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and Damselflies

Including those seen during
Focus On Nature Tours

List compiled by Armas Hill


Photo at upper right: a TWELVE-SPOTTED SKIMMER
(photo by Kate Somerville)


Numbers noted as (A:xx) refer to numbered photos in "Dragonflies and Damselflies of Texas and the South-Central United States" by John Abbott
The above is an excellent book relating to the dragonflies and damselflies in Texas.    

Numbers noted as (D:xx) refer to plates with photos in "Dragonflies through Binoculars - A Field Guide to Dragonflies of North America", by Sidney Dunkle  

Numbers noted as (P:xx) refer to pages with photos in "Dragonflies & Damselflies of the East", by Dennis Paulson 

(ph):  species with a photo in the FONT website

Links to Groupings within this List:

DRAGONFLIES    Darners     Petaltails     Clubtails     Spiketails    Cruisers     Emeralds     Skimmers

DAMSELFLIES     Broad-winged Damsels     Spreadwings     Threadtails     Pond Damsels

Other Links:

Upcoming FONT Birding & Nature Tours in North America     FONT Past Tour Highlights

A List & Photo Gallery of Texas Birds, in 2 Parts:
Part #1: Quails to Becard     Part #2: Flycatchers to Buntings

A List of Texas Butterflies (with some photos)     A List of Texas Mammals (with some photos)

A List of Texas Amphibians & Reptiles  (with some photos)

Other Lists & Photo Galleries of Dragonflies & Damselflies Elsewhere

Directory of Photos in the FONT Website


The following genus ANAX are the GREEN DARNERS: 

  1. Amazon Darner  ______  (A:28b) (D:1)  (a straggler in Texas from the tropics)
    Anax amazili
    (Range: in the US in Florida, Louisiana, & Texas: south through Mexico to Argentina, also in teh West Indies)

  2. Common Green Darner ______ (A:28c,d,e) (D:1)  
    Anax junius
    (Range: from North America south to Costa Rica, also in the West Indies)

    Common Green Darners, a male & a female
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  3. Comet Darner  ______  (A:28f) (D:1)  (in east Texas & locally in central Texas)
    Anax longipes

  4. Giant Darner  ______  (A:29a)  (in west Texas)
    Anax walsinghami

    The following genus CORYPHAESCHNA are the PILOT DARNERS:  

  5. Blue-faced Darner  ______  (A:29d)  (in south Texas)
    Coryphaeschna adnexa
    (Range: Florida & south Texas in the US, south to Brazil)  

  6. Regal Darner  ______  (A:29e) (D:2)  (in east Texas)
    Coryphaeschna ingens

    The following monotypic genus EPIAESCHNA is the SWAMP DARNER:  

  7. Swamp Darner ______ (A:29f) (D:2)  (in east Texas) 
    Epiaeschna heros

    Swamp Darner
    (photo by Pat Thompson)

    The following monotypic genus NASIAESCHNA is the CYRANO DARNER:

  8. Cyrano Darner  ______  (A:30e) (D:3)  (in east & central Texas)
    Nasiaeschna pentacantha

    The following genus GOMPHAESCHNA are the PYGMY DARNERS:

  9. Harlequin Darner  ______  (A:30b) (D:3)  (locally in east Texas)
    Gomphaeschna furcillata

    The following genus GYNACANTHA are the TWO-SPINED DARNERS:

  10. Bar-sided Darner  ______  (A:30c)  (in south Texas)
    Gynacantha mexicana
    (Range: south Texas & Mexico)

  11. Twilight Darner  ______  (A:30d)  (possibly in south Texas)
    Gynacantha nervosa
    (Range: the southeast US & possibly south Texas south through Mexico to Brazil) 

    The following genus BOYERIA are the SPOTTED DARNERS:

  12. Fawn Darner  ______  (A:29c) (D:3)  (in east Texas)
    Boyeria vinosa

    The following genus BASIAESCHNA is the SPRINGTIME DARNER:

  13. Springtime Darner  ______  (A:29b) (D:4)  (in east & central Texas)
    Basiaeschna janata

    The following genus AESHNA are the MOSAIC DARNERS: 

  14. Arroyo Darner  ______  (A:25e,f) (D:5)  (in far-west Texas)
    Aeshna dugesi
    (Range: the southwest US south through Mexico) 

  15. Blue-eyed Darner  ______  (A:26e,f) (D:5)  (in west Texas mostly & locally elsewhere)
    Aeshna multicolor

  16. Turquoise-tipped Darner  ______  (A:27d)  (in south Texas & locally in central Texas) 
    Aeshna psilus  


  17. Gray Petaltail  ______  (A:25a)  (in east Texas)
    Tachopteryx thoreyi  


    The following genus GOMPHUS are the COMMON CLUBTAILS: 

  18. Pronghorn Clubtail  ______  (A:35a,b) (D:7)  (locally in central Texas mostly & locally in north Texas) 
    Gomphus graslinellus

  19. Ashy Clubtail  ______  (A:35e,f)  (in east Texas)
    Gomphus lividus

  20. Sulphur-tipped Clubtail  ______  (A:36a,b) (D:7)  
    Gomphus militaris
    (Range: the southern Great Plains in the US & in Nuevo Leon in Mexico) 

  21. Oklahoma Clubtail ______ (A:36d,e) (D:8)  (in east Texas)
    Gomphus oklahomensis

  22. Banner Clubtail  ______  (A:34c) (D:9)  (in far-east Texas)
    Gomphus apomyius

  23. Cobra Clubtail  ______  (A:37d,e) (D:10)  (locally in central Texas)
    Gomphus vastus

  24. Gulf Coast Clubtail  ______  (A:36c) (D:10)  (locally in east Texas)
    Gomphus modestus

  25. Plains Clubtail  ______  (A:34d,e) (D:11)  (throughout much of Texas, but locally)
    Gomphus externus

  26. Tamaulipan Clubtail  ______  (A:34f) (D:11)  (in far-south Texas)
    Gomphus gonzalezi
    (Range: Texas & San Luis Potosi in Mexico) 

  27. Cocoa Clubtail ______  (A:35c,d) (D:11)  (locally in far-east & northeast Texas)
    Gomphus hybridus

    The following monotypic genus HAGENIUS is the DRAGONHUNTER:

  28. Dragonhunter  ______  (A:37f)  (in central & east Texas)
    Hagenius brevistylus

    The primitive-looking Dragonhunter is the largest North American clubtail.

    The following genus STYLURUS are the HANGING CLUBTAILS:

  29. Brimstone Clubtail  ______  (A:40b,c) (D:12)  (in west Texas)
    Stylurus intricatus   

  30. Russet-tipped Clubtail  ______  (A:41a) (D:12)  
    Stylurus plagiatus
    (Range: east & southwest US to Nuevo Leon in Mexico)

  31. Laura's Clubtail  ______  (A:40d,e) (D:13)  (locally in east Texas)
    Stylurus laurae

    The following genus DROMOGOMPHUS are the SPINYLEGS: 

  32. Black-shouldered Spinyleg  ______  (A:32d,e) (D:13)  (in east & central Texas) 
    Dromogomphus spinosus

  33. Flag-tailed Spinyleg  ______  (A:32f) (D:13)   
    Dromogomphus spoliatus
    (Range: Canada to Mexico)

    The following genus ARIGOMPHUS are the POND CLUBTAILS: 

  34. Stillwater Clubtail  ______  (A:31e) (D:14)  (in east & north-central Texas) 
    Arigomphus lentulus

  35. Jade Clubtail  ______  (A:32a) (D:14)  (in east & locally in central Texas) 
    Arigomphus submedianus

  36. Bayou Clubtail  ______  (A:31f) (D:14)  (in east Texas)
    Arigomphus maxwelli

    The following genus PROGOMPHUS are the SANDDRAGONS:

  37. Common Sanddragon  ______  (A:39e,f) (D:15)  (mostly in east Texas, locally in north Texas) 
    Progomphus obscurus

  38. Gray Sanddragon  ______  (A:39c,d) D:15)  (in west Texas mostly & locally in north & central Texas)
    Progomphus borealis
    (Range: southwest US & Mexico)

    The following genus ERPETOGOMPHUS are the RINGTAILS:

  39. White-belted Ringtail  ______  (A:33a) (D:18)  (in west Texas mostly & locally in central Texas)
    Erpetogomphus compositus

  40. Eastern Ringtail  ______  (A:33c,d) (D:18)  
    Erpetogomphus designatus

  41. Blue-faced Ringtail  ______  (A:33e,f) (D:19)  (locally in south-central Texas)
    Erpetogomphus eutainia
    (Range: south-central Texas to Costa Rica)

  42. Dashed Ringtail  ______  (A:34a) (D:18)  (in west Texas)
    Erpetogomphus heterodon
    (Range: southwest US & Chihuahua in Mexico)

  43. Serpent Ringtail  ______  (A:34b) (D:18)  (in west Texas)
    Erpetogomphus lampropeltis
    (Range: southwest US & Mexico)

    The following genus PHYLLOGOMPHOIDES are the LEAFTAILS: 

  44. Four-striped Leaftail  ______  (A:39b) (D:19)
    Phyllogomphoides stigmatus
    (Range: southwest US & northeast Mexico)

  45. Five-striped Leaftail  ______  (A:39a) (D:19)  (mostly in central Texas, also in west & south Texas)
    Phyllogomphoides albrighti
    (Range: Texas & New Mexico in the US and northern Mexico)

    The following genus APHYLLA are the FORCEPTAILS:

  46. Two-striped Forceptail  ______  (A:31d) (D:19)  (in east Texas)
    Aphylla williamsoni

  47. Broad-striped Forceptail  ______  (A:31a,b) (D:19)  (in east, central & south Texas)
    Aphylla angoustifolia
    (Range: from Mississippi & Texas to the US south to Belize & Guatemala)

  48. Narrow-striped Forceptail  ______  (A:31c) (D:19)  (in east, central & south Texas)
    Aphylla protracta 
    (Range: Texas to Costa Rica)

  49. Dark-tailed Forceptail  ______
    Phyllocycla breviphylla

    Two female specimens of Phyllocycla breviphylla were collected in May 2004 at the Anauac Wildlife Management Area in Cameron County, Texas. This was the first confirmed record for the species and the genus in the United States. A photograph had been taken earlier of the species, but identification could not be confirmed.

    Phyllocycla breviphylla is very similar to the Aphylla forceptails and the Leaftails in the genus Phyllogomphoides.

    Phyllocycla breviphylla
    may be a synonym of Phyllocycla elongata.       


  50. Twin-spotted Spiketail  ______  (A:41d) (D:20)  (locally in east Texas)
    Cordulegaster maculata

  51. Arrowhead Spiketail  ______  (A:41e) (D:20)  (locally in east Texas) 
    Cordulegaster obliqua 


    The following genus DIDYMOPS are the BROWN CRUISERS:

  52. Stream Cruiser  ______  (A:41f) (D:21)  (in central & east Texas)
    Didymops transversa

    The following genus MACROMIA are the RIVER CRUISERS:

  53. Bronzed River Cruiser  ______  (A:42b) (D:21)  (in central & west Texas)
    Macromia annulata 
    (Range: New Mexico, Texas, & northern Mexico)

  54. Gilded River Cruiser  ______  (A:42d) (D:21)  (locally in central Texas)
    Macromia pacifica

  55. "Illinois" Swift River Cruiser  ______  (A:42c) (D:21)  (in central & east Texas) 
    Macromia illinoiensis illinoiensis

    Macromia illinoiensis
    is perhaps the most widespread and frequently encountered river cruiser where it does occur in Texas.  

  56. Royal River Cruiser  ______  (A:42e) (D:21)  (in east Texas) 
    Macromia taeniolata


    The following genus HELOCORDULIA are the SUNDRAGONS:
  57. Sely's Sundragon  ______  (A:44c) (D:22)  (locally in east Texas)
    Helocordulia selysii

    The following genus EPITHECA are the BASKETTAILS:

  58. Common Baskettail ______ (A:43b,c) (D:23)  (in east Texas) 
    Epitheca cynosura

  59. Prince Baskettail ______ (A:43e) (D:23)  (in central, east, north, & south Texas)
    Epitheca princeps

  60. Stripe-winged (or Slender) Baskettail  ______  (A:43a) (D:23)  (locally in central, east, & north Texas)
    Epitheca costalis

  61. Dot-winged Baskettail  ______  (A:43d)  (in central Texas)
    Epitheca petechialis

  62. Mantled Baskettail  ______  (A:43f)  (in east Texas)
    Epitheca semiaquera

    The following genus SOMATOCHLORA are the STRIPED EMERALDS: 

  63. Mocha Emerald  ______  (A:45f) (D:24)  (in east Texas)
    Somatochlora linearis

  64. Fine-lined Emerald  ______  (A:45d) (D:24)  (locally in east Texas)
    Somatochlora filosa

  65. Coppery Emerald  ______  (A:45e)  (locally in northeast Texas)
    Somatochlora georgiana

  66. Texas Emerald  ______  (A:46a) (D:24)  (in east Texas)
    Somatochlora margarita

    Somatochlora margarita
    occurs in pine woods.

    The following genus NEUROCORDULIA are the SHADOWDRAGONS: 

  67. Alabama Shadowdragon  ______  (A:44e) (D:27)  (locally in east Texas)
    Neurocordulia alabamensis

  68. Smoky Shadowdragon  ______  (A:44f) (D:27)  (locally in far east-central Texas)
    Neurocordulia molesta

  69. Orange Shadowdragon  ______  (A:45c) (D:27)  (in central Texas)
    Neurocordulia xanthosoma


    The following genus THOLYMIS are the EVENING SKIMMERS:

  70. Evening Skimmer  ______  (A:64a) (D:28)  (in south Texas)
    Tholymis citrina
    (Range: south Texas & Mexico south to Brazil & Chile; also in the West Indies)

    The following genus LADONA are the CORPORALS:

  71. Blue Corporal  ______  (A:53e) (D:30)  (in east Texas)
    (formerly Libellula) deplanata

    The following genus PLATHEMIS are the WHITETAILS: 

  72. Common Whitetail  (ph)  ______ (A:61b,c) (D:28)  (in east, central, & west Texas, locally in north & south Texas)
    Plathemis lydia

    Above & below: Common Whitetails
    The lower photo an immature.
    (photos by Howard Eskin)

  73. Desert Whitetail  ______  (A:61d,e) (D:28)  (in west Texas)
    Plathemis subornata
    (Range: southwest Canada to northern Mexico)

    The following genus LIBELLULA are the KING SKIMMERS: 

  74. Bar-winged Skimmer  ______  (A:54a)  (locally in east Texas)
    Libellula axilena

  75. Widow Skimmer  (ph)  ______  (A:56c,d) (D:28)  (in central & west Texas, and locally in east, north, & south Texas)
    Libellula luctuosa

    A male Widow Skimmer
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  76. Twelve-spotted Skimmer  (ph)  _____  (A:57a) (D:29)  (in central, & locally in east & north Texas)  
    Libellula pulchella

    The Twelve-spotted Skimmer has also been called the "Ten Spot" for the number of white spots in the wings of the male, rather than the number of brown spots.   

    Twelve-spotted Skimmer
    (photo by Doris Potter) 
  77. Painted Skimmer ______ (A:57d) (D:29)  (in east Texas, and locally in north Texas)
    Libellula semifasciata

  78. Spangled Skimmer ______ (A:55b,c) (D:30)  (in east Texas, & locally in central Texas )
    Libellula cyanea

  79. Commanche Skipper  ______  (A:54b,c) (D:30)  (in central & west Texas, locally in north & south Texas)
    Libellula comanche
    (Range: the western US & northern Mexico)

  80. Yellow-sided Skimmer  ______  (A:55d,e) (D:31)  (in east & locally in central Texas)
    Libellula flavida

  81. Golden-winged Skimmer  ______  (A:53f) (D:31)  (mostly in east Texas, locally in south & north Texas)
    Libellula auripennis 

  82. Needham's Skimmer  ______  (A:56e) (D:31)  (in east & south Texas)
    Libellula needhami

    Above & below: Needham's Skimmers
    Above a male; below a female
    (photos by Marie Gardner)

  83. Flame Skimmer  (ph)   ______  (A:57c) (D:32)  (in west Texas, & locally in central, north & east Texas)
    Libellula saturata
    (Range: the western US & Mexico)

    Flame Skimmer
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  84. Neon Skimmer  (ph)  ______  (A:54f & 55a) (D:32)  (in central & west Texas, and locally in south, east, & north Texas)
    Libellula croceipennis
    (Range: from the southwestern US to Colombia) 

    Neon Skimmer
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  85. Bleached Skimmer  ______  (A:54d,e) (D:32)  (in west Texas, and locally in north Texas)
    Libellula composita  

  86. Great Blue Skimmer ______ (A:57e,f) (D:32)  (in east Texas)
    Libellula vibrans

  87. Slaty Skimmer ______ (A:56a,b) (D:33)  (in east & locally in central Texas)
    Libellula incesta

    The following genus ORTHEMIS are the TROPICAL KING SKIMMERS: 

  88. Orange-bellied Skimmer  ______  (A:59d)  (in south & central Texas)
    Orthemis discolor
    (Range: Texas south through Central America)   

  89. Roseate Skimmer  (ph)  ______  (A:59e,f) (D:33)  (in east, central, south, & west Texas, and locally in north Texas)
    Orthemis ferruginea
    (Range: from the southern US to Chile; also in the West Indies)

    Roseate Skimmer
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

    The following monotypic genus PSEUDOLEON is the FILIGREE SKIMMER:

  90. Filigree Skimmer  ______  (A:61f) (D:33)  (in west & south Texas)
    Pseudoleon superbus
    (Range: from the southwest US to Costa Rica)

    The following genus PALTOTHEMIS are the ROCK SKIMMERS: 

  91. Red Rock Skimmer  ______  (A:60b) (D:34)  (mostly in west Texas, locally in central & north Texas)
    Paltothemis lineatipes
    (Range: from the southwest US to Costa Rica) 

    The following genus SYMPETRUM are the MEADOWHAWKS:

  92. Blue-faced Meadowhawk  ______  (A:62a) (D:34)  (in east Texas)
    Sympetrum ambiguum

  93. Cardinal Meadowhawk  ______  (A:63a) (D:34)  (in far-west Texas)
    Sympetrum illatum
    (Range: from the western US south to Chile & Argentina) 

  94. Yellow-legged (or Autumn) Meadowhawk  ______  (A:63e) (D:35)  (in central & west Texas, locally in north Texas)
    Sympetrum vicinum

  95. Variegated Meadowhawk  ______  (A:62b,c) (D:35)  
    Sympetreum corruptum
    (Range: from the United States south to Belize & Honduras)

    The following genus ERYTHRODIPLAX are the DRAGONLETS:

  96. Band-winged Dragonlet  ______  (A:53b,c) (D:36)  (in east, central, south & west Texas)
    Erythrodiplax umbrata
    (Range: Texas & Florida in the US south to Argentina)

  97. Black-winged Dragonlet  ______  (A:52e) (D:36)  (locally in central Texas)
    Erythrodiplax funerea
    (Range: from Arizona, Texas, & California south to Colombia & Ecuador)   

  98. Little Blue Dragonlet  ______  (A:53a) (D:37)  (in east Texas, and locally in central Texas)
    Erythrodiplax minuscula 

  99. Plateau Dragonlet  ______  (A:52:a,b) (D:37)  (in west Texas)
    Erythrodiplax connata
    (Range: from the southwest US to Argentina & Chile)

  100. Red-faced Dragonlet  ______  (A:52f) (D:37)  (locally in south-central Texas)
    Erythrodiplax fusca
    (Range: Texas to Argentina)

  101. Seaside Dragonlet  ______  (A:52c,d) (D:37)  (in east & south, and locally in west & north Texas)
    Erythrodiplax berenice
    (Range: Canada & the United States to Venezuela & Trinidad) 

    The following genus PERITHEMIS are the AMBERWINGS:   

  102. Eastern Amberwing  ______  (A:61a) (D:38)  (in east, central & south Texas, locally in north Texas)
    Perithemis tenera
    (Range: southeastern Canada to Mexico)

  103. Slough Amberwing  ______  (A:60e) (D:38)  (in south & west Texas)
    Perithemis domitia
    (Range: Texas & southern Arizona to Ecuador & Brazil)

    The following genus ERYTHEMIS are the PONDHAWKS:

  104. Eastern Pondhawk  (ph)  ______ (A:51d,e) (D:39)  (in east, central, west, & south Texas, and locally in north Texas) 
    Erythemis simplicicollis

    Above & below: the Eastern Pondhawk 
    Above: a blue male; below: a green female
    (photo by Howard Eskin)

  105. Western Pondhawk  ______  (A:50e,f) (D:39)  (mostly in west Texas. locally in far-north Texas)
    Erythemis collocata
    (Range: western US & Mexico)

  106. Flame-tailed Pondhawk  ______  (A:51a)  (locally in central Texas)
    Erythemis peruviana
    (Range: Texas to Argentina) 

  107. Great Pondhawk  ______  (A:51f) (D:39)  (in east, south & locally in central Texas) 
    Erythemis vesiculosa
    (Range: from the southern US to Argentina)

  108. Pin-tailed Pondhawk  ______  (A:51b,c) (D:40)  (in south, central, & locally in north Texas)
    Erythemis plebeja
    (Range: Texas & southern Florida in the US, and south through Central America to Argentina)

  109. Claret Pondhawk  ______
    Erythemis mithroides

    A single male of Erythemis mithroides was photographed at the Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge in Hidalgo County, Texas in May 2004. That was the first record for the species in the United States.

    Erythemis mithroides is a tropical species occurring south to Brazil and Paraguay. It has been said that the Mexican population of this taxon may represent an undescribed species.

    As do other pondhawks, Erythemis mithroides regularly perches on the ground. it is uniformly red over its head, thorax and abdomen. There is a red to brown spot basally in the hindwing. 

    The following monotypic genus PACHYDIPLAX is the BLUE DASHER: 

  110. Blue Dasher ______  (A:60a) (D:39)  (in east, central, south, & west Texas, and locally in north Texas)
    Pachydiplax longipennis
    (Range: southern Canada to Belize; also the Bahamas)


    Blue Dasher
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

    The following genus PANTALA are the RAINPOOL GLIDERS:  

  111. Wandering Glider  ______  (A:60c) (D:40)  
    Pantala flavescens
    (Range: southern Canada & the United States south to Chile & Argentina; also in the West Indies)     

  112. Spot-winged Glider  ______  (A:60d) (D:40)   
    Pantala hymenaea
    (Range: southern Canada & the United States south to Chile & Argentina; also in the West Indies)

    The following genus TRAMEA are the SADDLEBAGS:

  113. Black Saddlebags  (ph)  ______  (A:64e) (D:40)  (in east, central, south, & west Texas, more locally in north Texas)
    Tramea lacerata
    (Range: southern Canada & the United States)

    Black Saddlebags
    (photo by Marie Gardner)

  114. Carolina Saddlebags  ______  (A:64c) (D:41)  (in east Texas; locally in central Texas)
    Tramea carolina

  115. Striped Saddlebags  ______  (A:64b) (D:41)  (in south and more locally in central Texas)
    Tramea calverti
    (Range: from the US, in Texas & southern Arizona, with strays up the East Coast, south to Argentina; also in the West Indies) 

  116. Red Saddlebags  ______  (A:64f) (D:41)   (in east, central, south, & west Texas, more locally in north Texas)
    Tramea onusta
    (Range: from the southern United States to Venezuela; also in the West Indies)  

    The Red Saddlebags can be commonly seen feeding over large fields and meadows and by roadways.

  117. Antillean Saddlebags  ______  (A:64d) (D:41)   (in west & west-central Texas)
    Tramea insularis
    (Range: Texas & Florida in the US & in Mexico; also in the Bahamas & the Greater Antilles)

    The following genus MIATHYRIA are the HYACINTH GLIDERS:

  118. Hyacinth Glider  ______  (A:58f) (D:41)  (in east & locally central Texas) 
    Miathyria marcella
    (Range: from the southern US to Argentina; also the West Indies) 

    The following genus TAURIPHILA are the PASTURE GLIDERS: 

  119. Aztec Glider  ______  (A:63f) (D:42)   (in south Texas)
    Tauriphila azteca
    (Range: southern Texas to Costa Rica)

    The following genus MACRODIPLAX are the MARL PENNANTS:

  120. Marl Pennant  ______  (A:58a,b) (D:42)  (in south & east Texas, and more locally in west & central Texas) 
    Macrodiplax balteata
    (Range: from the southern US, primarily coastal, to Venezuela; also in the West Indies) 

    The following genus BRACHYMESIA are the TROPICAL PENNANTS:

  121. Red-tailed Pennant  _______  (A:46e,f) (D:42)  (in south Texas, and locally in west & southeast Texas) 
    Brachymesia furcata
    (Range: southwest US & Florida south through Central America to Chile & Argentina) 

  122. Four-spotted Pennant  ______  (A:47a,b) (D:42)  (in south, central, & east Texas, and locally in west Texas) 
    Brachymesia gravida

  123. Tawny Pennant  ______  (A:47c)  (locally in south, west, central & east Texas)
    Brachymesia herbida
    (Range: Texas & Florida in the US, south through Central America to Argentina)

    The following genus CELITHEMIS are the SMALL PENNANTS:

  124. Halloween Pennant  (ph)  ______  (A:48d) (D:44)  (in east, central & south Texas)
    Celithemis eponina

    The Halloween Pennant is a butterfly-like dragonfly. It is easily recognized by its motif of its wings, spotted and banded with black. In males, the yellow becomes pale red. 

    Above & below: Halloween Pennants
    Above a male, below a female 
    (photos by Howard Eskin)

  125. Banded Pennant  ______  (A:48e,f) (D:44)  (locally in central & east Texas)
    Celithemis fasciata

  126. Calico Pennant  (ph)  ______  (A:48b,c) (D:44)  (in east & central Texas)
    Celithemis elisa

    Calico Pennant
    (photo by Doris Potter)

  127. Double-ringed Pennant  ______  (A:49c,d) (D:44)  (in east Texas) 
    Celithemis verna

  128. Faded Pennant  ______  (A:49a,b) (D:45)  (in east Texas)
    Celithemis ornata

  129. Amanda's Pennant  ______  (A:47f) (D:45)  (locally in east Texas)
    Celithemis amanda

    The following genus DYTHEMIS are the SETWINGS:

  130. Mayan Setwing  ______  (A:49e,f) (D:46)  (locally in west Texas)
    Dythemis maya
    (Range: in southeast Arizona, Texas (Big Bend), & Mexico)

  131. Checkered Setwing  ______  (A:50a) (D:46)  (in central, west, south, north & locally in east Texas) 
    Dythemis fugax

  132. Swift Setwing  ______  (A:50d) (D:46)  (in central, west, & south Texas, & locally in north & east Texas)
    Dythemis velox 
    (Range: the southern US & Mexico, and Cuba)

  133. Black Setwing  ______  (A:50b,c) (D:46)  (in south & west Texas, and locally in central & north-central Texas)
    Dythemis nigrescens
    (Range: Arizona, New Mexico, & Texas in the US & in Mexico)

    The following genus BRECHMORHOGA are the CLUBSKIMMERS:

  134. Pale-faced Clubskimmer  ______  (A:47d) (D:46)  (in central, west, & locally in north Texas)
    Brechmorhoga mendax

    The following genus CANNAPHILA are the NARROW-WINGED SKIMMERS:

  135. Gray-waisted (or Arrow-winged) Skimmer  ______  (A:47e) (D:47)  (locally in south & south-central Texas) 
    Cannaphila insularis
    (Range: southern Texas to Panama)

    The following genus MACROTHEMIS are the SYLPHS: 

  136. Straw-colored Sylph  ______  (A:58d) (D:47)  (in mostly south Texas)
    Macrothemis inacuta
    (Range: southern Arizona & Texas in the US, south to Venezuela & Brazil)

  137. Ivory-striped Sylph  ______  (A:58c) (D:47)  (in west-central Texas)
    Macrothemis imitans
    (Range: central Texas to Argentina)

  138. Jade-striped Sylph  ______  (A:58e) (D:47)  (in south-central Texas)
    Macrothemis inequiunguis
    (Range: central Texas to Venezuela)

    The following genus MICRATHYRIA are the TROPICAL DASHERS:

  139. Thornbush Dasher  ______  (A:59c) (D:47)  (in south Texas, and locally in central, east, & west Texas)
    Micrathyria hagenii
    (Range: from the southern US to Panama; also in the West Indies) 

  140. Three-striped Dasher  ______  (A:59b) (D:47)  (in far-south Texas)
    Micrrathyria didyma   
    (Range: in Texas & southern Florida in the US, south to Ecuador; also in the West Indies) 

  141. Spot-tailed Dasher  ______  (A:59a) (D:47)  (in south Texas)
    Micrathyria aequalis 
    (Range: in Texas & southern Florida in the US, and south through Central America to Ecuador)


    Damselflies are similar to dragonflies, but differ in that the wings of most damselflies are held along, and parallel to, the body when at rest.
    Also, the hindwing of the damselfly is essentially similar to the forewing, while the hindwing of the dragonfly broadens near the base.
    Damselflies are usually smaller than dragonflies and weaker fliers in comparison, and their eyes are separated.     

    Broad-winged Damsels:  Family Calopterygidae:

    The following genus CALOPTERYX are the JEWELWINGS: 

  142. Sparkling Jewelwing  ______  (A:1a,b)      (in far-east Texas) 
    Calopteryx dimidata

  143. Ebony Jewelwing  ______  (A:1c)    (in east Texas)
    Calopteryx maculata

    The following genus HETAERINA are the RUBYSPOTS:

  144. American Rubyspot  ______   (A:1d)
    Hetaerina americana

  145. Smoky Rubyspot  ______  (A:1e)
    Hetaerina titia

  146. Canyon Rubyspot  ______  (A:1f)
    Hetaerina vulnerata

    Spreadwings:  Family Lestidae

    The following genus ARCHILESTES are the STREAM SPREADWINGS:

  147. Great Spreadwing  ______  (A:2a,b)
    Archilestes grandis

    The following genus LESTES are the POND SPREADWINGS:

  148. Plateau Spreadwing  ______  (A:2c)
    Lestes alacer

  149. Spotted Spreadwing  ______  (A:2d,e) 
    Lestes congener

  150. Common Spreadwing  ______   (A:3,a,b)
    Lestes disjunctus

  151. Rainpool Spreadwing  ______  (A:3c)
    Lestes forficula

  152. Elegant Spreadwing  ______  (A:3d,e)
    Lestes inaequalis

  153. Slender Spreadwing  ______  (A:3f)  (locally in far-north Texas) 
    Lestes rectangularis

  154. Chalky Spreadwing  ______  (A:4a,b)
    Lestes sigma

  155. Lyre-tipped Spreadwing  ______  (A:4c,d)  (locally in north Texas)
    Lestes unguiculatus

  156. Swamp Spreadwing  ______  (A:4e,f)  (in east Texas) 
    Lestes vigilax 


    The following genus NEONEURA are the ROBUST THREADTAILS:

  157. Coral-fronted Threadtail  ______  (A:5a,b)
    Neoneura aaroni
    (Range: Texas & Nuevo Leon in Mexico)

  158. Amelia's Threadtail  ______  (A:5c,d)
    Neoneura amelia
    (Range: Texas to Panama)

    The following genus PROTONEURA are the SLENDER THREADTIALS:

  159. Orange-striped Threadtail  ______  (A:5e,f)
    Protoneura cara
    (Range: Texas to Honduras) 

    Pond Damsels:  Family Coenagrionidae

    The following genus ACANTHAGRION are the WEDGETAILS:

  160. Mexican Wedgetail  ______   (A:6a)
    Acanthagrion quadratum
    (Range: Texas to Nicaragua)

    The following genus ENALLAGMA are the BLUETS: 

  161. Azure Bluet  ______  (A:12d,e)   (in north Texas)
    Enallagma aspersum

  162. Double-striped Bluet  ______  (A:12f & 13a)
    Enallagma basidens

  163. Tule Bluet  ______  (A:13d)  (locally in north Texas)
    Enallagma carunculatum

  164. Familiar Bluet  ______  (A:13e,f)
    Enallagma civile

  165. Alkali Bluet  ______  (A:14a,b)  (locally in far-north Texas)
    Enallagma clausum

  166. Attenuated Bluet  ______  (A:14f & 15a)   (locally in east Texas)
    Enallagma daeckii

  167. Turquoise Bluet  ______  (A:15b,c)   (in east Texas)
    Enallagma divagans

  168. Atlantic Bluet  ______  (A:15d)   (locally in east Texas) 
    Enallagma doubledayi

  169. Burgundy Bluet  ______  (A:15e)  (in east Texas) 
    Enallagma dublum

  170. Big Bluet  ______  (A:15f & 16a)   (in east & south Texas)
    Enallagma durum

  171. Stream Bluet  (ph)  ______  (A:16b,c)
    Enallagma exsulans

    Stream Bluets
    (photo by Kate Somerville)

  172. Skimming Bluet  ______  (A:16d,e)   (in east Texas)
    Enallagma geminatum

  173. Neotropical Bluet  ______  (A:16f & 17a,b)
    Enallagma novaehispaniae
    (Range: Texas to Peru & Argentina) 

  174. Arroyo Bluet  ______  (A:17c)
    Enallagma praevarum  
    (Range: from the west US to Guatemala & Belize)

  175. Orange Bluet  ______  (A:17d,e)
    Enallagma signatum

  176. Slender Bluet  ______  (A:18b)   (in east Texas)
    Enallagma traviatum

  177. Vesper Bluet  ______  (A:18c,d)   (locally in east & central Texas)
    Enallagma vesperum

    The following monotypic genus HESPERRAGRION is the PAINTED DAMSEL:

  178. Painted Damsel  ______  (A:18e,f)
    Hesperagrion heterodoxum

    The following genus ISCHNURA are the FORKTAILS:

  179. Desert Forktail  ______  (A:19a,b)  (in west Texas, mostly & north Texas)
    Ischnura barberi

  180. Plains Forktail  ______  (A:19e,f)  (in west Texas, mostly & north Texas)
    Ischnura damula

  181. Mexican Forktail  ______  (A:20a,b)  (in west Texas)
    Ischnura demorsa

  182. Black-fronted Forktail  ______  (A:20c,d)  (in west Texas, mostly & north Texas)
    Ischnura denticollis  

  183. Citrine Forktail  ______  (A:20e,f)
    Ischnura hastata
    (Range: from Canada & the United States south through Central America & to South America)   

  184. Lilypad Forktail  ______  (A:21a,b)  (locally in east Texas)
    Ischnura kellicotti

  185. Fragile Forktail  ______  (A:21e,f)
    Ischnura posita
    (Range: from Canada & the United States south to Belize & Guatemala)

  186. Furtive Forktail  ______  (A:22a,b)  (locally in east Texas)
    Ischnura prognata 

  187. Rambur's Forktail  ______  (A:22c,d,e,f)
    Ischnura ramburii
    (Range: from the United States to Chile)  

  188. Eastern Forktail  (ph)   ______  (A:23a,b)  (locally in north Texas)
    Ischnura verticalis

    Eastern Forktail
    (photo by Kate Somerville)

    The following genus ARGIA are the DANCERS: 

  189. Variable (or Violet) Dancer  (ph)  ______  (A:8a,b)
    Argia fumipennis
    (Range: from the United States south to Guatemala) 

    (or Violet) Dancer
    (photo by Kate Somerville)

  190. Palute Dancer  ______  (A:6d)
    Argia alberta

  191. Blue-fronted Dancer  ______  (A:6e,f)
    Argia apicalis

  192. Comanche Dancer  ______  (A:7a)  (in central & west Texas)
    Argia barretti
    (Range: Texas to San Luis Potosi & Tamaulipas in Mexico)

  193. Seepage Dancer  ______  (A:7b,c)   (in east Texas) 
    Argia bipunctulata

  194. Coppery Dancer  ______  (A:7d,e)
    Argia cuprea
    (Range: Texas to Venezuela & Bolivia)

  195. Fiery-eyed Dancer  ______
    Argia oenea

    A population of Argia oenea was discovered for the first time in May 2004 at the Chinati Hot Springs in Presidio County.
    Argia oenea is a tropical species ranging south to Panama. 
    The species is very similar to the Coppery Dancer, Argia cuprea of the Texas Hill Country. 

  196. Lavender Dancer  ______  (A:7f)
    Argia hinei
    (Range: from the southwest US through Mexico)

  197. Kiowa Dancer  ______  (A:8c)
    Argia immunda
    (Range: from the United States south to Belize)

  198. Leonora's Dancer  ______  (A:8d)
    Argia leonorae
    (Range: Texas & Nuevo Leon in Mexico)

  199. Sooty Dancer  ______  (A:8e,f)
    Argia lugens
    (Range: from the southwest US to Veracruz in Mexico)  

  200. Powdered Dancer  ______    (A:9a,b,c) 
    Argia moesta
    (Range: from Canada south into Mexico) 

  201. Apache Dancer  ______  (A:9d)
    Argia munda
    (Range: from the southwest US south into Mexico) 

  202. Aztec Dancer  ______  (A:9e)
    Argia nahuana
    (Range: from the west US south into Mexico)

  203. Amethyst Dancer  ______  (A:9f)
    Argia pallens
    (Range: from the southwest US to Guatemala)

  204. Springwater Dancer  ______  (A:10a,b)
    Argia plana
    (Range: from the United States south to Guatemala)

  205. Golden-winged Dancer  ______  (A:10c)
    Argia rhoadsi
    (Range: Texas & Mexico) 

  206. Blue-ringed Dancer  (ph)  ______  (A:10d)
    Argia sedula

    Blue-ringed Dancer
    (photo by Kate Somerville)

  207. Blue-tipped Dancer  ______  (A:10f)  (in east Texas)
    Argia tibialis

  208. Dusky Dancer  ______  (A:11c)
    Argia translata

    The following genus NEHALENNIA are the SPRITES:

  209. Southern Sprite  ______  (A:23c,d)   (in east Texas)
    Nehalennia intergricollis

  210. Everglades Sprite  _____  (A:23e,f)  (historically was in Texas locally along the Gulf Coast; now restricted to Florida)
    Nehalennia pallidula

    The following genus NEOERYTHROMMA are the YELLOWFACES:

  211. Caribbean Yellowface  ______  (A:24a,b)  (in south Texas)
    Neoerythromma cultellatum

    (Range: in the US in Florida & Texas, and south through Mexico & Central America to Venezuela; in teh West Indies: Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico)

    The following genus TELEBASIS are the FIRETAILS:

  212. Duckweed Firetail  ______  (A:24c,d)  (locally in east Texas)
    Telebasis byersi

    The following genus LEPTOBASIS are the SWAMPDAMSELS: 

  213. Cream-tipped Swampdamsel  ______
    Leptobasis melinogaster

    In June 2004, a population of Leptobasis melinogaster was found in Kleberg County, Texas, representing a new species and genus for the United States,

    Since then, now (as of 2012) there have been at least 6 records of Leptobasis melinogaster in Texas, including:
    at Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge in Hidalgo County, twice, in October 2010 & September 2009
    in Dimmit County by the Nueces River east of Carrizo Springs in July 2009,
    and at the Sabal Palm Preserve in Cameron County and the King Ranch in Kleberg County (noted above).
    Leptobasis melinogaster is mostly a Mexican species. It is like no other damselfly in Texas (or the US), with a greenish thorax and long thin abdomen, with segments 7 thru 10 cream-colored.

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