangsia rothchildi 

    The Golden-chested Tanager has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador.

  256. Moss-backed Tanager ____
    Bangsia edwardsi

  257. Orange-throated Tanager  (t3)  ____
    Wetmorethraupis sterrhopteron 

    The Orange-throated Tanager has been classified as an endangered species in Ecuador. 

  258. Buff-breasted Mountain Tanager  (*) ____ H,po   TR:fc  YR:u
    Dubusia taeniata

  259. Blue-and-yellow Tanager  (*) ____ H,nm
    Thraupis bonariensis

  260. Blue-gray Tanager  (*) (ph)  ____ W,E,az,nm,po,si   BR:c  CN:c  CP:c  JR:c  TR:fc
    Thraupis episcopus quaesita 
    (subspecies west of the Andes)
    Thraupis episcopus coelestis 
    (1 of the 2 subspecies east of the Andes)
    Thraupis episcopus caerulea 
    (1 of the 2 subspecies east of the Andes)

    Both of the two eastern subspecies have conspicuous white wing-coverts.
    T. e. caerula occurs in Ecuador only in the Zamora-Chinchipe area.     

    A Blue-gray Tanager of the subspecies caerulea,
    with its conspicuous white wing-coverts, 
    photographed during the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2014
    (photo by Marie Gardner)  

  261. Palm Tanager  (*) ____ W,E,az,nm,po   BR:fc  CN:fc  CP:c
    Thraupis palmarum

  262. Blue-capped Tanager  (*) ____ W,nm,si   TR:u  UR:fc
    Thraupis cyanocephala

  263. Silver-beaked Tanager  (*) (ph)  ____ E,az,po   CP:c  TR:u
    Ramphocelus carbo

    A female Silver-beaked Tanager photographed during 
    the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2014
    (photo by Marie Gardner)  

  264. Masked Crimson Tanager  (*) ____ E,az
    Ramphocelus nigrogularis

  265. Lemon-rumped Tanager  (*) (ph)  ____  W,nm   BR:c  CN:c   
    Ramphocelus icteronotus 

    The Lemon-rumped Tanager has been called the Yellow-rumped Tanager. It was conspecific with the Flame-rumped Tanager of Colombia.  

    A male Lemon-rumped Tanager photographed during
    the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2014
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  266. Scarlet Tanager  (*) (ph)  _____  E,az  CN:vr(seasonal)  CP:vr(seasonal)
    Piranga olivacea

  267. Summer Tanager  (*) (ph)  ____ BR:vr(seasonal)  CN:u(seasonal)  CP:c(seasonal)  TR:r(seasonal)
    Piranga rubra

  268. Tooth-billed Tanager  (*) ____ W   BR:u  CP:u  JR:u  UR:fc  
    Piranga lutea  

    The Tooth-billed Tanager was part of the now more-northerly Hepatic Tanager.  
  269. Red-hooded Tanager  (*) ____ E,po   TR:u
    Piranga rubriceps

  270. White-winged Tanager  (*)  _____  W,nm   BR:u
    Piranga leucoptera 

  271. Vermilion Tanager  _____
    Calochaetes coccineus

  272. Fulvous Shrike Tanager  (*) ____ E,az
    Lanio fulvus

  273. White-lined Tanager  (*) ____ E,az,po   CN:r  CP:c  TR:u
    Tachyphonus rufus

  274. Flame-crested Tanager  (*) ____ E,po
    Tachyphonus cristatus

  275. Fulvous-crested Tanager  (*) ____ E,az,po
    Tachyphonus surinamus

  276. White-shouldered Tanager  (*) ____ W,az,nm   BR:u  CN:u
    Tachyphonus luctuosus

  277. Tawny-crested Tanager ____  CN:fc
    Tachyphonus delatrii

  278. Lemon-spectacled Tanager ____  CN:r
    Chlorothraupis olivacea

  279. Olive Tanager ____  
    Chlorothraupis frenata

    The Olive Tanager was conspecific with what is now the Carmiol's Tanager of southern Central America. That species was called Olive Tanager. 

  280. Ochre-breasted Tanager  (*) ____ W,nm   BR:u  CN:u
    Chlorothraupis stolzmanni

  281. Red-crowned Ant-Tanager ____
    Habia rubica

  282. Gray-headed Tanager  (*) ____ E,az
    Eucometis penicillata

  283. Dusky-faced Tanager  (*) ____ CN:fc
    Mitrospingus cassinii

  284. Guira Tanager  (*) ____ W   BR:u   CN:u  CP:u
    Hemithraupis guira 

  285. Yellow-backed Tanager  (*) ____ E,az
    Hemithraupis flavicollis

  286. Scarlet-and-white Tanager _____  CN:u
    Erythrothlypis salmoni

  287. Orange-headed Tanager  (*) ____ E
    Thlypopsis sordida

  288. Rufous-chested Tanager  (*) ____ W,nm   TR:u  UR:fc
    Thlypopsis ornata

  289. Buff-bellied Tanager ____
    Thlypopsis inornata

  290. Scarlet-browed Tanager _____  CN:u
    Heterospingus xanthopygius

  291. Common Bush Tanager  (*) ____ W,E,si   BR:fc  TR:u
    Chlorospingus ophthalmicus

  292. Yellow-throated Bush Tanager  (*) ____ W,E,nm,po   BR:fc  CP:fc  CN:vr
    Chlorospingus flavigularis

  293. Yellow-whiskered Bush Tanager  (*) ____ E,si   TR:u
    Chlorospingus parvirostris

  294. Ashy-throated Bush Tanager  (*) ____ W   BR:fc  CN:vr  CP:vr  TR:u
    Chlorospingus canigularis

  295. Dusky Bush Tanager  (*) ____ W,nm 
    Chlorospingus semifuscus

    Chlorospingus semifuscus has also been called the Dusky-bellied Bush Tanager.

  296. Yellow-green Bush Tanager  (t3)  _____  CN:r
    Chlorospingus flavovirens 

    The Yellow-green Bush Tanager has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.

  297. Black-backed Bush Tanager  (*) ____ H
    Urothraupis stolmanni

  298. Gray-hooded Bush Tanager  (*) ____ H,E,po,si   TR:fc
    Cnemoscopus rubrirostris

  299. Oleaginous Hemispingus  (*) ____ E   TR:r
    Hemispingus frontalis

  300. Superciliared Hemispingus  (*) ____ H,nm,po   YR:c
    Hemispingus superciliaris

  301. Black-capped Hemispingus  (*) ____ W,H,E,po   TR:u
    Hemispingus atropileus

  302. Black-eared Hemispingus  (*) ____ E,si   TR:r
    Hemispingus melanotis

  303. Western Hemispingus  (*) ____ W 
    Hemispingus ochraceus 

    The Western Hemispingus was part of the Black-eared Hemispingus (above).

  304. Piura Hemispingus ____   JR:r  UR:r  
    Hemispingus piurae

    The Piura Hemispingus is now considered distinct from the Black-eared Hemispingus (above). It has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador. 

  305. Black-headed Hemispingus  (*) ____ H,po   TR:u
    Hemispingus verticalis

  306. Grass-green Tanager  (*) (ph)  ____  W,E,nm,po,si   TR:fc
    Chlorornis riefferii

    A Grass-green Tanager photographed during
    the FONT tour in Ecuador in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  307. Black-and-white Tanager  (nt)  ____  BR:u  JR:r
    Conothraupis speculigera

  308. Magpie Tanager  (*) (ph)  ____ E,az,po  CP:c
    Cissopis leveriana

  309. Black-faced Tanager ____  TR:u  
    Schistochlamys melanopis grisea

    The Black-faced Tanager was first found in Ecuador in 1986.

  310. White-capped Tanager  (t3) (*) ____ E,po,si   TR:u
    Sericossypha albocristata


  311. Plushcap  (*) ____ W,H,E,nm,po  JR:u(at higher elevation)   TR:u  YR:u  
    Catamblyhynchus d. diadema

    The Plushcap was called the Plush-capped Finch.  

  312. Crimson-breasted Finch  (*) ____ W   BR:r  CN:r  
    Rhodospingus cruentus

    The Crimson-breasted Finch has been called the Crimson Finch and the Crimson Finch-Tanager.

  313. Blue-black Grassquit  (*) ____ W,E,nm,po   BR:fc  CN:u  CP:fc   JR:fc
    Volatinia jacarina

  314. Yellow-faced Grassquit  (*) (ph)  ____ W
    Tiaris olivacea

  315. Variable Seedeater  (*) ____  E,az   BR:fc  CN:c  JR:u
    Sporophila corvina

  316. Caqueta Seedeater  (*) ____ W,nm   
    Sporophila murallae

    The Caqueta Seedeater was part of the Variable Seedeater.

  317. Lined Seedeater  (*) ____ E
    Sporophila lineola

  318. Lesson's Seedeater  (*) ____ E,az
    Sporophila bouvronides 

  319. Black-and-white Seedeater  (*) ____ H,E,az   BR:u  JR:u(at higher elevation)  UR:r
    Sporophila luctuosa

  320. Yellow-bellied Seedeater  (*) ____ W,nm   BR:c  CN:c  TR:u
    Sporophila nigricollis

  321. Ruddy-breasted Seedeater  (*) (ph)  ____ W,nm
    Sporophila minuta

  322. Chestnut-bellied Seedeater  (*) ____ E,az,po  CP:u
    Sporophila castaneiventris

  323. Chestnut-throated Seedeater  (*) ____ W,po
    Sporophila telasco

  324. Slate-colored Seedeater ____  CR:u
    Sporohila  schistacea

  325. Dull-colored Grassquit  (*) ____ W,cu,nm   BR:u  CN:u  JR:fc  TR:u  
    Tiaris obscura 

    The Dull-colored Grassquit was called the Dull-colored Seedeater, and it was formerly in the genus Sporophila.

  326. Parrot-billed Seedeater  (*) (ph)  ____  W
    Sporophila peruviana

    Parrot-billed Seedeaters photographed during the FONT tour
    in western Ecuador in July 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  327. Black-billed Seed Finch  (nt) (*) ____ E,az,po 
    Oryzoberus atrirostris

    The Black-billed Seed Finch was part of the Great-billed Seed Finch. 

    The Black-billed Seed Finch has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador.

  328. Large-billed Seed Finch  ____  CN:r
    Oryzoborus crassirostris

    The Large-billed Seed Finch has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador.

  329. Lesser Seed Finch  (*) ____ W,E,az,nm,si   BR:fc  CN:fc  CP:u
    Oryzoborus angolensis funereus 
    (subspecies in western Ecuador)
    Oryzoborus angolensis torridus 
    (subspecies in eastern Ecuador)

  330. Blue Seedeater _____   UR:r
    Amaurospiza concolor

  331. Band-tailed Seedeater  (*) ____ H,nm   TR:vr
    Catamenia analis

  332. Drab Seedeater  (*) ____ H
    Sporophila simplex

  333. Plain-colored Seedeater  (*) ____ H,cu,nm,po   TR:r  YR:c
    Catamenia inornata

  334. Paramo Seedeater  (*) ____ H,po   TR:u  YR:r
    Catamenia homochroa

  335. Sulphur-throated Finch  (*) ____ W
    Sicalis taczanowskii

  336. Saffron Finch  (*) (ph)  ____ W,po   BR:u  JR:c
    Sicalis flaveola

    Saffron Finches in and near Quito are escaped birds.

  337. Grassland Yellow-Finch  (*) ____ H   YR:r
    Sicalis liteola

  338. Cinereous Finch  ______  
    Piezorhina cinerea

    The Cinereous Finch is a Peruvian bird. The first record in Ecuador was in 1990.

  339. Plumbeous Sierra-Finch  (*) ____ H,cu   YR:fc
    Phrygilus unicolor

  340. Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch  (*) ____ H
    Phrygilus plebejus

  341. Band-tailed Sierra-Finch  (*) ____ H
    Phrygilus alaudinus

  342. Slaty Finch  (*) ____ E   CP:vr  TR:r  YR:r
    Haplospiza rustica

  343. Red Pileated Finch  (ph)  ____  CP:vr
    Coryphospingus cucullatus fargoi 
    (subspecies in Ecuador) 

    A male Red Pileated Finch was at Casa Upano in Macas on March 22, 2013.

  344. Pale-naped Brush Finch  (*) ____ H,po   TR:fc
    Atlapetes pallidinucha

  345. Rufous-naped Brush Finch  (*) (ph)  ____  W,H,E,cu,nm,po   TR:fc  UR:r  YR:c
    Atlapetes latinuchus

    Above & below: Rufous-naped Brush Finches photographed 
    during the FONT tour in Ecuador in April 2014.
    The photo below shows, of course, the rufous nape.
    (both photos by Marie Gardner)

  346. Choco Brush Finch  (*) ____ W,nm,po   BR:u 
    Atlapetes crassus 

    The Choco Brush Finch is a recent split from the Tricolored Brush Finch, Atlapetes tricolor of Peru.

  347. White-winged Brush Finch  (*) ____ H   JR:u  UR:u
    Atlapetes leucopterus

  348. "Paynter's Brush Finch"  ______
    Atlapetes (leucopterus) paynteri

    A "Paynter's Brush Finch" was above Valladolid on January 6, 2013. 

  349. Slaty Brush Finch  (*) ____  H
    Atlapetes schistaceus

  350. Yellow-throated Brush Finch  (Er)  ______
    Atlapetes gutturalis

    A Yellow-throated Brush Finch found on July 23, 2010, in the La Bonita area, was said to be the first record for Ecuador.
    In May 2011, the species was seen again along the La Sotia road, at a slightly higher elevation.
    The species is likely a resident in that area. It was sighted there again in September 2011.    

  351. Bay-crowned Brush Finch  _____   UR:fc
    Atlapetes seebohmi

  352. White-headed Brush Finch  ____   JR:r
    Atlapetes albiceps

  353. White-rimmed Brush Finch  (nt) (*) ____ H
    Atlapetes leucopis 

    The White-rimmed Brush Finch has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador. 

  354. Pale-headed Brush Finch  (t2) (Ee) (*)   _____
    Atlapetes pallidiceps

    A slight recovery in the tiny population of the critically-threatened Pale-headed Brush Finch has given some hope. As of 2010, it has increased from less than 20 to 60 breeding pairs.
    It is (in 2012) classified by Birdlife International as "endangered", having been "critically endangered".   
    Threats to the species have been fires, grazing, competition with other brush finches, and cowbird parasitism. 

    The Pale-headed Bush-Finch has been classified as a critically endangered species in Ecuador.

  355. Chestnut-capped Brush Finch  (*) ____ W,H,nm,po   BR:vr  TR:r
    Buarremon brunneinucha 

  356. Stripe-headed Brush Finch  (*) ____ W,H,E,nm,po   BR:u  JR:fc(at higher elevation)  UR:fc
    Buarremon torquatus

  357. Olive Finch  (nt)  ____   CP:vr  TR:r  
    (or Lysurus) castaneiceps  (monotypic) 

    The Olive Finch is now considered distinct from the Sooty-faced Finch of Costa Rica to northern Colombia. 

    In Ecuador, the rare and localized Olive Finch occurs in several Andean IBAs. 

  358. Tanager Finch  (t3) (*) (ph)  ______  
    Oreothraupis arremonops

    The Tanager Finch is very rare and local on the west slope of the Andes. It has been classified as a vulnerable species in Ecuador.  

    The rarely-seen Tanager Finch photographed during 
    the FONT Ecuador Tour in April 2013
    (photo by Marie Gardner) 

  359. Orange-billed Sparrow  (*) (ph)  _____  W   BR:fc  CN:fc  CP:c
    Arremon aurantiirostris 
    (3 races in Ecuador) 

    An Orange-billed Sparrow
    photographed during the FONT Ecuador Tour in July 2013 
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  360. Black-capped Sparrow  (*) ____ W   JR:fc
    Arremon abeillei

  361. Black-striped Sparrow  (*) ____ W   BR:fc  CN:u
    Arremonops conirostris

  362. Yellow-browed Sparrow  (*) ____ E,az,po   CP:c  TR:u
    Ammodramus aurifrons

  363. Grasshopper Sparrow  (Er) (ph)  ______
    Ammodramus savannarum cauce 
    (the subspecies in Colombia)

    In the "Birds of Ecuador" by R. Ridgely & P. Greenfield, published in 2001, it was noted that there had been no confirmed records of the Grasshopper Sparrow in Ecuador "for almost a century". 
    The Grasshopper Sparrow has been classified as a critically endangered species in Ecuador.

  364. Tumbes Sparrow  ____
    (formerly Rhynchospiza) stolzmanni  (monotypic)

  365. Rufous-collared Sparrow  (*) (ph)  ____ H,cu,nm,po,si   BR:fc  JR:c(at higher elevation)  TR:fc  UR:c  YR:c
    Zonotrichia capensis

  366. Collared Warbling-Finch  (*) (ph)  ____ W   JR:r
    Poospiza hispaniolensis 

    The Collared Warbling-Finch is a Tumbesian endemic. It is common at several of the IBAs (important bird areas) in Ecuador.  

    A Collared Warbling-Finch photographed during a FONT tour
    on the island of Isla de la Plata, off the west coast of Ecuador

  367. Small Ground Finch  (Ge)  ____ G
    Geospiza fuliginosa

  368. Medium Ground Finch  (Ge)  ____ G
    Geospiza fortis

  369. Large Ground-Finch  (Ge) ____ G
    Geospiza magnirostris
  370. Sharp-beaked Ground Finch  (Ge) ____ G
    Geospiza difficilis

  371. Common Cactus Finch  (Ge) ____ G
    Geospiza scandens

  372. Large Cactus Finch  (Ge) ____ G
    Geospiza conirostris

  373. Vegetarian Finch  (Ge) ____ G
    Camarhynchus crassirostris

  374. Small Tree Finch  (Ge) ____  G
    Camarhynchus parvulus

  375. Medium Tree Finch  (t3) (Ge) ____ G
    Camarhynchus pauper

  376. Large Tree Finch  (Ge) ____ G
    Camarhynchus psittacula

  377. Woodpecker Finch  (Ge) ____ G
    Camarhynchus pallidus

  378. Warbler Finch  (Ge) ____ G
    Certhidea olivacea 
    (the single member of its genus)

  379. Mangrove Finch  (t1) (Ge)  ____
    Camarhynchus heliobates


  380. Dickcissel  (Er) (ph)  ______
    Spiza americana

    A Dickcissel on Isla de la Plata on December 18, 2012 was said to the 2nd record for Ecuador.

  381. Buff-throated Saltator  (*) (ph)  ____ W,E,az,nm,po   BR:c  CN:c  CP:c  TR:fc
    Saltator maximus

  382. Black-winged Saltator  (*) ____ W,nm   BR;fc  CN:u
    Saltator atripennis

  383. Grayish Saltator  (*) ____ E,az  CP:c
    Saltator coerulescens azarae

  384. Black-cowled Saltator ____  JR:u(at higher elevation)  UR:fc
    Saltator nigriceps 

  385. Streaked Saltator  (*) (ph)  ____ W   BR:u  JR:c  TR:u
    Saltator striatipectus

  386. Masked Saltator  (nt)  ____   TR:r
    Saltator cinctus 

    The Masked Saltator has been classified as a near-threatened species in Ecuador.

  387. Yellow-shouldered Grosbeak  (*) ____ E
    (formerly Caryothraustes) humeralis  (monotypic)

  388. Slate-colored Grosbeak  (*) ____ W,E,po   BR:u  CN:fc  CP:u
    (formerly Pitylus) grossus
  389. Red-capped Cardinal  (*) ____ E,az
    Paroaria gularis

  390. Southern Yellow Grosbeak  (*) (ph)  ____ W,H,cu,nm   BR:r  CP:vr  JR:c  TR:vr  UR:fc  YR:u
    Pheucticus c. chrysogaster

    The Southern Yellow Grosbeak has been called the Golden-bellied Grosbeak. It was called the Yellow Grosbeak when it was conspecific with what is now the Mexican Yellow Grosbeak of Mexico (of course) and the Black-thighed Grosbeak of Costa Rica and Panama. 

    A Southern Yellow Grosbeak photographed during 
    the FONT tour in Ecuador in July 2013  

  391. Black-backed Grosbeak  (*) ____ H
    Pheucticus aureoventris

  392. Rose-breasted Grosbeak  (*) (ph)  ____ CN:vr(seasonal)  CP:vr(seasonal)
    Pheucticus ludovicianus

  393. Blue-black Grosbeak  (*) ____ E   BR:u  CN:u
    Cyanocompsa cyanoides  

  394. Blue Grosbeak  (Er) (ph)  ______
    (formerly Guiraca) caerulea

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